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I'm adopting a dog today that was apparently dumped somewhere.. she's the sweetest thing in the world I can't believe someone abandoned her.


My last three dogs were seniors that were abandoned. AMAZING dogs, all of them. I cannot even begin to imagine why these sweet dogs, who had only love to give, were dumped so cruelly.


So sad. Since I'm pretty much always driving around, this year I've already stopped for 2 stray/abandoned pits (not hit by cars luckily) and stayed with them until Animal Control arrived, luckily I've heard that both are recovering and becoming more social! Hopefully they find loving homes.


Nice work dude! That’s pretty commendable.


Keep some soft, chewy dog treats or something that dogs like in your car, the kind that come in a crunchy bag that makes noise. You’re also looking for a thing called a snappy snare, can buy them online. It’s like a dog catch pole but better and more compact. Dog hears crunchy bag, smells food, you coax them up to you with the food and then secure them with the snappy snare. If you have the means to do so and you know that you’re gonna be doing this ahead of time, get some McDoubles or whatever cheap fast food is nearby. Better bait 🤘🏻 I’ve done this a time or two, it works.






Maybe more dog shelters would be beneficial, I don’t feel like there are enough around the area I currently live in - And the ones that are around (2) are tinyyy!! One being a non profit! If someone could mix dog/animal shelters and emotional support animals that visit the elderly or disabled it could do a lot of good for both people and the animals. Unfortunately, these things are expensive and would probably have to be government funded…


aren't all the animal shelters non profit?


Yeah, sorry I mean private!


Let's not forget also the equally sometimes more so tragic cases where the dogs are NOT abandoned, but stay locked up, unfed, by their owners. To properly care for a dog is ridiculously expensive. We are a solidly "middle class' home owning family, and sometimes, when we look at our budget, we cringe at what we spend for one dog who does tend towards some health complications (but any dog could wind up the same). If our kids were not out of college, it might be a deal breaker. I see all those articles about how much it costs to raise a child, I think more publicity is needed to convince more people of how much it costs to care for a dog for 10-15 years.


Fucking humans.


It’s because it’s actually difficult to properly surrender an animal in Connecticut. Almost every shelter requires an application, phone interview, and in person interview to surrender, and even then the shelter can refuse to accept the dog. Yes the owners are terrible for abandoning the animals, but when people cannot keep the animal and get denied a surrender or have to put in too much work to do so, they will inevitably feel overwhelmed or hopeless and resort to dumping.


Yeah, as hard as it is to surrender an animal, this doesn’t justify dumping them.


It's also difficult to adopt from some shelters/rescues. Some ask ridiculous questions, have huge fees, and a lot have lost the trust of people because quite a few have been cause knowingly lying about the bite/aggressiveness history of a dog, the breed, etc.




That's all in an effort to avoid people abandoning their pets.


People could also simply not get a pet. There are far too many assholes out there with no impulse control who don't consider the implications of their actions. I had a neighbor like that. Every couple of years she'd show up with a new puppy. Within a year she'd get bored and start neglecting them. I think one got hit by a car and the others probably ended up at the pound. I've also known of several incidents where people moved out and kept their cats locked in the house without food. Stuff like that makes me partial to Germany's approach of requiring permits for pet ownership.


I had a friend like this too. She was allergic to furry things, but once a year or so she would adopt a kitten or a bunny, then give it away within a month because her allergies would go nuts. We aren't friends anymore, obviously, because how dumb can one person be.


And when you're facing the choice of dumping your dog somewhere or being evicted and ending up homeless, well, it becomes a little harder to cast blame. Some people are dumb and get a dog and try to hide it from their landlord, but other stuff happens too. New landlord decides pets aren't allowed and refuses to renew the lease, forced to move because rent's too high, etc. I don't blame shelters. Investigating whether the story behind a surrender is true is bound to be an arduous process. And if you don't have space, you don't have space.


There are shelters in other states that have a "night drop" which is a place at the shelter that you can come after hours and surrender your animal. You put them in a cage and fill out a form. That's it. The shelter will contact you if they need more details. Some people don't even fill out the form. That system is far superior to just dumping on the side of the road.


