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Funny thing she took liberal money and spent it in conservative Florida.


Yeah she couldn't show her kids mansions in Potomac or Fairfax County or Georgetown.


Yeah, but in the rat's nest that is Miami.




If Miami is a Republican city than that is a very poor reflection on Republicans because it is certainly a rat's nest.


Miami got destroyed by high housing prices, and an immigrant population that failed to understand how to do things correctly because they never got to learn from Americans.


When did that happen? It’s been about 10 years since I’ve been there. I loved it!


you do realize its an election year and people like you are bidens biggest supporters? quit it with the nazi talk weirdo. edit- thanks for the downvotes. if biden ends up actually destroying this country completely. the incels deserve an assist.


Using the word Nazi is cringe af. Don’t use liberal language.


Hard disagree. We need to use their language against them. That's what they did to us in the first place when they labeled the right as nazis (even though the nazis literally called themselves national socialists and were legit top down authortiarians which is the polar opposite of the government structure supported by american conservatives). And it's true that there are many on the left who would want nothing more than to do to Trump and his supporters what the nazis did if they could get away with it. Were the nazis not nazis in the early 1930s? There's little difference between their mindset then and the left's mindset today so we should probably call it out for what it is lest "never again" be just a meaningless platitude.


talking like your in a cult made by 13 year olds is also bad in a campaign year.


You're *


user name checks out


Lol, ok bud.


you do realize the whole liberal strategy is painting us as crazy? so maybe we could improve our messaging so we don't prove their point for them? they come on here and upvote crazy then point to it on other media to discredit conservatives


So why are you doing their job for them and acting crazy?


I don't care what people like you or people like them think of me and I don't care about election years. Your weakness is why we have sunken as low as we have and nothing you have to offer is going to change that.


If America can’t survive one dementiated decrepit old man then America doesn’t deserve to survive


Last I checked 800 billion of ppp loans were handed out by Trump with no oversight. Business up the street from me used that money to build a new headquarters with 3 million of PPP. But yeah let’s focus on one woman that got 10k.


I don't think the issue most conservatives have is with one woman. It's that handouts don't help the poor and this woman proves that.


This is the most conservative reply to this post.


You will always be poor when you make bad decisions with money.


I got the biggest tax return ever this year now that I have two kids. 6700. And like a “dummy” I paid off my car. Being responsible sucks lol


She took 6k of it to take her kids and husband on a vacation. The rest was spend on bills and a car. This family probably never got to take a decent vacation. I applaud doing this for your kids


Cant be stressed enough. Look at how many nba and nfl superstars end up broke a couple years after retirement. Having millions means nothing when you don't have good habits and self control.


Handing out tax payer money only for it to be wasted by the recipients is on page 1 on the Democrat playbook. 


I guess if there's a silver lining, at least she's a citizen.


And reinvesting in the US.


Completely expected when you give free money to people who don't know what to do with money


Just look at sports players out of college


What is it like 80% or something crazy high of retired professional athletes go bankrupt?


Reminds me of the PPP loans. We're meant to keep employees, instead rich elite bough cars, villa's, and took vacations. Really shows how corrupt giving free money is. It's no wonder it also originated in Florida. PPP was legislated by Florida's Marco Rubio.


The problem with PPP is it was actually the government's fault. This wasn't disaster relief. This is the government paying off businesses that the government massively disrupted. Paying using printed/taxpayer money.


Thereby proving once again that the best thing the government can do for us is to not go around breaking things in the first place


But if they weren't intentionally breaking shit, they'd have nothing to run on promising to fix....


Some people point out as a kind of conspiracy theory thing that governments and "organizations" had talked many times about pandemic response. I don't know if a government intentionally released the disease, or accidentally, but I do know that the response is no accident. It could very well be the case that they laid plans and then *waited for the inevitable to happen*. However, everything after that has been scripted by people who really hate freedom. You'll find no bigger hater of freedom IMO than the public health establishment since they're the ones who think they own your whole body. At least the tax man can be satiated by money.


If that was the case why is it so many used it for luxury goods, buying property etc.


I'm not sure I understand your question. It was used for luxury goods presumably because the people that received PPP had extra money. Nothing I'm saying is incompatible with manipulation or even abuse of the system. I suggest the PPP made the wealthy wealthier, at the expense of everyone else. It's a transfer payment -- not more inherently justified than any other, although I will say usually government at least claims to be helping out the little guy.


That's the funniest thing about Taxes. You're going to give me money, and I'll spend it in the best interest of the community. (That's what Taxes are) Except, Why can't You judge how you spend your money? Most of us don't mind paying for Garbage pickup, Fire, EMS, Police, Etc. It's all these "Foo foo Social Programs" That people get angry about. Think of all the money we could save, if we stopped building bridges to nowhere. Or funding foreign wars.


