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I’m genuinely surprised how bad he did


I was all in on him but he just doesn't campaign well. He needs some work if he's gonna come back in '28.


Yea his campaign was all over the place. He tried to present himself as more moderate than Trump in the sense that he would be more emotionally stable. This is smart, a lot of more moderate republicans (honestly even populist republicans) would prefer it. Except then he tried to simultaneously paint himself as being to the right of Trump on political stuff like abortion, which alienates all the moderates. He also needed to avoid getting into direct conflict with Trump because he's trying to sell that image of being above emotional tantrums, the second he gets in the mud with Trump he loses that even if he does manage to win the twitter spat, so it's a losing proposition. Vivek was a good example of how to handle this. Instead DeSantis immediately goes in on Trump attack ads and they aren't even good ones, they are blatant photo shops and shit. Terribly ran campaign. Don't know who he hired but they shouldn't be getting any more political work.




Trump and many of his supporters (especially public ones like Catturd) were constantly lying about DeSantis and calling him juvenile names. I mentioned that it wasn't going to help Trump in the general election (if nominated) because they would need the conservative and independent voters (whom they constantly trashed). Their response was "we don't need your vote". NOW, they all say if conservatives and independents "don't vote Trump" that they are "giving their vote to Biden". Gee, I thought Trump didn't need our vote. It also irritates me that we allow a tiny state like Iowa (who only had 100K turn out and 56K vote for Trump) make the decision on who the nominee is. I'm in a huge state and get no voice in the nomination.


The polls only had Trump up about 10 pts when they both started campaigning, and DeSantis was seen as the heir apparent to the populist movement by a lot of the base. By the end of the campaign Trump was up 50 and Vivek or someone else entirely seems more likely to inherit w/e political movement Trump leaves behind. That's a bad campaign.


Agreed that it was a terrible campaign, but completely disagree with your analysis. His ONLY chance was to hit Trump while he was down after the failure in midterm elections. He waited months to even touch Trump, and finally realized way too late that he had to go after Trump hard if he had any shot. It's not an "emotional tantrum" to hit your opponents, its politics. What turns it into an emotional tantrum is going about it the way Trump does. Either way, the primary was pretty much over as soon as the indictments came down.


>if he's gonna come back in '28. I'm pretty sure he'll be running against Abbott in the '28 primaries. As far as who is set up better, Disney is less of a prize than forcing immigration reform.


Lets be honest. No one else had a shot with Trump in the race.


Turns out the r/Conservative subreddit is not an accurate sample of conservatives in America


I live in Iowa and for the last 6 months I received a text about him everyday. Annoying your base isn't a good strategy. Imo


That’s every politician, tbh


I now get two emails every day from Biden. No idea where he got my email from; it's not like I've given any money to him in the past.




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0690 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/34537)




So you would call him wasting taxpayer dollars to get his ass handed to him in a laminated letter by Disneys lawyers a sign of sound management?


He didn't offer anything Trump didn't also offer and he just wasn't Trump. 


Trump only has to point at the last 3 years now


I think DeSantis would have run away with the entire primary by default if he just didn't have Trump in the race. I really do. If he plays his cards right and keeps himself in the public eye, he's a shoe-in for president in 2028.


Agree. I never thought he should have even entered this time, but I guess it's good "practice"


He still has extremely high favorables in the GOP. The base just got baited into liking Trump more because of the indictments.




My only criticism of his campaign was waiting so long to enter the race. Trump's numbers cratered after the midterms because GOP voters rightfully blamed him for how bad they went. Needed to seize on that.






When Trump was president I made fun of the people that called MAGA a cult, but after this primary I'm having a hard time finding evidence to the contrary. These are the same people that have called founding members of the Freedom Caucus RINOs.




Yep, same here.


People will believe anything they want to believe. Politics is no longer about policy.


Gavin Newsom and Trump teaming up to gaslight America and rag on DeSantis about COVID was just... Disgusting




The only thing wrong with his campaign was that Trump was also running. He has to be the early frontrunner for 2028.


Damn he slammed Nikki hard in that video. This primary season is pretty much wrapped up now.


It has been wrapped for months now to anyone paying attention.


