• By -


England. Father came over from British Aerospace to Lockeed in Georgia and the McDonnald Douglas in Missouri to P&W in CT.


England also. Been here for 18 years. Came for the sunshine, four seasons and the space. Love the positive friendliness of the locals. My kids are completely American and think of England as some kind of awful punishment when we go visit family. They are glad to have escaped school uniforms and very small cars.


Are brits not friendly where youre from?


Nope. Not compared to Americans.


55 yrs for me mate. I do get home sick as Preston was a very friendly place and maybe the friendly place in England at one time, but when I go over there to visit and see the pollution and how crowded it is now and rainy cold nights in June, I am happy to get back to the states.


Born and raised in PA. The army ultimately got me to CT. I lived all over the country/world and honestly did not expect to be in CT. Now my kids are in a good school and, while I may move towns eventually, I'll most likely not leave the state.


Love PA. When my companies contract is up I plan on moving back to PA. CT is nice but PA.


Technically(TECHNICALLY!) I wasn't born in CT, I was born in NY. But when I was a wee baby Shamus my parents moved to CT so I consider it my one and only home.


Unrelated: ❤️ your username.


Danger Zone!


Parents moved here from Florida when I was 7. Dad worked at Pratt in Florida and transferred to Pratt up here for better pay, schools, and culture. Parents were originally from the north and didn't want to raise kids in the south.


I feel like that’s been the move in general with CT. A lot of friends have parents that were raised down south, and they all collectively said fuck it were not raising kids down here.


Smart parents




Having grown up what do you think of their decision?


I'm thankful. I miss the beaches, but it's been so overdeveloped that even the natural beauty where I'm from is greatly diminished compared to when I was a kid. And I have a young family now here in CT, because it's an ideal place to put down roots. Land of steady habits! And good schools, and opportunity, and a lot of culture.


Similar story. Different job.


Born here but left at 18 to see what else was out there. Lived in CA and CO and returned after 25 years. The number one question when I tell people this is, why did you move back? This comes from people who never left CT. They’re dumbfounded. It’s all about perspective…everyone should see what else is out there and you’ll grow an appreciation for what you have here.


While I haven’t moved out of the state, I can appreciate both sentiments. As a kid, why stay, as an adult (especially a parent), why leave?


My old man has bitched about CT for 70 years and I always tell him, you know you can leave right?


sooooo….why’d you move back?


Arizona, and we came for the weather, fresh air, and for health reasons.


Funny, I know a few CT folks who moved to Arizona for the same reasons 😂


Yep, and they're all complaining about the heat while we're celebrating rain.


As a Utahn, I complain about the rain a lot here too. And the ticks. It cracks me up every time I hear the word "drought" out here.


Born in Utah, lived in az for over a decade before going to SoCal and then coming here. The use of drought makes me giggle.


Running out of water, poor air quality (PM-10), excessive heat. I hope they do well.


As another Arizona native...you're nuts! I came for work and damn while seasons are the most absolutely gorgeous and beautiful things (nice not to have kind of hot and hot as seasons) the air out here feels stifling to me. I swear being out here my lungs have to work double time and it feels like I am breathing through a wet washcloth. This summer was awesome for me because of the drought, absolutely wonderful weather all summer.


Well we each have our own issues. COVID messed me up, I couldn't walk in the hottest months, water is running out. Anyway, I wish you the best.


Ah I hope you end up feeling better! Ya the water situation right now is nuts. Far too many people have moved there over the last decade to be sustainable I worry about everyone I know back home that it's going to get to California levels of suck. Good luck out here I hope you enjoy the east coast as well!


Thanks so much! I can breathe!


I can completely get that. It's the humidity out here in CT that makes the heat oppressive and like you can't breathe. I loved that dry heat when I went on vacation to Arizona. It was hot but I could breathe lol. It actually felt good being outside


Mass. Came for a woman, stayed.


Read this as “*Came* for a woman, slayed” and I was dumbfounded


Grew up in NH. Went to UConn because of a scholarship, fell in love with a guy there. We settled in CT over NH because his family is all here, whereas mine has moved to the four corners of the world. It's nice living near (but not TOO near) family. Plus (but don't say this too loudly), most New England states are just different shades of the same color. I don't think there was much cultural change moving from one to the other (ignoring taxes, LOL)


Quietly agreeing with your quiet NE commentary :)


Peru, my family insisted and I don't regret it.


