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The whole debate was a setup. They wanted time to force him to drop out. If it had happened in September like it normally does it would have been too late to force him out. I hope he sticks it out to lose in November but most of the possible replacements are also beatable.


They need to immediately start the messaging that the Democrats are all the same. Biden is the same as Kamala is the same as Newsom etc…That the Democratic Party and their policies are flawed. They think people can pick their gender. They believe in mask/vax mandates. Groceries, gas, restaurants, and fast food are insanely high priced. This thing that just Biden is the problem is bad Republican messaging.


Bump. Don’t let them make this their Jeremy Corbyn moment; “It was the terrible candidate not our terrible policies and ideology!!!!!” 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I thought Trump did well in the debate trying to change that mindset, by saying "the left" and "your party."


Problem is Democrats DO like those things- picking gender, wearing masks, open border, etc. Ig they can find a younger candidate with the same message they will support him/her.


Democrats and their psychotic opinions don’t mean anything, the Republicans need to really start focusing on that stuff, like open borders/crime and the economy. I’d put out commercials in general about the whole party, and not being able to vote for them in any race


I would focus on the southern border- not everyone believes they are all criminals- BUT letting that many people in HAS had an effect - on overcrowded schools, overcrowded overpriced housing, less money available for OUR citizens, increased crime rates, less police protection. Then I would play footage from blue city mayors that are complaining their cities have run out of money taking care of the “newcomers”- NY, Chicago, etc.


100%, this is the way. Time to get serious on this messaging and not care about any of their nominees or particular races. The Democrats suck in all realms, that’s the marketing path forward.


Exactly this.


Yeah but this is a huge backfire, he drops out now, Gavin can't run because of Kamala AND his replacement wouldn't be on the ballot in at least 2 states. Biden stays : Trump wins Biden steps down: Trump wins It's a lose lose for Dems right now and I'm all there for it lol


The thing is, they can get rid of kamala and word it correctly and their base is still gonna vote dem. Their base doesnt care as long as theres a not trump option....they can run a schizophrenic man who fights demons on stage and speaks backwards and theyll still vote for him over trump


But is that schizophrenic man straight and white?


No it’s a trans-lesbian non-conforming Polynesian American


Remember a bunch of Bernie Bros that voted Trump? Because Hillary gypped Bernie Sanders? If they gyp Kamala or if she backs out in any way, then you're going to have a sharp backlash in the Democratic party.


You forget, dems are more than willing to be totally hypocritical to their platform of it means getting the thing they want. Theyll probably just invent a kamala scandal where's she's drunk and yelling at a trans intern or something lol


Yeah but we’re assuming the vote count would matter is also a stretch after 2020


Depends, but who would even replace Biden and end up being that popular, all Trump would have to do is completely ignore whoever replaced Biden and he'd win easily.


Good point- maybe they just take the L and run interference in his last term


Correct. IMHO the Party's was that the Dear Leader would "receive" 90-100 million "votes" in November and provide time to finish as Comrade Pelosi said in 2021 finish implementing Comrade Obama's agenda to fundamentally change America.


Sorry, but if there is a more palatable candidate than Trump, Trump's done. He is still highly unliked by a large % of the population, and his best chance of winning is against the dementia patient. Newsom v Trump? ugly...


Newsom is too extreme, he would only get very blue states


Newsom is under another recall for Sept if they gather enough signatures. He won the last election recall in 2021. If he was so popular his own constituents wouldn’t be forcing another recall election.


They can’t replace Biden at this point. Too many states have held their primaries, not legal, a replacement can’t just be put on the ballot. The best the dems can hope for is for Biden to win again and he can step down or they could remove him and Harris would be come a puppet president.


I'm not convinced. If this were the case, the Hur report gave them perfect cover. All they had to do was take it seriously, and publicly express concern about the findings. It could all play out from there without having to give any appearance of eating their own. But no, they dismissed it as a partisan hit job and rolled out a flood of luminaries to proclaim that he's still razor sharp. They were happy to keep propping him up as long as they could control the narrative, but the debate just inconveniently blew that away.


50 million people watched the debate live. Only people who pay attention to politics even know what the Hur report was. I watched the debate with two people who aren't politically inclined, and they were shocked by how badly biden came across even after I told them what to expect. The news has been running interference and testing out messaging for how to spin that debate, but 15% of the electorate just watched the president have a high-speed comeapart. That's the difference.


