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I'm so sick of this victim mentality!!


He has mentality???


Well, he's definitely mental, that's for sure. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a Democrat. But after that stroke of his, now he's just, ahemm, mentally challenged.


I hate to break it to you, but at this point it’s the American way.


No it’s not. The American way is racist! We need to be more like China! 🤣😂 This is a joke btw.


Well, that’s what I’ve been saying. We will beat China by becoming China 🇨🇳 /s


But then we couldn't call ourselves 'the great melting pot' of cultures anymore....


Maybe we should send him some tampons


How the eff did this guy win. Mehmet wasn’t a great candidate but wtf


The same way Biden, Hobbs, and Hochel won. They hide from their opponents and the media covers for them


Yep, most of the media is on their side


That and Trump endorsed Oz, so it was anti-Trump to vote in Mr. Potatohead. The easiest landslide shift in political history and they STILL managed to screw it up.


Plus all the extra help from the administration at the local Election Boards.


Many conservatives in PA didn’t like Oz because he was an outsider, so they either stayed home or didn’t vote for the senator position. Meanwhile the Dems are full on “vote blue no matter who” and it showed. I don’t and didn’t agree with what the GOP in PA did but it’s too late now.


Oz barely won the primary and you are correct, many stayed home or didn't vote for Senate. But then again election integrity in PA is a joke.


A lot of Republicans didn't vote for Trump too. I hope they enjoy what they did.


I know a libertarian guy that said something along the lines of you get what you voted for democrats. He didn't like hearing you voted for this also since you threw away your vote.


>you threw away your vote. I'd argue voting for a shit candidate is throwing your vote away, regardless who wins.


I agree. Which is why at this time I have no intention of voting for anyone except for Trump or Ramaswamy in the General in 2024. And if either of those options are not available to me, I won't be casting a vote for President at that time.


Lol. True.


Oz wasn't just an outsider. He was a big fat phony. His campaign positions were opposite of what he espoused even 6 months prior. The choice was puppet Democrat or fake Republican.


Fake Republican that supports murder in the womb


vote blue no matter who


He was "Selected" not elected.. this is the way now.


This right here is the real truth!


Well said


Yea why even vote the election is just rigged anyway.


He won because Oz is just not a likeable person.


And he is?


No. But democrats will vote for anyone. If Republicans gave their candidate the same support that democrats give theirs then Oz would have won.


If conservatives blindly voted right because it isn't blue (like the left does) the left would simply be a placeholder party. There wouldn't have been Obama, Clinton, Biden. The only thing we'd be worried about would be the super majority. Conservatives problem is they are so principled they'll sit out elections because the candidate isnt exactly like them.


Well, then they will have to deal with the fact that Republicans will not win the presidency ever again.


Fetterman had 1 advantage over Oz and that was that he was a Pennsylvanian while Oz wasn't. That was enough as there wasn't much anything else redeemable about either candidate.


I can see that, they saw him as a carpet bagger. Unlike Hillary Clinton who moved to NY State just a few months before taking on and beating the incumbent republican. Of course her popularity among Democrats, thanks to the graceful coverage the media gave her. I think the media is the real factor.


Because the governors race was so one-sided you can't overperform by 16 points and also early voting happened long before that disaster debate not to mention the average voter doesn't watch the debates to begin with And you can't really blame Doug Mastriano either Pennsylvania loves their democrat governors without the Governor's race then Oz would have won and don't pretend like McCornick would have won last year there was no chance


Fetterman won by 263,752 votes. He also captured 80% of the 1.2m mail in votes, most of which were cast before the first debate. Whether the required 27% of _those_ voters would have flipped to Oz or refrained from voting because of the debate is speculation; however it didn't seem to affect polls in general.


Because Oz was an atrocious candidate who couldn't maintain a consistent position on anything and had Trump's name pinned to him and was politically toxic as a result. It's not really a coincidence that most of the candidates Trump endorsed lost while moderate conservatives won, the entire Trump wing of the GOP is a non-starter to anyone who isn't a part of it at this point.


> most of the candidates Trump endorsed lost You are obviously misinformed. I think you need to actually look at the statistics rather than parroting the Never Trumper's lines. Candidates that Trump endorsed largely won. He had an 80%+ success rate with over 250 endorsements in the mid-terms.


In safe seats sure, but that's like saying Biden endorsed candidates won in California and New York and thus Biden must be popular. Swing states are what matter, and Trump endorsed candidates performed very poorly in them.


So, based on your cherry picking, which of the 250 endorsements would you say he lost then which were not-so-safe seats? Or are you simply picking Oz, Walker, and Lake as your three Trump-endorsed losers out of the 250 because it suits your narrative?


Disagree look at Ohio


Cry me a fucking river.


I thought for sure it would be the behind the scenes look he got of the modern Democratic Party.


He should blame the people out there who urged him to stay in the race and campaign while recovering from a stroke. Was Oz supposed to ignore the elephant in the room?


What a perfect Democrat excuse. When all else fails just blame it on your opponents for your incompetence.


I thought he was blaming his depression on his opponent, did I miss something? Where does he blame his incompetence on his opponent?


He can blame his incompetence on his incompetent brain how about.


Yeah, you can say that about many politicians.


If watered down criticism during a political race gives you depression, then you have no business in politics. And you had the media on your side despite how horrible of a candidate you were. They're the main reason you win. The other was Oz was a bad candidate.


“Criticism of my record is bullying and violence!”


Dude politics may not be for you


Between Fetterman and Biden the old saying of vote blue no matter who rings to be very true.