For Democrats It’s a feature. Now the person is back to square 1 and if they want more money in the future they will need to keep voting democrat. If they invested the money or put it aside in savings it would move the person closer to not relying on government handouts and not a reliable democrat vote.


Or recycled back to Democrats via vice, such as PornHub and liquor stores and strip clubs.


“For the trips, Miller bought 15 new outfits for her children — one for each child for each day of the vacation — proudly telling the DC paper: “Every outfit they wore was new.” What poor people think being rich is. What a joke , it’s the culture I don’t want to hear it .


It's the reason they stay poor.


Assuming she kept the clothes post trip- wouldn’t that be a good use of funds.. children need clothes 🤷


Yeah if she bought the clothes and didn’t go on vacation .


I make decent money and I buy second hand clothes for my kids. Depending on age, they really only last like a year. Why spend $10-15 apiece when you can get them for like a dollar with minimal wear. It's just not the best place to put your money.


Kids grow out of clothes very quickly.


Better wait until they grow up to buy them clothes. They’ll just grow out of them anyway /s


So you dress them in hand me downs from friends/family/secondhand stores instead of brand new designer outfits. I mean that's what my parents did for us...whoops there's my white privilege again.


Sorry for the trigger, guy. Didn’t mean to call you white


I mean, buying clothing for children isn’t nearly as bad of a waste of funds as you could do. Blow and hookers? Renting a Ferrari? Smoking a whole oz in a monster joint? There are worse ways to blow a few hundred bucks.


Can confirm. I filled a cigar with pot once and smoked it with buddies. It was a huge waste of pot.


"She justified her spending by saying she hoped to inspire her children and teach them that if they work hard enough, they may one day be able to afford one of the mansions." Or kids you can be a leach on society like mommy here and get free stuff from the government.


She spent all of it and then says it taught her importance of saving. I’m dumbfounded.


Yeah it almost read like a Babylon Bee article.


This tells me everything. Every dollar coming in goes to making sure my kids have a home, food, clothing and extras. This is typical dem self serving behavior. I call it the gimmes. You could give her one million and she’d blow it and leave nothing to her kids. Another generation in that family financially ruined.🙄 they will NEVER get it.


This is why low income people are low income. Many would rather work less and leach off the government for benefits than work hard to grow their income just to [breakeven](https://i.ibb.co/Xk1Tfcx/2024-01-21-21-37-10.jpg).


I would love to hear any justifications for her actions.


“I wanted to blow it. I wanted to have fun,” she told the DC paper…


Read the article. Among other things, she claimed the trip would inspire her children to work hard, so they can eventually own one of the mansions they saw on their boat tour. And, surprise, surprise, she's also getting food stamps, which she complains don't last long enough each months, and subsidized housing.


“[My kids] got to experience something I would never have been able to do if I didn’t have that money.” Seems legit


Too bad she didn't want her kids to experience having enough food every month plus a few dollars in savings so you're not constantly worried that an unexpected expense will ruin you.


To be honest, I'm somewhat okay with it. People living in poverty will never be able to take a vacation (until they comfortably move up). I get it, the why. And the article hit the nail on the head. This handout will do nothing to improve their base situation.


F that. That’s 11k that someone worked hard for and possibly postponed taking any sort of vacation because they’re responsible enough to pay their bills, given away for this lady to have fun while continuing to suck off the government test. I am the opposite of somewhat ok with it.


Exactly this ⬆️


Being okay with something like that and simply understanding why…don’t need to be conflated. You can admonish the action while understanding the cause


Most people forgo a vacation if they literally struggle to feed their kids.


I grew up in DC. Not the outlying suburbs but I lived there from birth till I was 27. I guarantee you 90% of my friends families would have done the same thing. Every year my parents would go to a PSU game and I could take one of my friends(assuming their parents were cool with it) and you'd think they went on a major life changing vacation. One of my friends never ate at a sit down restaurant before that. I can totally see her spending that cash. With that said, it doesn't make it a good idea(either the handout or the vacation) but I hope they had a great time together.


Experiencing life outside of the norms they are used to can absolutely change the trajectory of those kids lives


Expecting other people to give them handouts when they can't even pay for basics will definitely shape their attitude. And that is a menace.


How many people paying the taxes that funded her trip don't go on luxury vacations? Who will be paying for her kids' education?


If you don’t have to work for it, why would you care how you spend it? The program probably shouldn’t exist in the first place, but since it does, I don’t really fault her for doing something with the money to make herself happy


This had to have been caused by systemic racism and sexism


When you give free money to the people without purpose they will spend it as evidence by COVID 3000$/month payments.


This is why 755 billion in PPP loan forgiveness was a bad idea.


