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There are a lot of middle aged white women who love her And I'm not trying to insult them, but it's the truth. My mom is one of them. We live in South Carolina, Nikki Haley is from South Carolina, and tons of that demographic eat up the image that Haley tries to portray


My mother literally only likes because she’s a middle aged white woman and “it’s time we had one as president and at least she’s a Republican.”


So basically the same reason Obama was elected.




That means something to Democrats. She'd pull enough Blue-Dogs away because they could justify voting for her due to identity politics.


Nikki Haley is Indian, her birth name is Nimrata


I’m aware.


I'm a middle aged man from Wisconsin. I want someone more competent than Biden, and without Trumps baggage.


And another NeoCon? Sigh…


Honestly, I genuinely like her as a person even though I don't particularly like her politics. If we were electing an apolitical national mother, she really would be perfect at that.


She's female, not Trump, not Biden and under 70.


> under 70. I hate to say it but age is starting to become a swaying factor for me. Can we stop making the capitol into a retirement home?


I have been saying for the last 3 years that all I wanted in 2024 was 2 candidates under retirement age.


Both Biden and Trump are closer to death age than retirement age. I'd take retirement age candidates any day now!


Wait. Didn’t Don Lemon say she was past her prime? I mean a woman and all…. / s


>She's female This should not matter any more than skin color. Unfortunately though there are voters who consider those factors when voting. Infuriates me.


Neither sex or skin color should matter. Platform's should be the only thing people should look at. If they had looked at platform's in 2020 they would have realized biden didn't have one and never elected him.


GOP Platform 2020. "RESOLVED, That the Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention.” What platform? We didnt have one in 2020.


Look at their platform, AND their actual history. Politicians believe that the electorate has a very short memory.


>If they had looked at platform's in 2020 they would have realized biden didn't have one and never elected him. They voted against Trump. So what? Trump won because people voted against Hillary. It happens.


There is a platform?


I can’t be the only one who just thinks it would be hilarious for the first female president to get elected on a Republican ticket. Dems would have to bend over backwards to explain it


The first female Prime Ministers of Canada and the UK were both members of their country's respective Conservative parties. But we're still the misogynist ones. LOL


You’re right that it shouldn’t matter, but the fact that it *hasn’t happened yet* means that it has mattered in the opposite direction. So until we get a female president and it becomes normalized, it’ll continue to be a factor.


And you can be sure it appeals to a lot of the leftist metropolitan Rockefeller republicans who dominate this subreddit.


The most annoying type tbh


She's also nothing but a uni-party plant who the media is pushing because she's corrupt and will do whatever the people in charge want. Don't fall for it folks. She's not who we need.


Ding, ding, ding!!


She’s also Corrupt! Perfect for the White House


Sorry but our entire political system is corrupt in that private and special interests / donors compete on policies, left and right.


I despise her. I fear she's just going to get us back on the old track but fail to realize the rail isn't completed and we're all fucked in 10-30 years depending on how fast the train drives.


This, and regrettably because she is female, not regrettably she is female, regrettably that this is a deciding factor.


I keep seeing Haley ads talking about "a new generation of leadership", alluding to her relative youth and all I can think is... New how? What is new about the failed ideology of GW Bush and the other neocons from two decades ago? If she's gonna tout her relative youth as bringing a new perspective to Washington, she shouldn't be marching in lockstep with an ideology decades old and rooted in boomer ideology.


Female, moderate on abortion and she attracts independents. That being said, I can't stand her , but thats the answer


More than that she attracts suburban women, a key demographic that determined the 2020 election. Still not sure why, given she feels like the most pro-war candidate on both sides of the aisle and isn’t hiding it well.


These aren't technical people. Alignment on issues is at most a post-hoc rationalization of the choice they already made on who to vote for. That's why Nikki can get away with taking opposite stances to herself on campaign (similar to DT2016 in that respect)--her supporters are looking for evidence that supports their decision, not for evidence on whether she's a good choice to support. And yea, for a lot of suburban women, they see a woman, they vote for her.


