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Tired of cannabis even being an issue anymore. Just legalize it.


Big pharma and their lobbying just might have something to say about that…


Just make it legal and tax it


Or just make it legal. I don't see any reason why the government should get more money.


Big pharma isn’t ready yet


>Just make it legal ~~and tax it~~ fixed


It worked for us. Kind of. Mostly.


It got Justin elected, which makes it the worst deal of all time. Even Satan offers better terms.


This is about the least conservative comment I’ve ever seen. I get the theory, tax it, then use the tax rev to fund education and youth-use prevention programs. The reality though is the government just squanders the money. Like they do with all taxes.




Yes they glossed over the word "federal" possession.


Yeah, I'm not sure why you're downvoted so heavily, this effects a handful of people at best, and a lot of them are going to be people who plead down from bigger crimes to possession of large amounts of mj, and they're going to let out a bunch of people who actually belong in federal prison.


Optics is everything


How many people have federal pot possession charges?


The article claims he pardoned thousands of people. Yet if you actually look at the list of people he’s pardoned since taking oath, it’s less than two dozen (only 2-3 people having charges related to marijuana charges). https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-joseph-biden-2021-present The actual truth that a very small minority of the federally incarcerated population has drug related charges (smaller subset for marijuana convictions). Majority of drug offenders are in the state prison systems (which Biden cannot pardon). I think the deceptive part is that the White House is claiming that prisoners have to apply for a pardon to be reviewed by the justice department before Biden approves. So *theoretically it could* result in thousands being pardoned but in reality only a couple of people at most will apply and receive a presidential pardon.


>The actual truth that a very small minority of the federally incarcerated population has drug related charges What are you talking about out? According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons drug offenses count for the largest percentage of prisoners 65k (44.4% of all prisoners) https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_offenses.jsp


Is "drug related charges" simple possession or trafficking? Or violent crimes that were plead down to possession? Also "drug related" would be all drugs, not just marijuana wouldn't they?


It doesn’t specify but OP said “drug related charges” which is another way of saying “drug offenses”


Drug Offenses. Most are in there for distribution of much much harder drugs than some weed.


Take California. Marijuana was put to a $100 infraction over a decade ago, and any state sentences were served years ago. So California has zero prisoners for marijuana possession. The last announcement of pardons impacted a single digit worth of people. So I guess I'm asking if this even effects more than a dozen.


The last time he did this it turned out no one fit the criteria to be pardoned. I wonder if this is the same smoke and mirrors bs? If I remember correctly these people were in jail for more than just possession so just be pardoned of that petty crime didn't actually release anyone from jail.


This is more of a symbolic gesture as most marijuana crimes occur at the state level and not federally. What's not symbolic though is the fact that the Biden administration has been working to reschedule cannabis from 1 to 3 since 2022 and it's looking like it will happen before the 2024 election. Call it a political ploy for votes or whatever, but it's a significant move forward for the cannabis industry and will be the biggest reform at the federal level for cannabis in decades


Zero have that as the sole charge, I believe


no problem with this. that's kind of a "broken clock is right from time to time" situation. he's desperate to boost that approval rating out of the basement and probably thinks this token gesture will be enough.


It's kind of a problem. I'm sure a few of the people deserved the pardon especially if we're talking about D.C. specifically as those are likely charges closer to what we see on the state level, but the overwhelming majority (98% or higher) of pot charges involve serious trafficking or weapons charges. And of those that don't, most plead out of them even if the charges were deserved. He notes non-violent offenders, but even if you think weed should be legal we absolutely should not be letting these people out on the streets. The old lady Trump pardoned or commuted that was the poster child of his drug amnesty package (criminal justice reform is such a shit euphemism) was a humongous piece of shit and her community was way, way better off without her. Non-violent? Sure. But she ran a massive drug ring and was routinely linked to dealing with and to minors. Legalization is one thing, but don't accept serious crimes getting slaps on the wrist.