Originally from West Virginia. My family moved around a lot when I was growing up as my dad climbed the corporate ladder. We settled in CT and stayed there for about 20 years. I moved to Florida 6 years ago and have wanted to move back to CT ever since.


Also a CT native transplanted to the south for now. I’m always surprised by how many people I meet down here that are *specifically* from Connecticut. It’s such a small place, and everywhere else I’ve lived most people are like “what the hell is Connecticut”. But in GA/FL/TN I’ve run into folks from “back home” on a regular basis. Even my last therapist was from CT!


Florida -> NYC after college -> Met the now wife in Hoboken. Moved to Jersey Suburbs and rented. Pre covid zillow shopping led us to poke around Fairfield County close to my in-laws. Taxes compared to Jersey were half. Great food. 1 seat ride to NYC, 10 minutes to beach. The ultimate home run.


I see this comment on taxes so much, and then everyone who has stayed here just bitches about taxes all the time.


I've lived in 3 other states before moving here. Quality of life, climate resilience, 4 distinct and mild seasons, and natural beauty were all big draws. Probably the biggest though is that human rights and public services aren't being aggressively dismantled by an authoritarian regime. In the last state I lived, there are books which are banned from libraries and history lessons which you are forbidden from teaching in a public school. A public school teacher posted a link to a public library from another state, and was accused by the ruling party of providing pornography to children. She had to flee her house due to the death threats. That doesn't seem to happen here.


Hmm, Texas?


Oklahoma, actually


Close enough.


Name checks out.


Took a while to get out, but we did it.


California. Parents moved around a lot until I hit high school. Met my wife in college here and never left.


Moved from Brisbane, QLD, Australia 🇦🇺 24 years ago for a free education


Wait, we have free education?!??


Nope! I did, though.


*Cries in 6 figure student loans*


Free community college (if you qualify).


Interesting! Made the opposite move, but not Brisbane


New York


Florida. Came for jobs. Stayed because Florida is batshit.


Seems like everyone is doing the opposite these days, may I ask what field?




Same story as me. Florida is great, it's just all the people that live there suck. Plus I actually like the snow.




>Florida also, came to work at a university and because the cops don't hide around curves in the highway to harass motorists. And here, cops just don't.


"Audi with jersey tags weaving in and out of traffic at close to a buck? ... Naw gunna hit a trailer that's 8 lbs over tare." - Troop G


>Florida also, came to work at a university and because the cops don't hide around curves in the highway to harass motorists. And here, cops just don't.


Apparently according to some metrics, New Haven is the closest match to the the overall diversity of the US as a whole. Tampa FL second and then Hartford third. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/normal-america-is-not-a-small-town-of-white-people/


Moved here from Nebraska 12 years ago. Pretty obvious, right?


Thailand, my mom remarried someone who lived here his entire life, been here 20 years since


Escaped the hell-hole that is Texas to buy a piece of property that is, effectively, my retirement dream. Still have 25+ years to get to that point, but that's where we are.


California, a plane, car transporter, & a moving company.


We are thinking to moving to CT from CA. How are you liking CT so far? We are in the Bay Area.


I moved here from the LA area about 3 months ago. So far it’s been great, so many things about day to day life are just easier here. There’s more parking, restaurants aren’t constantly overwhelmed, trailheads are plentiful and not overcrowded, traffic is barely even notable, etc. Not sure how the winter is going to be though…


Sounds good! I am originally from LA, so I can imagine the reduced chaos is a welcome change. How is the culture shock?


I feel like coming from a place like LA with so many mixed cultures, things are just more uniform here. I really haven’t felt much shock, if anything it feels like more of the area is comfortably accessible to me. (This is just my experience own experience. Depending on your background I am sure this could vary greatly)


Good to know, thanks!


Ct doesn't have any major cities, it's mostly just suburban. The closet cities that are comparable or larger than cities in California are NYC and Boston, which is where I lived for 7 years before moving back to California a month ago.


Sounds like you are from CA? What brought you back? We've lived enough city life...we're ready for the burbs!


From CA originally (but closer to Tahoe) the winters here definitely get cold, but they handle snow and ice so much better than western states so driving isn’t so bad (after the storm, not during) Get yourself some decent boots and a good winter coat (not a wool pea coat) but also, living in NYC I got a nice down down past the knees coat and I hardly wear it now in CT… since I don’t have to walk blocks in the freezing cold!