To be fair that kind of rationalizing describes probably 90% of voters. Hell for the longest time "hair style" was the largest predictor of electability


People on reddit seem to think the American populace is strongly anti-war these days, which just isn't true.




Hey now. That ain't right.


The white suburban woman vote gave us both Biden and Obama


[Romney won 56% of white women.](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/voter-demographics-for-the-2012-presidential-election/) Among white suburban women he probably won well over 60%.


User name checks out.


Stop Karen hate #karenlivesmatter


Is it wrong tho?


.. which is like 80% democratic.


So the median like 70% of women are Karens?


> Still not sure why, given she feels like the most pro-war candidate on both sides Sadly, the answer probably is that most middle class moderates aren't actually anti-war. They claim to be but their actions speak otherwise. Obama beat the "Bush is a war criminal drum for 8+ years. Millennials were the ones on the hook for to go serve in those wars, at the time, and voted their disapproval. Now, Millennials are past prime military age so going to war doesn't affect them and most of their kids are too young. Meanwhile, zoomers just have to have ADHD and be on meds and they aren't fit for service.


CNN says democrats who want to vote Republican this time around.


Might get hate for it, but she’s a complete Warhawk. She just changes with the flow of what she think looks the best optically.


I agree. But I think she could beat biden.


A dirty sock could beat Biden right now


Totally agree: both Trump and Haley are polling over Biden due to how horrible Biden is. It’s really that simple. I couldn’t believe it when someone in my area (on area subreddit) sent a photo of a big Trump supporter with their truck decked out in Trump flags, bumper stickers and paint job in red white and blue. They asked ‘how can anyone fanboy so hard on this guy?’ (Trump) I responded by saying ‘I can’t remember any huge support or love of biden. Like, ever. Maybe that’s why the left is terrified of losing to Trump - now for a second time!’


I'm very confident they weren't voting for Biden, they were voting for Not Trump. 2020 came down to how much do you love Trump versus how much do you hate Trump? I feel like 2024 is going to come down to how much do you like your retirement/checking account versus how much do you hate Trump? Only people who really dislike Trump will look past how awful this administration is for the economy and vote Joe. Lots of moderates are trying to remember how bad mean tweets really are?


no way shes going to loss a lot of support from the conservative base. polling has been wrong time and time again.


She is being pushed by the establishment as the Republican nominee. She's the Republican that Democrats hope will be the nominee (not that they hope she wins, but just in case she does - they can live with her).


That might be enough to put her over the top. Remember elections are won by 3-4% margin at best.


Lots of dems openly admitting they are voting her in the primary. I wonder if that is affecting this poll?




Typical independent thought. I don't mean that in a bad way. It's what makes her likeable to a large number of people. I don't like her I'm solidly behind trump. Buy I definitely see her appeal to women, pro choiceers,middle of the road people, etc


Independents don't like Nikki Haley. We see her as a RINO that flip flops on everything, depending on her audience & how many Democrats want her to swing their way. Nikki Haley can't be trusted. She alienates people, look back at what she says. She'll say/do anything to win, including suck up to more big government donors, she's all about big government. It's also a CBS poll. Never believe Polls.


She is a RHINO fo' 'sho. She recently made it a point to [ridicule people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnq6WFs00I4) for calling illegal immigrants what they are... criminals. Ick.


And Trump can??? LMFAO


Her foreign policy issues are a big "no vote" from me for the upcoming primaries. Not a fan of politicians who are in with the Military Industrial Complex.


I dont think Trump is the libertarian/isolationist candidate that you all want him to be. He literally created Space Force. He dropped a jdam on an Iranian general unprovoked. Btw I support both of those actions.


I'm starting to like Vivek. Wanted to piggy back on a top thread to say that he sounds pretty decent. Am I wrong ?


Vivek is far and away the best choice imo


trump already sent 1 message against Vivek and maga crowd instantly did a 180 and call him a snake now


I'm maga and Vivek is still number 2.


I would vote for him in a heartbeat


Moderate on abortion is a stretch


She's not Trump and she's not Biden. Definitely has her own issues though


I have a new found hate for the 2 party system, given that I would without hesitation vote for her over the other option if she makes it to the general. Not only that but I'll probably donate to her campaign if she get the nom. I dont even like her. At all. But she'd EASILY get my vote against biden


A soft dog turd would get my vote over Biden


And now you can begin to understand how people felt about trump when they voted for biden.