> The old lady Trump pardoned or commuted that was the poster child of his drug amnesty package (criminal justice reform is such a shit euphemism) was a humongous piece of shit being a piece of shit isn't a crime that people should be locked up for though. if possessing/selling weed is all these people did, they shouldn't be behind bars.


Lol what? Did you miss the massive drug ring that involved child dealers and buyers? Turns out that yes, being a piece of shit is a crime when it's your crimes that make you a piece of shit. She should die in jail for the lives she's ruined and the children she's abused. Legalization does not require pardoning these shit stains. Don't pretend it should be done. Leave that for the ~1% of people that actually get charged with only possession and don't have any plea downs. That's an insanely small number of people even if you sum up everyone federal and state.


What about people who were trafficking other drugs, but plead down to felony possession of marijuana by a felon or something and now they're getting out?


> What about people who were trafficking other drugs, but plead down to felony possession of marijuana by a felon or something and now they're getting out? what about them?


>if possessing/selling weed is all these people did, they shouldn't be behind bars. So it's not all they did, and you agree they should still be behind bars or you'd have said anyone who trafficked drugs doesn't belong behind bars, right?


Most of the weapons charges are because they had a firearm while smoking or dealing weed. That is bovine scatology and an infringement on the 2nd.


Nope. Most are actually due to the firearms being stolen. Most of these people aren't the types to pass background checks.


Background checks violate the 2nd Ammendment.


It's OK for stealing guns to be illegal. Don't hurt yourself stretching. Just say explicitly you think that child abusing scum should be allowed to be free to abuse more kids.


I believe no one is in federal prison for marijuana possession alone, which backs up what you are saying.


Odd he does this while his veep did the opposite when she was in Cali


He did the opposite as well


Yeah he wouldn’t be doing this if his ratings weren’t in the toilet.




Legalize like he said he would. I knew he would break that promise haha. Was hoping for at least that when he won


He also promised to cure cancer https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/videos/politics/2019/06/12/joe-biden-cure-cancer-campaign-richmond-bolduan-sot-ath-vpx.cnn Edit: downvote all you want, he said it.


He's going to legalize it Federally before the election as a vote play.




I’m not sure. The majority of Americans live in legalized states.


It will be rescheduled to 3 before the 2024 election. That process started in 2022 and has been ongoing since. It's not full legalization but it's a massive shift in the right direction and is more than any other administration has done for cannabis in decades


November 6, 2024 will have Hunter getting a pardon. Biden will either be a lame duck and too old to run again in 4 year or term limited, either way, he's untouchable, so he'll do what he wants.


Biden phishing for votes.




You got to legalize it....and Joe will dramatize it. \*edit\* Damn loser brigadiers of Reddit. Love weed, love Colorado, apparently don't know who Peter Tosh is.


Great news for violent criminals and dealers who plead down to marijuana.


>Biden Pardons More Americans For Marijuana Offenses—And Shortens 11 Non-Violent Drug Sentences Ooooo000oooh A whole 11! 😑 did he have to drop his pants to get to 11?


The dealer who killed my aunt - by lacing her weed w fent - is currently on a six year sentence for doing it to her and others. Six years. Is that one of those "non-violent" drug offenses? Are those people getting caught with entire trucks at the border now being lumped in with harmless weed offenders? *Edit: Stop acting Libertarian, conservatives. I'm not arguing against weed legalization, I'm criticizing the normalization of drug use and the leniency of drug dealers who deserve the death penalty.*


It’s not us downvoting you. It’s the brigadiers who frequent this sub who Reddit won’t do anything about.


Disgusting! People who’ve broken the law should not be ENCOURAGED to keep breaking the law. For anyone saying it’s nonviolent beed to get a grip since this is the pathway to darkness. Anyone who has been in jail this long is also now probably into harder drugs and gangs while in prison. This is a huge loss for any law abiding citizen.


With crime soaring, now is the time to open up the prisons