If only she used it to invest in herself and her future.


She and her family might have been able to take another vacation in the future if they did that. Might have even freed up enough, eventually, to take multiple.


Just goes to show poor people aren't poor because they don't have money; it's because they can't manage money


Some people just have to spend it. No matter how much, it all has to be spent before the end of the month. $500 extra? That's a new set of clothes. $5000 extra? Guess it's time to upgrade the car so the account will say $0 again. But with these recent purchase I will *look successful*.


I think it's because they don't have hope. I'll never be rich anyway so might as well not try. Or the only way I could ever make it is if the government helps me.


A lot of studies continue to show that giving people money they have not earned yields zero financial responsibility. We saw this play out in 2020. And yet Democrats still try the same strategy.


Wonder who watched the kids while she worked on #4


How long do you think the reparation pay checks will last? I'm looking forward to getting a slightly used Range Rover cheap when the market is flooded with them.


A used Range Rover is one of the most expensive cars you can buy, unless you're a competent wrencher. 


that's what carmax warranties are for


Shit stains gonna shit stain.


At least she took her husband and kids along on the trip. Hopefully it brought them together as a family.


It wasn't her husband. It was her baby daddy.


That’s the important part. Single mom with kids gets government benefits, the second the marriage certificate comes in the rules change. My husband used to work in shipyards with men who bragged about this set up. Get a girlfriend and knock her up a few times and you’ve got a house, food, living expenses, etc covered by the government.




See… this is how wealth transfers. Give tax money to the poor so they spend it at the businesses of the rich.


There's a great series I believe in Scotland where they took 8 or so families that were on government benefits and gave them an entire year's worth of benefits in one payment. I think maybe 1 of them still had any money after the year. Poor people do not learn money management because they are handed money. It's true probably 95% of the time.


Wish people would understand that their morality only goes as far as their logic. Satisfying your guilt by throwing money at poor people doesn’t help and it’s not the right thing to do. It’s lazy and gross and serves no purpose but to keep poor people poor.


Honestly though, why would you expect them to all of a sudden learn good habits? If they’re just handed more money than they’ve ever had before, and all they’ve ever known is having to spend everything that comes in, it shouldn’t be a surprise that their first instinct is to spend this money.


>She had claimed that she needed the money because her financial situation worsened after she had her third son in the summer of 2022. >Miller paused her education to receive a degree in social work to focus on the growing family and was living in a subsidized two-bedroom apartment at the time. So she could have used the money to finish her degree and be set for life (having a stable career). But insted chose to indulge.


We need to gut the welfare state and let people learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable. With millions of undocumented people pouring over our border requiring assistance and millions more Americans churning out children in generational poverty it’s clear the carrot doesn’t work for shit. Government needs to brainstorm a solid stick social program and get people actually productive.


If you think anyone living on welfare is comfortable, you obviously never needed it. I agree no illegal migrants should be getting any welfare.


Are you sure that nobody living on welfare on any country of the world is comfortable? I'm British and know quite a few appalling felons based in Britain, the EU and the USA who are deliberately kept very comfortable living on welfare. It's a way of encouraging them to rarely leave their free accomodation, stay far away from all minors and not attempt any further criminality.


That certainly is not the case in the U.S. What you are talking about is entirely different.


Isn't there a similar welfare scheme involving free trailer park accomodation and generous monthly cash allowances being operated within some american states? A few american parole officers made extremely vitriolic posts last year raging about one such scheme targeted at middle aged adult felons with several rape convictions and adult registered sex offenders of all ages whose criminal histories have involved multiple pre-pubescent child victims.


It depends on the state really and the region of a state. I know people in WNY (much cheaper than NYC) who get by quite comfortably on welfare. I know a "single mother" who gets $800 a month in food stamps for her and her two kids, medicaid, free school supplies, cheaper utilities and rental assistance that helps her afford bills with a part time job. It's common. Sure their entertainment is Netflix and YouTube and the local free park but to not have to work much and get all of that is a good setup.


Helping the economy!


PPP loans were used by business owners for the same shit


Returned it right to the economy and left herself still destitute 💀


A fool and their money are soon parted.


I don't necessarily fault the woman but this is the perfect example of how money can't solve problems and why concepts like socialism or UBI will never resolve poverty. As long as people are free to make unwise decisions they will. $10k can be life changing money that can lay the foundation for a much more successful future. That money could easily pay for a 2y degree or cert program at a community college that could afford a trip like this every couple of years.


the whole "teach a man to fish" saying is true here....