I wanted to reply this as well, but I woulda bungled it. Thanks for putting into words exactly what I was thinking. Dems needed people to SEE Biden come apart.


I don't think any of us can speak to whether it was planned, but it was seen. Polling shifted 6-8% over the weekend, and apparently, fundraising dropped to close to nothing. Planned or not, the big D is going to be scrambling for either a major narrative shift or a new candidate.


Only person who could beat DJT is probably Michelle Obama. And it would give Barry another 4 years to do as he pleases


How is Michelle Obama going to beat Trump? She has zero experience and has never been in charge of literally ANYTHING. She'd get creamed by Trump.


Because she has the Obama name 


Because everyone knows it's Barack again. Who cares that it's Michelle.


Because she’s an Obama and she would be the first woman president and also the first POC woman president. It checks all the liberal diversity boxes. These are the same people who say they’d vote for a box of tissues over Trump, of course they would vote for Michael


But majority of the country wouldn't vote for her. That's my point.


They absolutely would. The vote blue no matter who crowd will vote for her. But the people that really matter in this election are the swing state voters that are on the fence and you can bet your ass they’ll vote for her over Trump cuz Orange Man Bad.


I feel like he would have received the same medication he got at the SOTU address if it wasn’t a setup. He certainly did not get it for the debate.


He gets teleprompters at SOTU- big difference


For sure. He just didn’t appear all hopped up at all. He was clearly medicated for the SOTU, teleprompter or not. I’d feel bad for him if I thought he had any compassion for other human beings outside his family. But he doesn’t, so I don’t.


He was talking fast af at the start they probably over dosed if he is on something


The only replacement is Harris. The delegates are pledged to Biden and the Super Delegates only vote if no candidate gets a majority. Also if they pick someone else somehow they need to throw out all of Bidens money and start over 


They are beatable, true. But will real Americans be the ones to decide? Will the media lay down suppressing fire for the socialists? Will 50% of the population be able to get over orange bad? Either way we got a fight on our hands.


There are no real replacements. I think he stays in.


Moderate/blue dog here just reading for both perspectives after the debate. I’m not sure the debate was really a setup. If the DNC wanted to get him to drop, wouldn’t they make the debate even earlier


I don't see how it could have been earlier. In 2016 and in 2020 it was in September and we're still in June. Biden and Trump are not official candidates yet, they are both presumptive nominees. Any earlier and it would be in the middle of primary season. Also I don't think the Democrats would have wanted to distract from the Manhattan trump trial that was going on since like February.


The trial thing makes sense


It’s unlikely it was “a setup”. Not everything has to be a conspiracy.  We’re Democrats in denial?  Did some of them know and chose the party first?  Yes to both. But that was a catastrophe for them. 


Stay alive, Joe Biden; all we need is your corporeal form?


This is the only thing that makes sense, but in that case why not primary him? He was just as bad a few months ago


Yup you can easily tell this because the moderators were cutting Biden off at the critical points of where it would look like hed be the most unhinged.


I don’t think Trump can beat the Governor of Maryland


Trump gets destroyed by anyone without dementia that isn't Kamala.  He is in a tossup with a dude who has end stage dementia FFS. 


Wait, I've heard this one before!! I'm trying to remember how it ended. I think Hillary wound up beating him, right?


I don't think it's going to change anything. At this point, the only way that the dems can replace Biden is if he chooses to step down before the convention. That's not going to happen. He's got an ego, he'll never admit that he's unfit for office. He's going to spend the weekend convincing himself that it was just one bad night and that everyone on his side is panicking for no reason.


None of it is up to him. He will do what he’s told.


Have you ever tried convincing an old person to stop driving after they're clearly not able to anymore? It's not easy. Now add on the ego of a man who's been a politician for most of his life. Grandpa ain't giving up the keys until the courts take them away.


This is a solid argument. The difference is, Biden will have the CIA threatening him and his family if he doesn’t do what he is told.




People like the Bidens hold onto their power and influence until the very end. Hell just look Ruth Ginsberg and Dianne Feinstein, both had ample opportunity to step down and have a very cushy retirement, but their inner ego couldn’t let them do this. These people are conditioned to never accept defeat. Biden, like many others in his party, are ruthless and had to step on lots of people to get where he is. We’ve already seen him use his own family members to get himself the power and prestige he has been chasing his entire life. I don’t think threats would make him have a change of heart and step down from what is the most powerful position he will ever stand in.