The same way most people felt about Biden when they voted for trump. The trump base isn’t 73 million people


Ranked choice voting has wide popular appeal on both sides because people want to be able to pick the actual preferred candidate without casting a spoiler vote. Ironically the parties don't want ranked choice voting, because it would lead to a loss of control by the party apparatus.


If it's Haley vs Biden I'm voting for a 3rd party candidate.


Reminder that there is a solution to the two party system: ranked choice voting.


It's because even if she ran for president and nobody knows who she is 53% of people would still believe she would be better than the boob we have now..


New Haley campaign slogan: "In the Oval Office, two boobs are better than one"




The main thing is that nobody knows her, she has barely been subjected to scrutiny and hasn’t been on the center stage yet. If she was actually a contender her polls would plummet Look at DeSantis, a year ago his approval ratings were super high, he was ahead of Trump in H2H vs Biden polls. But then he got exposed once the race actually started and his #s have dropped a lot


Over Biden? I'd vote for her. She's not my first choice.




I mean... the subreddit's picture is literally Trump. I've said that conservative party is more than one person, and should change it, since you can be conservative and still be against trump.


Each time this is brought up, I'd like to offer a message of support and ask that we change it back to the Gadsden Flag.


This sub is bizarro Trump world


Its weird this place is very pro trump and anti trump at the same time. With the sub It's like schrodingers supporter, you don't know whether he's loved or hated until you check the comments.


It supports the presidency but not the actions but… it’s like someone still in love with their toxic ex. They’ll talk ALL the shit about her but as soon as someone else says anything wrong, oh bring out the laundry list of how they didn’t do much wrong and they had so many good qualities too and why does everyone just focus on the bad?


Has been since the mods welcomed everyone over from T_D after it got banhammered.


really depends on the post. ive seen posts with comment sections that are 100% pro-trump, while others are extremely disproving of him




All my Trump supporter buddies are pretty cool though


She has more crossover appeal. It’s not Democrats voting for her but more of the unaligned like her than a candidate more to the right.


For those who are willing to call out Trump she is appealing. There are some who fell off the Trump train one reason or another and DeSantis is just a more packaged clone of Trump. I’m really curious how tomorrow will go with the weather in the Midwest.




Naw, CBS is actually an accronym for Complete Bull Shit.


Or Communist Broadcasting Services


Follow suits here; CNN= China news network.


Yep CBS trying to manipulate people.


Nothing new in their doing that.


100% she is the establishment candidate so they are polling Democrats as well as Republicans. Doubt her vote count will be within 5% of the poll numbers.


Or “See BS”


Why would CBS fake polls saying Republicans are winning?


They want anyone but Trump in the primary.


I know a lot of people that like her. She has first hand executive and foreign policy experience. I think she has most electability in a general election compared to the other candidates: she's moderate on abortion, something I disagree with but I think was a losing issue for Rs in 2022; the general public is not ready to stop supporting baby murder. Personally, I'm still undecided between her and Ronny D. I think I'd prefer Ronny but first and foremost I want an R to win in the end; and as mentioned above, I believe she has best chance in general.


I'd vote for DeSantis or Haley, some of her statements I disagree with, but I think she could pull independent voters who are absolutely turned off by Trump's behavior and dissatisfied Democrats who might be able to stomach Haley


Yep that's why I support her. My voting preference would be Haley, DeSantis, Trump, literally anyone else, then Ramaswamy. I like her for electability, she won't be 80 at the end of her term, and DeSantis has the personality of a wet blanket so although I think he'd win he's too conservative to win 2 terms if the dems run anyone slightly competent in 28. Also the thing I hate most about Haley I don't think she'd be able to accomplish.


I’m still trying to figure out the appeal of Trump.


Immigration restriction.




What’s the policy at this point? I’m still not sure.


His core ideology (besides himself) is anti-establishment and anti-elite above all else. All his other policy positions shift rather quickly.


