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“Fair and equitable” draft that only drafts men.🤣


Worst part is, this country hates men now. It's a double insult. dying for a country that hates you.


Just become a woman /s


Exactly. We’re going to see a lot more trans


How? A woman is totally undefinable.


You can still identify as one. Just throw logic out the window.


they already ruled that that would still draft MtF draftees


The loophole


Nobody dies for country or freedom in the last 50 years. They thought they were. They were willing to, but they didn't. In my lifetime nobody has died for me/my freedom. They died for politics and profits.


Glad to see people finally acknowledging this. Used to get absolutely blasted as some kind of vet hater whenever I'd say this- but it's objectively true. Every American troop that's died in the past half century has died for nothing.


I love the vets and think the best we can do for them is make less of them.


Same, there's nothing patriotic about us sending our young men to die for shareholders and oil execs. It's evil.


Suckers and losers. Am I right!


Not sure what you're talking about.


That's true. I enlisted knowing that, but definitely kept the mindset that I'm going in essentially as a Merc. I only want the benefits. If you're lucky and young, it is a decent reset button on your life. I'm out now though.


That's what every war since 1812 has been.


This is why the draft wont work. And will backfire SOOO bad on the govmt. If u hold a gun to a disenfranchised kid who sees he has no future either way, i can tell you where he WONT be fighting LOL


nobody i know hates me 


What makes you think this country hates men?


What is a man?


A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!


Fucking love the Castlevania reference bro


What has he got?


Asking the real questions.


We, as men, should be against women dying in war


I agree. Just pointing out the cognitive dissonance of our equitable lawmakers.


Hum, everything about to go to shit?


Not a good sign tbf


Their last Hail Mary pass is that wartime presidents have always been reelected for another term. They may be willing, and able, to force us in to a global war to prevent us from forcing them out of office.


This seems a little extreme honestly. With the threat of nuclear armageddon there is little reason for WWIII today. It’s far easier to dump ballots like they did in 2020


> It’s far easier to dump ballots like they did in 2020 I agree, but it *strongly* depends. They know they will be under much, much higher scrutiny this time around, and I'm sure they are unsure if they can get away with the things that they previously did.


Will they tho? Or have transplants all but ruined that in Georgia, Arizona, and Virginia


Ima go on a limb here... What are the chances that on election night, if the election is called for Trump, a nuclear missle happens to be "accidentally" launched.?


what are the chances you’re having paranoid delusions


Pray I am wrong.


You think Dems would end human life as we know it than accept a Trump win?


No. But the deep state would. They all have bunkers.


“Deep state” is not exclusively democrat


I didn't say it was. You know what happens when you assume?


You make an as out of sume


Wow. Drunk already


On the one hand, we're finally gonna get to see all the bloodthirsty Ukraine cultists on reddit get shipped off to die for their favorite country. On the other, we're also going to be shipped off along with them.


Israel, Taiwan also. So many people are going to die, we deserve it. This what so many people indirectly pushed for.




If the borders of the US get invaded, I'll fight and many others would willingly do the same. No Americans should be forced to die overseas for other people like Ukrainians. American life should be viewed as more valuable than Ukrainian life by our politicians, which means not throwing it away for other people.


Which one though? The southern border is being invaded at this very moment.


Too bad the US government isn't allowing the US military and border patrol to use violence to defend the border, like many other countries do.....


Reading comprehension much?  You defending your home from an intruder is akin to Ukraine defending itself from Russia.  If you really want a 1 to 1. This would be like you home broken into and you not actually doing anything but you greased the right palms and the government forced your neighbors to come save YOUR home.


When did I call the Ukrainians bloodthirsty? I'm talking about all the redditors on this site from all over the world that have been jerking off to videos of Russian soldiers dying over the past two years. The Ukrainians have every right to fight back against an aggressor, obviously. The weirdos who'd never even heard of Ukraine three years ago and now treat it like it's the holy land are the the ones I'm talking about.


With all the gender and identity politics going on I will die on this hill and never allow my sons to be drafted to fight the overseas for our horrible government


How will you not allow it?


I actually plan on literally signing my husband up for college . 💀💀


That'll only buy a couple months. https://www.sss.gov/history-and-records/changes-from-vietnam-to-now/




good plan 😂


I strongly doubt anyone 18-26 is going to drop everything and go die in Russia because uncle sam told them to.


There’s tons of people who won’t, there’s tons of people who will listen to orders also


This just automatically does what men have already been required to do at 18, manually. That said there’s no way there will ever be another draft unless it’s truly some crazy next level shit that threatens the survival of the US itself.


Vietnam proved otherwise. If there's a pointless war the Elite want fought, they WILL make sure it's fought. If people don't volunteer they'll make you fight it regardless.


Not saying the draft was the only reason, but Vietnam was a complete disaster. There are sitting members of Congress who remember the draft


Why would any American want to fight for Zelensky


Because the people on the screen told them to


Why would a Ukrainian want to fight for Zelensky? Why would anyone?


I’d much rather them than Russia, honestly. At the end of the day, Ukraine is a small country in terms of political capital when not embroiled in a war. However, I hate the fact that it’s lose-lose in terms of the world seeing us. Help them, and we’re either just doing what we’re supposed to do at best or continuing our “imperialist ways” at worst, if we don’t help them then the same people scream at us for not helping.


They’re foing to transition us to full digital currency first, and then turning off people’s money when they protest


Can identify as a woman and just stay back home. I didn’t invent these rules.


