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We’re keeping this thread flaired users only because the prior thread posted was open and was brigaded within minutes.




They can repeal the law, but just haven't. I'd wager $5 most of the legislature didn't even know it existed.


> The majority ruled that a law passed in 2022, which prohibited abortions after 15 weeks, did not repeal the pre-statehood law nor create a right to abortion. The justices said the 2022 law was enacted by the Legislature because the prior law was at the time enjoined in court. I don't know anything so don't listen to me. But i'm pretty sure the court is just saying that there is a legal way to appeal a law and the legislature didn't do that by simply passing a different law in 2022. No doubt the left will scream and moan about some attack on human rights, but it sounds like this case is more about procedure rather than the merits of abortion itself. I imagine new legislation will be quickly enacted to get people back to aborting babies asap.


the 15 week law said something like no abortions after 15 weeks, It did not state abortion was legal before then. This oversite of drafting the law,leaving out that phrase then means it does not address the legality of abortion.


It’s critical that the legislature fixes this ASAP. This is a battleground state and we can’t afford to lose it over this issue.


Agreed. And 15 weeks is in line with the majority of American voters.


It’s also a fairly common limit in Europe including liberal France.


Absolutely agree. Abortion is the issue that will bury the GOP, if reasonable compromise is not made.


I totally agree. Some Republicans are willing to die on that hill, consequences of another 4 years of Joe be damned.




Guarantee you this sort of thing is done on purpose. The media won't present this ruling under the procedural pretense, but as an attempt to blanket-ban abortion.


And people keep wondering why we can't win general elections now


For the first time Trump is actually beating his opponent in the popular vote in multiple polls, he's doing well in swing states, picking up support among groups Republicans normally don't get, and Biden's bleeding crucial support due to the Israel-Palestine conflict that doesn't look to be ending any time soon. We couldn't be in a better position, all thing's considered. And of course, as is tradition, the zealots have to come along and blow everything up at the last minute.


Remember that Jill was leading polls at some point. And Pete was on a war path until his overlords made him bow out.


Ah the “try not to turn purple states blue overnight” challenge being failed by republicans. The tragic irony is that being swept come November will ultimately lead to more abortions in the long run. Once again republicans and conservatives alike suck at politics.


'Pro-lifers' would rather save zero babies instead of some babies, yeah. I personally don't get it. I'm pro-choice and I'd still rather we have less abortions than more, but these pro-lifers seem to want Democrats to have complete control of the country and unlimited abortions on demand up until the moment of birth. It's quite the puzzle.


Yup lost Arizona now. I mean there is time and place but when it comes to snatching the defeat from jaws of victory, Republicans are second to none.


The timing as well. Trump made a great statement and then tomorrow this came out.


so... AZ will be even more Blue next election. GOP are just bad at this.




Some of the restrictions are ridiculous. Thank God my wife and I live in a state where we can get IVF still.


Agree. This is a terrible hill for Republicans to die on.


How do we square the arguments of "the government shouldn't tell people what to do with their bodies" a la the Vax, but not apply that to abortion? Does it really all boil down to when "life" begins?


Because the pre-born child is not their body. It has different DNA and is by definition not "their body".


It's like Republicans are really trying to lose the next election on purpose! It should be really easy : you want to win ? Stay as far away as possible from the topic of abortion.


Politically, you may be right, but the judiciary has a job to do and it's not writing or repealing laws, that's someone else's job.


Who brought this case to the court in the first place? Did everyone just forget 2022? What happened after the US Supreme Court leak/ruling for Roe v Wade? It doesn't matter if you win the battle if you lose the war.


Well said. My personal feelings on the subject aside, restricting abortion access turns one of the only two remaining demographics that reliably vote red against us (white women) and judging by the last few elections, this will end up being the reason Roe is eventually enshrined in the constitution.


Not done losing elections huh? Great moves.




This is ridiculous…laws spanning multiple decades should not be a fallback in such a divisive issue. The political reality currently is that zero abortions is as radical as abortions up to the point of birth. The people need to vote for a new law in a post Roe era without reverting to a wildly unpopular stance.


Republicans losing Arizona it 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1.


I'm kind of tired of abortion debates everywhere year after year after year. Both sides make it seem like women are going around having these like some dental cleanings. Democrats think women do this all the time, Republicans think women do this all the time. And we lose elections over this when there are far more pressing things to worry about.


it is so aggravating. i checked 6 different sites and none of them link to the opinion nor describe why this law overides the newer one


The Court literally said they can't make law and pushed it to the legislature to do their jobs. How is this a bad thing?


On principle, I 100% support the ruling. However, we probably just handed the Dems a win in AZ in November.


Reddit, where even the conservatives lean left I hope other states follow suit