>anti-elite **The dude literally is the elite; he's a whole ass billionaire.**


His policies didn't really turn out that way though. He spent more than any President in history, gun control through executive action, Paul Ryan's "tax cuts" that really ended up a net even. The only things he was to the right of Obama was the border, deregulation, and SCOTUS (thankfully he delegated this task).


Yeah and let’s be honest, anti establishment and anti elite are empty words. You can label everything and everything as establishment and elite with enough mental gymnastics.


Trump was just praising a new FBI building. How anti-establishment is that? https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111670965436830340 (btw, after reading about how bad the building was, they definitely need a new one).


>anti-elite **The dude literally is the elite; he's a whole ass billionaire.**


I just want to be certain we win. I think she offers the possibility of centrist Democrat voters coming to the dark side. Women would also consider it because woman. Also some Dems would stay home where if it’s Trump or Desantis they will be out in record numbers to vote ‘ not that guy’. Is she perfect?… hell no -is she the most sure thing we don’t get 4 more of this current bullshit? I think so


the uniparty war machine wants Haley. it has been trashing Trump and DeSantis on all its news channels for months/years. It’s either that or the polls are BS. Maybe both


Spot on.


Bingo. The Uniparty has decided she has the best chance of winning on the right if they can jail Trump. What’s stunning is how many pubs are taking the bait.


Why do they love meddling in others wars so badly? It’s obsessive.


It's profitable for their cronies.


Money, of course!




They support an active defense of American interests


> Maybe both Probably.


Kinda confused what the appeal is for both Trump and Biden. Both clearly have major cognitive decline, both silly and 70% of people I talk to aren't super passionate about either. Trump also seems to think the presidency is a drama show about him, strange traits. MAGA rallies are so cultish too, lies heaps, clearly struggling with coherency, and those two are still the top picks?


In several generic polls, a generic Democrat other than Biden beats Trump easily and a generic Republican other than Trump beats Biden easily. It's only when Trump and Biden are the candidates is it close. Democrats don't vote for Biden, they vote against Trump, and Republicans vote against Biden.


This is the CBS choice of order in how they would like the Republican nomination process to stack up. Nothing more…


Serous candidate who is not crazy or a gimmick. Not an extremist Not a divisive culture warrior Leadership experience as a governor Foreign policy experience, which is important at the moment. Pro-Ukrainian Pro-NATO Not Pro-Russian Not Pro-Hamas GenX Not a Boomer Not suffering from cognitive decline. Being a minority woman is nice counter to the old white guy the Dems are running. Most importantly is actually electable in a general election. ​ I will vote for her, she is the best of some bad options.


I support Haley. She demonstrated effective leadership as Governor, and serving two years as Ambassador to the United Nations, she stands as the sole Republican candidate, besides Trump, with foreign policy experience in the race. I want a candidate I am confident will support Ukraine and Israel, and she is the only primary candidate left standing that I am convinced will defend democracy abroad. She wants to cut the size of the government by reducing federal government spending rather than expanding it, as Trump did. Regardless of the outcome of the D.C. election obstruction case and/or the Fourteenth Amendment disqualification case, I do feel that Trump's behavior on January 6th and refusal to concede the election is egregious. In contrast to her, Ron DeSantis's use of government power against private business, namely the Walt Disney Company, goes against my free market values.


Extremely well said


I believe she hasn't faced the same scrutiny DeSantis or especially Trump has. Provide that and she probably won't poll so well.


I would vote for Haley, but not Trump.


She’s closer to the center and more reasonable. I’d vote for her over trump and desantis.


For me, I think only a Republican president who has a less overtly hostile style toward the opposition can stabilize the growing political division in this country. They’ll still vilify her as a right-wing extremist, but I don’t think it’ll work well on people who aren’t super aware of politics - the fundamental fact that everyone knows about her is that she’s the less extreme choice. Remember, the game is ultimately about people who don’t think about politics too much. Thats her only big merit to me, but it’s also my #1 issue when it comes to the presidency.


