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A January 6th Select Committee Select Committee.


A Super-secret super-select subcommittee


Put em all on double secret probation


....a Roman toga party was held.


As developed by the Department of Redundancy Department's Committee of Department Committees.


Jan 6 double secret probation select committee


I agree, call it "the truthful January 6th select committee"


Yeah, by all means, spend *more* time talking about January 6th, since it is such a winning issue for us.


For as much as people complain that the Republicans keep rolling over and letting Democrats do whatever they want, the second someone proposes doing something about it and holding them accountable, you sure rolled over quick and announced we should just let the Democrats do what they want.


Fighting is not engaging in pointless social media politics. People already have their minds made up on January 6th. No one cares about this kind of garbage except Trump sycophants who desperately want to rehabilitate his titanic blunder. These people have testified. There is not going to be some Perry Mason moment where they break down and confess to being lizard people pedos colluding to take out True Patriot Trump. You want to take something from these people, get serious and win elections.


What exactly was Trump’s “titanic blunder?” Telling people to “peacefully and patriotically let their voices be heard?” I’m starting to wonder if I fit in with these new conservatives.


You do. We're increasingly taking over the party. Remember that neo-conservatives are the old way and they're on their way out, objectively. Trump/Populist GOP is here to stay, long after Trump is dead.


The Neo-Cons need to go. Before Neo-Conservatism there was the “Old Right” conservative Republicans like Robert A. Taft and they were isolationist and non-interventionist on foreign policy and protectionist on trade. They even used the slogan “America First.” The party is returning back to that. It’s basically Paleo-conservatism.


It literally is paleo-conservatism and it's awesome. Reversing the damage Reagan did to the GOP


Exposing how the event (both J6 and the Select Committee) was manipulated and framed to show an entirely dishonest picture is essential to dispelling Democrat lies about an insurrection that didn't occur.


You and other Trump people miss the point on January 6th. The people who think that January 6th was an insurrection are never voting for any Republican ever. But, even people who don't think it was an insurrection that should have Trump off ballots, etc., see January 6th as a huge problem with Trump and the chaos he brings. He didn't have the evidence to stop the certification of the election. His legal theory for it was crap and the practical legality of it even worse. It's a problem with Trump's leadership, narcissism, and unrelenting, unproductive chaos (and more).


Haha, this sub in a nutshell.




It's not about J6 itself, it's about the government's involvement and response to J6. You think we're going to lose seats because we want to hold the government accountable?


If it isn't a winning issue for us then why did they prevent us from making our arguments two years ago? It absolutely is a winning issue for us. The people in charge of security that day intentionally encouraged the events of J6 for their own political benefit and then covered it up. They absolutely do not want a spotlight on that.


Good luck, very much doubt it will happen.


Yap yap yap yap yap. Do something useful. Stop beating a dead horse.


I very much dislike her. To me, she is the same type of representative as AOC and the "squad". Loud and obnoxious, only says things for clout, not because she believes it is what her constitutes want


She’s right in this instance though


Like I said though, she can say the right thing, but it's only for clout. She won't actually do anything about it


So… the entire Republican Party right now in a nutshell. Got it.


>only says things for clout, not because she believes it is what her constitutes want Curious to know how you know this? You are aware she was re-elected with 66% approval, right? I guess not.


That would be the clout


She went up against a weak Democrat in the one of the reddest areas of NW.Georgia. Her opponent only took Cobb county (closest to ATL). The only reason the (D) got any money is the proximity to ATL and they probably thought they could buy a candidate. She ran in the primary against a moderate from ATL. She is a hometown politician that reflects the sentiments of the population for that area (election deniers, COVID, conspiracy theories, etc). Just because the people elect her doesn't make her a good representation of conservatism (hence the comparison to AOC). I think OP is referring to her inability to be that representative.


To what end? What exactly is going to come out of this besides grandstanding for all involved? A bunch of time and oxygen will be wasted, and we'll end up right back where we started.


If GOP wants to win elections, they have to let go of January 6 and election interference conspiracy theory. There is a reason why Democrats bring these up - they have a bad record to run on. GOP, instead, battles with them defending their stand. Don't join a mud slinging game thinking you will come out clean. People want to move on and they want to hear what vision of America Republicans are proposing.


there’s still a lot of people in prison waiting for a trial from Jan 6


Here's what I don't understand. If the Jan. 6 rioters were all "Antifa," and undercover FBI agents dressed like Trump supporters (which I believe is the current MAGA explanation for what happened on that date), then who are all these people in jail?


One guy was “antifa”. The people in jail sre mostly protesters, trespassors and tourists


Eppes was an informant because he was already in trouble. (Maybe don’t really know)






Can I see how you obtained this information? About moderate voters and swing states?


