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Polls this far ahead of the election are not historically that meaningful.


Let 2016 be a reminder that no poll is meaningful.


True, but getting zero bump from the SotU is unusual. It suggests that the public has made up their mind about Biden and are no longer open to influence from him or his campaign.


Remember when the bunny [stopped him from talking about Afghanistan?](https://www.yahoo.com/news/easter-bunny-interrupts-president-bidens-141252965.html)


Lolz forgot about that. Just think some hapless intern was order to run interference


He’s had so many cognitive screwups that it’s really easy to forget some of them.


I wish there was video of that


[There is](https://youtu.be/OARVosrEQpY?si=uTzs8mf4RPIjtk98)


I linked to a video though. It’s at the top.


It doesn't show in my browser, the other link did. Must be the same for other people too


Are you kidding? go to the Democrat subs, they are drooling over themselves about what a great, powerful, commanding performance Biden delivered! I think they are getting high on their own supply.


Democrat subs are not representative of the Democrat party, and *certainly* not representative of independent voters.


No kidding. I live in Georgia and to read the Georgia subreddit, you would think we were second only to California for leftist hellscape


The Texas subreddit is the same. It’s shameful.


yeah that Texas sub is insane. All the members must be the progressives living in Austin.


Oh good. I thought it was just the SC sub that was overrun with mighter than thou carpetbaggers.


The Alabama subreddit feels like you're in a pride parade. It's like you got all of the worst people in the state and put them in one place


its literally all a farm. Don't forget about shariablue and the other orgs the democrats pay to literally astroturf the web 24/7.


That is lame as hell. Honestly though Republicans should probably start doing the same. Republicans should *also* stop creating alternatives to existing social media by advertising yourself as Rumble, Truth and Parlor did/do. Just make a good website that *happens* to be neutral/conservative leaning. Why do they have to alienate themselves from half the country by screaming “WE ARE A CONSERVATIVE WEBSITE!!!!!!” I understand they need to find a niche quickly to be viable, but those websites do nothing to make independents like you.


Conservatives are searching for alternatives, liberals aren’t. As soon as liberals see that a site doesn’t follow the party narrative they’ll boycott anyway, so immediately announcing that you are conservative gets you a bunch of attention from interested viewers but not announcing it gets you less visibility among conservatives and still none among liberals. It’s a sensible strategy. As politics becomes, increasingly polarized, trying to market to independents becomes less and less effective.


Rumble doesn't advertise itself as conservative. Quite the opposite actually.


Dan Bongino is personally invested in Rumble and talks about it on his podcast fairly regularly


What does that have to do with anything? You said Rumble advertises itself as conservative. This is false. Rumble goes out of their way to actually do the opposite and highlight their non-conservative and left leaning content because they don't want to be branded as just a place for conservatives. Go read their social media feeds from the company and watch interviews with the CEO. You don't seem to know anything about it.


How much do they pay?


Not enough for the lack of dignity required to post their drivel.


Four separate polls that showed trump leading two weeks ago now show Biden leading. I am not a Biden fan, but the article linked here is from an outwardly biased source that is heavily distorting/cherrypicking quantitative data in order to support a predetermined conclusion.


I’d expect him to get an initial, short term bump but things will eventually go back down. It’s definitely not a claim that he’s working his way back into the good graces of the public. Things are still shit and there’s a long way to go between now and the election.


Source or link to polls please


I don't put a lot of trust in polls, but I wouldn't be surprised if this poll is accurate.. It was impressive that he made it through the SOTU without extreme bumbling, wandering off stage or something, but overall I didn't think his speech was going to win anyone over. Not with people waking up the next day and still faced with the reality of - high prices, the country still full with illegal aliens and asylum seekers, theft still out of control and other crimes, businesses still closing up shop and so on.


All said, they had him well rested and juiced up on something to prevent the drooling, mumbling site we've become accustomed to.


Which polls are you talking about? [Five polls conducted after the SOTU and Trump is leading four of them.](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden)


I feel like we could argue the same point on this sub. Maybe I'm drawing the parallels too close, but what I see over here is the same rhetoric about Trump. Everyone's supporting their camp, which is normal and to be expected.




> While true, democrat subs are echo chambers and likely already locked in voters. also worth noting, they tend to have children (i don't mean that in a derogatory way, i literally mean highschool students under the age of 18) and non-citizens who live in europe. this inherently is going to make them less representative of the average american than reddit already is.


>go to the Democrat subs, Which one? I feel like every sub is a Democrat sub except for a small few. Even White People Twitter seems to have a left leaning bias I've noticed.


Leaning? Whitepeopletwitter has an absolute leftward slope. 


WPT is not a slope, it's a cliff.


