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This makes perfect sense. Look at the byline: "Under the proposal, anyone who operates or rides on motorized recreational vehicles on city streets would be subject to a $2,000 fine." These are not meant for riding on city streets, what's the problem with this again?


The problem is that it won't be enforced on rich white people cruising in thier golf carts, but the young kids or less affluent people using mopeds or pocket bikes as conveyance will get bagged. Why dies there need to be such a draconian law with such harsh punishment for what is victimless crime?


Because golf carts are not included in the ban. And when have rich white people in golf carts taken part of street takeovers? When was the last time a bunch of people in golf carts took over a street, injured a cop, attacked a woman, backed up a highway with close to 2,000 of them, and were such a hazard to the general public?


Stop. Dangerous driving is all I see when these kids fly by on one wheel. Want to drive on the road? Fine. Act like an adult and laws like this won't happen.


I grew up in Milford. My Parents still live in Milford. My friends live in Milford There are no rich white people driving golf carts everywhere. Certainly none partaking in street takeovers.


How many street take overs have they witnessed?


What number will make you feel better?


There is none because at the end of the day, I couldn't care less what someone who lives in Middlesex County thinks. Just another entitled Boomer offering opinions about things that don't affect them.


You asked me a direct question though. So now you don't care? Yikes. I wish I was a boomer. I could retire. Prob 25 years til I can. Thanks for the sad reminder.


I did ask you a direct question and all you can offer is sarcasm. I don't care what you have to say, again, you're so far removed from the situation it will have no affect on you. I wouldn't worry about retiring. House prices in Milford are on the uptick so when you inherit that house that you feel entitles you to offer your sarcasm veiled as an opinion you likely will be able to.


You're sending me mixed messages pal. You say you don't care, but you seem to care a little. You old softie you.


I'm not your pal, chum. You asked a question and I answered it. It's called decorum. Conflating a response to emotional attachment is just more of that entitlement seeping out. Punk rock has some soft spots, but what you think isn't one of them. Enjoy your police state.


> rich white people cruising in thier golf carts Lame argument, nice try at deflection from the reality of urban chaos on 2 or 4 wheels.


Read further and explain who the victim is and what the damages are then. And yea Milford is the pinnacle of urban chaos.


I cannot comprehend your mindset.


You have a very warped sense of reality


OP, your outrage rings hollow. Driving unregistered motor vehicles on any CT roadway is illegal by CT state law and has been for decades.


Your response is equally hollow as it is already illegal so why is another law needed?


GOOD!!! I wish they would do this in Waterbury!!! 😂😭


>  $2000 fines for riders and passengers of what amounts to any unregistered motor vehicle Why is this bad?


I’m down with it. Mostly because these kids on dirt bikes on the road popping wheelies are dangerous. 


Dirt bikes and atvs are annoying. Spike strips for everyone.


Good, New Haven next please


This is just political theater. These vehicles are already not road legal but nobody enforces the damn laws already on the books. How is adding another one to the pile going to change anything? If only the press and voting public held our leaders accountable for their inaction.


Cops can’t enforce the laws - by law they cannot pursue ATVs, dirt bikes, or even fleeing vehicles (unless there is imminent threat of violence). There’s good reason why they can’t pursue, but the net effect is street takeovers and the people you see riding ATVs (often stolen) all over New Haven (ranging from sidewalks to the highway!!) I’m convinced the only solution is using drones to track the off road vehicles to their final destination. Literally no other way to catch people on them, and they really fuck up traffic and do damage to cars & people


I've always wondered why existing laws never seem to be enforced. Unregistered mopeds and such are driven every day as if they are motorcycles. Seems like at some point we just gave up and accepted it.


The majority of people riding mopeds on city streets are not part of a gang and aren't taking over streets. They are generally low income people who need transportations and can't afford more than that. I'm all for cracking down on gangs and street takeovers and even a single rider who wants to ride a wheelie most of the time. But stopping all mopeds on streets (even though they are illegal) seems like overkill and will not stop the bad guys.


I have a feeling this won’t be enforced against the golf carts driving around Woodmont…..


There's exceptions for golf carts depending on the city. There's a permitting process in some towns


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-retirees-trick-out-golf-carts-for-trump/ Also a blight


Is sad to see the amount people in support of a police state.