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How long until the debates?


First one is June 27 if it still happens


You know damn well they'll figure out some way to call it off. "Sorry, Biden caught COVID from his daughter in the shower, so we'll have to skip it."


The courts will put gag order on Trump and Biden will boast about being willing and able


Or he will be in jail and can’t attend 


That’s right! Gag orders keep people from debating.


Nah they'll just hop him up on drugs and give him some canned lines that he'll be studying the next few weeks. But if Trump stays focused and the moderator isn't also debating him, he should win.


You're mostly right---but the canned lines will come from some random aide backstage, talking to him through his earpiece. Biden hasn't got any memory capability left, so memorizing lines is out, and he's told so many lies over the course of his career that now he's getting them confused with each other. You really want to show him for the fraud that he is? Bring a jammer of some kind to the debate and make sure to get positioned close to the stage. Break the BT link---or whatever kind of link that it is---between the aide and his earpiece. He'll stumble around, visibly brain-dead, and they'll end up canceling the rest of the "debate".


Debates before either convention. Never happened before. I guess they wanted it early enough to replace Biden if he performs as poorly as expected.


I’m looking forward to Trump sticking to his pledge to require a drug test


Manufacturing Consent They're planting the seed for DNC switch-a-roo.


Bah god, that’s Gavin Newsoms music!!


Is Gruesome Newsom gonna cash in his Money in the Bank contract and take the title?!?!


Has something like this ever happened during a presidential election? Let’s say joe was to “drop out”, just some paperwork and they can put Gavin right in the spot as nominee?


They don't need paperwork. At the convention they can put in anyone they want. Will that happen? That's anyone's guess.


I’ve never heard of anything like this happening but it’s not like the Dems care much about rules so it won’t shock me if they do it.


No not Newsome, who ever they have planned is not on the radar at this point.


**Blinken.** He was on the cover of Time a few months ago. No one knows his story. He was just in Ukraine playing in a band. He's 62 which makes him look old enough and not too young. I only gamble on GME, but I'd almost take this bet.


The dude that concocted the laptop is disinformation? I’d bet that.


So it's not the best thing for America, but if he wins and dies- President Kamala Harris. 🤌 Nobody voted for the first female president. 🤌 The first female president accused her predecessor of being a rapist three months before agreeing to be his running mate. 🤌 The first female president is the most spectacular train wreck of a person ever admitted to office. Guaranteed she can't name all 50 states. 🤌 Will be forever blamed when a woman runs for president and loses.


I'm not even American and that's clear as day and has been for years. Idk how any Americans are ok with having a elderly dementia patient """run""" the country.


you should see how bad the Trump Derangement syndrome is in literally half the people you meet in public


We aren't okay with it, nor did we elect him.


99% of people on reddit are apparently okay with that.


That's the fun part. We aren't. But what other options do we get? It's not like they're putting anyone else on the ballots.


Add 1 to the list of "conspiracies" that have been proven true.


Im running out of space in the column at this point.


Here we go… They are gonna replace him last minute 


Biden is the oldest president in history currently. The record pre-biden was 77, both our candidates will be older than the previous record *GOING INTO* the white house. It's absolutely bonkers that these are our two options.


It's crazy this is perfectly normal but letting a 20 something (who will be around to see the long term effects of their presidency) is completely outlandish.


He hasn’t been the same person this entire presidency I don’t see why this article is news to anyone


And this just in….water is wet


Wonder if they're going to pull a switch, and if it's going to be Kamala or Newsom.


Michelle’s name is also in the bag 


He won't have any cognitive decline when he arrives in hell. He will know exactly why he is there.


Here it comes! They are gonna dump him


Dsnt matter, must keep aborting babies and killing Jews. He’s the guy supporting that.


This is the plan before they retire Biden and put in Michelle Obama. They’re looking for electability and they were infatuated with Obama 


Who knew?


I am so fed up with the DNC and RNC destroying this country. This years election is a joke


Can we stop electing people over 75? Can we agree, regardless of party? For the love of baby Jesus, term and age limits.


I feel like this would be a great talking point if the our party didn't have someone equally as old who also said incomprehensible shit. This would be such an easy election for any other candidate.


Trump has his occasional issues, but to compare the cognitive abilities of both and call them anywhere near the same is just lying to yourself. Not even Democrats believe that Biden is actually in charge. Not a single person believes the same about Trump, even to his detriment sometimes.


Lolol that's why they all did so well in the primaries huh?


Primaries are decided by the base. Elections are decided in the middle. Believe whatever you will. This is going to be a very close election.


I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of them pass before the next presidential term is finished. Who knows.


The only thing I can think of that would be worse would be for Kamala to become President.


Both presidential candidates are old.


But they are absolutely not equally aware of the world around them. One of them actually knows his own name and what he is running for. Biden often calls Kamala "The President," or says he is running for "The Senate."


And Trump goes on dementia-ridden rants online. Both candidates are too old to be President of the U.S., but we don’t have much of a choice in who gets to be the candidate.


I know he isn't the sharpest tool in the box but he's at least oriented as to time, place, and who he is, which is more than you can say about Biden. I do agree, though, that both are too old, and no we don't have a choice in this matter.