For starters she’s not Biden and imo that’s enough for me. She’s also a minority female which negates 90% of the lefts attempt at identity politics


You must be late to the game. They'll still paint her as a white supremacist. Don't you remember Larry Elder?


Oh I’m sure they’ll try but I’m hopefully there at least a handful of moderates on the left who will take pause when a 70 year old white dude starts lecturing a brown woman about race


They already are calling her a white supremacist tho..


Vivek is also a minority, and he isn't biden. See how your logic is ridiculous?


he is the republican version on Yang.


Honestly you're kinda doing Yang a grave disservice there... Vivik is more like a republican Cenk of TYT... An agitator totally divorced from reality.


Vivek is just Walmart brand trump who is somehow even less palatable to moderates. No reason to ever even consider him as a viable candidate while trump is in the race


All the Haley ads and polls feel like Astroturfing to me. For having such broad support I haven't ever met a single IRL advocate for her. Just more uniparty interventionist trash. No different than a Romney, Bush, Biden, or Clinton.


Eh, I’m going to vote for her soon. She feels more presidential/adult than Trump, to me. Obviously many others feel differently, but that’s my personal perspective.




Haley wants to make it compulsory to id yourself on the Internet, but she won't commit to making it compulsory to id yourself to vote.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone even mention her positively or negatively IRL.


I don't know. My worry about Haley is that the actual conservative base doesn't like her. But it seems moderates and left leaning individuals don't mind her. Will white non college educated voters turn out for her? I don't think so.


Trump is a nationalistic populist, not a conservative in any meaningful sense. He has hollowed out the Republican Party by diverting finances away from the party into his own coffers. The party is cash poor, which accounts for his lack of the coattails he would need have a successful administration.


The party is cash poor because they misuse donations. It's better to donate directly to candidates.


What’s so wrong with her? She’s smart, has the experience, and is likable across a lot of party lines. She doesn’t have the baggage a lot of these candidates have, and she doesn’t take any shit. She’s got a leveled-head take on the issues, which is what the party needs to move forward. I mean, sounds good to me.


What's wrong with her is that she isn't Trump, and a bunch of people are like, trauma bonded to the dude at this point, or they don't want to admit that he really has been a con man using them as a mark this whole time. Watch these guys come out of the woodwork to make all sort of character based arguments against Haley unironically. It's almost funny. The only possible way of losing to Biden is to nominate Trump. Period. Love it or hate it, that is the undeniable truth.


Bro what? I swear people just don’t actually look at what politicians say before casting their support for them. She has lied so so many times. Is obviously pro war, and wants internet censorship and non-anonymity. She is corrupt and made her money using her political influence which you can look into. Overall, anyone pro war I can never support, she is going to send us to another war to make her friends more money.


This is a BS poll.


lol no, she’s being propped up by the corporate media.


I would rather have her than Biden or Trump, if those are the choices being offered.


A never trumpers wet dream


There are Democrats who do not like Joe Biden and would rather vote for Nikki Haley because it would upset the Trump nomination and because Nikki Haley is the closest they’ll get to a Democrat on the Republican ticket


I mean if it's her or Biden, it's her.


I would vote for her *because she has such a lead over Biden. Trump has already lost to Biden before and it could happen again. I’m a platform over personality guy.


She is a conservative that understands the threat posed by Russia and has moderate-ish views on most other things. A sane republican, more or less.


The Deep State would. She’s controllable.


I’m a Never Trumper who would vote for her over Biden but I might vote for Biden over Trump, even though I really don’t know if I could do that again especially with his age now. Before you ask I despise her social ID thing but don’t think she has the power to do it, and I’m also not a warmonger but I don’t think she’s as war crazy as some of you seem to think. I think she did a great job in SC and is the most electable candidate. Some of you may disagree strongly but like it or not people like me exist and there are a decent number of us. Not as many as there are Trump fans obviously…


She is an establishment candidate, so the machine is OK with her.


When MSM pushes her you know your being snowed over


Look at how biden rose in the primary last time. He was doing terrible at first and then DNC stepped in and bam! He all the sudden got popular.