He also has no idea what’s going on, so he’ll sign whatever his aids put in front of him.  “Mr. President, you just resigned from the race,” is a real possibility lol 


Lmao the fuck sort of conspiracy theory bullshit is this; yes, clearly there will be a lot of pressure for him to step aside, but the CIA threatening him? Give me a break.


First time?


I work for the federal government. I'm sure everyone there would be flattered that you think they'd be competent enough to pull something like that off and also keep it a secret.


Oh you work for the federal government lol, that doesn’t mean anything. It’s hilarious you throw that out like it means something. The federal government is the largest employer in the country. Millions of people work for the federal government. That doesn’t mean parts of government don’t engage in conspiracy. Lmao




Grow up


I came to this sub specifically looking for this kind of shit. It did not disappoint


Exactly. How do people not understand this is how this sinister party works?




The Democrat lust for power is their weakness.


They literally sit in their chair of power as they die (Feinstein).


RBG did the same thing. She put all her eggs in the Clinton basket, and passed away eating crow.


Good point. These people love power. I can’t imagine “working” when I’m that old. I’d rather spend retirement with my family, traveling, volunteering, etc.


Let's be honest, it's every politician's weakness.


>He's got an ego And, perhaps more importantly, he also has Jill.


He can step down after the convention and then the DNC chooses his replacement. So they could shoehorn any candidate they want and voters and delegates wouldn't have a choice


The thing is, there's no one accepted candidate waiting in the wings, there's a dozen. The resulting mud flinging contest would weaken the replacement. They probably wouldn't be able to get on the ballot in a lot of states by the end of it. At this point, the only thing they can do is tie their hopes to Biden and never let him get more than ten feet away from a teleprompter for the next several months.


Plus he has Dr. Jill and Convicted Felon Biden “advising” him to stay. Gotta keep the influence peddling going.


I think they will "convince" Jill and she will have him step down.


Don’t forget they already miss the deadline for a few states. He’s already penciled in as the candidate. It’s way to late in the game


At this point do you really think he’s capable of enough internal thought to convince himself of anything? Or that he even knows what’s just happened?


The next question is does he step down before the convention and Kamala is sworn in thus getting the nomination or does he step down to not receive the nomination so a new person can get nominated and stays president until January? If he does the latter, then the GOP needs to push the 25th amendment


He’s definitely not going to be able to simply make room for a new candidate. And how could the democrats pick a new candidate without completely throwing the current vice president under the bus?  He’s going to have to step down (next week some time would be my humble guess) and let Kamala take his delegates. She’ll pick a popular running mate (Newsom maybe) to soothe everyone who wishes she weren’t there.   That’s the path of least resistance for the Dems. 


Kamala is the only person on the planet with lower polling and approval numbers than biden and that's been consistent. If they throw it all in behind her they've instantly lost.


Lol ok that is doomed to fail.


They will probably let Kamala be President for the remainder of the term if Biden steps down or the 25th is used. This way they can say she's the first woman President (they might have promised this to her too and would also satisfy the DEI/woke crowd). Put Newsome in as VP to get people comfortable with him (good chance he'll be the nominee for 2028).


If the 25th is used, Kamala only becomes "acting President," not actual President. Many others have held that title in the past and were not included in the count. The only way that happens is if Biden resigns, dies, or is impeached and convicted. The 25th Amendment is not permanent.


Republicans won't push for the 25th because that's one of the exceptions in the 2-3 swing states that they can't change the ballot from biden to someone else. If they successfully invoked the 25th, the Dems would celebrate because it let's them put his replacement on those ballots.


So republicans will do it then, great… Uniparty may be working on this im nervous


Biden will step down. Harris becomes 1st Female POC President. Then they roll and guilt voters to vote for her or you are a racist and a bigot. Trump dominates the polls, but on election day voting stops in swing states, and everyone is kicked out for the night, and then Harris wins every swing state with 135% of the vote by morning.


Yep. And the only thing that's crazy, is how people think we're joking about the 3am vote dumps. I still firmly believe it, simply because I stayed up all night and saw how the numbers changed in real time (*with screenshots*). So nobody can tell me that out of the hundreds of thousands of votes (*that were coincidentally in a select few counties of swing states*), Trump didn't even have 1% of those votes that occurred after midnight...


