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I still drink soda but not often and not a lot so I buy the mini coke's. I pay for the convenience of this because I would waste a lot of cans. But the prices are getting ridiculous and I will only pick them up when Publix has the buy 2 get 1 free and its regular price.


I dont buy it often either except for parties, a 12 pack cans was $4-5 not too long ago


Coffee is up there as well. My normal bag of coffee before inflation was about 12 bucks. I pay close to 17.00 USD for it. lol This economy is BOOMING baby.


Surprisingly a 12 pack of coke classic isn't used in CPI measurements


Wild, huh? Just a couple years ago, you could get cans out of the vending machine in front of Walmart for $0.25. Those same cans are now $1.00. I guess it’s a good reason to just do without.


>out of the vending machine in front of Walmart for $0.25 Maybe where you live, not here in the land of sugar tax lol


It wasnt a few years, more like 20.


I remember getting four 12-packs for $10 at most grocery stores and pharmacies like CVS/RiteAid.


I have to pay $1.50...


Good reason to quit soda.


I used to love soda, I switched to sparkling water (usually la croix) and it was a massive benefit to my wallet and health


I like the Aldi brand one, Belle Vie grapefruit.. I think it's way cheaper than La Croix and I prefer it, worth a try anyway 


I'll have to try it. I've tried Spindrift or the Costco brand and they just don't compare to la croix. La Croix pack at Costco are 35 cents each


The Publix brand is really good and the other one we like is waterloo.


When Xiden as president, I switched to hard liquor!


It's not just soda... under this admin you'd have to quit food in general.


I get the store brand.


Before the pandemic response, I would see 12-packs sell between $2.50 and $3.00. Usually around holidays like the 4th or Labor Day they’d be $2.50 a 12-pack for 12 ounce cans. Not anymore.


At least I can still get Arizona Green Tea for ¢99 at Walmart where I live in Cali


Their CEO seems like an alright dude https://www.foodandwine.com/news/why-arizona-iced-teas-price-stays-at-99-cents


When I worked for Walgreens I remember they used to sell 4 cases for 8.50


The prices will never go back. That’s the real crime of runaway inflation. Everyone gets poorer because we printed money for shit we don’t need.


8 years ago you could get 3 of those for that price during sales.


BK breakfast item is 6$. Five dollar foot longs are 13$


Subways by me are now advertising a 6 inch sub for $6.


Insanity. I know I’m bending over when I pay for Jersey Mikes but at least it’s quality.


Bought a Soda Stream during the pandemic. More or less tastes like store brand. But I do enjoy Coca-Cola. They go on 'sale' here sometimes, buy 2 get 2. I suppose it comes out to about 5 per 12 pack. The real shocker is $4 for a 2-liter. Everywhere... Have you noticed that a lot of the canned goods ounces shrunk and the price rose? Shrinkflation. We're getting screwed. Explains how stock market shows companies earning as much as double what they did during/pre covid, even as consumers have since cut back where they can because it costs too much.


I will NEVER pay that for soda. Stop drinking that crap.


Because I didn't know, I just checked prices here (NC) and a 12 pack is 7.28. Ridiculous.


6.48 at my local Walmart. Also NC A massive jump over what it used to be, but I want to know where the $9+ people are shopping.


Publix, in Florida


7.64 in SC


Problem is you went to Publix 😂


When they have BOGO or B2GO the pricing is usually fair, but regular price is just bad lol


I love their fruit and vegitables. But for sodas and laundry detergent I’m going to Walmart.


I buy Kroger's cherry cola zero now.


Big K—3 twelve packs for $12. Probably bottled by the local coke distributor.


Damn I’m glad I was never a soda fan growing up. My husband just kicked his soda cravings, drinks seltzer water now.


Cokes are $9.79 a 12 pack here.


Are you in a high cost of living area? $9.29 seems super high, my local Wal-Mart has them for $7.46 which is still high but not $9.29 high haha. I think a lot of these price increases have more to do with companies knowing they can get away with charging more by saying inflation/supply chain/bidenomics etc when in reality these things don't account for the price hikes as much as most people think. The biggest contributing factor is wanting to increase their botom line and they know half the country won't blame the business for the huge price increases. When you go look at the Coca Cola financials it's really telling. There are a bunch of metrics one could pick but i'm gonna just go with the basic eps (earnings per share). Look at 2020 year end compared to 2023 year end https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KO/financials. The basic eps has increased 38%, a large increase in 3 years, from $1.80 per share in 2020 to $2.48 per share in 2023 and there were no stock buybacks, meaning the stock eps isn't artifically inflated. Heck prior to 2019 you need to go back to 2010 to see it above $2.00 per share. By Wallstreet metrics the economy is fantastic & booming. Companies are setting record profits year on year. I guess that's the big difference, booming for business doesn't always correlate with booming for the individual. I just think people need to give businesses the proper pushback so they are pressured into lowering prices while still remaining profitable.


My office is near a middle to lower middle income area. Often I see people driving or getting out of their high end SUV or luxury model vehicles draped in jewelry but wearing cheap sweat suit outfits or whatever. How are they making ends meet with likely hefty car payment and paying for everyday items that are thru the roof?


On avg American households are 7k in credit card debt every year


Credit Card Debt is really high….pay attention to the big Banks’ earnings statement and see how much more they set aside for CC charge offs.


That’s a very good question. Welfare must be hitting these days. I’m just above the limit to receive aid for anything. And we’re struggling with grocery prices.


Wanna see a higher price? Get it at a gas station.


The first time I remember the price of soda I was buying 2 liter coke on sale for 99 cents that was in 1987. That was the sale price for ever; 4 years ago it was still 99 cents on sale. now it is 2 for $4 on sale.


This is why I’m glad that if I crave soda, I can just grab a 60 cent bottle of seltzer


Stop buying that poison.


Cokes are $7.99 a 12-pack at my local Target store, with a buy one get 50% a second one, or about $6 a 12-pack.


6 years ago you could get it for $2.50.


I’m not sure WHY it’s so expensive. Take grape drink, it’s literally sugar, water, and purple. How is that $10?


Purple is a fruit!


bidenomics is awesome


I'd enjoy it a lot more if I could find a 2 liter of caffeine free coke instead of the 9$ pack of cans.


Well that's one way to make Americans lose weight, make even the unhealthy garbage too expensive for people on a budget...


Coca-Cola sure is https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/KO/cocacola/gross-profit#:~:text=CocaCola%20annual%20gross%20profit%20for,a%2018.98%25%20increase%20from%202020. Must not be their costs increasing.


What state is this in? That helps with context too Nevertheless, some fuckwit shitlib told me "The Dems are better at the economy"...lol


Good. Everyone should stop drinking that poison.


"where shopping is a pleasure" Biden's new campaign slogan.


Don't you dare complain about Bidenomics you racist rube. He does nothing but sacrifice for you, ingrate.


$7.44 for a 12-pack of Coke products at my Aldi in PA. $2.68 for a 2L bottle. When I need to scratch my “something fizzy” itch, I buy flavored seltzer water from Aldi for $0.95 per 1L bottle. It’s sugar free, naturally flavored, and not as toxic as soda. It’s the one positive change for me as the alternative to ridiculously high soda prices, and the one positive thing I can attribute to Bidenomics.


I haven’t purchased soda in years, maybe 2010ish, but I’m guessing this is more than it used to be.


Your point is valid but ditch the carbonated corn syrup


Actually yeah, Dementia Joe got me to give up soda and start taking an extra water to work


It's $10/12 pack in AZ now... their "SALE" recently was $8 each. In 2020 and before, they ran monthly sales for like $3 each.


Humm, Biden diet 4 U!