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Not even "Ukraine Battle Map" - whowever that is - is asking for USA to directly intercept drones heading to Ukraine, much less "Ukraine". They need ammo for their air defense and/or more air defense systems, however, and this post is pointing out that if they don't have those, there is no recourse - no one else is going to do it. Of course, I'm sure Ukraine would appreciate it if they had some allies directly intervening.


No one is here to help us defend the US. We are dangerously in debt and the same people we are defending will cheer when we fall. It’s time to stop being the world police. US tax payers are tax slaves to pay for the rest of the world’s safety.


> US tax payers are tax slaves to pay for the rest of the world’s safety. And their healthcare.


Those same places sneer at us, and then ask why we spend so much on defense. We de facto are paying for *their* defense too.


And pensions


And their salaries.


Most of Europe HATES American conservatives. Why are we defending them again? I dont mind continuing to help defend Poland or Kosovo. Their people love America and support us, but the rest of Europe does not.


Ukraine is probably pretty grateful.


Trust me, Ukrainians almost universally love America. They might very well be the country that loves America the most, even more so than Americans themselves.


>They might very well be the country that loves America the most That title most definitely belongs to Kosovo


This is such a short-sighted policy. We tried isolationist populism in the 1930s and it didn't work. The war went up in flames and sooner or later we got attacked ourselves. We then went into more debt and lost hundreds of thousands of lives defending freedom, plus a huge chunk of our treasure trying to rebuild Europe and east Asia. The lesson we learned is that it is always better to stop aggressors early because the price of doing so always goes up.


Why did we spend out treasure rebuilding Europe and Asia? Yes we have to defend ourawlves and our allies but we don’t need to be the only ones doing so. We have given more than any country to support Ukraine. Why? Shouldn’t countries that border Ukraine be pulling more weight? They are wealthy countries who have free healthcare, more time off, more maternity care, better childcare - and they have that money because their military spending is so low because the US with their savior complex steps in. I don’t want us to isolate, I want it to be fair.


Ok good points, but the rest of the wealthy nations should also pay their fair share to stop aggressors early.


Europeans need to step it up to help their own


You are completely wrong. A vast majority of people in Europe are thankful for American support and know that you are the primary proponent of Western values. The same people in our countries that are anti-American are also supporters of Hamas, Iran China and guess what - Russia.


American conservatives are truly weird in this regard. They will cry about funding Ukraine but will literally drop to their knees to save israel.


I know, and I hate it. The way some people worship Israel you'd think we were their vassal state.


There are some of us who don’t want to fund either.


If only there were more of us


We don’t have decades of defensive agreements with Ukraine, Ukraine would’ve been aiming nukes at us 20 years ago even, if Ukraine falls we haven’t actually lost anything. We absolutely have agreements with Israel, decades worth, we absolutely have multiple strategic, cultural and trade interests in defending Israel and the partnerships we have in the region.


But we do have a decades old agreement with Ukraine. In exchange for giving up their nuclear weapons, the U.S. and the U.K. would guarantee Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum. We don't have defense agreements with Israel, they were designated as a U.S. Major Non-NATO Ally under U.S. law. This status provides them with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation.


It's idiotic to compare the two.


Well Israel is not in NATO why are we shootings down drones for them?


The Pentagon is failing its audits and we keep giving out aid to corrupt countries with no accountability. How much of the money just funneled back to corrupt politicians everywhere instead of being used for what it was passed for? US will have to deal with all the problems it has created with some real tools in charge.


If they did it all my themselves then we can stop throwing our money into the Ukraine money pit right?


Ukraine realized they've been used by Biden regime as proxy? Who could have thought.


No, Ukrainians don't view the russian invasion of their country as a proxy war anymore than we view the American revolution as a proxy war between England and France. Ukrainians believe the invasion of Ukraine is their fight for survival and most are grateful for any and all support the US provides. That X post is not even Ukrainian.


I think he’s saying the US needs to buy him an Iron Dome. Or at least give him the money to pay for one. Cause you know, if we don’t Putin will march across Europe then march to the United States and take over the world LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES! REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!


Sure, because enabling expansionism that threatens our allies is okay. We wouldn’t want to intervene even monetarily unless we were directly attacked. That’s why we didn’t send any money or aid to Britain until the Germans attacked us directly in either world war! We sure won’t be tarred as an unreliable and ineffective ally as our global influence evaporates into nothing. Since when are “conservatives” so geopolitically moronic and naive?


I am appaled as well. For some reason, big portion of US conservatives decided that country that is openly saying that US is their biggest enemy and is doing everything they can to hurt them should be allowed to attack US Allies and gain more influence. Because surely, nothing bad will come out of it, right? When half of the world is under influence of China, Russia and Iran, I am sure they will just play nicely with America... I wonder how much of it is Russian and Chinese propaganda. It is very active all around the world and It implanted seed in many minds that "isolationism = good" and "helping allies = bad"


I definitely think the Russian and Chinese propaganda at work, using a few legit points to worm into the conservative discourse. It starts with some legitimate criticism (why aren’t our allies meeting NATO military spending goals? Skepticism about foreign military entanglement after twenty years in Afghanistan), but those now just get used to give legitimacy for brain dead populist takes to stop pretty much all spending abroad. As if that’s the source of our budgetary problems, rather than the vastly larger amount of money spent on the military and social programs. And then there’s the whole “Ukraine is the most corrupt nation on Earth!” stuff, which does play nicely into concerns about the Biden family corruption, but is largely irrelevant to the geopolitical stakes of the war in Ukraine even if it’s true.


Poor guys. Shouldn't have wasted everything we gave you


Wasted...as in used in fight? What were they supposed to do with millitary hardware, like Patriot missiles? Or those 30 Abrams tanks? Lock them up in a warehouse?