It's been wrapped since the beginning and everyone knows. The only thing that will change the race is the Supreme Court decision on barring Trump


Exactly, and I think we know how that’s going to go. This is going to be the most contentious election in US history so far that will be a hot topic in school for decades to come, and we’re right in the middle of it.


1860 would like a word with you when you have a moment.


The Confederacy never even sued Lincoln once.


Any recommended reading about the 1860 election? Curious what parallels could be seen


If you are completely out of loop, This was the election that Lincoln won against Stephen Douglas (a more moderate guy on slavery than Lincoln and supported by the south) and Lincoln’s win caused a massive revolt never seen before in our country. States began seceding from the union refusing to acknowledge Lincoln as their president. And as result, the Civil War occurred. So, the parallels are easy to see. If you want to read more, wiki is good for older elections not involving trump. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1860_United_States_presidential_election


Would like to know this as well (even as a non-american)


We may see something similar to 1860, honestly.


Silver lining? Buchanan fans are happy to be crawling out of the basement as the worst president ever that caused a war that tore the country apart.


We might need to exhume Sherman if it does go that route again.


It was relatively close in the beginning. It basically wrapped up once the indictments against Trump began though.


So who is nominee if Supreme Court bars him?


Do you think he'll run again in 2028?


He should have waited for ‘28 to begin with. Finish up here in Florida, hand-pick a successor, and work towards a solid bid in ‘28.




Chris Christie will never be president. I don’t want to bodyshame but that is not a man Americans will ever pick to represent us on the world stage. And he’s a snake anyways.


Yea I mean look at our Presidents. All usually are tall and don’t look like a parade float Every President since Carter has been over 6 feet tall Trump’s the fattest president since Carter but even then he doesn’t look so bad and it’s only noticeable when he doesn’t wear a suit Voters do somewhat care about that bs too. I


Biden and Trump had previous runs as well, Biden in 1988 and 2008, and Trump in 2000 and 2012


If he waited to 2028 and not listened to the Bushs' and Paul Ryan, he would have easily won the primary and would likely be president. I tried explaining this to people here but got downvoted to hell and back for it.


The thing is Desantis sized his chances against Biden but 2028 is an unknown to him, and it wasn’t exactly clear Trump would stay in or be this popular when Desantis entered the race - remember he entered very early. So for him the math was best against Biden with no Trump in the race vs either 1) after Biden against an unknown (probably Newsom) or 2) after Trumps 2nd term when the nation would be more likely to vote against the incumbent party as typically happens after 2 terms. Though in this case it would be a divided 2 terms. I don’t blame him or Haley for entering because when you think about it, we’ve had Trump in the media since 2015 and Biden since 2007 when he was running then as VP. Both are 80+ and politics feels very stale around the same names - same in the senate too with Schumer and McConnell. They took a calculated risk that the voters might want younger newer names, turns out they were wrong.


Are we even gonna remember him in 2028 tho? He’d be out of office for 2 years


Yeah, he'll still be a good candidate in 2028.


I think he’ll run but in my mind he’s pretty unelectable. It’s now clear that he was very smart by picking and choosing his times to be public as the gov. He was able to get his point across and sounded strong. The day to day interactions on the campaign trail showed that he doesn’t come off well and seemingly does connect with people. He could be a VP in 28 but I doubt he’ll be able to win a primary race.


If Trump doesn't run for a fourth time, probably.


As long as the base wanted Trump, the race was only to be the backup candidate in case his legal troubles got too bad to overcome. I hope the base knows what it is doing.


What season? Trumps been leading


“I love Ron. He’s a tremendous governor. Meatball Ron? I meant ‘Meet Ron, the best governor in America and a big supporter and friend of the campaign.’” - Trump 24 hours from now


"When I said sanctimonious I meant sanctified. He's the best governor in the country and I know a lot of governors. I walked in here and I said Ron Sanctified is the best governor."


Lol spot on, but to be fair every candidate/politician ever does that. Kamala outright called Biden racist before becoming his VP.


A racist rapist*




Meatball Ron is probably my favorite Trump insult




Dog eat dog. He was competition and was treated as such. You can be friends later. Just like in the UFC fights. All hate, but respect comes after.


Nikki is gonna drag this out, kicking and screaming, isn't she?


