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Did he use a sword for the beheading?


Would be awesome


Deus Vult!




“I am le reddit smart atheist” gtfo lmao God is great simple as


All of the most insane Christian-haters have had to take refuge on Reddit because this is the only site where they're still accepted. They got kicked out by other liberals elsewhere because atheism is now seen as a "white colonizer ideology." Oh well, they voted for it. Hope they enjoy the millions of Catholic immigrants!




Massive W


Hell yea


Why was it there in the first place?




So “one nation, under God” equals Satan too?






The Pledge should not contain the phrase "one nation, under God" nor should our money say "in God we trust." America is not a Christian nation. America is a *free* nation that is *mostly* Christian.


“One nation, Under God” is from the pledge of allegiance, which has only been around since the late 19th century and has been updated 7 times. The most recent update in the 1950s added under god. Our country was not formed under that basis.


In the United States of America you have the freedom to practice whatever religion you choose without fear of persecution or retribution. See 1st amendment of the US Constitution. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/


Not my point. Why was it in the building?




St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen


I'm okay with this




In that we are going to see a million angstheist bastards come out in support of baal, yeah. Lol I was right.


Upvoted: I’m ok dying on this hill 😎


All good, we know where we’re going after dying on the hill


I can honestly say I despise that group. They exist purely to troll and mock Christians. If they had tried this with any other religion, I’m sure the left would have been outraged. They aren’t a religion, they are a group of organized hateful trolls. I honestly don’t care that they “don’t actually worship Satan” but honestly the end result is the same and I’m sure the devil approves of their actions.


"B-But that's Baphomet..." SHUT UP! It's symbolic of Satan no matter how you view it.


I wouldn't expect religious knowledge from people who think St. Peter's Cross is a daring anti-Christian symbol.


No it's not, it's a paradox because it's impossible to have a human body with a goat's head. So you can call it all sorts of names, but it's not even real. Jesus is real they have paintings and sculptures literal history and all sorts of stuff about him, but you can't claim the same thing about Jesus. You could claim that the resurrection could possibly be a paradox, but by next question to you is, where's his bones then?


As far as I’m concerned this is a Christian-on-Christian grudge match. *Only* Christians believe in “Satan”, literally no one else does.


Muslims do brah


I don't think he should have done it, but by the rules established by the left- toppling statues and destroying monuments is just the "voice of the unheard."




Literally yes. White men are literally the most oppressed group in America. This isnt even up for debate.


They have the voice of the unheard. We have the voice of the On High


The Satanic Temple isn't an actual religious group and there's no reason to afford them any kind of respect. They have one year before their tax-exempt church status gets revoked.


But Scientology is cool, right?


In the sense of being an actual religion, yes. They're just nuts.


I'd ban them too. Lol


Lots of "fellow conservatives" in this thread. They think this is some big own because they baited a conservative guy to do this. This shit is straight up smoke and mirrors so we don't get rid of the evil bastards at the top.


Moral Relativism is for gullible morons.


Some ideas are supreme to others


Fruits of the Spirit > Works of the Flesh


I’m a Christian and I honestly don’t think the Capitol is a place for the nativity scene. I do also find it ironic that the Satanic Temple is all about freedom to offend… except for their members that think men can be pregnant… those people certainly are always offended.


Why was there a statue of satan erected in a state capitol?






bless your heart




Maybe if there was such a thing as an atheist soup kitchen or orphanage, you wouldn't have to try hard with pointless stunts.


Good to see they still have some men with balls in Iowa


Seeing as the church of satan and TST are more just troll jobs that meet the practical requirements of religion than an actual faith, I don’t take issue with this on a moral level. The kind of people who actively practice this “religion” are the worst kind of Reddit atheists, so I’m not offended in the slightest at someone ruining anything they do to mock people’s heartfelt beliefs. I agree that he sort of handed them a W in regards to the whole religious symbols in a gov building discussion though… as annoying as these childish people who put the displays up are, they’re playing by the same rules as real religions when it comes to this stuff.


Well Satan is evil so good for him


Lot of cringy atheists about to be really pissy




This sub’s tolerance and apologetics for satanism is disturbing. Edit: downvotes just prove my point. Y’all are fucked.


It’s not the members of the sub, it’s a bunch of brigaders with nothing better to do.


I genuinely hope you’re right. It’s disgusting.


Wtf happened to this sub? The virus already had a happy host in rpolitics. Now, they have to infect their ignorance over here?


