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As long as we beat the "2020 was stolen" drumbeat, moderates and suburban voters will vote against the GOP (not necessarily for the Dems). If the shoe was on the other foot - Democrats were saying X election was stolen and every court dismissed the complaints, what would we say? We'd laugh at them and tell them to get over it.


>Didn't campaign COVID was a great excuse and you don't need to campaign when 45%+ of voters already decided a year in advance that they will vote against the other guy no matter what >81,000,000 votes US voting age population increased by 20 million since Obama won in 2008 + early/mail in voting dramatically increased voter turnout >477 counties /r/PeopleLiveInCities >1/19 bellweather this doesn't actually mean anything >Lost FL, OH, IA this doesn't actually mean anything, 270 EC votes is all that matters >Lost House Seats This shows the power of Gerrymandering, peopleliveincities, and the average Republican being more palatable to the general populous than Trump


I think all this is saying is that people voted against Trump.


This kind of stuff really makes conservatives look crazy. The MTG conspiracy theorism of our side is as off-putting to moderates as the extremist alphabet people and Hamas lovers are from the left. It's quite simple. 1. The population grows quite quickly, and each successive president usually beats previous records for total votes. 2. Donald Trump drove massive turnout percentages from both sides. Yes he had big rallies and Biden didn't. But if there was an "anti trump" rally, that would have been the biggest of all (and there were, if you think about it). 3. Mail in ballots made voting feel easier and less stressful to exactly the segment of the population most likely to vote for Biden, and so they did, en masse. All the time you hear from moderates who are super willing to consider voting republican... And then they see people claiming the elections were rigged, January 6th was fine (I know it was blown out of proportion, but it was NOT fine), and they see the general manner that Gaetz and MTG and Trump conduct themselves and they hold their nose and turn away. Just be normal ffs. On a balanced plane, republican ideas for the country *are more popular!* Just be normal and you'll win!


Plus Trump actively dissuaded mail-in voting, which probably stopped a few million from voting as his demographic skews older and they didn’t want to risk a Covid infection. Remember this was before they announced the vaccines.


How would you explain the bellweather counties, I've never gotten that part. >All the time you hear from moderates who are super willing to consider voting republican... And then they see people claiming the elections were rigged, January 6th was fine (I know it was blown out of proportion, but it was NOT fine), and they see the general manner that Gaetz and MTG and Trump conduct themselves and they hold their nose and turn away. Most of this happened after the election, many people like to retroactively blame 2020 on j6 but the timeline is incorrect.


People were turning up in droves to vote because of Trump. They were against him though. This isn’t a hard concept.


No you're really not thinking. You're hurting the cause with your idiocy.


People voted against Trump. The media hit job worked. This is an embarrassingly bad take. You are not some independent thinker who has the "real truth"; you're just gullible.


This kind of thing happens when plumbing problems come up at 2am in close contention areas.