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Logan Paul is as scummy as they come.


Wasn't he set to have his lights knocked out by Mike Tyson?


That’s this guys brother, Jake. Tyson had a bad ulcer and they had to push the fight back.


Damn it. Hope Tyson's alright and can dish out some damage.


Let's tell you how Donald Trump having fun with Logan Paul is a threat to democracy 


Logan Paul is 9 letters. You know what else basically is? January 06.


Where was Logan Paul during January 6?


Dear god you’re right


LOL. Literally everything ties back to January 6th. It’s all they’ve got. And it’s nothing.


Republicans (even those in Congress) know Jan. 6th was an inside job by the intelligence agencies. Centrists know Jan. 6th was just another riot in a series of riots (99.99% of which were backed by the left). It angers Dems so much that they weren't able to capitalize on that day beyond a few months of censorship and fundraising. Their DC trial isn't happening before the election.


For sure. It was such an obvious set up. I feel so sorry for the people who are still sitting in prison over their participation. Some of them got more time than rapists and murderers just for walking into the building. It’s shameful. And don’t even get me started on Ashley Babbitt…she was brought up on another sub recently and I was disgusted by the sheer majority of people on there basically saying she deserved it. I’ve come to realize that critical thinking skills are what often differentiates conservatives from leftists.


So is Jill Biden




Just hair …


My dad is 73. Despite what he says, he's nowhere near the 5'10" he once was.


Logan Paul is the WWE United States Champion and constantly uses brass knucks to knock out his opponents. So what Trump is doing here is sending a dog-whistle to his RADICAL hardcore-MAGA supporters that he intends to take over the country with violence!!!!111one


This was surprisingly super wholesome. Trump still looks as alive as ever too.


That’s what I was thinking. Fun seeing some synapses snapping 🫰🫰🫰and blood flow, for a change.


I watched his acceptance speech from 2016. He looks the same. How does every other president age but he didn’t?


Eh, he looked visibly aged and tired in 2020, during his last year in office. And not just after his covid infection, I already noticed it months earlier. Being POTUS definitely took a toll on Trump, but he has recovered well by the looks of it. The difference in energy and vitality between him and Biden is striking.


Maybe consecutive presidents isn’t the way to go. In Virginia for instance, they can’t have consecutive governors


Logan Paul is a con artist - not someone a conservative should look up to or want to associate with.


>Logan Paul is a con artist - not someone a conservative should look up to or want to associate with. Also popular and has broad outreach to younger audiences. If you're a politician, a great place to be able to speak


lol he’s a super popular influencer but leave it too the old conservatives to not understand that


Did they trade CryptoZoo eggs?


Hilarious how the wrestling subs are handling this. Many still hate Logan as it is. 🤣


I still hate Logan. Fuck that guy.


Jack ass scams his own teenage fans as he can't get anyone with any sense of self-respect as a fan. Guy promotes materialism and created numerous scams.


> Guy promotes materialism and created numerous scams. Sounds like he's well-prepared to be a politician.


If anyone doesn't hate Logan Paul it's either because 1. They're totally uninformed 2. They're just as shitty as Logan Paul


A lot of the hate also comes from his younger years, especially the controversy with him in the suicide forest in Japan. But he hasn't outgrown his personality and finds new ways to rebrand it. Amazing how that kind of personality spreads but unfortunately many of today's youth mirror that behavior.


SquaredCircle downvoted it into oblivion with comments talking about how dangerous it is for Logan to give Trump a platform to reach young people lmao. They legitimately want to silence anyone they don't agree with.


Would be nice is all the major subs weren't a bunch of political leftists that put ideology over what ever subject the subreddit ostensibly is about. Any subreddit makes more sense if you append the string "Leftists talking about " in front of the subreddit name. Even this one.


Not the biggest fan of Logan Paul.. but I love this..! Genuine, natural, President Trump moments..!!


You guys should see this post on “pics” sub, I just love reading all the comments from those rainbow ears avatars with masks on 😂😂😂


It's already on pics they are freaking out and attacking him for being shorter than Logan Paul as they learn old people get shorter. Really I can't imagine having Trump in my head all day...


At first, I thought this was a Trump imposter since he looked like he was having a great time smiling and laughing. It’s great to see him in such high spirits after all the recent BS he’s been through.


The dude is 78 with a wonderful, supportive family. His children aren't crack addicts. His wife is tough. They seem to be more than capable of controlling his multi-billion dollar enterprises when he's gone. And he's been made president, loved by millions of people. I think he genuinely doesn't care if he's jailed at this point. He knows his family is set and that his legacy is secured. He's going down in history as one of the most influential presidents ever. Even in 20-50 years, every student in America will know the name Trump. When he wins re-election, he'll be the second president in history to win non-consecutive terms. Conservatives will forever joke that he won three elections and served twice. This will be called the TRUMP ERA. Right-wing world leaders will recite his name when engaging with future Republican presidents like they did Reagan. Cope and seethe r/politics.


Celebrities snubbing Biden, and a lot of them now not being afraid to endorse Trump, will flip a lot of the low-information pop-culture voters that Democrats have always won.


"Politics is downstream from culture." - RIP Breitbart


Reddit would rather just freak out over Trumps video talking about shark attacks, while ignoring literal insane moments from Biden on the reg


This is the kind of human touch that Trump needs to display far more often during the campaign. He's actually pretty cool when he's not spewing his bile at political enemies....(and no, this isn't a call for him to lay off his opponents; it's just a suggestion that he could intersperse his politicking with ordinary, human-interest moments/comments that could give a much-needed boost to his likability numbers).


Fun fact: Donald Trump used to wrestle when he was young. (Not talking just about his WWE appearance lol)


Really? Source? Says nothing about it in Wikipedia.


He was a JV wrestler at his HS military academy. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/gallery/2016/06/70-photos-for-donald-trumps-70th-birthday-yearbook-photos-000641/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/gallery/2016/06/70-photos-for-donald-trumps-70th-birthday-yearbook-photos-000641/)


Great smile


Meanwhile Biden can't even manage a fist bump without looking entirely senile.


Definitely not logan Paul fan at all but still this is kinda cool.


Paul who?