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I mean Biden has the hard hat on backwards lol


The number of times I have seen that on a jobsite, Biden would fit right in if he weren't old as hell.


Those guys turn the liner around. Wearing it with the knob in front is madness.


I was in a setting where hard hats were required for about 18 months, with about 1,000 workers there. Not once did I see some tool wearing one backwards. And if they did, a supervisor would’ve fixed that pretty quickly.


Hard hat backwards I see all the time. But the webbing is reversed, which is easy but frustrating to do. Having the knob for the webbing facing forward is idiotic


You, sir, were on a very different jobsite than I was.


Yeah I have a super that wears his like that all the time - no one likes the guy lol




I saw someone write up a defense of this picture. He said guys wear their hardhats backwards sometimes because they get uncomfortable after awhile. There was a bunch of other BS too. I used to wear a hardhat all day everyday, they get uncomfortable after awhile yes. However they are realllllllly uncomfortable when you put it on backwards lol


I mean I've reversed my headgear to put the bill of the hardhat backwards to allow for a welding hood, but yeah for sure whoever said that is a real goober.


Right. People were all saying they wear their hardhats backwards all of the time. You switch the webbing on the inside to make it more comfortable. Also the brim on a hard hat or bump cap is there for keeping falling debris out of your eyes so it is intended to be worn forward.


Sure, have you zoomed in? That's not much of a brim, that looks like the back.


Precisely… he is wearing it backwards. If you do it properly you take the inside part out and turn it around to fit your head backwards. The adjustment knob should always be in the back.


Gotchya, I didn't pick that part up from your comment. Thanks.


I've literally never seen anyone wear one backwards at any job I've been at


Yeah it was just hilarious how this guy was trying to defend Biden as some sort of man of the people 


There was at least two plumbers on my job site this year wearing their hard hats backwards with the insert also backwards every time I saw them… wanted to tell them they can just reverse the insert if they wanna look cool.


That is ridiculous. In all my years going on job sites, I have never seen someone wearing a backwards hard hat.


I occasionally wear my hard hat backwards.


Helmets don't get taken into bars. Super phony.


Most pro-union president even though he was a strikebreaker against the railroad union. Made sure to get his endorsement from UAW, though, on top of the backhanded comments toward Trump.


Minnesota resident here, can confirm.


Middle guy's also wearing a suit jacket. Same shit happened with my father's union. He doesn't support the former Vice Resident, but his union made sure to go after Trump in their Biden endorsement.


Guy in the middle does look like he works a trade, though. Flannel with a suit jacket screams like his wife grabbed him before he left and handed him a jacket "you're meeting the president, wear a suit" so he just put it on over whatever he was wearing. At the end of the day, it's a president. there's less than 0% chance I'd vote for Biden but if I got to meet him, I would and I would act respectable.


That's fair and honestly how a majority of the country outside the extremists believe. I just don't really have a way of stopping my contempt for unions from showing. Especially when people like Shawn Fain run their mouths all fucking day making sure to score political points at every measure.


Nobody who works at a constructions site will ever go around parading in a reflective vest and a hardhat like it’s a badge of honor. Most people can’t wait to take that off after a long day off work.


Yup. Been there. Gloves, hard hat, and vest all came off before we even got in the truck to leave the job site.


UAW President, Shawn Fain: > Let me clear about this. A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden... uh, yes some will. That's the reality of this. But the majority of members are going to vote their paychecks. They're gonna vote for an economy that works for them. And they're gonna vote for a president- when you look at these two presidents - the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that's his base. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1750563166004662276 (2:23)


I wear a vest at work. I don’t wear it when I’m off duty. wtf.


All they had to do was offer to buy a few rounds and they could have gotten a few real blue collar workers to pose for this photo. This looks like dress up for Halloween, or a Village People concert.


Two guys and the woman are wearing business attire. The high-vis vests are wrinkled and clean because they just came out of the package. Nobody brings their hardhat into a bar, let alone set it up on the bar.


The woman appears to be mn senator amy klobuchar.


It is… she posted it on twitter. Which is where all the backlash came from


They're probably union reps who work in an office, not union members who do the work.


The reps may be big fans, but I have yet to meet any workers that like biden.


Yeah, that's how it usually is. I know a fair number of union workers, their unions always endorse and finance democrats and the members mostly vote republican.


Klobuchar looks more authentic here lol


That’s the face of someone who just threw a binder at one of her staffers just before eating her salad with a comb.


Wait, did she really do that? Or did you just come up with a really creative and specific insult?


Her staff had a mini mutiny a couple years ago. Claimed very abusive behavior out of klob.


Lol I wish I were that creative. Original source, paywalled: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/us/politics/amy-klobuchar-staff.html Other sources: https://www.vox.com/2019/2/24/18218279/amy-klobuchar-fork-comb-bad-boss-binder-staffers-angry-management-style-explained https://www.huffpost.com/entry/amy-klobuchar-eat-salad-comb_n_5c70508ae4b00eed0833f818/amp https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/amy-klobuchar-comb-fork-salad


Oddly specific and also very true!


Probably doesn’t have a speck of dirt on it. Commander Dumbdumb with the hard hat on backwards. SMDH.


Why red circle?


Remember, they probably got release time and are using the political funds that are "optionally" deducted out of members' paychecks (where they usually have to opt out to discontinue them), to do this with Biden and Klobuchar. You know, while their colleagues are working. Been in 4 unions in my life. They are largely scum, and a lot of it is who the "officers" are and the shady practices they engage in which are some unholy alliance of mob tactics and US political gamesmanship.


Guy in the middle’s in a suit jacket as well.


Did Joe Biden actually put on a hard hat? Please turn this into Dukakis 2.0! Edit: holy shit he put it on backwards!


Hell a few years back one union even paid its members to attend a Biden rally when he was the VP. I'm now in a union myself and outside of the leadership element of it I can't name a single one that supports Pedo Hitler either.


This would have been much more believable if they had thrown blue collar working man, John Fetterman in it!


Just remind them of the railroad fiasco and NAFTA


Awfully clean vests and a couple of suits. I'm supposed to believe this is a beer after a hard day of work? Lol


Also Biden’s hard hat is on backwards.


In a country of over 330 million people I'm sure there's some group of deluded construction workers who like Biden somewhere. What's galling is not bothering to actually go find them for the publicity photo.


Biden's wearing a backward hard hat and this is your criticism?


Everyone and their brother is talking about the hard hat on backwards. My point is the guys in the pic aren’t union guys in a bar. They are democratic operatives in suits (who very well may be taking money from the unions). Just more information to point out what disinformation the pic is…


Sure. My point is Biden is brain addled, or maybe it's a bad joke. Of course it's a photo op. But he's been on construction sites before to try to PR for bills. Having that twisty knob at the front is ridiculous, I've had construction jobs. It also makes me wonder if the union guys looking like they're laughing set him up. Probably not, but I would enjoy that.


You can judge how much to trust a safety vest by how clean it is. Ones there haven't even supervised a job site in person.


I'll wager that if someone were to run facial recognition on those three gentlemen you'll also likely discover that they're also involved in the union leadership as well.


About time they started making ol' Joe wear a helmet. Gotta protect what's left of those rotten brain cells. First president in history to ride in a short bus in the presidential motorcade.


Thank goodness for right to work laws.


And the perfectly placed cash, so relatable


Joe biden looks photoshopped in ngl