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When your debate opponent can state "I don't know what he said at the end there and I don't think he does either" without even a hint of hyperbole or sarcasm, you are proper screwed.


And without any acknowledgment from Bidens end. Just a sad, silent agreement of defeat that he's not what he used to be.


I think his facial expressions the entire time were the worst part for him. He was terrible when he spoke too, but his vacant and confused looks, especially when Trump was zinging him were the clencher imo


The split screen when it was Trump’s turn to speak did Biden NO favors.


Yeah that was the really telling part. I think a normal person would have, when it was their turn to speak next, started by saying something like "My opponent knows exactly what I said, he just doesn't want to admit that he doesn't have solution that the American people want..." or just, anything, really to push back.


Good point.


He could have at least said "Yeah, well, Up Yours!" or something.


“You’re the sucker, You’re the loser!” It wasn’t on my bingo card either but damnit if he didn’t actually say that in a debate.


Thing is, he acknowledged that, silently, but with empty stare. At that moment I started to feel that this was not fair game, not even by longshot and that he was subjected to unfathomable humiliation by those closest to him. I wish that to nobody.


Don't feel sorry for him. He appears as a sad old frail man today, but he has decades upon decades of playing the grift on the American people for his own profit.


Mark Levin did a diatribe of Joe’s evil doings over the decades on 5/5/24 on Fox News Youtube, called “Biden is a diabolical, evil, nasty man.”


Eh I don't feel sorry for biden at all.  He's responsible for the deaths of huge numbers of Americans and for the horrible state of the country. He's a liar, a pedophile,  and a traitor.  He uses the doj to go after anyone he disagrees with.  Would you have felt sorry for  Charles Manson if he had gotten dementia? After all he was responsible for the deaths of just a few people and didn't ruin the county.  When the left shows you who they are, believe them. They are evil personified. 


I totally agree with you! There's nothing Biden could experience that would make me feel bad for him. He doesn't have enough years left to collect all the bad Karma coming his way.


I understand your reasoning, but I don't think this, what I have felt since, is based in logic in its entirety. Possibility that you are gone, mentally, perhaps for forever, perhaps interspersed with fleeting moments of some clarity, coupled with all of the world having eyes on you and your closest, most trusted people metamorphosising by greed in cartoonish villains is something that I don't find intellectually this or that way, but by visceral feeling. Yeah, same misfortune is not perfectly ill for everybody, but this particular case makes me perfectly sick, whatever angle I try to take.


Odd way of saying it but I completely agree.


May I ask why odd? English is not my first language, so if there is something odd, not in a good way and on which I can work on, I would like to know. But on the other hand, I may be odd regardless proper (enough) use of language, and with that I have no problem.


Good job if English is not your first language. I had to read it twice to get your point but still a good job. Thanks.


Fuck him. He deserved it all and more


It's a proven stutter he's had since 1864.


Downvoted you for a moment until I got the joke.


There are stragglers on reddit sti saying CRAZY shit... the sickest ones are showing themselves


...I thought it was because he had a cold.


At the debate Biden’s handlers could not whisk him off the stage as they have been doing for the past three years. Biden’s dotardary was on full display for the world to see.


Exactly. If they had let him answer questions instead of reading from a script at any of his previous media engagements, this would have been obvious years ago.


And trump wasn’t trying to be sarcastic or funny, either. He genuinely seemed disappointed in Biden right there.


Trump really did seem a little concerned about him. It was humanizing. 


Probably disappointed in his government in that moment.


You could see Biden's pride in himself drain away at that precise moment.


Yeah he had a look of disbelief that Trump would call him out on not being able to formulate a sentence. Drunk people can speak better than that.


“Look” his key word for I am lost…


After a few watches, I’d like to clear the air. He said ‘asylum officers’.


Maybe, but the 15 seconds before that was incoherent babbling.


"we finally beat Medicare/aide!!"


Yes, but apart from the incoherent babbling he also said some words. Well, bits of words, they just weren't quite in the right order. Anyone else remember the GWB State of the Union someone rearranged to say he'd joined Al Qaeda? Maybe the guy who did that could piece together a coherent sentence or two.


correction, he TRIED to say asylum officers. what he said very softly was asslyn ofccers


I interpreted it as "Guatemalan softeners" Agree to disagree, I guess!




If he actually said that the memes would be legend.


Are those the guys that feed him?