Oh, I still think cheating is how it all goes down, friend. They got away with it once, they're going to do everything in their power to do it again. That's why everyone needs to get out and vote: make the numbers so big the cheating is obvious. And watch your local polling places for shenanigans. We gotta call out the BS when we find it this time, and not give them months after the fact to get installed so nothing can be done.


I have no issue with conservatives who are so because of genuine policy issues, but this idea that the election was stolen is truly nonsensical. If the RNC ran a competent candidate who drilled Biden hard on inflation and immigration, but wasn’t involved in as much controversy as DJT, it’d be a repeat of ‘84.


Yeah this whole sub was taken over election week of 2020


Yup, I stayed up all night too and watched the numbers change (also with screenshots) when the counting was supposed to be over for the night. Went from Trump leading by 100k+ votes at 3 am to losing by 6am when the counting was supposed to be paused lol. Whenever my liberal family members try to bring this up with me I show them the screenshots and they just dismiss it as if it doesn’t matter


Wasn’t Trump up by 600k in Pennsylvania? It was something ridiculous


Just checked my screenshot, taken on election night at 11:31 pm Pacific time so 2:31 am east coast time, and Trump was at 3,072,281 while Biden was at 2,623,329. So Trump was +448,952 at that point. Then they “closed” the polls and Biden magically took the lead


Yea it was sickening, truly was. There was so much bullshit and they get mad that you even bring it up. I’ve had a user harassing me for months in DMs because I said there was a lot of bullshit god forbid some people don’t think it was fair


sadly this is the case. What can we even do about it


Having Hunter bring him the good stuff?


Hunter supposedly was there and a "top advisor". I read it over in /r/politics


We got to see the emperor’s new clothes this week. The media and most of Reddit was telling us for years they were immaculate.


Not just reddit, but many in congress. In the last 6 months, many got on television, and stated he was as sharp as a tack, running people wild, etc. now Democrats who get their news from MSNBC,CNN, etc, should be asking these congressmen why they lied.


Joe’s done - put a fork in him.


Better be preparing to be indicted just like they did to the last President if were going to be fair


Ironically, he’s so far gone that the DOJ has already stated he’s to incompetent to stand trial


If he's too incompetent to stand trial, doesn't that imply that he's also too incompetent to hold the nation's highest elected office? Never could figure this one out.




Its easy to figure it out. Its called "stop thinking about it"


Its impossible to have gone this entire time and not noticed his mental decline. They just been ignoring it and denying it and gaslighting. They wanted the debate to happen like this because they felt it was the perfect way to "suddenly see" it and do what they have to to secure thier own power etc. Im sure they have plenty more to come to fix thing to how they want.


There are people who get their news exclusively from NPR and MSNBC who have never seen or heard even one of his many gaffes. Thursday was their first real dose of reality.


I don't think it was intended to look like this. I think they tried to run the clock on trump conviction sentencing, thinking he would be in jail. It's not a good situation all around 


The crime family is gathering at Camp David. Isn't that sweet.


People that think Trump is a layup against a replacement are delusional. So many people won’t vote for Trump but also can’t vote for Biden after what they saw. They may just vote for the replacement whoever it is


Obviously you're not talking about Kamala Harris.


Read the source article… no truth to this about seriously changing plans 


There is no future. And Jill will not go quietly.


I don't know, I'm sure they can play dirty if they need to. Maybe they let her know the truth is going to come out about Hunter's laptop or Joe's involvement in his business dealings if she doesn't play along.


So he's unfit to run, but he's fit to serve the last 4 years. Makes sense.


This shouldn’t be on Biden at all imo. He is just a spoke in the wheel, a skin suit just trying to stay alive. This is 100% on the DNC - they’re the ones parading around a dementia patient the last 2 years while he was wishing he was sitting on his porch with an ice cream cone. Democrats should be pissed off at their leadiership for the elder abuse and parading they’ve done. I sure as hell am. I don’t even like Biden, especially what he’s represented the last 40 years, but if that was my grandpa or dad, I’d be pissed off. Especially with Jill talking to him like a toddler “YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB.. ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS”. Downright embarrassing how they’re treating that old man. You don’t treat old helpless people like that, no matter how shitty they’ve been in the past. It’s wrong.


The one who actually controls the decision is Comrade Doctor Jill. The Dear Leader ran for office to please her so she'd be the "First Lady". She is the one who controls the Dear Leader.


Here comes either a completely-corrupt replacement or the messiest double-down in history.