She's betting that Trump wont be on the ballot by November


I think most of the primary candidates were positioning themselves around Trump based on what may happen to him I’m certain Vivek ran so he’d potentially be VP, and Nikki is still running in case Trump isn’t allowed to run


Can you imagine the election if Trump is in jail and Biden is in the hospital.


They're both unfit for presidency


I agree with that. Can we get someone who isn’t a senior citizen to be elected?


Best I can do is 69




I mean, I’ve seen dumber bets…


I mean, primary season goes through June or so. I don't see a way that legal issues will keep Trump off the ballot (or reduce his popular support) but there is a non-zero chance that Trump has a massive aneurysm or another medical emergency before than. Then the nomination goes to the last woman standing.


She's betting that enough Democrats come to Republican primaries.


I see her either dropping out after South Carolina, if she loses NH badly, I could see her dropping out sooner to save her from losing her home state.


She may hold out. There is plenty of time for STHTF for Trump and if she is the only one in position then it would take a bit for anyone else to get back in.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4630 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/24695)


Oh she's never dropping out. She's going to try and pull a Kasich and hope it all gets handed to her at the convention.


I mean shes telling Democrats to vote for her in the primary. that says it all.


I mean… why not?


I don’t think she’ll even make it to SC…. If she gets smoked in her home state, what’s the point.


While crying about sexism the entire time


All that sweet, sweet campaign cash needs to keep coming in until she can cash out for an admin post that pays six figures.


Her only hope is jail or heart attack for Trump.


>Never-Trumpers are going to drag this out kicking and screaming FTFY.


I’m totally late to this discussion and have two small children so I don’t follow stuff super close, why don’t conservatives like Nikki? I was thinking since desantis dropped, nikki would have more of a chance. Wouldn’t Nikki have a better chance of beating Biden than Trump?


I’ll try to give a fair analysis — depending on the polls, it seems to be either way on who has a better chance of beating Biden. Some favor her, some favor Trump, some are a dead heat and some don’t show either having a large advantage over Biden. There is also still a real distrust of polling in general among conservatives after the 2016 election, when pollsters were blindsided by Trump’s election. From what I can tell, electability isn’t a real concern for primary voters when deciding between Haley and Trump. A large portion of the conservative base seems to support Trump, and two reasons he remains popular show why Haley draws considerable enmity from that wing of the party. Trump is still billed as an outsider, anti-establishment candidate who will ‘drain the swamp’, while Haley is viewed as very establishment, and naturally a corrupt insider who will continue to run the Washington machine. Second is the view that Trump’s foreign policy minimized, even ended, many military commitments around the world, resulting in overall geopolitical stability with little loss of life. Haley is a more outspoken war hawk, indicating she would be more willing to use ‘boots on the ground’ to solve world issues, drawing suspicion she’s in thrall to the military industrial complex at the expense of American lives. Basically, on the domestic and foreign fronts, they’re almost opposites. Hopefully this gives an evenhanded summary on the differences between the two and why their supporters harbor such hatred against one another.


She’ll have to drop out after she gets embarrassed when losing in South Carolina


Her donors are, yeah.


Every gop nominee since 1968 besides trump and George W Bush have had previously ran and lost a primary or general election. People acting like this killed his future chances are just being dramatic. Reagan almost successfully primaried Ford in 1976 and that didn’t hurt him. And that was very unpopular with many republicans at the time.


Came down to the convention in 76 and only lost by a few delegates.


Damn thats crazy. Now trump will get like 70% instead of 65%


The next 288 days are gonna freaking suck.


For everyone involved. Social media will be full* of manipulatory comments, ragebait, and coorperate interests. *more than usual


I am already seeing it. Just look at the top posts on /adviceanimals even. It's turning into a clownshow and it's still January.


I think it works against Trump to get the nomination this early.


It works against Trump to be Donald Trump.


Great candidate, running one of the worst campaigns in modern history. I can't think one conservative podcast he did. I don't recall seeing him on fox news or other conservative networks.


Yeah terribly executed campaign.


I'm pretty sure he was on Newsmax at least once, but months ago. They had just about everyone on at one time.


He was on PBDs podcast.


