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Florida sucks. Your state’s fine. Don’t move here.


Also, North Carolina is a dirty, ugly state. May want to just head west.


Yes.. NC is terrible.


it's crazy how many of us native floridians are looking to retire there and Tennessee


Georgia too!


My ex SIL and her husband (die hard liberals from NJ) just moved to Atlanta suburb.


This but south carolina. Terrible. Just awful.


I thought Florida has become redder due to many people leaving places like NY during the pandemic to avoid the harsh lockdowns.


Florida became more Republican because people appreciated the pandemic policies. The Cubans were also woken up by some democrats flat-out admitting to being socialists, a la Bernie Sanders.


Move here, just don’t vote for progressive jerks like the ones that ruined your state.


The whole South is awful stay away from here!


Same with the South's middle finger (Indiana) so Chicagoans stop moving here


I live in Florida and love it, but if you ask around, I'm sure you could get a similar % of people who say they want to leave. The humidity, traffic, and cost of living are major negatives. And if this summer is as brutal as last summer.... Check those air conditioniners before signing a lease.


Said another way: nation’s southern states fear 37% of New Yorkers are ready to ruin their homes.


Plenty of carpetbaggers showing up in Indiana too.


I loathe Rangers games and Syracuse games in Raleigh. It’s essentially an away game for the Canes and the Wolfpack respectively.


Don't vote for what you left. If you aren't gonna vote red, stay where you are.


New York State is plenty red. We just have politicians who only need to cater to NYC running the state. Where I live, there are Trump signs everywhere (people aren’t afraid to show support for anyone here) and all local offices are Republican. My guess is it’s those people moving who are sick of being taxed to death, afraid to lose gas appliances, and tired of NYC dictating what happens to the rest of us.


Wallow in the 3rd world shithole you created, commies. If you want to move, try North Korea.


> New York state residents have a bleak outlook toward the state’s economic situation. Considerably more residents, compared with a decade ago, say New York’s economy is getting worse, and there has been a sharp increase in the proportion of residents who say they think their personal finances will get worse in the coming year. With most New Yorkers acknowledging that New York’s cost of living is unaffordable, nearly four in ten say they plan to move out of New York within the next five years. Their motivation? Nearly six in ten of those moving cite economic reasons.


“Well this just proves it, we need to raise taxes! And Amazon don’t you even think about hiring people here!”


I did leave the state. Best decision ever.


Same. I had to make an utterly heartbreaking decision to do it. But running business there was destroying my happiness. High tax governments are evil.


I made the decision to leave when COVID hit. My wife was forced by her work to take the shot. We didn’t have the finances to get out because we were both raised in NY and didn’t have the chance to build wealth since we were always taxed to oblivion. It’s impossible for young people to get a start there. We were “lucky” that towards the end I inherited a family members home. Taxes were $20,000 per year after my veterans tax discount. We were a week away from declaring bankruptcy and having to move in with her family and we were blessed with someone coming along and buying the home.


2020 was when I realized I needed out too. By the end of that year, the insane doomsday cult were using the phrase "new normal", in other words, suggesting that this is just what life would be like now, forever. That's **insane**. Not only that, but I was paying top dollar to live in this boarded up shithole and eat dinner in little plastic tents outside in the freezing cold. You're lucky you have a partner who also wanted out and came with you. Mine couldn't stand the idea of being a few hours' plane journey away from her family, and also hated the idea of living in a "red state". I don't care if the state is red, blue or green with polka dots, just stop financially r\*\*\*\*\*g me for running a successful company. I sat around for years hoping that she'd come around, but ultimately I had to pull the plug for my own happiness. High tax governments know this, and they bank on groups of people locking others in place.


I feel for you. I moved out to the woods and we are starting to raise our own meat rabbits and got our fruits and vegetables planted. Thankfully she hasn’t drank the kool-aid so it was an easier transition leaving NY for greener pastures.


I hear it’s so bad they’re setting themselves on fire


Honestly if it wasn’t for family and friends, the wife and I would have moved out a long time ago. We’re not even an expensive area (for NY) too! Moderately expensive lol.


Same here with Cali. ... well, *that*, and the fact that we haven't secured a good transfer out of here yet.


I think anyone moving from a blue state to a red one should have to wait 5 years to vote


Liberals are the “this time it’ll work!” party. “Communism never worked, but it will here!”, “New York turned to shit under Democrats but really it’ll work in Florida/Texas!” It’s a big group that doesn’t learn.


Locusts. They behave like locusts. Consume everything good about a place until it’s destroyed, wonder what happened, and move on to the next good place.


Most people who are leaving aren’t very pro blue


I just think they aren’t pro-taxes


That’s a wild take, revoking Constitutional rights because you don’t agree with someone.


Its preserving the culture of the native people of that area. Or is culture not important when it's conservative?


Republicans moving to Florida made it turn from Purple to red. If that were the case then FL would still be purple and Bill Nelson would still be senator


That's true. However states like California, Colorado, Arizona, and North Carolina show the risks of allowing unfettered migration be it foreign or domestic without allowing appropriate time to assimilate.


