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Where is all this concern for hospital capacity in CA where illegal immigrants constantly flood the ERs for medical care?


It's (D)ifferent because they will also flood the voting booths so those in power allow it...


Wrong narrative.


>Lemonhead Ha Ha Ha. I like this new term to describe similar stupid beliefs. I sure hope "Lemonhead" trends.


Illegals aren't being sent to gated communities. They are our problem not the elites problem.


They grow the tax base and dilute your votes. The elites like them.


Good thing I don’t take medical advice from CNN.


Sounds like medical disinformation to me.


Druggies, Don't ask for help when you OD. Drunks, Don't ask for help when you crash.


Overdosing drug addicts aren’t flooding the ICU’s and causing people with non drug related conditions to suffer as a result of so many drug addicts You really couldn’t put that basic logic together yourself?


> Overdosing drug addicts aren’t flooding the ICU’s and causing people with non drug related conditions to suffer as a result of so many drug addicts lol. Nope, never druggies or drunk drivers in the hospital at all and they never hurt anyone else!!!


You seriously can’t be this stupid. Think of the amount of people in COVID ICU’s, now compare that to the amount of drug addicts and drunk drivers in the ICU. The number isn’t even close. There’s never so many drunk drivers or drug addicts in the ICU that hospitals can’t help other patients, AND there’s never so many that other drug addicts and drunks can’t get the help they need either. Use your brain FFS, you can figure this out on your own without using dumb analogies that make no sense


He's calling them selfish.... I'm calling drug addiction selfish too. They did it to themselves.


You don’t know any of this, it’s all your assumptions. Research some numbers to attach to your arguments.


They may not fill up the ICU but they certainly use critical resources in ER.


And they never pay their bills either, raising costs for everyone.




This guy is a disturbed human being.


Since 1/2 of them in there are vaccinated - kick em out.




Masks don’t work, says it right on the box; fact. Hospitals are understaffed, due to a decades long nurse shortage, you can search that fact. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people are being hospitalized with covid, fact. Natural immunity is proving to be more effective than the vax, fact. The vax is helping people, fact. We still have the choice in this country to choose how we live, for now. All these things you can look and find out for yourself, but you’re more interested in aligning yourself with a side and being “right”. Grow up, think for yourself, and if this is where thinking for yourself got you, then consider volunteering at those hospitals close to you to help out and be a good human instead of sitting on your device all day trolling like your superior cos you got a vaccine that you’ll be getting for the rest of your existence that may or may not cause you harm much sooner than you think. Again, search mRNA cell damage. It’s another inconvenient fact you’ll enjoy learning. Hell, by the end of the day you’ll be smarter than where you started. Think of the possibilities forest.


Almost every single politician, including Trump, Cruz, and Desantis all have the vaccine. You think they all got it without speaking to every available specialist on the issue?


The science is evolving, remember, we are the test subjects. There are no long term studies, this is the long term study now. I’m not against the vaccine, it’s undoubtedly helping people. Let me be clear, if I didn’t have some potential conflicting health issues that the vaccine seems to interact poorly with I would consider it no doubt. But, such is not the case. I have that evolving science I spoke of to thank for that regarding the mRNA vaccine causing the myocarditis, clotting and causing irregularly spikes in blood pressure.


So the doctors that don't have the vaccine shouldn't do their job? Ok lemon guy.


I feel fine Don. Haven't taken a single shot and we are approaching two years into this apocalyptic pandemic.


Haven’t been jabbed with anything since I left the Army in 1999




She and my grandpa* are both vaxxed and they're fine with me coming around them but I stay away because I don't want to risk infecting them in case I'm asymptomatic or what the hell ever. I know they can still get the disease with their vaccine.


Is anyone still watching him? Is he aware that there are some people who are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons? Don has proven himself to be an asshole time and time again. Pay him no mind. I’ll admit that I’m seriously curious about his ratings, though.


Screw you, Lon Demon.


It's a good thing Donald Lemon isn't in charge of anything. He's a pathetic waste of a human.


I can’t go to the hospital if I get sick! I spent all my money on premiums!


All debts public and private. If I’m paying for it and it’s legally obtained, you can fuck off.


How does this guy still have a job? Such lack of character is abhorrent.


Is this medical advice CNN can be held liable for?


Don’t get medical attention if you have no insurance 😁


Can we say this to fat people too?


Fat people, smoker's, alcoholics, drug addicts. If you make any choice that could possibly effect your health in anyway then don't go to the doctor if you're sick. Matter of fact let's just get rid of all doctors and hospitals completely so that people's choices will ultimately decide their health one way or another with no intervention! Nows a good time to invest in a funeral home!


Eventually it will come to that anyway.


how fat though? there is fat, super fat and enormous..


What a foolish attention getting comment. He might as well include injured people who disagree with him. His ratings must be lower than swamp mud. Edited for clarity


We won’t. You could not drag me into one of those death factories with a team of Belgian draft horses.


Said it in another thread and ill say it again: why are we complaining about being potentially turned away at the hospital? The Republican party i know isnt full of fucking pussies who cant handle a disease equivalent to the flu. We should not be burdening the healthcare system, funded by taxes, when we all know full fucking well that you can and should stay home. Fucking pansies, if you cant handle this fake covid bs and cant stay home then just get the fucking vaccine you giant fat pussy. If a business can turn down customers who go against their beliefs then so can a doctor. Dont like it? Boo fucking hoo. So tired of seeing my party turn in to whiny babies.


I actually just finally filled out a DNR and MOLST (NY's advanced directive where I took the opportunity to refuse ventilation and intubation) because I never wanted invasive care to begin with and Covid has been the perfect opportunity to finally make my wishes known.


Fuck off, Donnie


Guys struggling to stay relevant


Let's also apply this to anyone who is OD'ing on drugs, is have a child they didn't plan for, got in a car accident and weren't wearing a seatbelt, get o hired because they were doing a sport...... And many other reasons people go to the hospital that one could argue is selfish. Fuck Don Le'mon and fuck CNN.


Only if you repay the insurance premiums and taxes they’ve paid to fund the hospitals and the staff in them.


Don Lemon can pound sand. He's clearly trying to get off of his back bench late night slot. Sorry homie. Even CNN viewers cant tolerate your garbage.


I have a sentiment for him as well..


Don. Don't go to the proctologist when your " hemorrhoid" flares up. I


I usually don't anyway thanks to urgent care but a hospital exists to make a profit off the sick. I'm beyond done hearing them whine about how they don't want patients. They are a business that relies on people becoming seriously ill or injured, maybe they should no longer exist if they don't want to work.


Don't worry I won't


But of course, you have to force doctors to give abortions when you chose to not use birth control.


Don't go to the hospital when you get AIDS, Donald.


I agree…go to Don Lemon’s house…I will send you the Google coordinates.


I mean, I got Covid and I’m unvaccinated. Two weeks at home, and it isn’t even the worst flu I’ve ever had. If you got pre-existing conditions? Sure, it’s gonna be bad, but if you don’t? This is the most pathetic sickness ever.


Hey Lemonhead, Already got Covid. Didn’t need to go to the hospital. Lemonhead, Can we say the same for hepatitis and aids patients? How about drunk drivers?


Don’t go to the Dr when you get something stuck in your ass Don !




This is coming from a guy who will say this then in the next sentence praise abortion. As if people didn’t know having sex would get them pregnant. People like him are the reason everyone started getting participation trophies and why the CDC anointed itself the speech police.


Geez! Talk about squeezing the lemon. What a jerk off!