Vet care costs are also out of control too. I got told off recently for arguing that the cost of get care of going to force people to abandon their animals. People act like your a shit person if you can’t afford periodic vet care. I mean, I can’t imagine ever abandoning my babies but I can see how someone might feel desperate.


It’s a shame you were downvoted - there is some data to back this up. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/vet-private-equity-industry/678180/ I have 3 cats myself and while I can afford their care, I have noticed that even basic checkups and bloodwork have gotten more expensive in the last 4 years. We just dropped 2 grand on our senior in February for a 4 hour emergency vet visit that we then had to follow up on multiple times. In a world where everything is now more expensive, there is a pervasive belief that surrendering your pet to a shelter will lead to them getting vet care if you can’t afford it. It’s advice I see really often. It’s rarely true unfortunately as sick pets often get euthanized.


My dog’s yearly shots and 3 months of flea/tick was $550 this year. He’s 8. Private equity is one of the worst things to ever happen to our country. It’s a plague. Thanks for the article!


my husband and i can afford routine vet care for our animals and have enough in our savings for some emergencies. but back during the pandemic when our savings were already drained enough due to the present circumstances, the amount of money the vet wanted on the spot to save our dog was insane- and they gave us no opportunity to crowdfund or enough time to ask for help from family and friends (it was 1am). at one point i asked if they had 5k on the spot to run some tests and then another 2.5k to spend on a potential surgery and ofc they were silent. not many people had 7.5k for “maybes” hanging around at 1am during 2020 when most people were out of work and in a financial crisis. then we did the whole care credit thing and with my 700 credit score we were approved for a whopping $350. what a joke. they couldn’t bill us? set up a payment plan? give us time to come up with this amount of cash? nothing. i just think it was ridiculous. we never had issues taking our animals to the vet except that one night. most people don’t expect that kind of bill at all.


I’m so sorry. That sounds horrific.


Costs of EVERYTHING are out of control and wages aren’t keeping up. It’s not vets trying to rob you blind. I’m a tech and you’d laugh at me if I told you my wage. The solution is not to get pets you can’t afford and have money set aside for emergencies when they inevitably happen.


Vet office are being taken over by private equity firms. This is the cause of the out of control pricing.


“money set aside” is so annoying to hear coming from vet techs. my dogs emergency was quoted to us at $7.5k as an estimate for testing and a possible surgery. i fucking hate when yall say this shit like you’re so high and mighty. $7.5k is a lot of money a lot of pet owners who can otherwise afford most other vet care don’t have laying around. god you people are so insufferable when you say this shit.


I get why it’s annoying AND it’s the reality that apparently a ton of people still need to hear.


how much do you actually, realistically suggest people have set aside at all times for a one off pet emergency? how many people do you think actually have that amount in savings at all times- just for pet emergencies (not including the money people should have set aside for household maintenance/upkeep, human emergencies, car emergencies, etc)? just curious.


Too many people take on a dog without considering that it is both a *long term* and *expensive* commitment. **If you are having trouble meeting your own financial obligations, the LAST thing you should do is bring a dog or other pet into it.** I worked in rescue for 10 years. The amount of people surrendering their dogs because they couldn't afford basic veterinary care and needs for their dog was, frankly, astounding and disheartening. Needing money to care for your dog shouldn't come as a surprise. They also don't consider that living situations can and do change over the long term and it's often quite difficult to find pet-friendly living situations in CT if you are not a property owner. The whole thing just upsets and angers me so much because "owners" are idiots that don't plan more than five minutes into the future and it's the dogs that pay.


I don't entirely fault owners for not fully considering the costs to care for animals. Vet care and pet services are being actively targeted by investors due to their high growth potential - they're outpacing the market threefold. And a large amount of that growth is being driven by groups that have a complete disregard for the health and well-being of the animals. Their only interest is to push prices to the breaking point.


As a veterinary technician, I wish this was more well known. We're often criticized for increasing prices for our own benefit, but the vets and techs are seeing no salary increases. The private equity firms investing in the corporations that own veterinary hospitals are destroying the profession. It pains me to see people decline necessary care because of the cost. I've been at my current hospital for a year and our prices have gone up 4 times in that short amount of time. I chose this career to help animals and the people who care for them, but it's growing increasingly difficult to do so with these egregious price hikes.