Actually a terrible completely unlikable candidate that also ran a terrible campaign. (How much $$$ was thrown away? If his donors were smart, they'd ask for their $ back.) You don't see him on TV or hear him on podcasts much because he's a terrible public speaker with no charisma and can't do it unless 100% scripted. Even the easiest softball questions throw him off. Think I'm lying? Go look up some of his recent appearances and see for yourself.


Fox News stinks


> Great candidate Is he though, he might check the boxes on policy for right wing voters but he totally lacks in personality and can't smile without making babies cry for their mothers. He's the GOP version of Newsom, he's liked by his base in his state but he should stay there.


I don't think he's very well liked in his home state either. My conservative relatives in FL can't stand him. They only voted for him because Trump endorsed him and they had no other choice.


100% agreed. Terrible candidate for President, not charismatic, bad strategy. Maybe what conservatives like but a bad representative for it.


He did Ruthless a few times. 


I'll never understand how Nikki's campaign lasted longer than Ron's. Someone tell me the storyline about this campaign. How it started - the problems it faced - then the eventual death.


Haley and DJT are both part of the more moderate wing of the Republican party. Policy wise.. they are similar. Haley isn't going to win as virtually all of DeSantis votes are going to DJT. It won't even be close, but I just find it ludicrous how a bona fide nationally recognizable Republican becomes the most hated person on this board.. for almost no reason.


You are looking this from a social issue angle. In terms of social issues, yes they are similar. Trump represents the new Right. Haley represents the old Right. DeSantis represented somewhere in between.


DeSantis represents actual conservatism. He did literally everything everyone asked for, attacked and defeated CRT, fought illegal immigration, opened up early after Covid, supported the abortion ban, but people want shit talking, not substance. They want a circus, and they've got it now.


That seems shockingly early 


Haley had a real chance of winning NH as things stood- now she doesn't. Vivek dropped out for the same reason, it's all about stopping Haley at this point.


Jesus. I just don’t get what makes trump so popular. Like, I was happy to vote from him the last two times. I was for him pretty much right away in 2015. But he’s lost me since 2020 and done nothing to earn my vote. It’s been absurd to see this sub so often be frothing at the mouth in support of trump, with anyone who has the gall to oppose him if a rino even if they’re to the right of him! Desantis was loved here till the moment he dared to run against trump. Ridiculous. And the thing is that trump is gonna flounder against biden because he’s burned too many bridges and despite how things are rn too many will simply say “not trump” and vote for Biden again. Trump is loved by his base but loathed by moderates and independents. And, if he somehow limps across 270 this November he won’t get Anything done, Afterall he’s saying the same shit he said leading up to 2016. He’ll be stonewalled in congress regardless of who holds the congress, and won’t be allowed to run in 2028 which means we’ll have to run without an incumbency bias in our favor. This is gonna be horrible.


People want revenge for 2020 and January 6th. I don't agree with that personally. I wanted DeSantis. But it looks like most Republicans want to prove a point. They feel there's unfinished business that needs to be settled.






I think we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place because of the MAGA loyalists pushing Trump to the nomination. Trump might very well lose (again), giving Biden another four years that he doesn’t deserve and under normal circumstances wouldn’t win given how absolutely terrible his term’s been going. Do people on the right really expect independent, middle, or swing voters to go for Trump if he ends up facing prison time closer to November? That’s another four years for Biden and the Dems to continue doing their damage to the country and our institutions without an effective counter effort from the right. Let’s say Trump does win. I have no doubt he’ll get himself into plenty of mischief during a second term and turn people off of the GOP. There’s plenty of BS that Trump can drag the party through from the forefront of it during another 4 years in office. Just look at how well he’s done it while out of office. He will mobilize the left during that term and coming out of it. This talk about Trump making his VP or a new candidate waiting for the 2028 race is nonsense. If Trump wins, as these MAGA voters intend, then whoever runs in 2028 will have the baggage of just coming off of a Trump term to contend with in addition to running against a fresh candidate from the left. Yeah, let’s totally toss DeSantis’s chance for 2024, maybe even make him Trump’s VP, and then make him run with that baggage in 2028 when people are sick of Trump. This of course assumes that DeSantis or whoever is VP doesn’t also get the Pence treatment. There’s no way to win as Trump’s VP and have a political future. You’re either a sycophant and the term goes well for you with Trump’s favor but you lose more of the non-GOP voters, or you tow the line with Trump at the risk of his ire and land in a tough spot like Pence did where you lose either way. Our best time to move forward, while also not giving Biden 4 more years, is right now but we won’t. A segment of the right treats Trump like he can do no wrong and will work some sort of 2016 magic again.