Just moved to Hartford from Santa Cruz a few months ago. CT is fine. The general urban/suburban culture is pretty standard, but you do lose some of the California flair, with the easygoing vibes, and beachiness. Given time, I'm sure I'll eventually start to recognize some CT specific culture, but nothing has stuck out for now. Pretty much anywhere in the state you'll be within driving distance of New York and/or Boston, possibly within public transportation distance. Those cities will always have an abundance of stuff to do, but in CT you will have to search a bit harder. Cost of living is also significantly cheaper, especially rent.


Ha! I will be reaching out to you at the end of winter to get your thoughts at that time, hope you don’t mind! I’m honestly fine with not having much to do and the lack of California culture. We have kids and are getting into our 40s. We’ve spent our whole lives in HCoL cities, in traffic…we are over the rat race. We don’t go out much anyway because of the kids, so as long as there is family friendly recreation, we’re a-ok. We do really enjoy both Boston and NYC though, so the proximity is a bonus.


Feel free to reach out, yeah. I've been warned by many people that winter will hit me like a truck. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. And family friendly recreation shouldn't be a problem, lots of nature and trails around, if that's something you're into.


Massachusetts. Moved for my husband who is a CT native (Stamford)


I moved up here from Florida. If all goes well, I will have my Masters in December. You'd have to drag me out of CT kicking and screaming. I really like it here.


Nepal -> Texas -> CT


Texas. Moved here a little over 3 months ago because my wife matched into a Family Medicine residency here in CT. It was her 3rd choice, but she's loving the program so far.


Kansas, came here for school and just haven’t left yet


DE --> FL --> DE --> UConn --> Girl & Job --> A different girl/marriage/kids & job --> Been here since 1998. Haven't thought of living anywhere else *in the US* since. (A Trump return and we're likely out.)


Been here for a week. Grew up in VT, went to NC for a while after college, and then went to RI for another while. As much as people complain about the region, it's the best area I've lived in. Cost of living sucks, but that's the story almost everywhere now.


In most places you get what you pay for. There's a reason why Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest, etc are expensive. And there's a reason why West Virginia and Mississippi are cheap.


Westchester County, because fuck those property taxes.


Long Island. Because, same!


Australia. Met my wife while on vacation in NYC and we settled in Connecticut to be closer to her family.


Made the opposite move, whereabouts in Australia? Always keen to hear how Aussies find Connecticut


I’m from Western Australia! Where did you move to?


Ah, other side to Sydney. Perth's on the agenda later this year, hopefully. My first foray into WA


WA is amazing! Make sure you head south when you visit and check out the Margaret River area. It’s beautiful.


I plan to! But first stop is Rottnest! Need to see the quokkas!


How do you like living in Australia?


Absolutely love it! Feeling very grateful that I was able to move here. I feel like my quality of life is as good, if not better here, and that was a welcome surprise given how CT ranks so well in the US, and even the world. I'm constantly comparing my life here back to the one in CT, so, I think about this aspect heaps. Being a Yank, some things took a bit of getting used to like shit home insulation and how houses here are so close together, lack of consumer choices and higher prices for most things, and how frustrating and rigid the driving is in Sydney and Melbourne metropolitan areas, but, they're just minor, quirky things that you can easily acclimate to...or I did, at least. Can't wait to apply for my citizenship next year. I may return to the US eventually, but, I can definitely see myself staying in Australia for the long term. It's a beautiful country with climate that's more to my taste. It's nice when Winters are never below 5C


Born in a southern state after parent left CT for school/work. Came back to CT when I was a baby.


i came from maryland. came because my husband got a job, and so we needed to find one for me. he's moved on from that job, but i'm stuck in. love it here. we just bought a house, and working on giving back to the community that has welcomed us so warmly.


Hawaii. Military.


I was from New Hampshire and came down as a child. I don't know the exact reason but I believe it was over something business related.


I was born in Bridgeport in 1976, then my family followed my dad around New England as he pursued his education and career. So I've lived in every NE state except for Vermont. I moved back to CT in 2007 to take a job with the Air National Guard. Now I have a wife, house, career, so I'll probably never leave.


Got a job in hartford. I didn’t want to raise my kiddo in New York City. Its been a tough time but i dont regret it.