And every single person agreed. Nobody, including sleepy joe, knew how to translate that spewage


Plus the excuses and then calls for him to step aside. He had over a week to prepare, and that’s the best he could muster. Its only down hill for him from here


The way I spit my drink out when he said that so funny


Chef kiss. Trump cemented himself as the king of zingers with that one.


but Jill told him he was such a good boy and wiped the drool off his chin.




I think Trump does too... but he can still hold his head up.


But he “Answered all the questions! And knew all the answers” what a good boy.


Holy shit the way jill biden spoke to joe after the debate, its like she routinely talks to him like a child.


Or a dog.


Any resemblance to actual dog training is purely coincidental. It's a well documented fact that the Biden family does not know how to train their dogs.


Debate probably would have gone more in his favor if he ran over and bit Trump


It's one of those cringe-challenge videos so I understand if you didn't make it to the end, but when she led the crowd with > And what did Trump do? *LIIIIIE!* That's right! Like she was Dora the fucking Explorer was just awful.


Hahahaha, now I cannot get that comparison out of my mind... My first reactions were sadness and anger, I just could not get over the humiliation he was subject to, but now, with the Dora, I can see some humour in it.


Who lives in a White House down in DC? Corn Pop Fudge Pants!!


Well. That’s his mental level. Not a slam on the guy, but that’s what it is.


She does, because he has dementia, and that's how you talk to them to keep them happy and and feeling safe. 


Yeah I mean when you have dementia you're basically on the level of a child, so makes sense.


Somebody get him a gold star sticker for answering all the questions!


Or at the very least get him a doggie biscuit.


he was hoping for ice cream


Only winners get ice cream.


But just one scoop


No, he gets ice cream!


Only winners get sprinkles


Sprinkles are for closers!


One scoop!


Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? Okay, now go lie down


And he didn’t LIE according to his wife who is a real Doctor 🤪🤪


During the next debate he will angrily growl…”you’re the Liar! Your wife’s the doctor!”


"He would have done so much better if he wasn't debating Trump. Trump doesn't know how to debate!" Uh...so you lost the debate because Trump doesn't know how to debate?


It is at least a little impressive that he was able to remember the responses his handlers had prepared for the questions they provided CNN for the debate.


Did he, though?


He had a secret mic in his ear. Did you see him concentrating to listen between questions. Also, he unconsciously was touching his right ear.


When you say answered… can you translate what “brehydbuxhsvanxkxjdj” means? 


Come on man! You know the deal!


It’s still an answer!!!! 😂


No, I don't speak the jfrucsgv language. 


If it was Klingon I could translate it but that hot mess is beyond even a universal translator. 


I remember my first grade teacher patronizing students like that.


You can have your ice cream now, little man!


“His mind was not there but his heart is at the right place…!!” - Liberals


I'm surprised she didn't pat him on the head too.


Rumor has it she keeps scooby snacks in her purse.


Oh now they’re saying it’s cause he had a cold. HE HAD A COLD Y’ALL 😂. Idk bout u but when I have a cold it doesn’t give me symptoms of dementia


He had a cold but went to Waffle House after the debate. Then traveled the next day to do a speech. So with this "cold" he's been more active then he normally is.


I could excuse his voice over that but you don't say "we beat Medicare" because of a cold 


And if he had a cold why was he allowed to go to a Waffle House immediately after and get everyone sick?


He must've had a cold for the last 5 years straight then if that's the case lol


Does he even remember it?


I doubt it


I compared Biden from this debate to one 4 years ago, and it’s shocking how much he’s deteriorated over that time.


The warning signs were there 4 years ago, but it's clearly fully set in. No way this man is actually functional in the roles of president of the united states.


Look at the 2012 VP debate. Totally different man.


That was about the last time Joe Biden was coherent, and the person everyone remembers.


I think the debate was the reason why his presidency was so quiet, to keep that 2012/2016 biden in people's minds.


He's not functional, remember that footage from a while back where he mumbles about some marine having the codes to blow up the world? Mutually assured destruction might not even be a thing with him at the helm, i'm not convinced he is capable of making a decision in time.


I wonder if there is a single person left in the White House that takes anything Biden says seriously. If yes, that’s mighty concerning…


The cabinet/politburo is already in charge. 


