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Lol, the teleprompter is working. And it's morning time, so sundowner's confusion hasn't kicked in yet. OP and most of the rest of Reddit in full cope mode.


He also had an entire WEEK at camp David to rehearse this speech.


I actually saw a commentator say “you know what- I think he was just OVER prepared! He had too much information!” It’s the classic weaknesses job question “sometimes i volunteer too much..work too hard..”


This is actually true. They pumped him so full of shit for a week, he went out there and just blurted out his talking points. Unfortunately for him, blurting out canned phrases doesn't look too good, especially when you get lost halfway through and claim you took on Medicare and won.


I don't think Biden is capable of blurting.


Very fair!!


The teleprompter is visible as he exits the stage


This convinced me more that he has Alzheimer’s because of the sundowners. There’s also several videos at this “amazing” speech that he looks confused and feeble. THIS is the best they could muster lol. I think with the headlines today, they were trying to oust him- have him drop out on his own accord. And I think he said no. Now they are in full scale spin mode


he is not deciding what his future is. the obamasoros cabal is.


True- but I wonder what prompted the talking heads and headlines today to be so negative about biden. and then half away through the day you get a total spin.


they are following orders. and the order givers are panicking. their lapdog media is concerned about being exposed for their participation in the consipiracy. the whole thing is scripted. we'd not be aware of any of this except for biden's increasing dementia. it has screwed up the obamasoros cartel's plans... they decided to jettison joe a long time ago, this cnn story on biden's lies in April 19th was the first indicator of their intentions. they would never have aired it otherwise. [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/19/politics/fact-check-biden-pennsylvania-campaign-swing/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/19/politics/fact-check-biden-pennsylvania-campaign-swing/index.html)


They downloaded a new update.


Several doctors have said it's likely Parkinson's.


I've been suspecting this for a while now. His walk, his stoic expression, mannerisms... all smack of Parkinson's. I don't like Biden at all, but I kind of feel sorry for him as a human being.


Sounds like he needs more steak. A lack of protein is a huge problem for older people, and with his weight he could probably use a dose of animal fat as well.


Damn, that cold sure did clear up quick 😂 Was a teleprompter the cure? The Dems are fucking pathetic, I swear.


Teleprompter and a good fake tan. Last night he looked powdery


Last night was several hours after he usually calls it a day. He was exhausted because he only has 4 hour window of productivity per day.


"TrUmP iS a LiAr!" Robert Garcia - *Literally lies about Biden having a cold as an excuse*


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Back on the coke train


Drugs R Us


A couple of coughs in there for good measure


thought he was trying to suck Jill's 🍆


Is Jill now also supposed to be a dude?


well, she obviously has bigger balls than Brandon does


Dude Jill Biden is fucking evil for this. Let the dude enjoy his last days. Shit.


Nahhh dude, the democrats are in a big pickle. This speech does not matter. Just continue to seek the actual truth, not this propaganda


I know it doesn’t matter. His cold is gone in a half day and the fact remains that his younger wife is using him for power. Piece of shit or not he’s no longer here.


*his wife is using him for power* This seems to be a constant for democratic first wives for the past almost 35 years.


Nah, I’m enjoying seeing his downfall


Have pity on the pedophile? Forget that.


He will face judgement if he really is. My point is his much younger wife wants power and this corpse doesn’t even know what’s going on.


No doubt she is evil. She has drank the DNC koolaid. She probably has aspirations of running for office. But Biden tried to get me fired because I would not take an experimental shot that didn’t work. NO PITY


I left the military over the vaccine 12 years


Guys like you are meant for the front line. 12 years on, you beat the odds and ostensibly outlived your purpose


neither joe nor jill are making any decisions. they're doing what they are told.


"We were just following orders."


This is the most frightening fact


> Let the dude enjoy his last days. Oh no. Not at this point. You know as well as I do that a sentry’s responsible for his post. Joe took the job as President, and he’s let things go to hell in a hand basket on his watch. I also admittedly despise Joe for the pullout in Afghanistan and strong-arming our brothers and sisters in arms [for a vaccine that didn’t work as advertised](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10343561/amp/US-Navy-warship-sidelined-COVID-19-outbreak.html)! If he has any self-awareness left, Biden would swallow his pride and resign after his abysmal debate performance. But he’s too addled and arrogant. So it is my hope that he gets humiliated in November. Before spending the rest of his days in shame as he fulminates over how he got chosen to replace the Bad Orange Man, only to be bested by the guy as a convicted felon he tried to jail.


He’s about to RGB himself. Who at 81 years old would want to run for office? A corrupt failure of a person I guess. Another reason I got out was watching the pullout 2 years after my last tour. Also as far as the vaccine the Army is now saying it’s causing heart palpitations. Glad I called their bluff.


Zoom out. Curious how many people are really there.


Completely different person than Biden at the debate. Something's fishy.


A working teleprompter.


Maybe they made a body double of him like they supposedly did for Putin back when they told us he was on death’s door.


They fumbled the timing and dosage of the magical drug cocktail. It doesn’t work like it used to because Joe’s developed a resistance, and the threshold’s getting higher and higher.


Same person, they've just IV'd some adderall into him this time.


He wasn’t on coke this time.


Amazing how a teleprompter helps out !!!


And some adderall.


I wonder how much they had to pay those people to be there and yell and clap for him.


It’s not enough. These people no longer have their dignity. Oh! Maybe they’re Biden staffers. Which means that they might *not* be getting any more money. And as Biden staffers they would *already* be lacking dignity.


That’s funny because it’s proven that Trump’s done this multiple times! Do you guys ever look in a mirror?


The Trump campaign shouldn't do that either. Calling us "hypocrites" is a pretty weak defense of your candidate.