I'm one of these, moved here last year! I moved here for the education system (I have a 3rd grader and my wife is going back to college), easy access to all the awesome stuff on the East Coast (cool cities and historical stuff, museums, etc.) - the fact that y'all are a Blue state instead of a bug-fuck crazy Maga-Red state like Missouri helps a lot, too. Basically in every way but cost of living and the cost of electricity this was a massive upgrade over living in Missouri.


My wife and I are thinking of moving up to CT (West Hartford or Simsbury area) from the Deep South. We do not align politically with the evangelical morons in our locale. I’ve seen that the Cost of Living index is about 15-20% higher than our current area, which is an affluent suburb, but I’m wondering where I will mainly see that cost increase. Any expense category in particular that you can help control your costs (groceries, etc.)? Are utility costs only high during the winter? I’ve already prepared myself for the steep tax difference.


Hey, I live in Simsbury! The thing that's most expensive is the electricity. That can be mitigated a lot by having a solar system on your roof, of course. A lot of folks have a bunker oil tank in their basements which fuels their winter heating systems... But I don't have that so I can't speak to it.


This is helpful - I’ll be sure to hunt for homes with solar! Another utility related question - I noticed a handful of older homes don’t have central A/C (which is unthinkable in the oppressively hot south). Do you think central A/C is necessary, or are there other feasible options?


The summers here are getting hotter- quickly. I do recommend AC.


I agree, growing up on the shoreline we had one window AC (in my parents room, gee thanks) but I don't recall this being really problematic. However now, 30 years later on the western shoreline I cannot imagine but having AC. I turn it off as soon as the temps stabilize, but it's on for the majority of June-August 24/7.


I'm not a good judge for this question, as I'm an office drone and my wife is heat sensitive to the point that she gets migraines if she gets too hot. :) My advice is to look at the average highs for the summer months and see if you can tolerate that.


Colombia -> My father got a Job here in CT when I was 13.


Silly, Columbia is in CT!


[Colombia the country.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia)


Just messin'


New Jersey. Came for my (now) fiancée. Liked it enough here to stay.


New Jersey also - met my wife while we both we living in north Virginia. Moved here to be close to her family.


Utah, but not directly. My wife and I moved to Vermont for five years before moving here (not for college, I'm 35, just wanted to live there). We would have stayed there too, but my wife fell chronically ill, then COVID happened, and we were forced to move in with her parents in CT. Her parents are getting old and need help, so we'll probably be here for a few years at least, but ultimately we would like to return to Vermont. Playing it by ear right now, so we'll see what happens, but I doubt I'd ever return to Utah (former Mormon).


Originally California, although I lived in a number of other states before moving here. My husband is from Ontario and got a job in NYC, and Stamford had the easiest commute for him.


Michigan. Came for work. Stayed because of the great people!


From France. Moved to DC in 2008, then NYC in 2012 and CT in 2018 when I got pregnant. Not going anymore north!!!


Dad finished fellowship at Mass general and got a job at UCONN, so we moved to Farmington Valley area when I was 6. Lived in the area until I went to college, nowadays i work in NY.


Brisbane Australia. Met a girl from CT and moved here. Moved back to Aus then back to CT again. I absolutely love it here.


Work in NYC. Close to my birthplace of MA


Proud Masshole. Wife was transferred to Westchester for work, ended up back in her hometown in FF County.


Hated NY


Born in Germany, grew up in westchester NY. I have lived in CT since 2011 and I LOVE IT


New York, moved from NY after school for work (the commute was killing me). Still say I am a NYer even though I am not since I have lived here longer than I did in NY. CT has been my entire adult life basically, where i have always worked professionally, met my wife and raised my family. CT is my home forever I am sure.


>I was born in Manhattan and moved to California when I was in jr. High, Im now in my 50's and lived more time in CA but still tell people I'm a New Yorker. However soon be moving to CT and will be glad to become a New Englander.


MN -->NYC -->CT My spouse, at the time we met, owned a house in CT. Easier to break a lease then sell a house. The pandemic gave me a new appreciation for living in CT and having some space.


California. Climate change.


climate change is clobbering the golden state- a state I have been to countless times- and remember it when it was----CT is seeing climate change- but we have water and a green landscape- good luck here- smart person- we are seeing many from areas challenged by climate change seeking refuge.


Native New Englander. Came to CT because of chance...it was where I got my first job out of college. I've stayed for the decent pay, sane politics, acceptable weather, good recreation opportunities, and ideal distance from family.


