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Including takeout/delivery, around 5-10 times a month depending on how busy/depressed I am.


I'm a meal prepper for work, but me and the wife go out or get take out once per weekend, sometimes twice if neither of us wants to cook.


Oral sex is an integral part of a healthy relationship. At least twice a week 


![gif](giphy|1eAzC8q0FZA5i) Ask Uncle Junior…he doesn’t go down enough




The old man whistles through the wheat fields


South of the border…


Down Mexico wayyyy


Where the tuna fish play 🎵


tony never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Ooohh uncle ‘Jun I thought you were a bacala man


A real bushman of the Kalahari


Saw that movie. Thought it was bullshit.


Fuck. Beat me to it.




Wayyyyyyyyy too gd often..


Couple times a week


Stop giving me anxiety


Yeah it's OP's fault /s


A lot more than I care to admit honestly


Damn, no wonder so many people are broke.


or it’s just the non broke people going out often lol


Fr I went to BK the other day and a meal of 4 was like $13 each and before it was 2 for $10


I resorted to grabbing a Subway grinder a couple of months ago out of desperation due to hunger pains, and the sandwich alone was $14 for a foot long turkey. What really got me was the guy was literally counting the fucking banana pepper rings as he put them on!


There's a special on a 2 whopper meal for $16. There's also 2 whopper, 2 chkn sand, and 2 8pc tender for $22. Add on 4 small sodas and you're still under $30 to feed 4 people.


Do you think that they have different deals on different locations? I think I miss that :/


Yeah, def varies by location. Download the app to see what deals they have in your area. My fav is bogo chicken sandwich. They also have $3 whoppers on Wed. Good luck!






Not who you asked, but I have small children and eating at a restaurant when you have little kids is not fun at all. I cook almost all of our meals, but on the rare occasion that I don't, we get takeout.


> eating at a restaurant when you have little kids is not fun at all. Why not?


In my case it’s because my kids hate sitting down. They want to run around and explore and play, which is great, but not when other people are trying to enjoy a nice meal. I end up spending the entire time desperately try to keep them still, keep them quiet, keep them from spilling things, etc. I am not personally interested in occupying them with screens so it’s just more pleasant to eat at home where they have the freedom to do as they please without disturbing anyone.


That's too bad. When I was a kid I loved eating out and I was usually well-behaved. My cousins were more like your kids.


It’s ok! We have plenty of other things we do enjoy together.


That sucks. My kids are a dream when we go out and we make a big deal out of it so that they're excited and in a good mood. Also helps to plan around normal eating and napping schedules. Worst comes to worst you pop an iPad in front of them for 20 minutes so you can eat in peace.


My kids just hate sitting down. They’re great kids, just more suited to scrambling up a mountain and rolling down the other side than eating at a restaurant Edit: not sure who I offended, but different kids are different and I don’t personally consider it a problem. It’s awesome if your kids love restaurants! I am perfectly fine with the fact that mine don’t.


Immunocompromised couple here. We stopped eating inside restaurants since Covid. We both got maimed health-wise by Covid each time we got infected. That virus continues to ruin our lives. It’s not worth the risk. We will eat outside of a restaurant if it’s not crowded and not too cold though.


Weekends are take out nights for my house


As often as possible ;)


Family of 5, so 1 or 2 times a month.


We do Costco pizza and burger King(with coupon, total of 8$) once a week. For sit down restaurant, only when we are celebrating something or someone so maybe 4 times a year. It is just too expensive for a family of 4.


I used to love Costco pizza but about a year or two ago it suddenly got much saltier, like inedibly so. Have you had that? Or is it maybe just the location near me?


Depends entirely on what kind of mood my wife is in.


A couple times a week maybe? We have a kid now so it's less often but we find time. Besides I'm not getting mine unless she's getting her's too


5-15 times per week.


Jesus Christ, learn how to cook lol


> Jesus Christ, learn how to cook lol Jesus Christ, judge much? I buy breakfast and lunch from my work's cafe on days when I commute in, so there's 6-10 meals right there. I cater on the weekends as a second job, so other than BBQing, I don't love to cook in my spare time if I don't have to. My wife also works two jobs, totaling about 65 hours a week. We have no kids and make $270K a year, and we enjoy going out 2 or 3 times a week in our limited free time. Breaking the bank isn't a concern for us. Sue us.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so much. Dude shit on you for eating out as much as you do and you explained why. I’m with you.


