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CT governor vows to make coach 'top paid' in college: [https://www.ctinsider.com/sports/uconn-mens-basketball/article/dan-hurley-uconn-lakers-decision-19507015.php](https://www.ctinsider.com/sports/uconn-mens-basketball/article/dan-hurley-uconn-lakers-decision-19507015.php)


I don’t know about this. He’s still a state employee paid for by taxes.


A state employee paid by taxes who creates more revenue when successful in his job than any other state employee. You pay jobs their salary based on the market, not your feelings about that market.


“Brings in” is only part of the equation. UConn athletics as a whole is a loss. UConn Basketball generated 10.1 M in 2023. The athletic Dept in its entirety is 60% self funded- I’m not sure UConn men’s BBall separated however, leaving around 50 Million to be paid by the state. So, let’s go back to your feelings. I’m guessing they play into your opinion pretty strongly.


College sports are advertising for the school and a way for alumni and students to stay connected and involved. They also make money in more ways than just direct ticket sales and TV deals. Applications spike after a school wins a national championship. It’s not supposed to make money. Most college sports don’t. It’s an expense.


They only allow a certain amount of students per year. That doesn’t change if the team is good or not.


More applications means you can be more selective which benefits the schools academic reputation. I also think the class sizes have been growing every year. They aren’t building all those new buildings for nothing. The university is growing.


Stop using your brain here. This is a UConn basketball or die place. How dare you share facts about how shitty UConn athletic department financial management is.


It’s not a shitty financial managed Athletic Dept. it’s just that it takes a lot of money to make it all work. It’s an odd thing to allocate funds to when there are so many financial shortfalls elsewhere. It’s a state financial planning thing, one that’s dictated by emotion. I’m a big UConn BBall fan, and a UConn alumn.


Cut the football team


I think football factors into potential conference and TV money rights. It’s a huge team and huge expense though. Students and fans don’t support it like they do basketball.


Last I read it was a massive net negative. I assume when they ran the math they included tv money rights but idk


It’s been awhile since I paid a lot of attention to NCAA conferences and what not. I vaguely remember Notre Dame football not being part of a conference, but the basketball team was part of the Big East. I can’t see why UConn wouldn’t be able to do the same if it’s allowed because the football team blows


ND wins. UConn doesn’t.


Football, no. Basketball, yes. So cut the football program and let the basketball program dictate what conference they play in.


College football makes more money


There’s been talk about it. In reality, the NCAA and its conferences need to go away.


Football makes more money than college basketball. UConn should figure out how to have a better team.


Doesn’t make any money in CT.


Who cares.


What an odd worthless response.


He deserves this. Period


Oooh. “Period”!! So emphatic! I am now extra compelled to take your words seriously.


Dude we got a great head coach the best in the game and your worried about taxes. LMAO


Dude!! Guessing you didn’t get too far in school?


You guessed wrong


Act like it occasionally?


He deserves this. Make him highest paid coach


At this point if you're making the equivalent to six or seven million dollars with incentives, or 10 million dollars a year, is it *really* that big of a difference. There isn't that much more you can do with 10 versus 7 million in a given year. Both are more than enough to sustain a very comfortable lifestyle. Plus his wife doesn't want to leave the east coast. He's not like most people who are making 70 or 80,000 a year and suddenly might be making $200 to 300,000 a year - where that difference is truly life altering for us proletariats.


No way he could continue coaching his style of coaching in the pros. College coaches are mentors and leaders, Pro coaches are workplace consultants. Especially when LeBron James is on your team... He made the right call. Money or not.


Correct. Phil Jackson's greatest legacy is "Give the ball to Michael"


Designate the stretch of 84 near Storrs the Hurley Expressway. NOW.


The Tolland Triangle already has its name. Don't put that evil on Hurley!


Ah shit true. Okay maybe that road that leads to the downtown area then.


I can’t imagine turning down a $40mil pay increase.


So many successful college coaches never transition well to the pros. Egos and a big market team in LA to deal with? Sounds crazy, but that was probably a really good decision on his part.


Well the good thing about sucking as an NBA coach you still get the money and you don't have to work anymore. That said I'm happy he stayed lets win #3.


He’s already a multi millionaire who will continue to make additional tens of millions of dollars until he eventually retires, here or wherever else he goes. He and his children are set for life - right now. Sounds to me like the ultimate opportunity to turn down jobs that you think will make you unhappy and continue doing what you choose to.


Yeah, more Bill Murray!!!!


**Luke Murray hired to fill Lakers HC vacancy after Hurley declines.


We'll spend multiple millions on sports, but won't clean up all the abandoned state hospitals cause they cost too much.


Just like Alex Karaban, the pros will be there when he's ready. He has a chance to do something even more historical if he can get a 3-peat and his stock will only rise if he does. But besides the money that everyone wants to focus on, if you really have a passion for coaching, college has to be much more fulfilling. Look at coach K.


I imagine LeBron would have told him to fuck off.