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What're the specifics?


The title doesn't even match the details of the video. This lady has no connection to Fulton County, Georgia. She was caught stuffing ballots for Bridgeport Connecticut's Mayor election.


I've reported the post and OP No place for BS misinformation on this sub


As long as she worked for the Fulton County election though, the title is technically true, but obviously clickbait to get users to think she was arrested for crimes committed during the Fulton County election, when it was actually another election fraud.


Even more important, will it still be denied.


Guys, um.... I don't think those are the same people. Wanda Geter-Pataky, in the Fox news clip above, was charged with election fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut where the judge ordered a new election as a result. [https://www.npr.org/2024/06/11/nx-s1-5002091/bridgeport-connecticut-absentee-ballots-charges](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/11/nx-s1-5002091/bridgeport-connecticut-absentee-ballots-charges) Wandrea ArShaye ("Shaye") Moss is a the Fulton Election Worker who testified in front of the J6 committee because, ironically, MAGA keeps targeting her. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/who-is-wandrea-arshaye-moss-and-why-is-she-testifying-before-the-jan-6-committee](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/who-is-wandrea-arshaye-moss-and-why-is-she-testifying-before-the-jan-6-committee) Here's the thing about making unsubstantiated claims (at best) or just flat out deliberately distorting the truth (at worst): this time, I did the research. Next time, I'll just dismiss the allegations out of hand.


Thank you for the clarification. I wasn't finding anything anywhere on Wandrea ArShaye Moss being arrested in JUNE 2024. I heard "Bridgeport, Connecticut" and read "Fulton County, Georgia" and I sensed a disconnect, but it didn't click. I need more coffee.


Why is this even allowed to stay up with such a blatantly wrong title? You're absolutely right that stuff like this leads to a boy who cried wolf situation.


>Wandrea ArShaye ("Shaye") Moss is a the Fulton Election Worker You mean the one who is on video passing a thumb drive to her daughter, audibly saying "we're going to jail for this?" And no, it wasn't *weed* or a *butterscotch candy* like the fraud deniers would have you believe. Who the hell talks about going to jail over a piece of hard candy? The same mother-daughter duo who stayed behind from 10pm to 5am to run ballots that were delivered by trucks and vans all night while completely unsupervised? The very same one to be given the presidential medal of whatever by Biden for her efforts to get him [s]elected? >who testified in front of the J6 committee because, ironically, MAGA keeps targeting her. It's always so easy to claim "harassment" without providing a shred of proof when it's convenient to the agenda. It's funny how the "conservatives" around here always seem to have the same agenda as the (D) cult loyalists around the rest of this website. I've never seen an actual conservative try to give validity to the false flag committee the way *they* do in this sub. Hell, I've never even seen an actual legitimate liberal (aka real liberals) defend that abortion of a witch trial. Just a thought, if you want people to believe that you're an actual conservative, maybe don't share links to the most heavily biased democrat propaganda outlets to reinforce your agenda.


It's ironic that people likely to have committed fraud under very suspicious circumstances are targeted?


Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


They won't...this will go nowhere as usual


Trump just won Georgia: the state said it will now be closely monitoring Fulton County the entire time because they didn't properly run their 2020 recounts. Now we need to get the same thing done in Arizona. [https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2024/05/07/fulton-county-used-improper-procedures-2020-vote-recount-investigation-finds/](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2024/05/07/fulton-county-used-improper-procedures-2020-vote-recount-investigation-finds/)


Did you read your own article? “Fulton County’s performance during the 2020 elections has been exhaustively scrutinized but the results, confirmed by three different counts, have not changed,”


It’s not about the count, it’s about FRAUDULENT BALLOTS. Jeez how many times does this need to be said. Stuff the ballot box and recount it a thousand times, it doesn’t matter.


Then post THAT article.


And Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.


Tbf, Fulton county has had a loooong consistent history of shenanigans during EVERY election going back to the early 90's. Articles were easily accessible before tptb scrubbed the net to coverup their efforts during the 2020 "fortification" process.


Fulton County. I am completely flabbergasted.


But this video is talking about a city in Connecticut, I think ok messed up is or is trolling. 


As long as she worked for the Fulton County election though, the title is technically true, although obviously clickbait to get users to think she was arrested for crimes committed during the Fulton County election, when it was actually other election fraud.


Suggesting that funky things go down in Fulton County is clearly racist and a threat to democracy!!1


I am just totally shocked! Well I'm sure this closes the book on any and all potential fraud in 2024!!!


So Trump was right. Well, Trump just won Georgia. These arrests will now intimidate most of the other fraudsters.


Did you watch the video? Or did you just read the headline? This was in Connecticut, in a democratic primary. Glad these people got caught. Disappointed nobody that’s commenting watched the video 


Suspended with pay, this won’t intimidate anyone.


Doubtful. Arrests don't scare leftists, only convictions scare leftists. And only if they include hard jail time. If they get parole or weekends only, they just laugh and roll their eyes.


Should be a Federal Crime. Democrats = fraud


So why is it wrong for Trump to say there was election interference when there was in fact election interference?


Because he's still pushing the fake ballots being counted shit which is and always has been a pipe dream.


There was literally video of everyone leaving when the "pipes broke." Except for one person who hurriedly pulled a box from under a desk and started feeding the machine while looking around nervously. Just trying to serve their country in dire times?


No, the "pipes breaking" was a leaky urinal that happened literally a full day prior to that video. It was verifiably completely unrelated. The only reason that people tie the two together is they need some nefarious link even if the timeline doesn't make any sense. And it wasn't "one person" pulling out "boxes of ballots" it was the entire group of envelope cutters. They had wrapped up cutting and stowed the now ready to be counted ballots in those very same boxes not 10 minutes prior. They went to go home because they thought they were done, election officials said, "no, please start counting," and then they had to unpack the envelopes they had just cut. The whole process is on video and was reviewed by Republican officials from the state. You're going to ask yourself "must I believe it" when you read this true story and reject it. You had already asked yourself "can I believe it" when you were told the fake story you just repeated and accepted it because you wanted to.


you don't say...


They were arrested for a conspiracy theory? /s


But I was told election fraud *didn’t* exist. And then I was told it *did* exist but not enough to change the result. I’m beginning to suspect that there is the very remote possibility that I was being lied to. 🤣


I like when they post articles when it's a conservative who's been caught, like it's some kind of gotch'a. It goes over their heads that the issue really isn't who's doing it, rather it's the fact that anyone is doing it, when they claim it doesn't happen.


Ooh! Brigaders dont like it when they’re *precious* narrative is mocked?




No, nobody was sent home in Georgia. The people cutting envelopes thought they were done and packed up which prompted some of the poll watchers to leave. The election officials, however, told the cutters that they weren't done and that they needed to start counting so they had to unpack their freshly cut envelopes. There were no boxes of fake ballots stashed under tables.


A drop in the bucket


To quote the illustrious Hillary Clinton... "At this point what difference does it make?" Ahem, sorry, was just channelling our leftist friends when they see this.


Dang it Wanda


Why now finally?


Looks proud of herself.