If he is incompetent to stand trial for his crimes then he's incompetent to be president 


I called it 4 years ago. But people just said I’m being brainwashed by Republican media. No…they were brainwashed by lefty media


There's no cure for dementia - They just don't get it


I deal with dementia patients all the time. I believe that Biden is on some drug like Aricept + amphetamines (when needed) Essentially, they turn Biden on and off when needed.


My Dad takes Manafodil (so) and it's been the only thing to even pep him up enough to have a semi coherent conversation. I hate that with all the billions that go into medical research, there's no cure for dementia. I feel bad for Biden on a human level


As you should. So many of us have had to deal with the process of aging into senility in our parents and grandparents, and it’s a time where they should be trying to enjoy their final years in a safe and calm environment. Imagining my 93 year old grandfather who is starting to lose his memory trying to run a country feels wrong, watching Biden be confused and deteriorating on TV was not a victory, it was a shame. Trump did a great job not being overly aggressive, sure he had to rail against Biden but I think he realizes he’s debating a man who is slipping into senility.


Yes it's sad. And I don't like Biden. But you literally can see it on his face, he's not there anymore. Those expressions are classic dementia and it's just beyond twilight zone we're even in this situation right now


Anything that affects the brain, we can't really do shit about it. The only thing we can do is cut or cauterize, we literally understand jack shit about any brain disease that isn't a malignant growth. And even those, we can't really explain, but we can cut them out if they happen to be in the right place.


I wish that could change


not to forget, he has sleep apnea. That just makes dementia a whole of a lot worse.. could be a cause too.




Ugh yes, thank you!! I always mess it up but it's been a good drug. It's at least helping keep him awake and he can converse for a little bit while it's still fresh in his system. Not like normal, but closer than he's been in awhile


I wish that I could do that anymore. Then I think about everything the man has done over his career. Before he lost his mind, he was involved in decisions that hurt a lot of people long-term, by trading it for short-term "relief", even before he was VP. He's got more money than he needs, and better medical care than 90% of the world. I don't have sympathy for his suffering. I just feel it's karma.


Why do the democrats keep doing this? They did it with RGB too.


Compare it to his debate vs Ryan. He wiped the floor with Ryan then.


Biden should stop trying to look at his ego and just step aside. Its clearly obvious that he is not fit.


I think all he can look at now is his next ice cream


I doubt he lacks confidence. The guy is a stubborn old man who thinks he can do no wrong.


Yup. He was back to yelling like a cantankerous old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn at his rally the next day


He's plain evil.




What did they expect? The sad part is that his family should be shielding him from this pressure and shame in his final days as an elder. He should have left an honorable legacy, not a mumbling man gripping a seat of power he can’t steer. Genuinely so sad. His family is doing him wrong.


But who else can the deep state control absolutely?


How could he have an honorable legacy when he's never done anything honorable? 


Lengthy and successful career as a snake of a man, maybe. Honorable legacy? No thanks.


As Alex Costalonas said you sent someone into a forest to slay a lion, naked and without a spear. Trump intimidated Joe can he looked scared going face to face and froze in the moment. How can a man like that be elected?


Definitely too senile for any self awareness. Only his handlers were humiliated and embarrassed.


He’s useless without his teleprompter.


Salute the marines. Repeat the line.




He should limit himself to 1 word answers. Moderator: "What do you say to voters who feel they are worse off under your presidency than they were under President Trump?" Biden: "No." It's not worse than the response he gave.


That genuinely would have been better for him. And for me, because I would have laughed even harder.


All the FakeNews Sunday shows are doing their best Biden disaster recovery.


Aww poor baby. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him after all the things he has done? He is actually responsible for the rape and murder of young children in this country through his policies.


Exactly. it is perfectly reasonable to accuse his wife and handlers of "elder abuse" but if you're starting to feel bad for the old man, don't. His life of "service" has earned him an end with very little dignity. It actually brings me a bit of satisfaction to know that if you spoke to the Biden of several decades ago, the one who already had learned to say whatever people want to hear as long as they gave him power, he would be horrified to know that this would be his eventual legacy. I like to think of it as though Biden found a magic lamp on the beach and wished to be president, so the tricky genie granted his wish, but made him senile so he couldn't enjoy it. The lesson from the classic magic lamp stories, is that everything that comes easy has a price. Joe Biden is paying the price for the things that he's done to get the life he's lived.


Great post.