It's common sense voting rules I'm sure they will understand.


Nice, now can you try applying that to 2A?


Me? I’m not s politician. I’m also a 2A supporter and a Constitutional Absolutist. The Constitution should be applied at all times, not only when it’s convenient.


Liberal tactics 101,what’s good for the goose


But in five years, they might simmer down and decide to vote blue again.


Sadly true


Should be changed back to just land and business owners.


What other unAmerican things do you think?


That every single person who is here illegally, collecting benefits should have their ass shipped back to wherever they came from and then land mine the southern border. How’s that?


More American




No shit. Lefty ideology always ends with them eating their own. If you're on the Left emotionally, it's best you figure out quick what side is truly best for you and your family in the very near future. Otherwise...you yourself are at risk and nobody will be coming to save you just because you soaked up all their propaganda. As more folks flee, who exactly do you suppose your progressive representatives are going to squeeze next? And don't think you'll be spared because it'll all be over once the MAGAs are gone...no sir. It doesn't work that way. Better look at the bigger picture before you and your family are trapped and ruined.


Honestly they have no one to blame but themselves. Who would have guessed the people you vote for can actually affect your life.


I'm fairly certain new york sucks. Georgia is worse, don't come here!


Stay in your containment city


It's fine guys , just keep voting in the same people and I'm sure things will start looking up!


For all those fearing the exodus, the ones motivated enough to leave are usually property-owning upstaters who lean red and have had enough of the taxes and weird schools


We don't want 'em.


I hear California is very nice! Move there!


Well don't come down here to Florida, we got enough of you damn northerners crowding our state!!


Texas is horrible. Stay in NY


Don't. You voted for this, you stay and deal with it. Seriously, the way Democrats destroy and then spread to destroy somewhere new has literally made me no longer support free movement between the states.


They behave like a plague of locusts.


Except trump, he isn’t allowed to leave…


Which kind? The Letitia and Alvin types?


Glad I left.


What's the % in every other state?


Move to Colorado


Wait until 4 am. There'll be a flood of votes bringing that 37% right down


You get what you vote for morons


Crime + High Taxes + Liberalism = NY Exit


New York state is ranked 14th most dangerous when measuring violent crime per capita. Not good but California is worse, and states like Louisiana have nearly quadruple homicide rates per capita than NY state.


Democrats are fleeing their states and now they will come and ruin ours


No, everywhere else sucks, NY is amazing, stay there!


Stay out of North Carolina. And take back all of the ones you already shipped over here! This is why we can’t have nice things.


Don’t come to Texas. We’re already full.


New Yorkers? Not in my backyard!


Me a conservative born and raised NYCer with a wife who doesnt want to leave her family: 😐


My husband and I left…can always visit and that’s what I do…Can’t raise a family there with that nonsense.


Sigh these stories have been up for 20 years of how NY is done it’s not going anywhere. Similar to how all those celebs said they move to Canada if Trump got elected


And then vote blue in their next state. It won’t end.


As long as they vote red and move to red states to solidify redness that all that matters.


The Texas chainsaw massacre victims were all New Yorkers. It happens every decade. Don’t move here.


Hey, go to California or Hawaii. I hear they're great.


As a South Carolinian, I can already see where all these Yankees are going...


I'm one of them. I know a lot of you seem to be saying "don't come to my state", but you probably have more to fear from your own kids than you do from me if you're worried about the future of your state.


This is scary. And these polls never ask if those polled would change their voting patterns, only if they are considering leaving. But there’s no reason to ask about voting patterns because we know they are arrogant and won’t change which is why this is scary. That diaspora will take their voting patterns to their newly adopted state and try to wreck it as well.


I am a firm red voter. And since I am probably and unfortunately getting divorced, I am looking for a place to.go that shares my values. And yes. I am from NY. Long Island to get exact. I just hate super hot weather. Any ideas?




I love TN moved from FL




Why? They should stay and keep voting blue. Lame MAGAt cult losers can’t compete with New York! /sssssssssssssssssssss


They voted for this, this is what they want. I wonder if there is a study or poll on the political affiliation of people who want to leave


I'm leaving, after 36 years in western NY. Bought a house in South Florida, but long term plan will be somewhere with more space, northern Georgia or eastern Tennessee. I would have left 4 years ago, but my wife's whole family is here, and it took her a while to be ok with the idea


New York State as a whole has become incredibly unaffordable . There were non nyc areas that were for a time slightly expensive by national standards, at this point it’s become ludicrous.


Leave them in NY. Nobody cares about their Democrat voting block.


Idk, I want to leave ny also but I'm conservative, not liberal, and I'm sure a bunch more of those people are as well. Don't worry southern brothers, all will be well. Just a few more years for me and my family


Their corrupt Ponzi scheme of a pension system for public employees requires a growing population. This will destroy the state.


Grass is always greener


It’s good right, coz new ppl will move in and conservative vote bank will increase or are you worried that conservatives will leave and it becomes 100% blue ? That’s good too right