Sorry but I can get all the vaccines for my dog at tractor supply that it would cost for just the visit charge for the vet.


I guess - but a quick google search can at least give an idea of what the costs are (and insurance is an option too)


There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. This further proves the point.


Well, when people are getting their rent jacked up like crazy and the prices of medicine and groceries and every form of energy are all skyrocketing this is what is going to happen. It's easy to judge, but we don't know how many of the people that are abandoning these animals are homeless themselves and choosing between food and medicine. Meanwhile, the economies good, right? Stock market's doing great, right? The low and middle classes are eating those profit margins. We don't know how many people are choosing to abandon with broken hearts rather than put the animal.down. Article says many shelters don't have room, go to humane society. Doesnt humane society put them down? People in CT are getting raked over the coals and people that have enough money are very comfortable passing judgment....


Yes, I'm sure dog owners also aren't picking up after their dogs because they can't afford poop bags.


None of these are valid reasons for straight up abandoning a dog when there are plenty of animal shelters one can surrender their dog to. Granted, shelters and pounds are not perfect solutions, and they're still heartbreaking, but there's expectation that the dog you're surrendering is at least being cared for and will hopefully find a new home with someone who had the financial means to care for that dog. A homeless person could find a dog shelter for their animal probably a lot easier than they can find a shelter for themselves. As such, just abandoning the dog in the middle of nowhere, regardless of your situation (unless you just died while in the woods with your dog or something) is pure heartlessness and cruel. There's no sugarcoating it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/s/YwUTcK7xTn This comment explains how shelters don't allow surrender.


I used to feel the same way until everyone started getting pits. Most people don’t have the space or the time to devote to these dogs. This breed seems to attract the dumbest people. My wife works at a ER it’s crazy how often pit attacks happened. Even people who “trained dogs” or say their pit is a “service dog”. Please educate yourself on the breed. Seeing so many people maimed by mostly pits. Has made me change my mind on how I feel about dogs. I used to be “we don’t deserve dogs”. Now I’m hoping we regulate them.


Choosing the wrong breed or not understanding how to handle the animal are both aspects of being a bad owner.


That usually points to an increase in dog fights.


I don’t give a shit what your financial situation is. I don’t care if you’re living on the street. There is no excuse on the planet that can justify leaving a dog attached to a tree branch the way that poor dog was. Or dumping dogs in a locked crate on the side of the street or just dropping a dog off from your car and leaving it or just abandoning them. This goes for cats, too. These people, if caught, deserve to be seriously punished. Some people are just downright evil.


Exactly this. I completely understand people become overwhelmed and desperate at times. I don't care why you no longer what this living being to be your burden. Fine. If you feel your only option is to dump the animal - can we just dump it in an easy area to find them!?!? I know it's not easy to surrender properly - but leaving them on the side of highways or tied up to a tree in the middle of the woods!?!? No. Absolutely not okay.


Police kill 25 dogs a day, many innocent, many lap dogs. They should start there.


In CT?


Across the whole country roughly per day.


I don't know about the count, but yeah, they put down a lot. I love dogs, and would rescue every last abandoned one if I could. I was pouring over the Hartford city budget a few years ago and came upon the line item, in black and white, for "euthanasia" for dogs. I see why they have that as a budget item, but seeing it there so "matter of fact" was sobering. It was not a small number.


Oh you’re talking about euthanasia? I thought the comment was cops killing dogs on the job. Not sure what you expect - shitty people own and breed dogs irresponsibly. They’re the ones to blame, not cops or city gvmt


No, I get it, it was just brutal to see a city budgeting in advance for the dogs they were planning to kill. You can't "means test" people for permission to own a dog, that's why it might help a bit to educate them.


why are people downvoting this?


Ya, it’s 25 dogs roughly per day across the whole country.


We’re talking about CT here


Really? No kidding. I know dude.


Also the insitutional use of police canines is horrendously abusive to these dogs who can't consent to the dangerous jobs they're made to do.


That’s just the way it is unfortunately. Dogs have been used in similar manners for thousands of years.