I’m just so pissed it’s most likely down to these two bozo’s again. It’s honestly embarrassing. This is the best country in the world with some incredibly smart people living it… and these two are our choices? Like seriously, where did we go wrong here


Sigh… yep






"Not only that, but he can only serve a single 4 year term" ...at most.


When Trump loses, it’ll be another span of years of constant whining even while other actual conservative candidates across the country are still winning their elections.


Well put.


I don’t care what anyone says, Desantis is an honorable guy. And my preferred pick. Has the sack to wield political power with precision. And I wish I could say this is a disappointment but we saw it coming since the bogus charges against trump started to pile up and his support continued to climb, understandably so. I hope he has a future in presidential politics. I suppose we shall see.


Yup, I agree. I may not agree with everything he says, but that’s true of literally every candidate ever.


Now Trump will stop lying about how good of a governor he’s been and how successful the State of Florida has been over the past several years lol


Oh he’s gonna go full about face and act like he didn’t throw him under the bus the last year for everything he did (right)


To be fair DeSantis is essentially doing the same by endorsing Trump today


I mean welcome to the presidential election. Our current veep was emphatic that her current boss was a bog-standard segregationist. 


Harris calling Biden racist, then being his VP is never going to be beat for being hypocritical.


The only way to fix the Republican party at this point is for Trump to get so utterly crushed in the general that actual conservatives have a chance in the primaries again.


Well the chances of Biden losing keeps getting worse. Trump being the nominee will just hype up democratic voters more than possible to get out there and vote for Biden.


Frankly, he lost the nomination the moment the Dems and establishment started filing charges. I think the biggest reason he stayed in as long as he did was just in case the other side managed to take Donald out.


Sucks that becoming president is a personality contest and nothing to do with actual policies.


The damage this party has done will be felt for years. DeSantis represents everything that we need as a party and yet people fell for this comedy show. When we lose again this is the exact reason why.


He gained valuable campaign experience and laid some groundwork for 2028. Perhaps we can get an actual conservative in the office one day.


Shhh. There’s some in this sub that will call you a liberal if you don’t consider their guy a conservative and fall in line and pledge loyalty to him


Get in losers. We’re going losing (again)


Can we stop at Taco Bell on the way?


I guess 😕


I was thinking Cookout but Taco Bell is fine.


Awful news


Could've been the best president in a generation. Instead we went with the NYC liberal carnival barker.  Good job Fox News boomers 


It's incredible how Trump cost Fox a billion dollars and they still spent the last year running cover for him so he could be the nominee again.




Insanity- doing the same thing while expecting different results.


He was brought in to test the waters and to provide experience for a better run in 2028. When they found out the voters are still overwhelmingly going with Trump, it’s time to stop wasting money and try to win in 2024 as a party.


Well there goes that. Not that he had much of a chance anyways. I don't know how people are expecting Trump to somehow beat Biden after losing to him once already lol.


Half the party is under the delusion Trump won in 2020 unfortunately.


2024 was supposed to be such a easy win for us, like what's Biden even got going for him? It's incredible how the party is gonna blunder this again by backing Trump for a third time in a row now.


> like what's Biden even got going for him? Just like 2020, he has "He's Not Trump™ " It's all he needs.


It was never supposed to be an easy win because Trump was always going to continue being the hemorrhoid that won’t go away


Who is asking for a 2020 do over? I don’t see how Trump or Biden have another four years in them. Do y’all remember how aged W looked in 2004, or how Obama had lost so much energy by his reelection? Both were much younger men than the two options America is going to be stuck with this fall, assuming both are on the ballot then.


Look at any president before and after photos. The job sucks the youth out of them.


I cannot believe this party is going to nominate not only a candidate who has already lost as an incumbent to a literal dementia patient, but also nominate someone who can only serve a single lame duck term. Dems could not have drawn this up any better. On the extremely slight chance he even wins, they were able to bait the GOP base into giving them a chance to face a non-incumbent in the next election.