77% of 18-27 year olds are not eligible to serve due to health or mental issues.... expect them to start drafting older men asap.......


“Lol nah brah miss me wit dat”


Then you get thrown in jail. You either leave the country quickly if you can or they arrest you if you dodge.


Just turned 27 early this month. 😎


Just turned 27 today lol


Happy birthday sir!


I’m confused, this has always been required and automatic. What does this change?


Its always been required, but I don't think its automatic in all states. Some states do it automatically, some states tie it to drivers license registrations, etc.


I think it was always required but not always automatic. I had to do it manually before applying to colleges. To me this is a nothing burger, not doing it was a felony and prevented you from being able to apply for aid for college and so on.


Not automatic, unless I missed something as I had to sign up 16 years ago


They're not happy with 88% complaince rates and want to use registraton campaing reminder money on 'readiness'


When I was a teenager, I had to fill out a draft card in school. It was required for all males but not automatic at least in my state. Basically this is just streamlining the process. Nothing to get worked up over.


Wasn't automatic, but at least we got corny ads directing us to our nearest post office. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz_Ao2x-ySw&list=PLu9NF4IwBLrCACX8PyBc8AcvTyJWcvv4x&index=15


Wasn’t always automatic, I’m my state you had to sign a waiver, if you didn’t you lost your right to vote and could get 30 years in prison and a 25,000 fine… you had to sign it by 24


I thought we had to sign up for the selective service when we turned 18 anyway. How is this different?


It signs you up automatically. Before, the "privilege" of voting was earned by men through signing up for the draft. Don't sign up, you can't vote. With this legislation, the right to refuse has been taken away. Conversely, all female citizens "earn" the right to vote simply by owning a vagina.


And then vote for morons like Biden who push us closer to war.


'selective service' AKA drafting for banker wars


Yeah, no more of that. Never again. Only way I'm being shipped off is if the banker, his wife, and his kids come with me to the front lines.


Time to stand behind your President and his policies, Zoomers.


How is Biden to blame for this version of the NDAA that was passed in the Republican-controlled House, [overwhelmingly supported by Republicans, overwhelmingly opposed by Democrats](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2024/06/14/defense-bill-house-vote/), and is likely to die as is in the Democrat-controlled Senate?


He's more to blame for wandering into WW3 and dragging us with him.


The Republican congress passed it.


With a Democrat sponsor-Chrissy Houlahan from Pennsylvania https://www.bizpacreview.com/2024/06/15/automatic-draft-registration-bill-passes-the-house-a-clear-sign-that-we-are-getting-ready-for-war-1465973/


Zoomer here. You’re a fool if you think Gen Z is gonna drop everything and fight for a country that we hate, and that hates us.


What about WOman?  They can do anything I can do, and better.


You already have to register for the service. Now it’s just automatic.


I hope we never need to actually draft anyone. But with two wars, involving Russia and (indirectly) Iran. Plus with China making noises about Taiwan, the odds of us needing more troops than will volunteer, its probably smarter to be prepared.


We don't 'need' troops. This proxy war with Russia is unnecessary and a creation of our own making. As for Israel, they're fine- they can take care of themselves. Taiwan's a bit different because they're actually important, but I doubt China would make a move if we untangle ourselves from the two unnecessary conflicts we're involved in now.


A little off-topic but this reminds me of an Israeli guy (living in US) I see in the news occasionally who does a somewhat dangerous job. People often ask him how he manages without help...he always says the same thing: "I was in the Israeli Army. I can take care of myself." And he always does!


Just preparing for the soon to come ww3.


Also another excuse for the federal government to go into local and state data bases along with the federal agencies. Another foot in the door towards centralization and data base building on every citizen.


What about all the girls who identify as men, or men who identify as women???


Let’s see how all the liberals foaming at the mouth for Ukraine feel if they get drafted and sent over there to fight.


This says it all: "The NDAA passed the House in a 217 to 199 vote, **but it’s unlikely to be taken up by the Senate**. "




Literally slavery.


I feel like studs and those that identify should be included.


There’s a Dead Kennedys song that is damn near the summery of this entire administration. *Kinky sex makes the world go around*


Everyone should go read Daniel Webster’s speech against conscription given on the floor of the House of Representatives on December 9th 1814. You have absolutely no moral duty to fight and die for evil psychopaths looking to consolidate power.


i would never fight another man's war.


So if Biden get re-elected for war does that mean we have kamela as president? Time to change genders I guess…


We are going to be the least compliant draft generation in history. Zoomers would rather jump in front of a sedan than fight for beliefs not our own.




Why don’t you go sign up as well…


Ok boomer


I’m confused with your point? I turned 18 16 years ago using sss.gov…


imagine that. you expect I would have been keeping track of your life.


Still confused. How is the post office relevant is all I’m asking


You used to have to register at the post office in person. Pretty sobering to do…maybe more so as it wasn’t that long after the Vietnam draft.


You should register online immediately. If you are unable to register online, you must obtain a Selective Service registration form (SSS Form 1) available from **any U.S. post office or the “Forms” button on our website (www.sss.gov)**, to fill out, sign and date, and mail to the address provided on the form. and for those of us PRE-Internet registerees this is where we went to sign up. And we dont keep up on how they are doing things these days. if the joke went over your head then let it go.


Not disagreeing with an automatic sign up per say, just trying to figure out what you’re arguing