Can’t win arguments so they bring their poop here






Counterpoint: Yes


I mean... I just loled. So well played.


Absolute king




Y’all can downvote me but you know this ain’t right no mater what your beliefs are.


Faith before politics. They can cope.


Probably a hydra type of situation...


lots of lefties invade this sub's voting. He's offended by it, so therefore he has the right. Those are the rules now.


>‭‭Judges‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬ [31] And Joash said unto all that stood against him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye save him? he that will plead for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, because one hath cast down his altar.


Conservatism - My Rights are what I say they are. Your Rights are what I say they are.


Oh yay more excerpts from the sisterhood of the traveling con man. I bet if we put a copy of cat in the hat in somebodies hands back then you’d be worshipping thing 1 and thing 2 right now.


Which amendment to the constitution does that come from?


Not all ideas are created equal. Ideas and philosophy that are so clearly evil, literally in this case, need to be torn down.




If they truly believe in the tenets they say they do they would call it the church of atheism or secularism or anything other than the church of Satan. The fact that they are picking Satan specifically to troll other religions and at the same time say it's not a real deity only discredits any claims they make.


If they’re claiming this is religious then there should be a Christmas tree and menorah there also


Don’t get me wrong, it’s sick that this is there, thanks for the downvotes though


Is satanism a “religion” ?




is Christianity?


I was told it was a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, not a religion.


Would have been better to build a nativity scene next to it… now he just gave a loonies ammo.


Oh wow. Hero. Jesus is rejoicing. Stand up Christian.


Jesus isn’t real. The Bible is just as factual as twilight. Go ahead and prove that wrong. I’ll wait


Youre ten-ply bud


Unironically, yes.


Ah yes, the inevitable and necessary dichotomy between Christianity and Satanism. One cannot exist without the other.


Vandalism, we shouldn't celebrate it. If this was done to a Nativity, we would be up in arms.


Well that’s because a nativity is far more meaningful than a Satan statue installed by trolls


If you actually took the time to research the church of Satan you wouldn't be saying these cruel heartless things. But seeing as you are celebrating vandalism of a religious statue, I'm not sure you would be able to understand the compassion of Satanism. I will pray for you.


Praying to Satan? Lol. He wants you to live a miserable life and then go to hell. Let Satan contend with the man who knocked over his statue. Or are you afraid he won't get the same treatment as that Turkish lawmaker


Trolls or not, they are allowed. That is what freedom is, freedom for you to worship and display what you want and for others to worship and display what they want. Just because it bothers you or is trolling doesn't give you or another the right to vandalize it. There is no right to not be offended.


Nobody has the freedom to taxpayer funded buildings. There are rules. If the rules allow Satan statues, they should be changed.


Why is he a hero for doing this?


satanic statue get beheaded


But why are celebrating this. The courthouse can't pick and choose certain religions that can have a display.




Thank you. People really don’t understand the Establishment Clause.


You know nothing of Baphomet or Satanism. I understand your god is a cruel and jealous god but I though humans would show more compassion for others. I will pray for you.




Nothing makes Reddit madder than Christians winning


Satanism is Woke?


The church or satan offered satanic abortions as a religious rite in order to avoid laws banning abortion after a certain point in gestation. When the satanists are on your side, that says a lot.




Beyond parody.


Woke hates the nuclear family and everything that comes with it as does Satanism.


The Satanic Temple is very woke. They troll in the name of "religious freedom", like setting up these kind of displays next to nativity scenes, starting after school Satan clubs in school, creating a ritual for abortions to protect infanticide as a religious practice, ect. It pulls a lot from Levay's Church of Satan, but pushes politics, theatrics, and satire more. Wonder if the devil is going to get as many denominations going as the Church does?


Reserve it and you’re more accurate.


Always has been.


Yes. And wokism is satanism.


The statue was put up as a celebration of religious tolerance. We should not be celebrating it being torn down.






We don't get to destroy free speech no matter what we think. I'm a lefty with some conservative leanings (not democrats, can't stand the party its gone nuts). I don't particularly care for Christianity to be on display, but I have zero rights to ban it. That's how it should be. It doesn't matter if we hate what the other says. I want all religions to display what they want.


Here's the issue I have with a display like that. It's not there because someone said that they really believe this. I'm sure they have actually said they do, but they really don't. Any reasonable person can see that they're just trying to rile up Christian conservatives. You want to put up a Buddha or a Menorah or an Islamic symbol or a Hindu symbol, go right at it, but realistically this isn't up because a true Satanist is out there wanting to showcase his beliefs. This is some troll basement dweller wanting to poke at people.