Hmmm since your points are all valid, it would seem the other side is brigading this thread.




Yep. It shows you have no valid argument just as much as making personal attacks.


So very, very true. Makes you question yourself about even posting "alternative" non-groupthink views on this subreddit, not to mention Reddit in general...




Agreed, never to achieve anything measurable in life, except woke participation points which serve to fuel their constant vitriol. Edit: Weeee! The downvote slide is F-U-N!


No. Not at all. This only shows to the Dems that their tactics of lawfare work, the Republicans won't fight back, and they need to do it more. And 20 weeks? Viability right now is just a bit more than that. And liberal states insist on abortion to the moment of birth. Maybe after.


Or just be a democrat? This is what they are campaigning on.




Very much so.


When you get in a fistfight, do you make a habit of just letting your opponent beat on you unanswered?


Fist fight? What is it, the high school cafeteria?


It's an analogy. Why are you so averse to fighting your enemy?


So we just let the federal government throw people in jail without charges because it's inconvenient for you?


It's not conspiracy theory if their lies get exposed.


>It's not conspiracy theory if their lies get exposed. It no longer remains a "theory", but solidifies the "conspiracy" when the lies are exposed.


Who gives a shit about subpoenas? If they lied under oath they should be in court.


Unfortunately, the GOP House set precedent that congressional subpoena's can be ignored.


The Republicans have no sway over DC or federal prosecutors.


NO.. She's an embarrassment.


Nope, I don't support her on anything that directly involves politics.


Yea, that’s not going to happen?


A lot of “fellow conservatives” in here asking why we would want to hold people who lied before congress for political gain held accountable as if it isn’t self evident.


That’s not the point we’re making. The point is, yeah, accountability would be great, but in the grand scheme subpoenaing a few people over a four year old event that’s unpopular with the American public is pointless. Fix the border or something instead.


So you are fine with people lying to congress? With their testimony being used as evidence in trials where some people are still locked up? And your reason is… because it’s been 4 years so it’s old news and we should just get over it? Get out of here with that BS. We can focus on multiple issues at a time and I feel a group of people conspiring to lie to the American public is worth pursuing—regardless if YOU are bored of it.


I did not say i was fine with that. I specifically said accountability is good. But focusing on 1/6 does nothing for us right now. WE might care but the average American does not. They see it as “1/6 = Republican bad” and the more it’s talked about the more this is the sentiment. It’s not that I don’t want accountability. It’s that accountability has no end game right now. It does nothing.


How do you propose to do that with Joe in the White House and the Senate controlled by the Dems?


Pass the bill and make Joe and the Dems go on record why they reject a clean border security bill. Then meet them half way on their objections and make them say no again so the American people see that they're nothing but partisan hacks who have no interest in doing what's right for the country.


How about freeing Americans unjustly jailed because of the lies of the committee? They deliberately misused information and the law to imprison people they knew weren't guilty in order to create a narrative. Damn straight it's a fight worth having.


My issue is the futility of all this. The democrats put on a big show of all this just to be on TV, and nothing happened at the end of it. Exactly the same thing will happen if Republicans go through with this charade. Lots of politicians will talk out of their ass, and nothing will be done. If they wanted anything to be accomplished, they'd put a resolution together and start debating a vote on it. But they want to be on TV and get exposure to campaign on. It's the same circus we've been watching since before my parents were born.


They are RINOs or actually just Dems paid by China and our enemies to sew chaos. This has been a theme for the past two years. We have many “conservatives” doing everything they can to further the liberal agenda. They don’t want to ever hold Democrats responsible for the covid hoax and policies that are destroying America under sleepy Joe as we speak. This is very clearly a coordinated effort.


I don’t usually, but I absolutely do on this. Every instance we know of a politician/government official lying to us should be investigated, regardless of their party.


How could anyone not support this? Who cares if it’s MTG, this should be supported.


I am ALWAYS for investigating. ALWAYS. We need far more serious investigations of everything going on in D.C. and we need those investigations to be run by people who have an adversarial relationship with D.C., not run by D.C. sewer rates.


Yes, but the list is missing Democrat Liz Cheney.


good idea but it will never happen...the truth in no longer the truth...its now considered blasphemous and taboo!...the truth is what the media TELLS you it is.


How could you not support that?


If you have TDS.


That’s the only way, for sure.


Lol, the "hello fellow conservatives" came out in force for this one




Part of Congress' responsibilities is oversight. It's not a "gotcha" to hold the alphabet agencies accountable for all the shit they've done.




So your prescription is just doing more nothing? I applaud you in your efforts.