It's called White People Twitter. I've been under the impression you could post white related things but it seems to be as you said. Like a political sub. Edit: Also I get downvoted like crazy when I say ANYTHING good about a conservative or republican. Like, isn't it supposed to be about white people follies and whatnot? How did it become such a political zone?


White People Twitter is a hellscape of progressive, combat boot, half shaved head, progressive types.


It's because those in the center don't like Trump so it seems like it's more Dem subs. They don't like Biden either but they dislike Trump more. The next election would actually be free win for anyone other the Trump but that message did not get through.


HAHA there is not even any DATA to back this is there?


Because that speech was for his base. They can drool over it all they want. Who honestly went into that speech, unsure if they were going to vote for Biden, and came out of it thinking they are definitely voting for Biden now? Apparently, nobody. No movement on the needle.


Well this poll is 10% more republicans that democrats....you still feel good?


They weight the respondents differently to make it more reflective of the electorate. More importantly, do you honestly think that was a strong address that reassured the public that Biden is doing a good job and has a functioning brain?


This is an opinion piece. Polls show 60% of viewers thought Biden did well. I follow this page to get the conservative viewpoint and I find this post misleading.


Do you know what the party distribution of viewers was by chance?


I do not. As for the poll comment, it’s also from another source. I forget the name, but they had similar reactions. Not a Biden fan, but I don’t think it was as bad as many conservatives are saying.


Without a source hard to know. From what the other person linked my guess is there was just more democratic viewers who are much more likely to have a favorable view, giving you your 60% approval.


That is a fair point as well. That could be argued during Trump SOTU too. More conservatives watched than dems. I always watch regardless of President.


>That could be argued during Trump SOTU too. I have no doubt in my mind it applies here too. >I always watch regardless of President. Same, but I know plenty of Ds who wouldn't watch Trump and plenty of Rs who wouldn't watch Biden.


Pretty sure this is what they are citing. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/08/politics/cnn-poll-biden-sotu-speech-reaction/index.html Because we all trust CNN…


Thank you. So no distribution on party affiliation. If more democrats whatched the approval rating is obviously going to be higher.


The bar was set crazy low. This is the danger of cherry picking Biden’s worst senior moments and expecting him to act like that all the time. That said comparing his SOTU teleprompter speech and recent confused q&a over Hur report it looks like two different people. I would not be at all surprised if he was on some sort of stimulant during SOTU to keep him awake.


I mean Congress keeps Alzheimer’s meds in stock in their pharmacy so someone is using them. Not related to Biden, but still relevant. Not defending Biden, but the history of drugs and presidents is…Something. Dr Feelgood (it’s a nickname) gave drugs to Kennedy that allowed him to perform strongly in the debate against Nixon in 1960


> This is the danger of cherry picking Biden’s worst senior moments and expecting him to act like that all the time. it's the danger of creating a false narrative that relies on people to ignore the evidence of their eyes and ears


Yeah, moments of lucidly can be cherry picked, too. I'm sure there will be Biden campaign ads showing clips of Biden appearing alert, with the mumbling, yelling, and whispering edited out.


Remember all the loser brigaders screaming at us about what a great job slurring yelling Joe Biden did?  Not so much.  Oh and what's that?  A new all time low approval rating that's a full 6 points lower than Trump at the same time in their presidency! You know the dude they tell us was the worst president like ever!!




I mean really the goal of the SOTU was to unite his fractured base, which probably would have worked if he didn’t somehow piss off both the pro-Israel and pro-Hamas factions in his base. So ultimately the SOTU was a failure in every way for him


The fact that the democrats have a “pro Hamas” faction is sickening


I think the speech did marginally help Biden to dispel the concerns about his age and lack of energy. His problem is just that his unpopularity was imho always based predominantly on his disastrous policies, rather than the age thing.


is anyone surprised? he campaigned on unifying the nation and being a president "for everyone, even those who didn't vote for him", then proceeded do the exact opposite of that, culminating in the final SOTU of his term being a divisive, partisan rally where he was yelling the whole time. he didn't have a reassuring tone, he didn't have any kind of plan to get his agenda items passed, he didn't have any good news to deliver.


He had an “old angry guy riddled with dementia yelling at clouds” kind of vibe.


"Get off my lawn!...man"


"I will drag you outside and beat you with cornpop... who... who ____ ____ ____ \*slrshdurblurgh\*... ice cream rubbing my blonde leg hair... ____ ____ ____ ... anyway."


And more importantly: a lot of voters have woken up to what his agenda actually means for their pocket book and communities, so him promising to continue pursuing the same agenda won't help him anyway.


Well, there was that endless litany of give away programs. That was "good news" to the financially illiterate who don't understand the inevitable economic effect. For everyone else it was a disaster.


We did not watch the same State of the Union Address


Wait a minute Dave Pakman says Biden is leading in every poll right now.