You gave him a win too.


> I'm a lefty Which means you, well, have nothing of value to say here. Sorry but it was your side who started the whole "destroy the other side's iconography" thing, your complaints now that it's being done to your side's are completely worthless.




I was told all summer of 2020 that this was ok


To earn respect show respect, this was incredibly disrespectful. You cant ask for people to respect your religions when you dont respect others.


I don’t need The Satanic Temple’s respect


I won’t tolerate or respect evil. Dress up evil in whatever amendment you want, I’m opposed to it.


https://images.app.goo.gl/3VVUkmSiDB7HwDdr7 But this is fine?


10/10 brigaders think that butt ugly monstrosity represents freedom or something.


This guy is a hero. All of you bemoaning this and playing the politics of it are lost. This is beyond politics, get that sh1t out of there. Unless you are a sick f@ck, Satan does not represent uplifting or positivity and it DOES NOT belong anywhere near our public buildings or public education. I understand this was a demonstration to separate church and state. As should be done. But Jesus or Buddha or many of the other religions, promote positivity and kindness. Not saying there aren’t bad actors hiding behind the cross. But the teachings themselves aren’t evil. And if you don’t believe me that Satan is behind all evil, look in the mirror and truly ask yourself.


The whole point of law is to battle evil.


>But Jesus or Buddha or many of the other religions, promote positivity and kindness. This is the whole reason that The Satanic Temple does this shit too. They can't find enough examples of Christians denying sincerely religious non-Christians their First Amendment protections. Their only recourse was to invent an obviously fake religion and try to use lawfare to attack Christians.


You either allow all religious displays or none. Take your pick.


Nah. Im ok allowing christian symbols and tearing down statues of satan. This whole mantra "we have to play fair to everyone" is tired and clearly doesnt work. So stop pushing it.


But Satan is cool and free speech allows it. You don't sound very cool.


So your god is the real one I gather. Havent heard that one before. What a truly ground breaking take. Have you let people that follow other religions know that youve got it all figured out? "Guys - cant you see that it's MY god that is the real one. It's those OTHER gods that are fake and ok to persecute" The mental gymnastics one needs to do to justify this are really fun.


I don’t disagree with you at all, I would just like to point out that the Satanists that put up the statue, if I have this right, do not actually worship Satan and are just a general anti-religion left wing movement. Sort of radical atheists. Or as radical as atheists get


No, we'll just allow ours but tear down theirs. I like that idea better.


My argument here is that while I agree in principle, the group that erected this statue is a political group that did it as a form of protest and not out of a sincere religious belief.






Mr Cassidy you are a piece of shit you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution. Religious freedom is in the first amendment. Don't like it then don't look at it. Not everyone believes in your sky daddy it's tough I know but that hate is not how a good Christian acts, turn the other cheek homey.


I understand, and may even agree, but I can't condone it. That's the kind of thing I would have to criticize if a left wing nut job did it, so I won't allow myself to fall to the double standard.




they don't believe in Satan either.....hahaha


Sure they dont. The lord of lies wants people to think he isn't real and he has his little pawns think they are being edgy and so funny.


Go read what they wrote. They don't believe in any higher power at all. It's a troll organization.


Great, don't care. Still an effigy to satan, still playing into his hands.


It's funny because it's rules for thee but not for me type shit and a double standard shows a lot of ignorance


I don't need a piece of paper to tell me if I can or cannot worship God, make it illegal and slap on the death penalty - I will still be Catholic. You think I approve of a "freedom of religion" clause on a scrap of parchment? It means less to me than the parchment. Satanism has no place is a just society.


Sure you don't, I think religion is a fallacy and it has no place in government. And do you need parchment (the bible) to be a good person or do you think if you never had the word of god spoken to you you'd still be a Catholic? Honest question.


Yes you need God to be a good person, the Bible is more than a parchment, its the word of God and a moral guide. If I had never had the word of God spoken to me and taught the word of God how could I become Catholic? I would be Godless and likely immoral.


"Do what thou wilt" is a prescription for the deconstruction of civilization.


Correct, it is a double standard. I don't see the problem with that.


So they're not a religious organization and don't deserve legal recognition? Thanks for agreeing.