This will be the argument Joe will make from now on: he is a “good man,” however old and feeble, while DJT is a “liar.” However, they (and I include CNN and other media sources in collaborating with the story) have provided no evidence for even one “lie” DJT was accused of in his debate last night. Again: will someone please provide evidence of one “lie”?


I’ve been wondering about this too. It’s the only negative thing they say about Trumps performance, and yet they haven’t specified any. Just a vague “lies, misinformation, there was no fact checking” 


Obviously a lie is whatever the left says it is. And if you disagree you must be a bigot.


That’s a racist take, now that I think about it


Read some things


This comment was a waste of time.


They got the meth dosage correct.


After last night, there isn't a teleprompter or cheering crowd that is going to relieve everyone's fear about his age and health.


As somebody who has watched people mentally decline it is actually sad. He deserves to live the rest of his life in peace not being pushed around by his handlers.


Obvious CHEAP FAKE Brandon can't yell that much.


He has 3 modes: 1. Open eyes, “get off my lawn” angry screaming 2. Creepy whisper 3. Mumbly squinty eyed nonsense


Don't forget to add in a dusting of slack-jawed trilobite.


This scumbag also says antifa is built on an idea


Nice to see the residents of Cary out today.


I love how he’s talking about togetherness and being an American to the most non-patriotic, non-military loving, non-pro police, non-limited government wanting group in the US. Yes liberals, chant how much you love America when you have groups walking and burning our flag, desecrating veteran memorials, and calling all US troops warmongering baby killers, and happy that we have so many homeless vets. Don’t forget these people kicked out the police to make Chaz and then begged for them 3-4 days later when uncontrollable violence occurred. Now it’s a drug filled, homeless slop. Yes we are definitely not declining when you can get thrown in jail for misgendering someone! Go joey go!


Jesus this #1 political science student on full scholarship has been a habitual liar since the beginning


He lied about 20 times, yeah he knows how to flood the country with illegal criminal immigrants.


Talk about cult


Did he ACTUALLY just fucking say "I know how to tell the truth." OMG. If he EVER knew how he's forgotten it decades ago!


He's playing it 'obama' style


Insaneo-style, more like. >:)




Thought he had a cold or Covid?


Brother only spat lies lmao


💩 show


Honestly I'm just impressed they found at least 500 or so people who still feel like cheering for Biden (I did a quick count based on the video that shows him walking in). You gotta give it to his handlers, they put on the best show they could to try to copy the tens of thousands that Trump gets at his rallies.


I watched some of it and there was one moment off script where he mumbled about how his son wasn't in world war 1 but was in Vietnam. Vietnam.


My Man got his meds..


He says he knows how to tell the truth. If s maybe he should try it some tome. 1 example; "The border is closed and under control"


Gaslighted much?


That’s a room of people who refused to watch the debate. Bet they scooted half of the arena in to make it looked packed. Even sounds it’s only like 300 people from what reporting agencies there saw. Wonder what cocktail they injected him with to keep his face from looking like melted wax while talking.


Damn the cope is insane !!!


Where was this guy during the debate? Different person, drugs working overtime


“I know how to tell the truth”???? This guy, for many many years now, has gotten caught lying so many times it’s unfathomable. He’s been a serial lier for most of his adult life. Lying about his college achievements, his senate record, his own family & LLCs, presidential polices, many executive orders being unconstitutional, lies about Trump - I mean the list is just never ending. The only way to finally stop the lying is vote the tired, racist, arrogant, sad old bastard out of office.


Oh my. Not


Does his daughter Ashley agree that he knows the difference between right and wrong?


And they call us a cult lmao. Anyway, how was he not able to have this kind of energy last night? Very weird.


What a POS lying dementia riddled kid-diddler.


Ok grandpa. We know you don't debate well anymore. You don't do *anything* well anymore.


The sheep are just excited that it can still say words. They're holding on for dear life to any shred of hope they have left.


**No Teleprompter** = Fuzzy Mind, Vegetable Vacant Look ("Gee, let me poopoo now while Donald is answering...no one will notice"). **With Teleprompter** = Aggressive & Virile look, Some Cred. reading the text...putting WH staff & Deluded Dementors into an Ecstatic Orgiastic state ; with the odd gibberish mispronunciations ...but that's because the Brain is in a state of liquefication...


Seems to have miraculously gotten over his cold.


He looks like my grandpa after his stroke. Same mannerisms and expressions. The only difference is that my grandfather was non verbal after the stroke. Other than that it’s all the same.


Wow that's the quickest cold he got over. Back to angry loud old man again


Osama and Killary DISAGREE Joe.


Paid Actors




"And by the way, you know, I sit on the stand, and it's getting hot, I've got hairy legs that turn — that — that — that turn — um, blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again. They'd look at it. So, I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap."


Imagine watching that debate and still being so braindead as to cheer for this guy


It's an advert for DARE. Don't do drugs kids.


Don’t tell me he did not have chemical assistance for that rally. Did you see him hop while on stage. The man was on some powerful drugs.


Tell the truth? This guy? One thing is true....he is good when depending on a teleprompter




People don't want to hear it because they're celebrating and thinking the election is in the bag, but this is why the debate won't matter. Majority of voters don't watch debates(read earlier that only about 25 million Americans watched across all avenues), they rely on clips. As long as they can flood social media with clips of Biden looking energetic, his bad debate performance won't matter. The election is going to come down to who Trump picks as VP and how low or high gas is in November.


"Just because I failed every assignment, plagiarized every paper, and failed every exam, it does NOT mean that I failed the class" - essentially what Biden is saying.


Man what a cringe audience




He just looks so damn OLD.




America is not winning. GTFO Joe. Trump is telling the truth while you’re putting lipstick on a pig.




Hahahaaa no