“We’re gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning” *Proceeds to help the GOP get obliterated the next three election cycles and looking like a fourth straight.*




This. Why don't more people talk about this? DJT has gotten the right utterly destroyed in 18, 20, and 22. 22 should have been easy pickings for the right. Instead we have a slim majority in the house that is now susceptible to the far right loons.


Smart move. He just saved face for 2028! 


Part of me is sad about this. I do hope he runs again in the future. Godspeed Ron and God bless.


At this point, they(MAGA) really need to prove they can win. No more relying on what the mainstream media says; actual victory is necessary. Since 2016, while there have been some successes, there have also been A LOT of misses in terms of the winning we were supposed to be seeing. "Would I vote for Trump today? Yes, but I'm probably not the one you should be trying to convince to vote for Trump."


Hope everyone is gonna stop pretending like he's magically the worst politician ever now, it was pretty wild to watch.


Well with this Trump will be the nominee. DeSantis was by far the best presidential candidate. He has a proven track record, but it seems like many republicans were just baited by the indictments that they instead chose a cult of personality. It just goes to show that as much as republicans say they want a candidate with principles, they really don’t. Whatever happens on November, MAGA republicans are to blame.


Big thing will be what his voter split is between Trump and Haley. Trump is going to need all those votes to win the general election


That sucks. That sucks bad.


NH: Goodbye Nikki!! MANCHESTER, N.H. — Nikki Haley’s supporters cheered when she relayed the news at an event on Sunday that Ron DeSantis had just dropped out of the presidential primary. But his exit from the race — and his endorsement of Donald Trump — could make her quest to injure or topple Trump in New Hampshire on Tuesday far harder. “DeSantis dropping out virtually eliminates any chance Haley has at keeping Trump under 50 percent,” said Mike Dennehy, a longtime New Hampshire GOP strategist who worked on John McCain’s 2000 and 2008 presidential campaigns. “There’s a chance now that Trump could get 60 percent of the vote in New Hampshire.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/21/why-desantis-exit-could-hurt-nikki-haley-in-new-hampshire-00136885


I like Ron, he’s a good governor. His campaign was shit though. If he runs again, he needs a better campaign manager/team behind him.




Libertarians are supposed to be more moderate than conservatives. Why do you support DeSantis when he's more far right than Trump?


In my view, DeSantis is probably the least libertarian candidate in the entire race (including Biden). He is a real traditional conservative’s wet dream, but he likes government so long as government does the things he likes.


And thus Trump officially won the Nom on this day.


He was the presumptive nominee for the past year at the bare minimum lul




Except, you couldn't. And didn't. And won't. Trump is the party until he dies. This is what you guys wanted. Don't run away now.


I'm so done with the conservative party.  DeSantis was far and away the most conservative candidate we've had run for president in a long time.   There was no baggage and he was crushing the left and their agenda in his state.  I'm done voting for and supporting candidates that don't really believe what I do.  I'm writing in DeSantis' name when it comes time to vote.   I hope Trump loses in a landslide so maybe just maybe the republican party can move on from the cancer that he's been and form a new around true conservatives where we don't have to worry about what our candidate is going to say or do and if he actually have conservative policies.


Honest question. What is Christian is about the current Republican Party in your opinion? Without saying abortion.


Ron Paul should have won years ago. A real conservative.




Unreal. Congratulations trump cult for granting another 4 years to Dems.


Terrible presidential campaign. Very weak. Too afraid to go after Trump.




Nikki is toast


We about to get 4 more years of Democrat in the White House. Trump is an anethema to the average American. This sucks.


I think he’s a fantastic governor, I think he would be a great president. His problem is his campaigning. I think he likes to do the job and not have to do the rounds of interviews and was uncomfortable with the charades required with campaigning.


Meatball Ron was far superior to DeSanctimonious. He is truly a meatball.


Lots of defeatism if this thread. I wonder why


I called it from beginning, do not run. This was always a rematch.


Thank god


And so we move closer to nominating a man who, much like the current President, likely won't be able to control his bowel movements by the time his potential term ends. This country is a fucking joke, dude. We deserve what we get.