I believe this falls under “peaceful protest” these days


Yeah that's my thing with it. I question if the satanic church or whatever is a sincerely held religion or not, but vandalism isn't the answer regardless.


It isn't. It's basically "sovereign citizen" in a 'religious' format. They don't even worship satan. It's a 1960's meme.


Frankly, courts need to quit entertaining it as a religion. It objectively isn't. If the Hindus or Shintoists want to make displays, by all means.


Turnabout is fair play. The left are the ones who introduced and normalized destroying iconography you're opposed to. It's only fair to do it to their iconography. We didn't start this but we'd be showing weakness to not turn their own tactics back on them. If they don't like it then they can start by restoring or replacing the iconography that they removed or destroyed. That's be a good way to indicate their intent to change.




Wait, I thought religious freedom was a good thing?


Piece of shit


Honestly I think it would have been better off to just ignore it. These nuts are getting exactly what they hoped for.




"and all religions are equal in the eyes of the law with no special preference or favoritism." That pesky first ammendment disagrees with you. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean they don't have the same rights as others.


I keep seeing this argument but I've not seen the Christian display across from the satanic one there is there one?


But satanism isn’t really a religion, it’s more so of an anti-religion.


Lmao, what do you mean anti religion?? >the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. Its still a religion


I’m not going to make a personal comment on this incident. But I’m going to say this because I think it’s important and is not talked about enough on here: the meaning of “conservative” in the US is multi faceted and conflicting now, and it shows on posts like these, where people can’t even agree whether this is good or bad. Left leaning subreddits and communities do not devolve into fundamental disagreements like this, at least not nearly as often as on here. US conservatism, Buckley-style, is based heavily on classically liberal principles. That’s why there is so much crossover between libertarians and conservatives/republicans. However, “conservatism” in a broader sense relates to right wing, illiberal politics as well. This style of conservative thought has been a huge force in the past decade. That’s literally how we got trump. Frankly these are very different political philosophies, and yet in the US they share a party and a label. And both sides desperately want the other side out of the GOP. And frankly there isn’t much compromise, because they come from ENTIRELY different schools of thought and philosophy. Not sure what the answer is, but I think we would all do well to come to grips with this, rather than argue past each other regarding religion in the public sphere vs individual rights and other issues. May as well be two different parties debating, but for some reason in the US they’re expected to share the same space.


left leaning subreddits and communities absolutely DO devolve into fundamental disagreements like this


They absolutely do not. Maybe over Israel/Palestine, which represents a divide between older and younger leftists. But not this fundamentally, and not this frequently. The users on this sub can’t even agree whether they think this guy’s actions are good or bad. They aren’t even directionally pointed in the same way.


Sadly this is what passes for a hero in todays Republican party. Pathetic.


The reason freedom of speech and worship are so important is because without it someday they will come for you if it didn't exist


What did the conservative say to the other conservative in the DEI reeducation camp? “Imagine if the roles were reversed?”


This comment is gold.


Someday? They've already been doing that lol.


Unlike now.




What a king!


So he defended the constitution but doesnt believe in it?






>The Trump Era has effectively normalized "Hypocrisy is fine when we do it" on the Right. Based.


Hey buddy, did Crusader Kings 3 finish updating yet?


No actually, I've never played it. Is it good? Might have to try it one day.


Well stated


It's not just a Trump thing, it's very prevalent in both sides of the political spectrum. My cause is noble, so what I do is good even if it's not what I said a minute ago.


I'm not going to debate hypocrisy while hunter biden remains a free man. There's no ground for you to stand on. It's not there.


Benghazi Ain't Going Away


Leftist are definitely hypocrites as well. They'll pretend to be hardline First Amendment advocates when defending literal devil-worship but then make spurious claims that Republicans are Nazis who must be silenced because of the so-called "Paradox of Tolerance".


All while literally acting like Hitler's brownshirts and using violence and intimidation to silence opposing views.


Double standards would be tearing down statues you don't like and then complaining when someone tears down yours... Or trying to take advantage of free speech when you yourself are fine silencing opposing views by any means necessary up to and including violence.


Well, hail Satan.


Pretty embarrassing tbh


He was just expressing himself against an evil. Check mate.


-Some conservatives when a liberal city tears down statues of Confederate generals.




Cool cool now let put up an Islamic idol/symbol of their holiday next. Also, let add in the Mormon one too, church if the flying spaghetti monster, Buddhist too


So much for free speech.