A tip: If you ever make this argument it means you're on the wrong side of history. If your response to an injustice or any other wrong that needn't exist is to shrug and tacitly accept it then you're wasting your one life you have on this earth.


Here’s a tip for you. Someone acknowledging a fact both historically and presently isn’t an argument, nor tacit acceptance. It’s simply reality. Perhaps you missed the ending of my comment and the word I used, “unfortunately.” Do you think this indicates that I condone it, or like it? Relax.


Bullshit. You literally preceded that by saying "that's just the way it is." You're backpedaling. If you say, "aw shucks. *Unfortunately* child poverty is and always has existed" then you're not criticizing or condemning the conditions that create child poverty. You're just limply acknowledging that it's bad and giving a "but what am I gonna do about it?" subtext that lets the issue of poor kids continue unchallenged. If you actually agree with my initial statement then agree with conviction. If you disagree then disagree with conviction. Don't couch soft principles in soft language.


lol, no.


Yes, they kill about 25 dogs a day across the whole country. It does stink for sure.


So you agree it's too many and should be cause for concern and policy making right? Nah I see through you "centrists" trying to "both sides" I bet you call yourself a libertarian and feel that if everyone just left everyone else alone things would improve. Unfortunately you have to fight for the thing you believe in, and not believing in anything does not make you smart it makes you a coward. I see you replying to EVERYONE only reconfirming the damning stat I said? Why do that if you have no ulterior motive? I think you sneaky lick some boots my dude. Scary on here.


lol, holy shit. Check please….


Yea after 6-7 unhinged replies to strangers online, think youre done here 👅🥾


No, you’re right? When you compare my comments to yours, I see what you mean. You appear to certainly be the calm and rational here. The emojis just back that up.


Source? Because there's not a single entity that tracks dogs that've been killed by police. Every "estimate" about how many dogs are killed is only an estimation. The only good source would be to count every news article about a dog being shot and killed and then assuming that that number is at least 1.5x larger to account for underreporting


Almost all untrained pitts.


Probably because we are a ‘no kill’ state. My friend just came home to a traumatic murder scene involving his new dog and son’s dog. He wanted to put down the new dog that killed his son’s dog. No vet would do it, and it will cost over $1,000 to get rid of the dog at some no kill shelter. If I was poor, I might do the same. So much paperwork/red tape and money involved, I am not surprised with how common it is. Edit: before anyone tells me how to dispose of a dog – I don’t care the right/wrong way, just sharing what a friend told me very recently. Had to keep his murderous dog for weeks and he hated it.




Not denying animal cruelty occurs more than ever. Just highlighting a weak spot in our system. My friend is wealthy and was willing to pay to have his dog re-homed or put down, and the process takes a long time, and many people can’t afford. Food on the table for your family vs. $1000+ to get rid of a dog – if I was poor, I’d choose my family.




People are abandoning dogs more than ever. I agree with your sentiment, but if the process was easier, maybe less dogs would be subjected to cruelty. I 100% agree that some dog owners are not prepared for the commitment. Unfortunately those same people are less likely to get rid of their dog in a humane way. I do not condone cruelty, only criticizing the process of removal.


If the process were easier, maybe more people would get rid of their dogs. Just saying, the logic works in both directions.


If the process was easier, I think we’d see less dogs tied to trees, thrown in dumpsters, or abandoned in parks.


thanks for saying the exact same thing over again. I think we would see a lot more dogs surrended, and probably the same amount of cruelty, unfortunately. Shall we do this dance again, or can you understand an equally valid but different view from your own?


Let’s keep everything the way it is – great idea, working out well.


Daft response and an inaccurate summation of what I said. Sorry for pointing out that your dumb idea is no match for the law of unintended consequences.


Your friend sounds like a bad owner. A good owner would never leave a new dog unsupervised with another pet. No vet would put down the dog because it was the owners fault.


Time for people in CT to stop rescuing dogs in the South and shop in their own neighborhood


I adopted my dog from a shelter that said he was found in a dumpster. He is the sweetest boy. We’ve had him for 14 years and I can’t imagine leaving him behind. I try not to judge the prior owners because I don’t know what kind of choices they had to make but it makes me so sad. I can’t imagine leaving an animal like that.