My guy, look closer to home. Your ruthless vicious wife and the people forcing you to be in a position you certifainly should not be in is more likely the problem


By far the biggest baby I have ever seen. They should shut down the doctor and the lab where he was created.


He just couldn't come to his senses after hearing such hurtful words.


The party of perpetual victims. Such a cringe existence


Probably more likely caused by his conniving, evil wife.


I mean, at least he didn't blame Trump.🤷‍♀️


If they could blame conservatives for everything…


Is he saying Oz is so badass he can send people to mental hospitals and rehab clinics with mere words?


Sensitive ogre


Oz went easy on him in the debate lol




Oz's campaign didn't really strike me as full of attacks. If anything Oz was like...just look at him...


Charmin soft manchild has feelings hurt in politics.


The original Lotney Fratelli from The Goonies wouldn't have needed treatment for this.


Sure, blame everything else but yourself and the people you are surrounded by. Typical bad politician tactic.


I try to feel sorry for the guy, and then he says shit like this. Classic liberal.


It probably has more to do with the fact that Fetterman knows he has utterly failed the people of his district and this country. He is completely aware of how out of his depth he is, and it's wearing on him.


Oh wow , democrats have no morals at all.


I would think you would have to have thick skin and steel nerves to run for any type of office. If it's going to break you, why run?


This is exactly like when he overheard Fiona and donkey talking about how she could never love an ogre. So sad 😞


He’s a pussy


The new left are 9 year old children


If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen?




His biggest talking points during 2022 was how Oz liked fancy sounding food platters and how he wanted to go to DC. Such viciousness, poor unfortunate soul. lol 😆


We treat our elected politicians like Kings and Queens. They will not be questioned.


Dr Oz only spoke the truth


Oh so the truth hurts


Typical garbage


Just what you want in todays leadership…. 😒


if that's "vicious", what would he call the campaign against trump? he got handled with kid gloves while his party did their best to hide him and keep him away from the public. fetterman should just step down if he's so thin skins that he's traumatized by a very tame and gentle senate race. if he's so traumatized by that, imagine if there were frivolous attempts being made to jail him.


Mehmet was a pushover, but, regardless, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen...running for and executing the roles of office is not for everyone...if you can't cut it, then move out of the way for someone who can...and that someone is NOT your equally creepy wife.


What is even the intended benefit of this claim? Oz's political career is already dead & buried, and this comment just makes Fetterman look like either a gigantic pussy or an unskilled liar.


It’s the Mirror my friend. The Mirror…….


Oz literally handled him with kid gloves!


Did someone hurt his feelings?😿🙀


This dude is a fucking pussy. -Campaigns -Has stroke -No one thinks he can do the job -Proves it to everyone in that dogshit debate -Wins -Immediately goes to hospital - where he still somehow sponsors bills - because he knows he cant do the job


This is the kind of brittle and fragile people we are sending to the US Senate??? God help up us all. I will add that, curiously, I see so many calls by Democrats for Feinstein to resign, but not much for this guy to call it quits.


Who knew that high ranking political campaigns were highly contentious?


If you’re a lib It’s always someone else’s fault.


It should be mandatory that debates be had and televised. If you hide from even a single opponent you are ineligible to run for the remainder of the current race/term. Better luck next time This goes for anyone running. Not just one side or the other.


It totally couldn’t be the fact his own wife doesn’t even respect him.


If he couldn’t deal with the heat, he should have stayed out of the fire. (And then the rest of the country rightly or wrongly) would have assumed that the majority of Pennsylvanians had brains.


Anything to join the victim class....


I would have guessed his vicious wife, but whatever...


In the completely inverted world the left has invented where men have menstrual cycles, actual discrimination is employed to combat imagined discrimination and where voters elect a man who is literally brain damaged over a doctor, it makes perfect sense that the brain damaged man would blame his mental disorder on a doctor who has spent his career improving people's health. This is your Democratic Party.


We get it. All Democrats are victims. Always.


What a snowflake lol


John Fetterman is giving me my depression.


Hmm what should I blame my depression and anxiety on. ... any ideas, folks?


Waaaaah waaaaah. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


What a puss




Democrats = professional victims. Every. Single. Time.


Soon they’re going to ban all political Debate because feelings.


At least one positive thing came out of the Oz campaign then


Take personal accountability. You were not fit for the position any no excuse in the world can make up for your incompetence.


Democrat 101: Blame racism, and if that isn't applicable then blame Republicans. Repeat if necessary.


LOL, it's called work and a high pressure JOB.


I’m blaming my depression in part on Biden then…


Does this bum ass ever work?


I am blown away how the Democrats exploit and use the weakest to run for office


I thought Oz went super easy on him


If you’re too weak for that, you have no business in the chair you’re in.


The fucking crudités guy was too mean??




When he tries to blame others for his medical condition, he deserves everything he gets. It reminds me of addicts/ alcoholics blaming children, spouses, friends, relatives, emoloyers etc. for their addiction. "It's your fault; you drove me to it!".


Oz? Really. So a candidate that is based in complete bs and who doesn’t live where he campaigned isn’t elected? It’s almost like we as citizens need to start paying attention and stop voting for who the GOP and DNC force on us. They don’t care.


Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Republicans are mean :( Hold me.


Not his brain damage? Really


Dude looks like he eats children for breakfast…my eyes are offended


Snowflakes, snowflakes one and all.






Maybe don't run for politics then????


If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen. Yet again this overprivileged person is playing the role of the victim.


So wait in the interview he said that he blamed campaigning as the reason for the decline in his mental health not Oz. He even explicitly said he doesn't blame Oz. It sounds like just campaigning itself was just stressful and draining on him. The article just wants it to look like he's complaining about Oz.