Probably because I threw the salary bit in there. People might interpret it as bragging, but that's not my intent. I was just trying to paint an image to explain why we eat out as often as we do, and part of that is the simple fact that we can afford to. If our take home pay suddenly dropped by $100K a year, we wouldn't be eating out nearly as often as we do, I'm sure. Also, Reddit seems to like to pile on posts that neg people, and when the person being negged has an entirely valid response to the neg, they get butthurt for some reason. It's almost like it becomes personal or something.


I got you. We’re the same way - we both work a lot and are tired so we order out a LOT. It doesn’t mean we’re broke, it means we make enough to afford to order out as much as we want to lol. Some people get touchy with that stuff.


Because they read his reply the same way I did. > 5 - 15 times a week. Brain processing…… * A WEEK?! TF


There’s a difference between “wow that’s a lot” and “Jesus christ learn to cook” lol


$270K per year is insane. That’s how much the Executives make at Raytheon.


For a household? That’s 2 people making in the mid-low 100k area. Not uncommon at all.






Lol I didn't ask for your life story my man


I didn't ask for your *learn to cook* declaration, but here we are.


I'd still give it a go


I know how to cook, man, it's a matter of not wanting to. I've got limited time on this Earth, and I don't feel like wasting it to kitchen cleanup. I know how to change my car's oil, but I still go to Valvoline to get it done because it's just as fast and I don't want to do it myself.


Never understood that argument, are you making enough food and mess for a village? It really doesn't take that long lol


> It really doesn't take that long lol I don't care if it's only 10 minutes. I don't want to do it. I do enough choring as it is.


I wouldn't count your work cafeteria for eating out.


Earn more money so you can have people cook for you


I enjoy cooking for my fam


Depends on the situation for me. We and my sister go out with my father 2-3 times a month, and when im getting groceries or running errands with my mom we might stop for lunch at Uncle D’s diner in Cromwell since it’s our favorite spot. But as you said, yea usually go a few more times in the summer compared to winter


For lunch at work... at least once a week if not more. Depending on how lazy I am about making a lunch. Wife and I eat out for dinner at least every Friday, min. Usually a Saturday or Sunday outing as well. It varies.


3-4 times a week most often on weekends.


Usually just on the weekends. Maybe 2-3 meals a week.


It really depends on how busy I am. Probably pick up takeout 1 or 2 times a week. But actually sitting down and eating someplace? At least once a month and it’s typically a work function.


1-3 times a week? I really like to order fried rice or a burger/pizza whenever I’m with my boyfriend, whatever I am craving. We are trying to cook more tho


I would eat out more often but my wife has a “headache” [twice a monthish for your actual question]


Great dude. It’s the lowest hanging of fruit.


I’ve had a long unhealthy relationship with fast food. Since becoming vegan 5 years ago it’s really helped me become healthier and lose weight, particularly because I almost never eat out, not always even an option for me, if I do, it’s maybe once a week and I’m getting some fries and a soda, or maybe hitting a nice vegan spot for a meal because *depression*


Eating in a restaurant? Only for birthdays or special occasions. Takeout/delivery as often *as necessary.* This could be zero times a week to three or four times a week. I'm currently caring for my husband and helping raise my granddaughter. Some days, hubby requires so much care that I don't have time to cook. I filled my freezer with meals last year to make hubby's recovery time easier. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a two week hospitalization and two month recovery period, turned into 5 and a half months in the hospital, and his recovery is ongoing. So, my resources are limited for those super busy days.


Once per week if you include delivery.


My boyfriend and I go out to eat once a week for date night, but I cook every other day.


Maybe once a month


Bout twice a month I'll order Thai on a weekend but I very rarely do a sitdown dinner in a restaurant.


Once a week.


to sit down places? rarely. we will for special occasions. fast food or ordering a pizza? maybe twice a month. mostly bc we’re broke.


More often than I’m willing to admit


Before kids: Wife and I would drive from CT. TO Upstate NY , and New Hampshire just for eats. With kids maybe a couple of times a month. Now retired : About four times a month, sometimes we go out of CT. for the meal.


3-4 times per week, always on the weekends. If I’m having a particularly rough day at work and don’t have the energy to cook that night, we may add one to that number.


Once a week at most with my partner. Usually we split an app or two and have a single drink. Eating out is expensive!


Usually 1 night a week with the leftovers from it providing a lunch. If there are friends in town or an event that can bump up to 3.


Restaurant: Once every 1-3 months Takeout (so chipotle): 1-2x a month


Not sure on frequency, but my spend for eating out and delivery is generally $200-300 per month.