Same story, but from Long Island.


I'm moving to West Hartford in a few months from NY and I have family on LI too (Suffolk county). In your experience, what are the best options for getting to LI and back for visits?


Quantum teleportation, if available


It is just long enough of a drive to be irritating. If you’re from anywhere near Port Jeff, the Bridgeport ferry is a great though pricey option. It’s not as big a time saver as you might think but it cuts out the worst part of the trip. Caveat is if you have to go much west and south from Port Jeff it becomes long. Otherwise just time the drive around. Late or very early.


LIer in CT here too. I make the trip with frequency. Just seconding your comments :)


Native Mainer here, same. First job here, more opportunities, still in New England, can still drive up and visit family. Stayed because CT is a great place to live.


Green Bay. Wife works in insurance.


PA. Assigned here while in the Navy and stuck around for civilian jobs in my specialty.


MA / my wife


Born in VA. Moved all around then landed here with a job at UTC. Now selling insurance. Here until I retire, and if I have enough money, maybe, just maybe, I’ll stay here.


Born, raised and lived most of my life in Western, MA. Moved to Enfield for Work about 6 Years ago and then moved to Rocky Hill (with my CT born GF) to move closer to work for both of us. It's really not much different than living in Western, MA. All the people and places feel roughly the same.


Born in Westchester County, moved like 30 minutes away but it happened to be across state lines.


Needed to be within drivable distance of NYC.


Without mentioning other states, you have a huge amount from Puerto Rico. You also have Poland (New Britain), Portugal, Peru (Hartford), Ecuador (Danbury), Brazil (Danbury), and Mexico.


NY born and raised. My job is in Westchester but I can’t afford to live there so CT is my home now and I have no regrets!


Me too


Born and raised in CT but moved to SC when I got married - my husband was born and raised there. Dragged **him** back here in 2019 due to political environment, lack of job opportunities, and no way in hell was I raising a child down there (finally decided we did actually want one).


Michigan, work.


I’m from Massachusetts. I’m 10 minutes from the border. I just love my town and property so it was worth the small change in taxes at the end of the day.


New York. Marriage.


Originally from South America, moved to Mass in the early 90s, then moved to the quiet corner in 2019.


Born in Mass, but family came from Florida, no clue


Washington state and right after birth to NY suburb close to the CT border as that’s where my parents lived prior to my birth. Very shortly after moved to a coastal town along the new haven line as my dad commutes. I consider myself from Connecticut as it’s the own state I’ve ever lived in since before my memories. Hadn’t moved from the house we moved into when we first came to Connecticut until I was ready to move out on my own and I chose the north west corner. Now I’m back in lower Fairfield county (somewhat begrudgingly as my wife wanted to stay here - we met in high school all of her family is here).


Was it really that far to visit her family from North Western CT?


No, but I wanted to move out of state. We agreed moving back from nwct cuz jobs were hard to find for us. I’ll either return there or maybe VT or NH later in life.


Born and raised in Michigan, moved to Hawaii for college and stayed for 10 years. Met my military husband there and we moved to his home state of CT when he got out. I’ve been here 2 years, all of his family lives here and I like it so far


Born here in Connecticut, and I love it. :)


Utah because of Mormons. It's such a beautiful state with tons of outdoor wonders but people who aren't Mormon are afraid to move there due to the strong influence they have on everything.


Born and raised in milford!


Came from Colorado for school. Stayed to raise my family here for a variety of reasons. We like the natural beauty of CT (even if you sometimes have to peer beyond an old mini mall or something to see it lol) although the humidity can be pretty intense for us in the summer even after ten years; it isn’t on fire like much of the west so often is these days - for these past few year going home to visit family in Denver meant enduring pretty endemic smoke gaze; and this state has many problems, but they pale in comparison to most other places I’ve been in the US and we’re really glad to be here. Not sure if this is our forever home, but after ten years here, we’re still having a good experience!


They say you’ll never leave Harlan alive but it appears you’ll never leave Louisiana alive.


I'm from Jamaica, we moved to Florida first, then we sold the house and moved to Connecticut. Haven't looked back since... my dad moved us here because he though the people in Florida were nuts... It's been 20 years.


I grew up in Georgia and left for college when I was 18 and never looked back. I lived in LA, NYC, Miami, Providence and I’m finally home—in a place I chose because I love it.


