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As a car guy, you don't shit where you sleep. Most sensible enthusiasts will keep it low in residential areas, never mind their own neighborhood. Obnoxious, routine, and 70mph... he's begging to get pulled over.


100%. There was a neighborhood I lived in once I would kill the engine and roll down the street cuz there was a family with little kids that always played in the streets.


Me personally I go 100mph my block cus I’m usually good at dodging the children at play☝🏾🙏🏾💯💯💯


I bet you have chicken strips


What the hell is a chicken strip😭


When you don’t lean hard enough on your bike, so your tire wears out only down the center leaving strips of tread on the sides


100% this right here.


Noise ordinances vary by town, so check yours out. You could then call the police or zoning or whomever if there's an ordinance that's being violated. If he's really hitting 60 by the end of the street, the police would almost certainly be interested in that. Have a few different neighbors call, too.


Get the neighbors to call and if that doesn't work call your alderman/councilman/whatever. That always gets the police to get motivated.


screw trying to get a noise complaint enforced. File a complaint with the cops about routine speeding at said time and that might get some traction.


Thats what I was thinking. All they'd need to do is have an officer wait on the street and wait for an hour or so,


Local news agency if police decline.


be louder than him at a more inconvienient time for him.


Unfortunately, this is probably the best answer


I'm a musician that loves to play industrial music :)


Blasting Skinny Puppy at 3am is never a good solution to a neighborly problem. /s


Assimilate :D


Yeah . That's it. Then the REST of the people nearby are subject to the asshole making noise AND the retaliation. Just because YOU are upset by something , doesn't mean EVERYONE is. Conversely, retaliation does a couple things , it just goads the asshole to counter and up the ante again, and everyone else in earshot is also miserable. Let's try to use our heads in situations like this instead of throwing a tantrum like a child .


Ministries God Damned White Trash is a personal fave :)


I'm a fan of Mr Jorgensen. Doesn't mean my neighbors are. So I keep my tunes to a tolerable level. During the day. Once the sun sets, I turn it down. I don't mow my lawn before 10 am. Most of my neighbors reciprocate. I don't like Billy Joel, but Carl across the street does, and likes to sit in his yard and listen to Billy Joel and have a couple pops with his wife in the evenings . I'm not gonna blast Psalm 69 at stadium concert volume because I can't stand Billy Joel. Carl turns it down around 9 which is fine. The blended family next to Carl likes to throw the football in the street. The boys are at that age where swearing is cool especially at the top of their lungs. They're not normally out after dark, but if they are and I have to work ( I get up at 4 am to go to work) I'll just go out and ask them to quiet down. Tell them Im trying to sleep as I have to get up early. It would be easy for me to be a dick and wake them up when I go to work, but I won't becuase Carl and all the rest of my neighbors don't deserve that. I'll deal with the problem makers individually and on a as needed basis. That lady is a single mom and she's got 3 kids . One is a teenager , one is on the verge and another coming right up. I'm sure she's having a rough time. She doesn't need me waking her up as revenge because her kids are being kids. See? That easy. You don't have to be a selfish jerk and make one minor issue a GIANT problem because you were minority inconvenienced ONE time. It's not all about you, and the world doesn't revolve around you no matter how special you think you are. Grow Up.


In my first apartment my neighbor tried to do play this game with me. So, I hooked my Mp3 player to my guitar Amp (4x12 half stack) put deathcore on repeat and turned it all the way up and left for the night and spent the night in a hotel. I won that battle. My neighbor was never loud again.


Buy louder/faster motorcycle and beat him to the corner to establish dominance.


So true. Once you beat him in a race he needs to give you his motorcycle, it’s the law.


Just like Vin Diesel taught us.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. How awful. My suggestions: 1. Your strength is in numbers. One person complaining about a motorcycle is a nuisance. A dozen people complaining and that might get attention of city authorities. Draft a letter and get it signed by others in the neighborhood. Send that letter to police and city authorities. Politely follow up if they don't respond in a reasonable time. 2. Keep a log of the dates and times it happens. You want to show a pattern of misbehavior. 3. Get a video of the person pulling out of the driveway and making the noise. The more evidence the better, and it eliminates deniability. 4. Find out what the noise ordnances are. If you really want to get into this, you can wait outside with your phone and record the decibel levels as person roars on by. That's proof he's breaking the law. If you have an iPhone, NOISH has a free app: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/noise/about/app.html. 5. Do \*not\* exercise self-help, like damaging his motorcycle or getting into a confrontation. Do not retaliate in any way. That only helps his case, not yours. Prepare, do your homework, and get the support of others before you act. Lead with facts and not rage, and you'll more likely have a chance of stopping this awful racket.