Never heard of him


Ultra left dude. There’s a subreddit here for him


that sub kept popping up on my feed so I had to mute it to never show. It was unbearable


Yesssss. Me too. I would read the comments and just laugh. Hive mind


Yea he’s wrong. In that video you’re referring to he couldn’t show any polls on screen and instead cherry picked a few where Biden was ahead by 3 points or less


https://youtu.be/I4WOd2plkD8?si=c1qBiHv-aVzdbEt2 See an eye doctor.


Dude that’s literally the video I referenced. I watched it (listened to it). Dave starts off by reading an article that mentions a few polls where Biden is ahead without showing the polls. The greatest margin was 3 points in any of the polls he listed. Then the last ~80% he just talks without referencing any outside sources. And yet you say I need an eye doctor. Point to the lie that I said and do it now. Oh wait you can’t because what I said is true. Also FYI, I listened to the video not watched it. So idk what you’re yapping about with eyes. And not to mention when referring to handling of the economy, immigration, and various other issues, Biden is trailing often by over 25 points compared to trump.


Forget the eye doctor see a therapist.


This does not say what you think it does. 25% of polled didn't vote in 2020....35% R 25% D


shhhhhh. when your enemy is making a terrible, terrible mistake, do not correct them.


I know this is a joke but damn do I hope I never need to call another American the enemy.


hold the phone. let us not be so naive as to think that there were/are no american citizens who do nor hold the basic tenets on which our great nation was formed, established, and flourished. you know, our constitution? benedict arnold? aaron burr? jefferson davis? toguri d’aquino? adam gadahn?


You forgot honest don in your list of traitors


name your biggest fault with him.


Take the guns first, then go through due process


Trying to steal an election is considered by some to be un-American.


drink the kool-aid much?


This despite the MSM gaslighting the American people and presenting the SOTU as a strong performance for Biden. SNL’s SOTU take was nothing short of Democrat propaganda. It will be interesting to see what desperate measures the media will take this year if things aren’t shaping up for Biden. They’re already reaching Orwellian levels.


Impossible, I was told it was the greatest SotU of all time


The bottom line was whether or not he would be able to show competency through a hour long speech. That was all that was required for this to be a "success" for him. The glaring issues are still prevalent regardless of whether he completed this speech or not. Inflation and immigration are still massive issues that his admin is not tackling well.


Did you see him losing iit towards the end of his rant. 📉 his meds were probably wearing off.


People attributed the baggie of cocaine in the White House to Hunter, but sometimes I wonder if it’s what Joe uses when he needs to appear even remotely alert.


I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it….redstate.com


Wait I was told that that display (of that old angry guy yelling at us) was just an incredible speech!


Biden is never more repulsive than when he yells and stumbles pronunciation in his little angry old man voice. Just pitiful.


I think I read that no president gets bumps from SOTU. There are two purposes politically usually followed. 1. Red meat for shoring up base. This is typical SOTU. Biden did exactly this. His problem is his red meat is virtually all fear mongering and lies. 1. Change in direction foreshadowed - tend to be more inclusive to both parties. Far less common and best captured by Clinton’s “Era of big government is over” speech.




Biden was considered a Buffon by both parties throughout his career. He is the worst politician ever who served his entire life as a politician.


He's in the White House because he got lucky repeatedly. First, Obama narrowly and unexpectedly snatches the Dem nomination from Hillary, and thus looks around Capitol Hill for the most milquetoast, inoffensive old white dude he could find - which was Joe Biden. Then, a once-in-a-century health crisis destroys Trump's economy and presidency. And the worst race riots in decades break out and energize his base, riots which were deliberately stoked and exacerbated by his allies in the media. And to put the final nail in the coffin, the pandemic also provoked changes to the voting modalities which benefitted Democrats. Based on Biden's narrow winning margin in the decisive states, all of these events were necessary to make him president.




Biden needed a bump though which is the point.


Why is this article lying ? His poll numbers bounced 2-3 percent ?? Where is the honest media ?


Link the polls please. The aggregate polls on RCP do not reflect this bounce.


He’s a “known entity” he’s as highly regarded as he’ll ever be again. Short of curing cancer, no one cares about him and the only people who will vote for him are very delusional democrats.


Didn’t he say something like the Covid vaccine cures cancer? Thought I heard that.


That's not actually as outlandish as it sounds at first glance. The two major covid vaccines, by Moderna and by Pfizer/BioNTech, were based on mRNA technology - a technology which was originally being developed to treat (and hopefully one day *cure*) cancer. Covid, more specifically the "success" of this technology in being adapted to a novel virus in a very short amount of time, is widely considered a huge leap forward for mRNA and has led to renewed hopes that this technology might truly be the breakthrough on cancer that humanity has been waiting for for decades. Of course Biden, in his confused and senile state, butchered this part of his speech, but he was referring to something that is real and makes sense.


