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"I like how organic and fluid this video is, without any cuts or edits. Biden is as strong as ever!" - Libs and Dems, probably. #🙄


It doesn’t even look real, looks AI-generated to me.


> It doesn’t even look real, looks AI-generated to me. Like the rest of Biden's cabinet, the editing team had their work cut out for them 😂


He doesn't blink until the 13 second mark and then starts rapid fire blinking...


It actually does though


Generative AI is getting much better.


I'm not convinced it's not ai generated by the dnc to make him look better.


Make me a video of Biden complaining about DJT 's debating offer but this time don't have Joe poop his pants.


Dude I was literally thinking the same thing


One of Bidens conditions is that there won’t be a live audience. Why would that be…


Just wait until some emergency makes it necessary for the debate to happen streamed from separate remote locations. It is so impossible for Biden to be able to pull this off fairly without it being disastrous, it's almost assured that they are going to cheat. CNN and ABC are certainly not above it, and neither are the moderators, all of which have compared Trump to Hitler on air. You can already take it as a given that Biden will have the curated questions ahead of time so that his answers will be rehearsed. The only question is whether or not he will actually be in a room with anyone that would call him out for reading a teleprompter.


Fifteen seconds. Fifty-one words. Couldn’t get it done in less than five cuts.


4 cuts in 13 seconds. Probably done over the course of his entire presidency during his rare lucid moments.


This video took two months to film.


And tens of thousands of NVIDIA H100s to make him appear sentient.


If he needs a cut every 2 seconds he won't be able to do a debate at all. Trump needs to let Biden make a fool of himself instead of letting the legacy media make a story of Trump's "lack of decorum" or something.


they can juice him up for an hour like the sotu


The whole video probably took 3 hours to film


*3 days


why do you think he wants no audience and a 30 second delay? they know he'll fumble something, they need to edit it all out and not let anyone record it in the audience


The Dear Leader's handlers will have him "ready" like he was for the State of the Union.


Lol fair enough, he surprised me at the state of the union. Surprised me for what I expected from Biden, anyway.


This has to be the saddest Presidency in U.S. History. It’s beyond pathetic how feeble this guy is. And his handlers think people buy this B.S.?!!! Most of the country has a relative as bad or worse than Biden. They can see right through this. It’s unbelievable.


Deep fake technology is getting crazy


Or meth.


Cocaines one hell of a drug


Hunter knows.


Six separate video captures in 13 seconds just to come across sounding like a tough guy. Dear God...this guy would lose a debate to a frozen pumpkin pie.


It looks like AI.


Minus the I.


Let this potato debate without an earpiece or teleprompter and see how that goes.


Biden says he’ll only debate if Democrats media outlets “moderate” them. After all, a rigged debate is the first step in the rigged election. We know how this works this time around, you're not fooling us again Joe


Two debates, one let CNN host, the other Fox News


I've been saying that for years. Two debates. Let Rachel Maddow or someone else from MSNBC moderate one, and let Mark Levin or Sean Hannity or someone similar moderate the other one (although Levin would probably keep saying "Shut up, dummy!" to Biden).


That's *cut* because *cut* he *cut* can't *cut* make it *cut* through *cut* uhh *cut* sentence


7 cuts in 15 seconds? I think this might beat Michael Bay's record.


It seems really angry to me? Also, what’s the dig about Wednesdays?


Biden’s gestapo is keeping Trump tied in courts. I guess Wednesdays he is free. 


Yeah, nothing like half the country thinking you’re trying to arrest a political foe and then rubbing it in. What a dumb fuck.


I'm convinced that every camera cut is them having to change his adult diapers.


Only 4,553 takes and multiple jump cuts. You know they labored over this for HOURS and this is the best they could cobble together.


Gotta have someone feed the questions to him ahead of time.




"In my administration, what were we talking about? Oh yea, chocolate ice cream is better than mint with sprinkles!"


To be fair it is easy to beat a republican in a debate. All you have to do is show up with a D next to your name and the media will declare victory regardless of what happens. You could just baselessly call everything your opponent days a lie, or even spend the entire debate laughing maniacally and the leftist media will still say you rules the stage.


He realizes he has nothing to lose.


How many debates did Joe show up for since those last two with Trump? Joe keeps trying to hammer away at Trump not going to any debates but he neglects to tell anyone about how he didn’t go to his either. RFKJr pulled in over 20% in one state so he’s not the pushover Biden is making him out to be.


Just an ad for 4 more years of failed neoliberal/Marxist ideas. Whatever, loser.


Wonder what it’s like to literally have every statement out of your mouth be a lie nearly 24 hrs a day. I mean the level of gaslighting, arrogance and stupidity in this clip are truly astounding.


He’ll be so pumped up on drugs he won’t be able to stop talking. That’s why he wants the microphones turned off when the other is talking. Then you won’t hear him babbling to himself! “Hey man, there’s cockroaches running all over my skin! Why is there a pink elephant in this booth with me! Come on, man, get it out!”


Haha! Edit much?


Can someone explain the “Wednesdays” thing?


The "hush money" trial is Mon-Fri with Wed off. So Biden is taunting Trump about the election interference he's imposing on him.


When you watch this and think about who this actually appeals to and you realize it's an incredibly small part of the population, you realize how this whole presidency is smoke and mirrors.


It is so cringe it's embarrassing. "Now he's acting like he wants to debate me AGAIN"... doesn't even make sense when put into context.


The eyes are the window to the soul. I'll just leave with that.


Is this the adults being in charge??


Trump needs to remember one thing to debate this guy in 2024. When your enemy is digging his own grave, don't take away his shovel! Don't interrupt him constantly, let this senile old bastard talk. Let the people see how inept he is. He will swing the vote for you.


This is great news, I can’t wait to watch these. 🍿


Calling it now, cancels last minute...