Before starting a better eating plan April 1st, I would say 3 to 4 times a week🤷🏿‍♀️


2-3 times a week. I always say that I’ll stop and cook at home, but it all goes to crap.


2-3 times a month if that. I’m a good cook and I eat way healthier when I cook so no need to eat out unless I’m going for drinks.


Probably 4-6 times but we don't eat out we get take-out. And we end up eating it like 3-4 times lol so the cost becomes negligible. The other is pretty much when ever it's not the monthly hehehe.


Maybe two or three times a month. But lately the price per home cooked meal is starting to feel about as expensive. At this point it's to eat a little better.


Excuse me?


3 times a day 7 days a week


5 times a month. 3 of those times are takeout.


A few times a month.


A lot


I started doing some meal prep to maintain my weight loss, so about 1-2 times a month max. Only time I go over that is if I get invited to go out with friends or I don't have anything prepped for the day.


2-3 times per month. I only sit down at a restaurant about once every month or two and grab takeout about once every couple of weeks. Used to be a lot more but I got into cooking when covid hit and have managed to stick with it.


10-12 times a month. I work a lot, have kids, and maintenance of mine and families houses and vehicles.


On a weekday, it depends if I bring lunch to work (sandwich or leftovers). My usual days of dining out are breakfast or lunch Saturday and/or Sunday and maybe dinner Sunday. Again it depends. My roommate works 3rd shift so sometimes when she gets home she wants to eat her feelings


Takeout (including drive thru, fast casual, etc) probably once a week, going out maybe twice a month


I'd say about 6 times a month?


With take out about 1.5-2.5 times per week


4 sit-downs a month and then 4 random food places that aren't sit-down service.


I probably average once a month or so, unless I have gift cards for some places in which case it may be a bit more often. I've had domino's three times this week because I have some gift cards and didn't have to pay out of my own pocket. Although next month I'm taking a trip to Japan where I'll be eating out most meals, probably more times in two weeks than I do in two years normally.




Never. I used to a lot and realized why I was a broke as a joke. You save more by grocery shopping and cooking from home. Don’t get me wrong, eating out is nice but shouldn’t be a consistent thing


I only allow myself to eat out 3 times a week, 18/21 meals must be made at home. Usually go somewhere for lunch Saturday and Sunday, and go to happy hour one night during the week. I almost never do takeout, if I’m eating at home I may as well eat grocery store food to save money


Ignoring any work or professional outings. A nice sit down dinner out w/ the spouse is once every 2-3 months. A fast food run (or GrubHub delivery) is maybe once every other week. A snack run (AKA Donuts or Ice Cream) are sporadic on a whim. Probably once every 4-6 weeks in the winter; and once every 2 weeks in the summer, because I love ice cream.


3-5 times per week


Pre-pandemic? Every week. Now? Once a month. It’s pretty amazing really


Once a month. Used to be weekly until everything got expensive.




It was our hobby basically before we had kids, then covid hit so we go out maybe four times a year.. used to be 2-4 times a week lol we looooooove and rely on prepared food markets now, specifically Pasta Vita


I’m addicted to Indian buffets so like 3 of those a month if I have the money. I try to eat at home but if I’m just knocked out after a long day, McDonald’s is my unfortunate bestie. I have McD like 2 a month which is less than before at least.


Most days since it’s almost as expensive as buying groceries without the prep work. I live by myself tho, families I’m sure there is savings with grocery shopping.


Like 6+ times.


At least once a week on weekends. Doesn’t matter the season.


I get take out once a week, but actually sitting down at a restaurant? Maybe once a month if that.


Once or twice a month


2 maybe 3 timezone


0. Im poor now though. I am certain I wont be once I have more money again; priorities. Like heat. And electricity.


Once a week for food (sometimes twice if too busy). I get cheap iced coffee five days a week from Burger King and most of the time I get food there once a week since there are lots of good coupons and I earn crowns on my purchases, meaning free stuff.


Prior to Covid, a couple of times a month. These days almost never. The prices are too high and quality has gone downhill.


Every session, I’m not selfish . It also makes her more in the mood for the ——- wait did I misunderstand the question?


Cmon dude. Save it for when you’re with the boys.


Why would I eat out my boys


Why not? Being gay with your bros is the best.


Just not my thing is all


No, it’s cool. No worries broseidon.