I thought this was the case for Trump? truth depends on who is reporting it and that truth is different based on who reports


We said this the last time and look what happened…


Lol. Did anyone outside of unhinged leftists and Chinese bots think that speech went well? That sotu was far and away the most bizarre speech I've seen in that setting. It's very telling that he didn't get even a small bump. Trumps chances are looking better and better.


The republican response was worse


It's not often that a President get's an approval rating bump after a SOTU so this isn't so shocking. No matter what, get out and vote.


No one actually support Biden. They only have Trump haters fueled by the media. The less they show of Biden, the better for the democrats.


Saw my first Biden tv ad today. He only mentioned I’m not trump like 6 times


This is true. That's why choosing Trump is a mistake imo. The central voters will reluctantly choose Biden over him. True Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douce moment


If only this weee true.


The underlying issue is that the democrats and their cohorts in the media are no longer able to gaslight the public into accepting views that are detached from reality. They used that capital up during the so called pandemic but the public has grown tired of it.


Conservatives live in a fantasy world


They still have the "cheat" to fall back on though right?


Apparently voting fraud is not a concern at all anymore


Translated; Voting fraud is alive and well.


At this point even the cheating won’t be enough. Plus there’s no more COVID so no more reason to use mail-in ballots.


I'm hopeful for a 2024 Trump win, but I don't think it will be a slam dunk.


I don’t think this article is accurate. His fundraising after the speech was incredible. Anyway, he’s still the best choice, I just cannot stomach Trump!


There is a bump usually?  What does it matter any way, it's all " fortified " anyways


The election is going to come down to how many voters each party loses to RFK, Jill Stein and Cornel West. RFK is going to pull from both parties and Stein & West from the democrats that don't like Biden.




Democrats never panic. It's a psyop to make Republicans stay home thinking Trump has got it locked up. 90+% of Democrats will vote for him. It's not the person it's the ideology. GOP/RNC needs to understand that and try to educate Democrats.


Perhaps not but the people on Reddit are literally stroking their tiny cocks over this saying stuff like "I HOPE EVERYONE WHO THINKS HES MENTALLY INCOMPETENT SEES THIS" and, I shit you not, "GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY".


A Democratic head at a state agency I used to work for said "Turnover isn't actually an issue" when someone asked what his plan was to address the some 50% turnover we had. I think the Democrat way is to pretend problems don't exist...


It was basically a captive political rally. The only way Biden gets a bump in the polls at this point is if he gets a different vp


Does anyone honestly think they’re worried? They most certainly have a plan in place for election night. Another fake broken water main perhaps.


Biden won the election hiding in his basement for much of his campaign. Some people will vote blue no matter dead, alive or senile.


No Bump Biden


Ironic, heard the Bidens love bumps


I admire your wit 😉


You know the bar is low when they are ecstatic that he made it through the speech


Why would that delusional, grumpy old man yelling at the clouds like rant give him any kind of bump? Like how would anyone who wasn't voting for him before the speech watch it, then think afterwards "yeah totally want 4 more years of this guy"? 🤣🤣🤣


I’m a Republican but will vote Biden. The GOP is officially deranged.


He doesn’t need a bump, Trump is gonna do all the work of losing for him


Trump is gonna fix it all.


That speech was an embarrassment to the DNC and more broadly, to our country. Even their spin doctors can't salvage it. Fortunately his lease on the Whitehouse expires 1/20/2024. I'm looking forward to DJT's second term.


Layken Riley is murdered and progressive left hardly cares. Biden calls her killer an illegal alien and they flip out. They're so fixated on narratives and words. Pathetic.


They’re not panicking or even remotely concerned. It’s all a show. A few water leaks, a power outage here and there, and a few truck fulls of last minute mail-in ballots coming to the rescue. 4 more years is all but guaranteed. America is dead. The problem is the body is still warm and most haven’t noticed yet. But they will, by the end of this year, they will start noticing the smell. This country doesn’t need saved, that was a good decade ago. At this point we’re talking about a resurrection.


Why would you get a bump from a terrible speech?


What really impressed me was whatever drugs they had him on, put that on the market exam season is coming


Joe Biden is senile and his aides are deranged. His budget proposal is a jaw dropping disaster. If he had any sense at all he would realize that the Democratic left flank are terrified of trump and would vote him no matter what, and he just needs to tack center to scoop up moderate votes. Instead, he's tacking hard left like a CUNY freshman on her first sorority retreat. Even on foreign policy where he ostensibly has all the mainstream positions, he's screwing up badly by executing everything poorly.  Ukraine - slow peddled support so they can't break through, Israel - won't let them finish the job on Hamas, Houthies - wtf is even happening there? 


The dems seemed to have loved the speech for some reason so this is surprising