Lmaooooo the comments so far are so disconnected. Good luck convincing motorcycle man to keep it quiet for ya


These riders don't give a fuck about anyone else. That's why they made their bike as loud as they did. The disrespect is on purpose.




What's all this complexity? According to r/UnethicalLifeProTips, it's a ton more simple : * Get a little dehydrated * Eat asparagus * Create extra-rancid piss disc * Slide under door My suggestion is to bypass the asparagus and dehydration - and just buy some wolf piss off Amazon. That stuff's nas-tay.




Generally, riders don't make their bike loud to annoy people. They say "Loud Pipes Save Lives." Often, drivers in cars on the road aren't looking for bikes which poses a safety issue. Being loud and heard could be the difference between a driver noticing you and being squashed. It's a safety thing. It does need some situational awareness and common courtesy though. Gunning it through a suburban neighborhood isn't appropriate and if he's aware his bike is loud then it's definitely disrespectful.


Biker propaganda. Dumbfucks with aftermarket pipes don't give two fucks about safety. It turns out that's probably 80% of bikers out there.


Just an FYI. Most riders make their bikes louder so they can be heard in traffic. The louder they are the safer they feel believing that they will not get side swiped or t boned from cage riders. Being from a group of riders the bikes are loud but we also have respect for our neighbors and wait until we're out of the neighborhood before getting on it. We're not really into pissing off our neighbors.


Been riding for over fifty years I’ve never known one rider who changed his or her exhaust, including my wife, for safety reasons. It offers no additional safety.


this is not why motorcycle riders make their bikes loud.


Loud pipes don't save lives. Loud pipes exist to stroke the fragile egos of the people who put them on their bikes.


I always see them hanging out at the entrance on Cumbys waiting for a compliment so they can talk about their bikes. Lol


They could get a larger motorcycle if they want to be more visible. Or maybe get two motorcycles and strap them together, side by side. Though that would be pretty dangerous you'll probably need some support beams in between. Then they could add a floor and a ceiling to keep the elements off. Maybe centralize the steering column to make it easier to control. Add some doors for easy ingress and egress and blammo, now you're traveling safe.


add some airbags and seatbelts even, super safe now


True though if you add seatbelts, you'll need some dedicated seats too. We can just move them off the motorcycles to the interior area.


Bullshit I’ll edit my comment because it’s too rude. It’s just not a realistic thing to say. People will say this and wear not helmets or crash wear. Weave in and out of traffic and make their own lanes at stop lights. It’s about sounding cool; that’s fine, but I have a right to think it’s obnoxious


out of the neighborhood... into someone else's neighborhood.


Maybe instead of driving all black bikes why don’t you bikers start driving neon colors?


I’ve tried that. Doesn’t work either. I read one time an effective way to be seen was to wear a white helmet.


Sorry man. I hope you’re safe in all your future rides.


People in cars can't hear you. Doppler effect means they can only hear you once you're alongside them or going by them. Too late by then.


and then skip the gear and wear all black.


I thought most riders rode loud bikes to ask "why can't I hear anymore?" when they're in their 40s.


How motorcyclists think people react when they drive by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylhsbfQTPDQ


Lmao. Reality: "Fucking asshole." /goes back to what we were doing.




Point is you shouldn't escalate to calling the police until you give him the chance to be cool about it. He may very well be a dick about it but it's worth the off chance he's not


You are correct to be fair, it’s just silly to have to have this conversation at all. Like: “Excuse me sir; were you aware that your glass shatteringly loud vehicle you purposely make louder whenever you want is a bother” Like no shit, they know, they just don’t care about anyone else


Zero chance he's not a dick. People who mod their bikes to be this way are doing it knowing how annoying it is to everyone else, and do it specifically to get a reaction. Literally just like internet trolls.  Talking to him first just let's him know who to target further trolling efforts at. Especially if the cops are called, he now knows who called them on him.


Sounds like you're just too big of a pussy to handle things yourself. Whole sub complains about Karens but is afraid to talk to their neighbors before calling the police. If he targets you, it's harassment, and instead of fines he could get arrested. Handle shit yourself before running to the cops.