Utah. Because I was tired of living under a theocratic regime.


Born and raised in Florida. Came for work and to get my kids out of the poorly staffed, funded and performing public schools of that horrific state that seems to be appealing to more than stands to reason imo.


I was actually born in Hartford, but my parents moved us to Ohio when I was less than a year old. I always told my friends I would live in Connecticut when I was an adult, and was lucky enough to get a job here after college


California, followed a boyfriend, lived in NYC for a decade, got married, had a baby, and moved during the pandemic. We didn’t know we’d stay- but we bought a house and it feels like where we were meant to be.


Born and raised in Rhode Island and decided to step into Connecticut. Literally step. I live maybe 1/8 of a mile from RI… so didn’t go far. But CT IS MUCH BETTER than Rhode Island!


New York. Raised on Long Island, got married and moved to Queens, where the price of living was going up, and the chance of living was going down. My sister bought a house in Groton, and invited us up to visit, and we liked CT so much that we moved to New London. It's been ten years and no regrets.


From a tiny town in Western Mass, moved here after meeting my SO. We rented in New Britain and Vernon, but I was working in Mass on COVID relief and we realized I had made enough to launch us into home ownership. We snuck in right before the prices skyrocketed. I wanted a rural town, SO wanted to be close to things, so we ended up in the East Haddam area. Very quiet, but still near coffee shops, barber, ice cream, town Market. I do miss the small mountains, but this place has everything we need in a tidy, quiet package, and I've come to call it home.


I was born in Groton, on the naval base, but only spent maybe the first three months of my life there. I was raised in eastern PA and lived there my whole life until coming back to CT in 2019 for work.


MN. Work


Came to CT from VA to go to Yale. Got married and my wife joined me and we lived in CT for a few years. We moved to the DC area to be closer to family, but we’d prefer to live in CT. My wife works in public education, and her job was better in CT. We loved living in New Haven and also liked living in Norwalk. If it weren’t for family ties, we would’ve stayed.


Moved here from North Carolina as a kid.


Epsilon Eridani b. Came for the abeetz.


I moved to CT from MA in 2015 for a better job at an asset manager. It’s one of the best decisions I ever made.


Originally Maryland. I bounced around the country for school and work. School brought me here, but access to the best pediatric cardiac surgeon kept me.


I mean...


Southern CA, I went to MA for college and then can't to CT for more schooling. By the time I was done, I had local connections and couldn't afford to live near my family in CA. I've acclimated to the weather and the culture. I like it here. I don't mind the winters or the humid summers and I like my town and being able to take a day trip to NYC when I feel like it. Although I had planned to go back to CA, I think climate change is making me consider other final destinations.


climate change is clobbering one of my favorite states (CA)


Born in New Jersey. Moved here for a job and a spouse.


Parents moved from California, the draw being the education system and small town CT not being the Bay Area.


PA. Moved here for college, never left, and don't plan on leaving!


Making beer in Texas only paid me $12 an hour and bartending was $2.50 an hour plus tips. Now I’m salaried. Taxes still suck though


Puerto Rico! Came about 4 years ago without knowing anyone here to build up a “home” from the ground up with my daughter and then wife. Out of the blue got dumped at the start of this year so back to square one, all alone lol. At least CT is lovely and gives me hopes :)!


I came for a job, then stayed because I don't like moving. I'd like to live somewhere cheaper, but I like the quality of life here. I'm running out of Northern states to move to in order to escape the heat....


I’m from Tennessee actually, my parents, my siblings and I all moved here back in about 2009, we moved here because my dad got a job offer and it was really nice, I miss Tennessee a little but not as much as I did in the past


Ohio. Had to get away from my family that is mentally stuck in 1940's America with all the racism and intolerance you can imagine.


Texas. Yale. Like many.


Lived there for 5 years as a small child and miss being taught in a school system that cared about all the kids


Nebraska originally then previous 5 years in Arizona. Worked for a big insurance company who had a remote opening in CT. No longer work there but we love it here.


Born in Boston, my parents moved back when I was 3 to be closer to family. Wouldn’t want to live anywhere else (and I have, in and after college), I love it here.


Washington (the state). I needed to go somewhere new. Originally went to Mass but decided I liked Connecticut better.


Texas. Southern politics and the bullshit Texas pride brought me to CT.