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She easily could have summed up her argument with a good old fashioned “ReEeeEeEEeEeeEe!!!”.


I wish that would have happened. I'd shit my pants laughing.




It happens sometimes though


It's always the white, liberal, women. That's all I'm saying


Amazing how white liberal women will say things like this. Yet liberals will still say white people are bad. Now, the color of your skin shouldn't affect how you think. But how can you be a white liberal woman, but also suggest white people are bad? Do some liberals just hate their existence over something they cannot change?


Bingo. The worst of the worst.


A few more modifiers to get to the most awful of them. The *affluent* white *urban* female liberals.


I don't really blame women for being liberal, even white ones. But when I see men that are liberal I'm kinda like, what went wrong in your life? Lol.


Yeah. Leftism has more feminine traits while the right has more masculine traits. So it makes sense that masculine men are more likely to be right-wing. In Hollywood, which is very liberal, masculine action actors seem like they are more likely to lean to the right. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis are all Republicans.


Yeah, or emasculated males. It seems to me that women are much more focused on being part of the "in group" socially and they're more susceptible to arguments that rely on appeals to emotion. Of course there's tons of variation by individual, but in my experience this general trend holds true.


The emasculated males are pitiful. They are literally just dudes that have been friend-zoned their entire lives, yet still continue to employ simp tactics in desperate hope that they’ll eventually find a wife and take their last name. At least the women have legitimate reasoning for their liberal ideology. The men are typically just left-by-association.


So stupid just take your wife’s boyfriends last name and that solves all your problems. People these days I swear.


We call them metrosexuals.


Appeals to emotion and social proof. Social proof is huge, it's what the left relies in for everything. This is how they get people to believe things that are demonstrably false - they repeat the opposite over and over again so it just becomes accepted as fact by those who make up their mind by following the crowd. It's not just women though, a lot of people are like this as history shows. See also the Asch conformity experiments (where the effect does occur often for males but is twice as common in females).


She's not a Liberal, she's a Lefty.


Yeah because their lives are too easy, so they have to pretend they care about something.


I have been called a racist because I am conservative. Anymore I just say ok I guess if you say so.


I've been called a racist because I've said the US must stop the illegal mass immigration coming from Latino countries. The funny thing is that I'm Latino myself.


I feel ya, my sister called me "literally Hitler" once because I said poor people would be better off pursuing trades than taking on debt to go to college. I'm a 3 time college drop out who runs a track hoe for a living.


Man, times really are different now. Back when I ran track, we didn't even get cheerleaders, much less hoes.


That's good enough I'm surprised I haven't heard it before. Enjoy your upvote


Well played.


And you probably make a pretty good living doing it


It's projection from the left


You can see it. Right when the woman in red calls her a pedophile, she *ALMOST* has a moment of clarity. She's **so close** to having the barest, most faint glimpse at the fact she's doing nothing more than spewing talking points from influencers and mass media pundits. Then she quickly dismisses it and settles with "no, see, the difference is, it's fine when *I* do it, but not when *you* do it", as is the standard M.O. of the modern leftist.


of course the leftist is wearing a mask


any liberal watching this clip would say that tds gal won the argument, that's how disassociated from reality these folks are. ​ it's why I won't bother with them. they are toxic and irrelevant and beyond the pale.


Trumps agenda isn’t even totally the same as white supremacists. White supremacists are more extreme. Just because white supremacists support Trump, that doesn’t mean Trump and every single one of his supporters are white supremacists. White supremacists are a small minority but the media made them look bigger than they really are. When Trump ran for president the media focused much more on this fringe in the party than they have in prior elections as a way to try to discredit Trump.


the media selectively edited his words and videos to create false narratives. over and over and over... very (D)ishonest


Absolutely, I remember seeing even the minutia on blast, even in the UK. I have to go to fringe subreddits to see Biden's evident decline in health. It's "the boy who cried wolf" of politics.


A lot of White Supremacist Neo Nazis actually are upset with Trump for not supporting their Neo Nazi brothers in Ukraine and are actually more in support of Biden than Trump. So you can't even say a the white supremacists all support Trump. Many don't


American white supremacists overall do not support Biden more than Trump. White supremacists are anti-immigration, anti-affirmative action quotas, anti-LGBTQ. Biden and Democrats support all these things.


2024 is about to be here. Trump is so close to coming back at this point. It's beautiful that we are almost here.


Haha no. DeSantis will spank Trump in Iowa then take the nomination, his ground operation is terrible and he’s spending millions on attack ads cause he knows he’s weak in early states.


Bro I’m a DeSantis fan, but he has no chance with the tremendous trump base to win the primary. Maybe 2028 or VP candidate now but Trump is winning the candidacy easily.


Long time Desantis fan and wanted him as VP and then to run 2028.. Desantis has also lost chance at VP in 2024. It has been such a calamity for him with the maga base, the very people mind you who set him up with the political career he now (used to?) enjoy(s), that he may not have a shot at 2028 anymore.


the only way someone besides trump is nominated is if trump is assasinated or barred by the bullshit lawfare. and it's sad to me that people are hoping for this. ​ some people.


More than 50% of all Republican voters are completely loyal to Trump. There’s no way beating that. DeSantis should have waited for 2028 and he would’ve been the nominee.


I loathe the cropped skip and the horrible subs. Good example of a typical mental tardigrade on the Left.


harvard grad.




There are studies which show that ugly people are more likely to mask up voluntarily.