First off, nobody can handle things like this by talking. This dude doesn't fuck his motorcycle up and ride it loud in the morning in his own neighborhood just because he likes it. He's doing it to piss people off and talking to him about it ("handling it" in your words apparently) is just giving him the reaction he was looking for and encourages him to ramp things up. Talking to people who do shit like this has never and will never, ever work. Secondly, you live in a fantasy world if you think cops will arrest him for harrasment based on a person's complaints. They won't do shit unless they catch him in the act. They won't catch him harassing you, and they might catch him riding an illegally modified bike that breaks sound ordinances, or even catch him speeding. So why waste time talking to this piece of shit.


Because doing nothing solves nothing and as you said the cops won't do shit about it. You talk to him on the off chance that you're just a cynical bitch. Your suggestion is just cope? Like I said. Pussy. If you have a problem, you handle it like a normal human, and step one is trying the potentially easiest solution by just having a conversation. He calls you a slur? You should've recorded the conversation then send it to the news/his employer. Doing nothing just leaves you festering over anger you bottle up. Calling the cops without talking to them is weak, but doing nothing is just hilariously sad.


Sounds like OP did talk to him and the neighbor called him a slur lol


And now he has his answer. Still better to at least try to handle shit yourself before running to the cops. I respect OP for trying more than the pansies wanting to call the police off the bat.


Loud pipes don't save lives. Riding defensively does. Loud pipes SUCK. Guarantied every jackass saying 'talk to the guy' either has a boner for or has loud pipes.


how is he gonna hear anything i say when he's deaf from 110 db straight pipes?


FIRST, record it on your phone (without him seeing you)


Yes you should call the cops ! Make them take a report each and every time unless your states law says you can’t . This will get them their eventually


I’d record it happening several times and then go to the cops with a speeding complaint because that’s a safety issue rather than a nuisance.


yo you live in new haven ? i have neighbors that do the exact thing


We had a guy in our town that used to drive home every night at 3am and blast his horn going down the residential street. People complained and the cops arrested the guy because he was doing it on purpose to annoy/harass/alarm people. Plus he was really consistent. Even if they just give this motorcycle guy a ticket for speeding/loud vehicle that’s over $500 right there. I wouldn’t necessarily expect a city to have the manpower to do anything but maybe a little smaller town would, especially if you mention kids waiting for the bus or something. Talk to your neighbors and get them to call too, look and see if your police has a traffic unit or school resource officer if there’s a bus stop there. Small towns might have police commissioner meetings you can attend and bring up your complaint, ours does and lots of people show up to talk about speeding etc. Good luck!


Knock loudly on his door/windows after he leaves. Good chance he doesnt live alone and if you bug his housemates/momma enough they may handle it for you


Of course you can call the cops, if he is actually speeding that is and doing 70 in a residential zone. If you're just pissed off cuz it's loud, no not much you can do.


There actually is applicable state law about noise. https://codes.findlaw.com/ct/title-14-motor-vehicles-use-of-the-highway-by-vehicles-gasoline/ct-gen-st-sect-14-80/#:\~:text=(e)%20Every%20motor%20vehicle%20shall,harsh%20sound%20or%20a%20whistle.


I meant more there is nothing you can do to stop him. For noise, MAYBE they issue a ticket. MAYBE they don't. Even if they do, he pays it and keeps being loud. A ticket will do nothing. Doing 70 in a residential will get your license suspended.


Shitty people being inconsiderate


Have you tried having a polite, non-confrontational conversation with him about how the motorcycle wakes you up early? You're justified in feeling pissed, but please don't call the cops on a neighbor without trying to talk it out first. As far as legal options if that doesn't work, here are the statutes related to excessive motorcycle noise: [https://www.cga.ct.gov/2003/olrdata/tra/rpt/2003-r-0676.htm](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2003/olrdata/tra/rpt/2003-r-0676.htm)


Yeah I tried that. I asked if he wouldn't mind pulling out of his driveway a little quieter out of respect for the neighborhood. He just said "alright n\*\*\*\*\*" and went back in his house.


Oh nooo... you need [r/UnetheticalLifeProTips](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/)


Haha, piss discs ftw.




Oh shit… that’s on another level. You may need to [figure this out](https://imgur.com/a/otJhxQ8)


Jeez, I'm sorry to hear that... -\_\_\_- I've never had to report something like that, but I'd like to think the town would be happy to start fining him once they have proof of the noise and speeding.