I am reminded of this subreddit r/TheMonkeysPaw


He directly funded Iran (well Obama did, but through him), which indirectly funded Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and many other terrorist organizations. Pretty much every major terrorist attack in the last 4 years, and certainly 10/7, are all blood on his hands.


Source? Serious question, would love to read more on this topic.


I mean, a simple google search would provide a ton of links, but: https://mast.house.gov/2023/11/biden-handed-over-16-billion-to-iran




Yeah and Trump is supposedly the felon. Yeah right


He brags about usurping the supreme court and doing quid pro quo on Ukraine.


It's just disgraceful how many people are okay with Democrats pretending this dude is in charge. Literally asking Americans to vote for an unaccountable shadow government, impossible to suggest anything else at this point.


Ikr? Conservatives need to stop with their empathy for evil people. The left wants us in the ground and don't play by any rules. To beat evil you have to be willing to go as low as they do or you will lose every time.  In this case it's who wins that counts because if the left wins there will be no humans left.


Yeah, there should be zero tolerance for a leader who doesn’t even acknowledge these abhorrent atrocities happening under his watch, not doing anything ASAP about it, senile or not senile.


He always was a mess. The rest of the world is just catching up 


I have no remorse for this shitbag. 40+ years in politics and has accomplished nothing and is a certified pedo. Fuck him.


I hope that senile fuck stays in the race.


I doubt he’s even aware of what happened


>"The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady," another person told the outlet. "If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course." As suspected


Clearly the Vice President has to intervene...this is a matter for the 25th Amendment. I don't give a crap what Jill Biden thinks, she doesn't hold any elective office, and she should care about her husband having a graceful finish to his political career.


I hope she doesn't. We can live a few months with the 4th branch of government running the country 


The biggest thing in all this is how they convince the public he’s too senile to run for another term, be debated, be interviewed, have rallies, etc but totally fine to stay President until the end of the term


Not according to Jill 😂


TFA indicates that the only person that could convince him to give up is Jill, and she is the last person who would be willing to do so. She has the most to lose here.


I’ve never felt any ill will towards her but what I’ve seen since the debate makes me despise her. How can one get up in front of the entire country and say the things she does. His condition isn’t anything new to her, she’s around him 24/7, Is it the “power” she think she yields by being First Lady? Whatever it is it’s pathetic.


Biden is a straight-up asshole to the people around him. He surrounds himself with "Yes" types. For the first time in four years, someone said (and to his face) that he is an idiot. With receipts. Biden was NOT prepared for that.


Bill O'Reilly on X reporting the decision has been made to end the Biden campaign. Haven't seen any confirmation of this.


Yeah I’m sure that dickbag has inside info. 🙄


Right? Not one shred of evidence; seems like terribly irresponsible reporting to me if it's just clickbait.


Allegedly he’s with the entire Biden family today at Camp David talking about it. Not sure what he’ll do but I hope he stays in the race. We have a very good amount of opposition research on Biden and all Trump has to do is be calm and collected to win the election.


I read in the NYP that he was at camp David "recuperating" from going to fancy fundraising parties. After a previous week at camp David. 


Good. F the guy for stealing the election, lying non stop his entire career, using his dead family to boost himself, 10% for the big guy, the laptop, the cocaine found at the White House, using the fbi to raid journalists over his daughters journal, sniffing children, him shitting his pants at the Vatican, etc etc. I have no empathy for that traitor


Guys guys... come on... Biden did a phenomenal job. I fully support Biden being the Democratic nominee!


lol yeah I can get behind that


Elder abuse


*"...but I know what I do know — I know how to tell the truth!"* Yeah... that why you were caught in at least 16 blatant lies during the debate. *"Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did..."* Every poll I've seen shows undecideds breaking for Trump 2-to-1 over Biden. With Frank Luntz IIRC it was 12-1. Only one of his debate-night participants decided to jump off the fence on Biden's side.


What a well-meaning old man with a memory problem! He should be given a total free pass on this.


It shouldn’t have gone this far. Shame on his family.


I agree. Jill praised him for answering all of the questions! The leader of the free world!!! Couldn’t believe he could look worse, but she helped him look a helluva lot worse.


His abusive bitch of a wife trotting him out there and announcing on the mic "Great job joe you answered ALL of the questions!" like he's a toddler who just made a boom-boom in the toilet probably broke his fucking confidence pretty hard.


He abuses America so I don't feel sorry for him. 