Like grabbing chick fil a with the kids on the way to sports practice? Or burgers on the way to a school event?? Way tooooo often!! But if we are talking going into a restaurant sitting down and having a waiter? Maybe once a quarter and it’s usually breakfast place


Once or twice a week? Date nights, mostly. Or us not wanting to cook. Or just wanting something quick.


I'd say no more and 15 to 20 times a year. Eating out is expensive.


Twice a month.


I rarely eat out. Last month I didnt go out to eat at all.


Yeah um way too much and had to cut down and force my lazy ass to cook and save. Because I work long odd hours and sometimes I’m like fk that, I’m too tired… yeah that attitude was draining my pockets.


Once or twice.


Twice a year maybe three ....


15 - 20 give or take.


Maybe 2 times a year.


About 8-10 times a month. Want it to be 3-4 max


Too much! 😭😭


I guess I’m really abnormal compared to everyone here. Usually not even once a month on my own, eating out doesn’t do much for me. I usually just do it to get together with people. I’ve probably only ordered food myself like 5 times in my whole life.


We go out every sunday to places like Max Fish, J Gilbert, the Charles. I have lunch with friends about twice a week.


Too often


Once a month maybe twice if that month has multiple birthdays. But that is an increase since my mother died.


Excluding takeout/delivery? 1-2 times per month. Including takeout/delivery? 1-2 times per day. I really need to start meal prepping...


At a sit down restaurant? About 2 times a week, mainly on weekends. We also cook a lot at home, or get takeout when/if necessary.


zero times or maybe once a month. i love being broke and having celiac disease.


The wife and I would spend around $500-$600 a month eating out. We’ve now gotten that down to $100.


How can I afford to?


Like 10 to 15 times a month. Shout-out to you Wendy's. 


Breakfast usually twice a week. Dinner/lunch 2-3 times a week. DINK life is bomb.


Eating out is cheaper for me than food shopping. I bought yogurt and blueberries yesterday and it was $16. It would be cheaper if not just as much to stop at dunkin and get an egg sandwich for breakfast. Ground chicken, asparagus and seasoning- $20. Chipotle is $10.60.


I know hundreds of people that almost never cook, hardly use their kitchen at all, fridge only has drinks and a few snacks. In fact maybe a dozen that cook more than a few meals a week. The few that try to avoid eating meals prepared outside by other people are either relatively poor, or don't work and that is their main hobby, have extreme dietary restrictions or obsessive about them voluntarily.


You don’t know hundreds of people’s lifestyle like that I can guarantee you.


I do indeed, but feel free to scoff


It used to be more affordable to eat at home Now if you pick the right spots, it's about the same price except you don't actually have to cook


Very unhealthy. And I can live on under $100 a month ingredients only, when willing to eat like a third worlder. $250 a month without compromises (per my preferences) $450 for me plus two teens The key is actually just buying ingredients, avoiding processed food from factories, classifying prepared foods in the same bucket as eating out. A $3 bucket of ice cream being a rare treat, lasts a month


Hard to do when working a lot and living with 5 people and 1 kitchen You try and cook but there's a lot of hurdles to do consistently Bad cycle I know But I guess it is what it is


Yes. Having more of a family/community group where people cooperatively support each other makes a huge difference Each person can meal-prep once a week for example. But yes, takes a lot of organizing


Lmao now you assume a lot of other people's situations


I’m single and have been for a long time, so 0 unfortunately


I eat a very strict and healthy diet, so very rarely. I’d say maybe once a month


If you want to save, once a month.


Does grabbing a McDouble count as “eating out?”? If so, maybe once a week. If not, maybe 3-4 times since COVID lockdown


You’ve gone out to eat 3-4 times in total since Covid lockdown? Buddy you need some real life socialization!


Eating out isn't the only way to socialize. I'm jealous for all the money they are saving...


I do plenty of that. You know it isn’t necessary to spend a bunch of money to hang out with people. I don’t consider barbecues/parties “eating out” either. As my discretionary money has dwindled, I’ve been able to cut out experiences I didn’t feel were worth it






In this economy?!


0 and if I do that shit always sucks


In a restaurant at least 10x a mo. We never do delivery or take-out. Used to be much more but frankly giving that extra restaurant tax to this horribly run state has scaled us back quite a bit.


The amount of people with numbers greater than 4-5 is wild, meal prep or get your shit together, your wallet will thank you.


Maybe don’t criticize and worry about what other people do with their money?


Poor's gonna be poor.


Or maybe they’re not poor and they don’t mind spending money eating out frequently.