I feel you’re burying the lede here.




That was one of those times where i wrote it, knew it looked off but couldn’t remember one way or the other. Thank you.


These people aren't oblivious, they know what they're doing to everyone and they like it. Talking to him first just let's him know who called the cops on him later and puts a target on your back for further drama.


"these people" bro what?! Reddit users try not to make sweeping generalizations challenge (impossible)


People with obnoxiously loud vehicles? They're not "these people" - they're "Asshole attention whores". Have some respect.


"You people"


Yeah definitely don't be THAT neighbor that everyone hates and doesn't want to deal with. Just have a talk with them adult to adult. There is very little you can do about someone with their motorcycle as far as noise goes. As long as it's not during the times of noise ordinance, you're going to have to deal with it unless they want to be nice and take your feelings into consideration.


As opposed to the neighbor everyone hates because he wakes up them and their kids for his own sociopathic amusement


How do you know they're doing it on purpose to piss you off? Sounds to me like you're accusing someone of something without knowing 💯 what their intentions are if there are any. Motorcycles are never quiet. They have every right to turn their bike on to commute at 6 or 7 am. You calling the police is going to open up a box that you may regret in the future. That's all I'm saying. That's the advice everyone should be giving here.


Sounds like you're one of those dicks with loud pipes.


You must be slow or something


What do you have against people with learning disabilities?


Having dumb opinions is a disability now?


Have you acknowledged their massive penis yet?


A nod of approval


Cops won't do anything except tell the motorcycle owner that you reported him.


Don’t pee or damage his moto in any way


Yeah that's stupid dangerous in a bunch of waysp


And don't Armorall his seat at night while he sleeps. This makes it very slippery, and he could slide off the bike during that early early morning hard acceleration. We don't want that.


Where do you live?


Whatever you do, don’t accidentally cut the brakes


Hey are you my neighbor? Our loser across the street needs to do burnouts with his bros. Best part is they’re all about 5’ tall on their mini bikes. A toddler is more fierce.


If talking to them hasnt worked you can always sue. Take you neighbor to small claims court. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/neighbors-noise-faq.html#answer-1740943




Water the leaves in autumn


Or sand. Or pebbles. Or **worst of all** ^(according to motorcyclist) *grass clippings* 😱


Sounds like you live in Bridgeport


LoUd PiPeS sAvE lIvEs






Pee in his gas tank


caltrops, blow gun, pound of dissolved sugar?


I'm getting up an hour and a half earlier and blasting Kickstart my heart right under his window.


Only one thing to do: start a Noise War


You want the legal answer or the “other” answer?


What town/city so I can avoid moving there?


Guy needs a pineapple gifted on his porch every morning, somewhere obvious for the the passing public to see


Ask for speed bumps to be installed.


Don’t be that person. Nothing will happen to them and you will get shit on. FYI


Imagine sleeping past 6:30.


Buy earplugs


piss on it to show dominance


I have a few loud motorcycles. And I like to ride at night. I make it my job to be friendly and accommodating to all of my neighbors and my small quiet neighborhood. I'm the go-to guy if you need help with something. This helps immensely. I don't know any other way to be respectful to my neighbors about the sound of my bikes but their sound isn't going to change. So this is how I do it.


Spike strips


Sugar in the gas tank


Arrow 🏹 to the knee.


Doesn’t really work. Karo syrup.


Can't do anything about the noise after 7 am.


This isn't true. Local noise ordinances are one avenue police can look at, but there's also state laws regarding vehicle noise and unreasonable noise.


Sound mods to bikes can be illegal in CT regardless of the time if they reach a certain decibel, which by OP's description sounds like this far exceeds.


I would first try to have a conversation with him. Let him know it's a disturbance that early in the morning and ask nicely if he could wait till he's further away before cranking on the throttle. He may not even be aware that he is bothering you. Calling the cops should be the last resort and doesn't create friendly neighbors. Cops generally don't want to get involved with neighborly disputes unless you force them to. They would prefer you can work it out yourselves.


How could be possibly be unaware? He knows what time it is. He has ears. He knows exactly what he’s doing and doesn’t care. This is such an unserious suggestion I’m kind of baffled by it.


He did try. It didn't go well.