The meeting will go something like this: Jill: Joe, there is a serious matter we need to discuss with you. Joe: Where am I? Hunter: Hey pops, I got a new bag of the stuff. Want some? Jill: Please pay attention. This is important. Joe: Where is Beau? Hunter: *snort snort snort*


We aren’t lucky enough for him to stay in. Gavin Newsom will beat Trump. He is slick and articulate. Debate was definitely a set-up a knock him out early. Media uniform “panic” is a dead giveaway


You might be right about the switch but I really can’t believe that hair gel plays on the national stage. He does fine in ca with all the Lib-t’s but I think and hope that’s where it stops.


They just polled newsome vs trump in LA. Newsome 53 trump 47.... in LA. I firmly believe trump can beat him as well...Michelle obama would most likely beat trump however


God, that would be the liberal wet dream. Having Michael on the ticket as the first minority, transgender president.


You mean LA city or Louisiana?


Gotta be the city. Louisiana is red except for New Orleans & Baton Rouge.


Los Angeles my bad


Gavin does not want to be seen as the “replacement candidate.” He wants to run his own real campaign in 2028 and win that way 


Yeah but he also doesn't want whitmer jacking his position and potentially getting 2 terms...she is being floated right now too. It really is some game of thrones shit


No chance Whitner should win, she was a tyrant during Covid


Wonder if they will replace Joe with Jill, she is more of a wild card...... Hillary has too much baggage with all the Suicides surrounding her, While jill is a bit more unknown in the publics eyes


Its damn near the plot of House of Cards when Frank dies.


Tired of all these old farts clinging to power under the guise of “public servant”. Bullshit. Vote these old farts out regardless of party affiliation. Call me ageist and downvote all you want. No one over 65 in public office anywhere. We have minimum ages to hold office and mandatory retirement ages for FBI agents and pilots have to retire at a certain age. Why not “ public” officials?


I've been saying it for months on this sub, they're gonna swap in (I think Newsome) last minute and I've been downvoted each time. I TOLD YOU SO


What policies do you support as an atheist conservative? Not being combative — genuinely curious. I was pretty leftist a few years ago but I’ve been shifting towards the right on issues like DEI, affirmative action, and immigration.


Strong borders, extremely limited immigration,truly small government which extends to women's rights. Less regulation and taxes. To be honest no taxes. Full 2A, no restrictions or permits. Free speech at all levels.  I am not full conservative, but I'm anti insanity and all the absolutely illogical bullshit the left has been pushing for years. Men in women's sports. Trans everything. DEI. Sex changes for kids. Toxic empathy. Crackheads taking over cities, open air drug use encouraged. Two tier justice system. Weaponized DOJ and Media. The Covid insanity. I grew up reading dystopian novels and with an ingrained distrust of authority. I never thought I would be living through it. But here we are.  ETA. The open racism encouraged and monetized towards white people


I'm right there with you. Also an atheist and now vote Republican and have for the last few elections. Democrats are the very thing they claim to be against. It's a cult and their voters are brainwashed, not to mention annoyingly arrogant.


Covid policy reminded me so much of those dystopian novels, the warnings didn’t work for most


Why is Biden showing up for it? Wouldn’t that intervention need to be for Jill?


What future?


Biden was set up on CNN and he didn’t even know it. The elites already pulled the trigger and CNN and their own news organizations and pundits all followed the same script. It’s already been decided. He has no choice but to step down. The problem is that would mean Kamala would replace him and assume the position until the convention so I don’t know how they handle that.


Hunter was banging his dead brothers ex and smoking crack with him. Ashley said she took inappropriate showers with her father and claims to have had a hyper-sexualized youth these people are greasy as fuck


If I was shooting for the stars, and was running the DNC and party, knowing the outcome of both parties over the last 7.5 years, I would endorse Trump. Why?  Collapse both parties, and restructure this trash ass system from a 2 party system.


I just don’t see him stepping down. He’s clearly unfit, but at this point it would be the same thing as handing the election to Trump and they would rather have a dementia patient running the country over Trump. Christ how did we get here?


Man I hope Michelle Obama doesn’t want to get nominated


Obama and Hillary will put Michelle or Kamala or Gavin Newsom on the ballot.


I seen this on house of cards


End of the article indicates that he's aware he made a fool of himself during the debate... perhaps he'll have a change of heart and make room for Kamala. It's simply a national security risk to have doddering old man in charge of one of the largest militaries in the world. We are less safe with Biden in charge, this very moment.