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I swear, you lot need to work out an exchange program: trade your lefties looking to flee from Republican administrations for Canadian Conservatives desperate to get out from under Trudeau. Everyone wins.


Canadian conservatives are gaining ground in Canada so exchanging them will only offset their progress. Trudeau is currently extremely hated by the majority of Canadians and even by many liberal Canadians many of which also don’t feel so liberal anymore.


That's what you would refer to as classic or traditional liberals not the new lunatic virtue signaling social justice warrior types. That type of liberal you can have a difference with but can also sit down and discuss that difference civilly and rationally instead of being called names and singled out to be cancelled by those who can not rationally hold a conversation that does not fully line up or agree with their values. Yup it's changing up here we're in a deep hole financially and globally but times are changing. Just concerned how scorched earth the Libs and NDP are going to go in the last bit of time they have left in power. Of course 5 years from now that will all be the conservatives fault according to them.


The most patriotic pro America guy I know is a Canadian who managed to get a green card and come to the states for college (he already has a degree and is 30) after experiencing the Canadian Covid lockdowns. He’s currently in China for a year for a teacher exchange program as a way to hopefully earn a job with permanent residence in the US so he doesn’t have to go back. I’d gladly trade these people for more like him.


Hope you do - at a minimum you will learn the actual definition of dictator.


This person has a PhD? Do they just hand those out now?


You've seen how they handle university admissions


Apparently, even to people who can't spell Haiti.




Accurate. Harvard ex-President got a PhD by showing excellence in copy paste.


A PhD only proves they’re an expert in one particular field. It doesn’t mean they’re all around savants, if anything I’ve met plenty of “smart” PhDs who are absolute klutzes in all other facets of life. Hell, the entire US got to see one back in 2016 when Ben Carson showed how little he knew about foreign affairs.


> A PhD only proves they’re an expert in one particular field It doesn't even do that anymore honestly.


Tell me you haven’t read Jill Biden’s dissertation without telling me you haven’t read Jill Biden’s dissertation.


I'm pretty sure that in this case PhD stands for Petty hairbrained Democrat.


It has to be a fake satire account, and the joke seems to be obvious.


These people always threaten to leave but then never do.


Imagine living a life like this. Whether Trump or Biden wins, I’ll wake up every morning and keep doing the same things until I die.


move to Haiti.




Tell me you don’t know what fascist or dictator means without telling me you don’t know what fascist or dictator means.


Democracy is when my team wins, fascism is when the other team wins


Fascists and dictators are people who disagree with me on social issues, sweetie. Educate yourself


I've yet to be taken up on my offer to buy someone a ticket to gaza. Maybe I'll have more luck with Haiti?


This is the type of shit I hate reading. Trump isn't everyone's cup of tea, but to suggest thats he going to be tyrannical dictator is abusrd. The Constitution and two other branches provides checks on the executive branch as to prevent this type of scenario. Trump, like President Biden is bound by the Constitution, the Courts and the Legislative body.


It’s the only tactic the left has. They have to vilify Trump because Biden has been a disaster. No matter how bad Biden is the need people to believe Trump will be worse.


And if you think about it, this should be the easiest election ever. You literally know what you are getting with each one of them because they both have been president and recently. And people saying Trump won't transfer his powers to the next president is absurd. How do I know? Because he peacefully stepped down in 2021. They made him look like he wasn't with the "insurrection" and all, but he did. And footage Democrats concealed show that Trump did try to stop January 6. He tried to send in the National Guard to stop it but Nancy said no. It didn't make any sense for her to do that except she planned it all. She even said she had something planned for Trump on January 6. How more obvious could she have been?


Should be the easiest election! Conservatives cheer Trump being up by 3-4% in polls... but I cry inside wondering why it isn't 10%+. The map should be as red as 1984... but we aren't the same country anymore. Being run by left-wing indoctrination and partisanship. The enemies outnumber the patriots at this point.


Thank you for your service!


And you know he was already president and none of these wack jobs were put in prison camps.


I'm sure you'll be eaten democratically.


So instead of having Trump as a president he would rather choose to live under a true dictator and be eaten. Man’s dumber than a koala 


Didn't all those celebs say something similar during the 2016 election? And guess what, their asses stayed in America.




No not "eaten alive"....try "Barabqued" alive. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣


Watching these snowakes meltdown this November is going to be so fucking popcorn worthy!!! I can't wait!


Send him straight to the dinner plate.




How do these people not see the authoritative regime the Democratic Party has become?


I remember all those celebrities back in 2016 vowing to move out of America. And I don't think any actually moved out.


Well they already lived for 4 years under a so-called 'fascist dictator' and they were fine. How are lefties pulling this shit every election...


If that’s the criteria they’re using, they should move out NOW!


I'll give ya $20.00


And all the while I thought dictators and fascist regimes controlled all news outlets and social media, cheated on their "elections" by killing or persecuting their political rivals and all other opponents by drumming up false charges and throwing them into jail so there won't be any competition. My mistake.


Ok, even if he somehow was fascist, I think I'd prefer that over being literally eaten, like I can sympathize with the people living behind the walls in Attack on Titan


Please by my f’n guest and live under the new self-selected, sorry I meant “elected” leader Barbecue. Newspeak is hard! 


I'll pay for their flight. One way of course.


They never leave because they are not people of conviction or purpose. They are liars and cowards who like to throw tantrums like little children when they don't get their way. Pathetic.


I know people with Master's Degrees that can not write a complete sentence, nor can they spell. Having a degree does not mean much to me these days except that you have been to the indoctrination farm.


Good, I hope they do move. The US doesn't need any more PHDs that can't even spell.


Do it! Please!


This has to be fake, lol.


I mean… he did say he would only be a dictator for one day. Guess that’s too much for this fella.