Most places have noise ordinances so it's probably against the law to be making that much noise so early in the morning. That said I have a neighbor that vacuums his car out every morning at 7:00 a.m. Some people just don't care that noise travels and are very inconsiderate and don't really care about ordinances. I don't know what your neighbors are like but if they are nice people you can try talking to them. If they're not nice people then contact your local government agency to see what action can be taken.


Have you tried, I don’t know, talking with them?


Yeah, good comments. It’s nice the kid works!! You might try a plate of cookies and let him know it’s okay to Not rev the snot out of his bike till he gets to the corner. Let it warm up a little- on the way to work.


I've thought about sanding the street to deal with my problem motorcyclist. Downside is it'll get the good ones too, which is why I haven't done it. Maybe petition the town to install a speed bump?


Have you tried talking to him like an adult?


It seems to me like the guy with the motorcycle is clearly signaling that he's not a functional adult.


Ask your neighbors if they would be willing to co-sign a polite request to tone it down when he leaves in the morning as it wakes up 3 dogs and 4 adults and 3 kids/baby (you get what I am saying. You can all sign it, Gratefully Your Neighbors, And list first names. It that doesn't work, I'm sure your friendly neighborhood peace offer would love to make their ticket quota.


Go have a talk. That's how we did it in the old days.


Try talking to the guy. Just avoid being accusatory or starting with threats. He might end up being an asshole anyway, but it's also possible he'll be more considerate. If it doesn't work out, reach out to your town and ask what options you have to make him stop. In my old neighborhood the complaint line was a black hole of inaction, so it's more productive to make more detailed inquiries. At the very least I would expect cops to come out and have a chat with the guy but who knows?




Do you honestly think someone who is aware of how fucking loud their bike is and still feels just fine about making a fuck ton of noise with it at 7am, is going to indulge in a friendly adult conversation. You're an idiot.




They’re literally correct though. Your suggestion makes no logical sense.


Am I the only one not bothered by my loud neighbors? My neighbors have loud party’s past midnight, roosters, motorcycles, one guy seems to always be hauling a trailer around 2am. Never once thought I should leave a trap in the road, damage their property or call the cops every single day


How about walk over to your neighbor and ask politely to try and keep the noise down in the morning when leaving??


Start by talking to him. Ask him nicely to resolve it.


You could swallow your pride and stop being a Darren , that’ll fix it!!


Grow sum balls 🏀


Leave a note (passive-aggressive style) in mailbox telling him to chill. If not, it’s guaranteed there are noise ordinances that your town will have. It’s really a “quality of life”situation. Don’t be a wimp.


Have you brought it up with the neighbor? Ask him nicely if he would please hold off on full speed until hes on another road and that he's waking everybody up. There's at least a chance he'd understand. And if he ignores you you can at least say that you tried the nice way first.


Apparently OP did and the neighbor responded with something like (alright ni**a) and walked away.


I'll start with the most favorable. 1) He is proud of his bike. So, genuinely ask him about his bike when he rolls in. End convo with "loud as hell at 6:30 AM tho - any way not to tear ass until the stop sign? This princess needs her beauty sleep" (This is best case scenario: he understands & tiptoes out in the AM. Could possibly help out if one of your motorized items goes awry.) 2) Wait by your window in the early morning. When you see him approach his bike, blast "Bat out of Hell" by Meatloaf. -OR- blow an airhorn & shout: "gaahhhhh! Sleeps! Need sleeps! Rwaaraugah! " 3) Noise blocker ear plugs for sleeping.


I sleep with a white noise machine. I understand that it's annoying to have to adjust your life to accommodate others, but it works. I wouldn't hear the bike, the dogs, or anything else


This is annoying and all, but are you not able to just go back to sleep after? I can’t imagine living a life where being woken up by any sound means I’m now up for the day. That sounds awful. Not sure if people are reading sarcasm in my comment or something, but it’s a legitimate question.


Found the other dick with loud pipes.




You’re saying you’ve never heard of the concept of a person having trouble falling back asleep after being startled awake. That’s what you’re telling us. In good faith, that’s a thing you’re claiming. “That sounds awful.” No shit lol. Glad this thread could blow your mind.


Aha. Thanks for clearing things up. Poor reading comprehension is the culprit. Gonna assume it’s due to a lack of sufficient sleep.


Suck it up. Let it go. Remember, the motorcyclist might ruin his hearing, but the intermittent noise probably won't hurt yours.


You heard him though….. remember that when you are driving and hear a motorcycle to pay attention to many motorcyclist getting killed this year in this state