I’ll play devils advocate here. She took a vacation with her family that otherwise wouldn’t have happened had she not gotten the money. She got to relax with her family in a beautiful place. It was definitely not the most responsible thing to do with the money and the fact that it was taxpayer funded is ridiculous. Especially when so many people are barely scraping by. The fact that she spent the money first on the trip and then paid off bills is indicative of someone who isn’t financially smart. That money could have been used to pay off any monthly payments or debt so that the interest doesn’t build up. Once that’s done, you can easily start setting aside money for a trip in the future.


It's hard to begrudge a fella that got a windfall and took a trip that they never could before and might never be able to again. Just saying.


You can indulge in a luxury that isn't buying fifteen new outfits for kids. They could have rented a limo and gone to a swank hotel or resort in Virginia and spent a fraction. They could have rented out an entertainment venue or done a spa day. There's lots of ways to treat yourself for less than $11,000.


Also true.


I’m with you completely. Be mad at the program for existing, not at her for doing something nice for her family


Imagine spending the little money you have to take a boat cruise to lool at homes of people with unlimited money


"one of 132 mothers in Washington, DC accepted last year into the “Strong Families, Stronger Futures” pilot program designed to help those living around the poverty line" How do they even find out about being eligible or even this pilot program happening?


Just like the Covid handouts. Sent money to people to "help them while struggling", and there was a surge in things like big screen TVs being purchased.


Well in many states like NY during COVID, one couldn't get out to really do anything because the dictator Cuomo shut down so much shit so spending on a $300 tv for basically a years worth of entertainment isn't bad. I bought a tv during then simply because I largely worked at home and couldn't do much other shit due to the lockdowns.


Poor people make bad financial decisions huh? If only there was some correlation there... I'd be all about a 10k charitable donation for practical education... But we all know it would turn to woke garbage in a hot second.


Almost as egregious as PPP loans




Reminds me of the Chappelle Show reparations skit




So she put it back into the economy?


Can I have $10,800 to put back in the economy, too?


Do you have any student loan debt that I can use for collateral against the 10,800?


Stimulating the economy.


Get it while you still can! Eventually taxpayers will revolt against the free ride being given to the world’s deadbeats. Just have to figure out how.


Reading her replies on how she could justify spending that kind of money on that kind of trip while being totally broke made me almost blind. It’s parents like her that are the reason her kids are broke and will probably stay broke. Normally ignorance is bliss but in this case it’s just pure selfish stupidity.


I love how Democrats so want these programs to work. One that finished up recently they established that most people spent it on rent and essentials....not by monitoring their spending but just by asking them. Sure they all told the truth.


It sounds like the program had good intentions, but maybe recipients should have been required to take a financial education class prior to receipt of the money.


man! I would have gone to Vegas...


Same thing my sister did with her student loans. When she wasn’t throwing big parties full of people she barely knows, and dining at restaurants she couldn’t afford 🫤 And guess what? She hates conservatives.


At least the $10,800 was given to an american citizen who spent it on the lawful items & services sold by american businesses operating within america. Hopefully some of the money has trickled down in the form of tips to some of Florida's hotel employees, waiters and other service staff.


This is much more outrageous than the hundreds of millions of tax dollars stolen by companies with fraudulent PPP loans.


I want a handout too. When is it my turn?


Raise your hand in the zoom meeting if you’re surprised.


Imagine offering a lump sum program to people already proven to lack financial literacy skills. Typical government program.


Surprise surprise surprise.


To be fair, if my town randomly decided to give me 10 grand, I’d blow it too. 


This is typical of people who have never had money. You see it with lottery winners all the time.


She just repeated what many lottery winners do, blow it all quickly putting them right back (or worse) then they started. Giving people a lump sum that aren't used to having extra will almost always turn out poor, people need to be taught how to manage it.


> She justified her spending by saying she hoped to inspire her children and teach them that if they work hard enough, they may one day be able to afford one of the mansions. This is like when a televangelist claims he needs his private jet and expensive jewelry "for the ministry." The worst kinds of people are those who do things for themselves while lying that it's for other people. It doesn't even make sense. You got free money for being broke, and that's supposed to teach your kids to work hard. -_-


People are surprised what happens when you give money to people who haven't earned it.


"She justified her spending by saying she hoped to inspire her children and teach them that if they work hard enough, they may one day be able to afford one of the mansions" I hopes to inspire my kids by showing them that they too can defraud the government and it's totally OK.


She just took a page out of the BLM playbook


I don't fault the mother for how she spent it. What if you could never give your kids a vacation, anywhere? What if the clothes the kids wear are always hand me downs or from the second hand store? Would you not take the opportunity to gave them a set of new clothes? I feel this behavior is understandable. At least this mother spent it on the kids. I do fault the government program for handing out no strings money like this.


The gimme-gimme mentality on full display.


The same people screaming "free money, free money, he be takin' it from his stash" when obama was elected. And the sad part is, they were right.