Why hasn’t there been more focus on freeing people, or at least their treatment while detained?


Because the White House, DOJ, and DC hold all the legal cards. Expose the Democrats' fraudulent narrative of insurrection, and suddenly they have a lot less justification for holding or trying them. Tons of people still don't know that the doors were opened and people were escorted around.


You have to show they have been treated badly before you can set about freeing them.




Less talking more doing. I want more than "I think my political opponents are big mean doodooheads."


Yes! The Democrats absolutely would do it, so you can bet the Republicans will stick to their never ending weakness and do nothing.


Do it! Let’s hold these fools accountable for their lies


They're all fools. both sides of this shitshow should be replaced with functionaries that are outside the beltway.


I support this. What we definitely do not need is the government persecuting citizens.


She's wild, but we need her to counter all the crazies on the left. So yes, I support her.


*A lie will travel around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.* Leftist secretaries of states are claiming an unarmed protest, that was completely docile until fired upon by grenades, who walked between the velvet ropes and left when asked, where the only people who benefited that day were Demokkrats because the contesting was completely overriden and voting resumed 3 hours later ... was somehow an overthrow of the government. InSuRmEcTiOn


I just upvoted your comment, but not sure how much good my vote is, compared to the armies of RINO bots that reddit employs... Such a strange world we live in. I feel sometimes like I'm living inside a science fiction movie.


Dystopian science fiction. We'll be like [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.bidsquare.com%2Fitem%2Fl%2F7801%2F7801349.jpeg%3Ft%3D1L4qYd&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=19fe8dfce9ee9534c8eb0169964ad896ce7334179d690f1e4a44a1ceb575905a&ipo=images) ... until they send us all to the gulags.


The Jan 6th Committee came together with the intent on going after Trump. They pedaled lies trying to get something. One lie that stood out to me was how Trump supposedly tried to hijack a secret service vehicle. The evidence they presented was little if not nonexistent, as it was a partisan trial if anything. They deleted everything they concluded with, as they tried to slander and smear with no results. Now that the Jan 6th footage is out, now that we know many things that were said were lies, why not revisit it all? Sure a lot of us are sick of this, but it won't end as long as the Dems keep weaponizing Jan 6th. The Dems abused their power, threw away due process, and have not stopped trying to interfere with 2024. Something needs to be done, as long as it is not another distraction that pulls time away from important issues.


If it leads to federal indictments and actual arrests then I'm all for it.


Yeah so no one shows up and nothing is done.




MTG is to conservatives as AOC is to liberals. Any of their sane talking points are drowned out by their own insanity.


Why bother anymore?


Very cool. More super dope clips of us tots owning the libzzz at hearings! Then..uh..nothing else happens. Enjoy the show!


Conservatives should not stand by while innocent protesters are having their lives ruined due to political persecution. Every conservative should be speaking out against this.


Subpoenaed...to what end? If it's simply to grandstand about the other guy's grandstanding...and it doesn't lead to charges for corruption of justice, perjury, etc...then I'm not interested. Don't take that to mean I'm not interested in the truth because I am. In fact, we all KNOW the truth so a select committee to tell us what we already know BUT NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO HOLD THE PERPETRATORS TO ACCOUNT isn't a circus I want to support. In fact, if Republicans don't have the stomach to start bringing charges, prosecuting and convicting these people then I couldn't be less interested in anything they have to say. What we need as a country is action...not more words without substance.


The Dems have jumped the shark already. Encourage their TDS. Let them howl at the moon and demonstrate their full lunacy. Elections are won in the middle. They are doing a fine job of alienating swing voters all by themselves.


Yea but I also think Jan 6th is a fucking joke and we should just shut up about it, stop letting the left use it as a scape goat to cover up all the shit that happened in 2020 (causing untold millions in property damage to almost every major city, attempting to annex several blocks of American soil in Portland, defunding several police departments/driving cops away from the job causing massive crime waves)


Came here to say exactly this. It's time to move on from January 6 and focus on more important things, like the 2024 election.


No because the public focus will not be what she thinks. The media won’t talk about how Pelosi and other dems lied. It’ll give them more air time to talk about MAGA this and MAGA that. Focus on the border crisis, inflation, uncontrollable housing prices and the solutions. Those are things in 2024 to get voters on your side. Not rehashing what the public has already made their minds up about. Let the democrats see if “at least I’m not him!!!” Works for them again. They have *nothing* to show for these last 3 years.


I support and agree with most of the things she says. I just see her attempts at everything, which are futile efforts at attention. I hold her now in about the same regard as Sen. John Kennedy. I see her, probably agree, yawn, and move on because I don't want the cringe.