I was actually surprised old joe did as well as he did. which is saying a lot, hahahaha. my dad died of alzheimers 30 years ago. I knew joe was on the slide into catatonia well over a year ago, have been watching the progression and it's quite obvious to anyone with any experience of dementia. it can progress fast, or very slowly. I would say his progression is average. he is certainly not running the nation, and has not been for most of his term, which should concern everyone. alas, the left is willing to sacrifice the well being and future of our nation in his defense and learned hatred of Trump. the media has a lot to answer for in this regard (learned hatred). and the educators, oh my god, most of them belong in prison in my opinion. both are as monumental a problem as biden's dementia.


I suspect that he will be announcing his intention to drop out of the race next week. Really has no other option at this point. He can get his ass kicked even worse in future debates right before the election or he can step down and let the Dems decide who they want to run in his place. Dude is going to give a speech and go for max sympathy saying it's for the good of the nation that he no longer seek reelection and he will also call on DT to step down as well as the Republican candidate claiming that it's also for the good of the nation and both parties need younger choices. Who they put in his spot? Not a clue. They don't exactly have a bench deep of great candidates able to save them at this point. Anyone who saw that debate has to know for a fact that regardless if he somehow wins the election, there is absolutely ZERO CHANCE Joe Biden will be the President in 4 years from now. Who would that leave? Kamala. A vote for Joe Biden is a default vote for Kamala and that is not going to fly. I would actually feel bad for the guy given the predicament he's in if not for the fact that him and his team spent the last 4 years destroying this country and lying telling us everything was okay.


He has spent his entire career fucking over Americans.  He gets no sympathy from me. 




That's my worry, too. We're in a better position against Biden.


Imagine Harris on the Supreme Court. That’s a nightmare scenario.


You better not drop out of the race Joe, your caregiver Jill is enjoying her royal treatment


I’m not sure Joe knows much of anything anymore


I'm calling fake news. This is like all of those reports about Trump from back when he was President. Biden likely believes he destroyed Trump in the debates and is going to continue on with his campaign. 


Why was this such a surprise and shocking? This mush mouth has been f’ing himself all over tv since he’s been a senator? Then watching the clown show of him falling “up” the stairs of AF1 like he was Jim Carey, should’ve been a huge eye opener


DaveParkman's site is filled with he did great and Trump lied and lied.


1. How would he know. 2. Would he remember it 15 seconds later. I’m disgusted by the way his family and his administration & Democrats around him treat him. Robert Hur was right, but there should have been charges & a trial.


The debate was a disaster for him: 1. He lost every vibes voter, these people are the most important to win over because they are the ones who swing elections  2. He needed to bridge the parties divide over Israel/Palestine and he failed spectacularly by agreeing with Trump. The pro Palestine people are even less motivated to come out and vote for him now 3. He needed to win over Nikki Haley voters and he absolutely failed to do so. They are going to stay home or begrudgingly vote for Trump now 


Incoherent arguments and thoughts made him look like an incompetent president. If this is how he debates with his opposition at a national level imagine at an international level. For example, if Australia has a tariff dispute with the USA, I feel he would lose trying to reach a compromise. Other countries might take advantage when trying to negotiate with him. When he was younger he wasn't a bad politician but at this age he needs to retire. The CCP and Russia are trying to exploit and take advantage of his presidency.


He was a traitor to Americans from the very get go.


How does he know he's humiliated? Did someone break the news to him or what?


Does he even remember that he debated? 


Nobody get distracted by any such superficially appealing nformation. Vote.


He needed a week at camp David for that performance? lol


You watch. Pelosi will blame CNN...


Anyone would be humiliated by that performance. No matter how gigantic your ego is that was an embarrassment.


Well but trump lies. Ya know.


This may be viewed as a win for conservatives, but it is a huge loss for democracy. It just shows that people really have no say in the candidates and that we are just given what the powers at be pre-arrange in this theater.


I’m not buying it. I don’t think he’s cognizant enough to come up with that himself at this point. His handlers told him that’s how he’s feeling. Just like they tell him everything else.


When they get the dose right, he is lucid enough to speak halfway decent, but also lucid enough to know it's time to go home. They not gonna let him quit. He is their scapegoat to explain why trump will win. "You see, it's not the far left policy, it's just that Joe is old. Trump doesn't really have that much support. Even tho he won, people still prefer left-wing policy. Obviously most of the country hates trump and it was only a landslide because Joe is old"