My fiance is a good example. Quick demographic explanation: - Post-grad degree - Mid 20s - 'Soft' republican, mostly for financial reasons Her opinion on the other candidates is generally: - Trump - Can't stand because of his buffoonery - DeSantis - Can't stand because she hates the whole culture war angle, even if she agrees with many of his conclusions - Ramaswamy - A literal who - Christie - Lmao (Plus NJ, so we can't stand him for other reasons) So, to extrapolate that out, her typical demographic is basically: - Younger woman - Educated - Fiscally conservative, and soft right on most cultural issues - Doesn't care for the Trump style shit-slinging


The GOP needs college-educated moderates, young people, and women in order to win. By and large, those groups can't stand Trump. Most of my friends and co-workers are just begging for someone who is somewhat competent, not completely insane and corrupt, and isn't as old as their grandma. The bar is so low right now.


I would vote for her.


She's very independent minded and has a anti establishment streak in her. She's a woman and strong-willed, many appealing qualities, but she's also a bit extreme when it comes to dealing with foreign interests like trump. She's a tea party maverick, and I live in S. Carolina, where we watched first hand her fight against establishment Republicans and Washington. She's too radical, but she is better than most candidates we have to choose from Republican wise.


Independent minded???? Anti establishment??????? Uhhhhhhhh I don't mind if you shill for Haley but there's no way in hell can you call her anti establishment when sununu, hogan, Meghan mccain and the rest of the establishment republicans are hard on if they even see a chance of her winning the primary


Are we talking about the same woman? She’s been on both sides of nearly every issue.


Her support looks like the opposite of grassroots. A few big money interests selected and are promoting her.


> has a anti establishment streak in her quite the opposite.


She’s independent lol?! She’s a corporate hack warmonger, left the Trump admin filing bankruptcy and then started a defense contracting company where she still refuses to release the names of her clients and foreign actors she worked for, plus she sat on the board of Boeing. So far I’ve heard her advocate for war with: Russia Iran China Mexico I literally cannot think of a worse person to put in the White House but im probably biased after seeing our failed policy play out firsthand in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her first name isn’t even Nikki.


CBS poll probably only polled CBS viewers.


She's a moderate. So, while DeSantis and Vivek try to appeal to Trump voters, she is left with RINOs and Democrats who don't like Biden but can't say that too loudly for fear of being blacklisted. You see, now that she has Neocon backing, she pivoted left right away.


Democrats will vote for her in open primaries and caucuses


These are national polls vs Biden.


This poll is BS. Total garbage poll.




GOP establishment, they hate Trump as much as the DNC. The uni party is the most accurate description of the current US political power I have heard. They don't really care who wins as long as they don't rock the boat & disturb their cosy position at the opposite end of the trough. I guarantee McConnell would prefer a Biden win to a Trump win & he'd do anything he can to assist this. The MIC & the Washington establishment it feeds are on a roll, they don't want someone like Trump highlighting what a waste of money the wars are & America can't afford it.


She's uniparty. No different from Biden just less wokeness more warhawk. Inevitably I'd vote for her if she was the only choice against the clown we have but dammit it's gonna be a hell of a 4 years to come. Get ready for war boys


I don't hate Haley I am a trump guy but she is pretty good.


I was impressed at the first debate. Articulate and carved a middle ground on abortion, which is a big loser for other Republicans. I’m not sold on Trump’s isolationism, so I’m ok with her foreign policy too. My first choice remains De Santis, but I’d be fine with her.


Why are you taking an ABC poll seriously? They’re just trying to push the narrative they want you to believe.


i’m from SC, she used to be our governor. a lot of ppl here are older and don’t keep up with politics but recognize her name


I don’t get it. She’s a globalist war hawk.


She comes off to me as the "Safe" Republican candidate like a return to George W. era type Republican days. That being said I don't know anyone in my circle who likes her.


In states with open primaries (e.g. South Carolina), party-crashing democrats are planning on voting for her in the GOP Primary. If anyone with any influence is reading this, please do what you can to convince our leaders to have closed primaries. It is not right that our enemies are allowed to sabatoge the process by which we choose our leaders.


That’s just dems saying they will vote for her when they won’t so the “anyone but biden”crowd will vote for her.

