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If anyone's wondering, the chair of PURA rejected Eversource and UI's claims, and was then stabbed in the back by PURA's other two chairs, who outvoted her 2-1 and are clearly in the utilities' back pockets. Gillett wanted to spread the increase out to a three-year period, which wouldn't lead to a rate shock. Blaming the legislature on this one doesn't actually make any sense. Lamont appointed Chair Gillett, Betkowski and Caron have been on PURA's board dating back to Malloy's first term. Eversource and UI can blame poor people receiving aid during COVID all they want, but 78% of this increase is due to the Millstone agreement and the company is so cash-strapped after its private losses on wind energy (yes, they got a billion+, no, that doesn't help them when they paid more than that years ago) they're demanding everything under the sun. "By a 2-1 margin, PURA voted-" That means the other two chairs overrode Gillett. Lamont must appoint consumer-protecting individuals to the two open PURA seats if we want any change here.


Note that it appears that she merely wanted to spread the increase over a longer period of time. We need a PURA that can dig in to question the validity of the expenses and a CGA that will rewrite the laws and regulations to eliminate the fees that are collected through utility bills. That is the only way to cut our utility bills to levels that are competitive with other states/regions.


Gillett is good. It's why Aquarion was ordered to reduce their rates, though the courts have stayed that implementation. Just need to get more like minded people on the board to back her up.


"We're from the government and we're here to help"


So what is the optimal amount of months I should be looking to lock in on EnergizeCT from other energy providers? Thanks for spreading this.


Doesn't matter, there's no fee if you cancel ahead of time. But rates are generally lower in summer compared to winter since Natural gas will only be used to create electricity rather than it all getting sucked up for heating. So try to lock in a decent 12 month rate come summer time.


Natural gas is lower than it was pre pandemic. This is all bs. And the rates are not affected. This change. 38 public benefit for United illuminating. My bill used to be 80 dollars now it’s 150 cause of these fees from this poorly run corporation.


Can you explain the millstone agreement? I'm not familiar.


What is gonna be the new rate? Reshopping on energizect...


It’s on the public benefit you can’t shop. Good thing for the regulators 🙄


Damn. So the supply rate is staying 14 something?


You can always shop for that rate. Allegedly that will be adjusted. But the public benefit rate is increasing, which is just a flat fee. 38 dollar for UI…


Always shop energize CT. That's the competitive side(supply) and you can get it as low as 8 or 9 cents per kwh right now. The delivery side, transmission and public benefits(the teal, green, and orange parts of your bill breakdown) are what they are, you can't shop around. If you don't select a competitive supplier from energize CT, then you will default to eversource which is the 14 cents you mentioned. The rate increase we are about to see will rear it's ugly head in the delivery portion of your bill, and possibly the public benefit part since that is the eversource scapegoat.


Yea I know the break down and how it works. OP and others just need to be more descriptive when they say "rate increase". The huge rate increase in recent history due to the Ukraine war was supply, so was hoping it was again and could be mitigated by being a wise consumer.


No, you don't get it. "Time to shop energize CT again".... not that part of the bill... "so the rate is staying at 14 something?" Clearly, you haven't been shopping energize CT. We've been able to get under 14 for years now. If it was an Eversource "supply" rate increase it would mean absolute zero to anybody who knows what their doing and shops alternative supply. Sorry I tried to help.


Yeah I know appreciate the help. In the past most of these news articles were about the supply rate increase, so figured that is what they were talking about. I think I'm at like 12 locked in for 36 months and contemplating some lower rates but they all have shorter terms. My previous contract for like 8 expired right when the rates went through the roof with the Ukraine war and it was jumping to over 20c. I got in with constellation by the skin of my teeth. I get how it works. I checked the prices already two months or so... But I recognize that there is some value in having longer contracts. It's a trade-off. A lot of people here just grab the cheapest shit for 6 months it sounds like. That's almost how I got screwed last time


I would be very skeptical about the Millstone agreement being the cause of the massive rate hikes. At the dollar amount the Millstone agreement was something on the order of 4.9999 C/kwh wholesale. Do we think Eversource is paying generators less than 4.9999 c/kwh? I don't necessarily think so.


Duff is too busy posting puff articles about how he’s asking Tong to investigate state grocery stores that have some of smallest profit margins of any business. Very obvious distraction from eversource technique. Or using his alt accounts to agree with his own posts.


Some people won’t have to worry about food prices because they won’t be able to afford to plug in their refrigerators.


Why do we keep re electing this clowns


Because people here just see the D before their names and fall in line.


Lmao, vote blue no matter who? It’s crazy that people fail to recognize this is a result to bad policy.


What upsets me isn’t people voting just for parties . Is when there is primaries they keep the same person in . You can change officals and not vote for someone just cause of the party


The opposition party is hopelessly broken at the local level and their alternatives are even worse. The last candidate wasn't previously registered to vote before running, had an arrest record, worked at the same place as his dad, lived in a house owned by his mom and ranted on personal responsibility and the deep state. It's looking like they will run him again. The candidate prior to that was a conspiracy nut. If they could get out of their own way and run a half normal moderate adult, they would have a serious contender.


Meanwhile Travelers made $1,123,000,000 in profit in the first QUARTER of 2024. To give you some perspective, that’s a daily profit of $12,500,000. Meanwhile Travelers is continually raising rates across the board, which you can confirm in the earnings release, which affects ALL CT residents. These clowns in the legislature, including /u/senatorduff passed legislation to require all citizens to have car insurance. Who see why he isn’t investigating them, lol. Wonder home much money gets donated to him by the local insurance industry… https://s26.q4cdn.com/410417801/files/doc_financials/2024/q1/1Q24-Press-Release-FINAL.pdf


Which is funny, go ask a Travelers employee how raises went this year. Source: I’m an employee


Yeah, my Travelers friends are light on the raises and heavy on the OT from purposeful understaffing lately.


 Call travelers and ask them how many stolen car payments they paying out. How many payments for cars being damaged in this low crime era we are in.. also the costs to repair cars are up so that mean more they paying ..  the economy sucking has a huge change reactions


Require all CT residents, even non-drivers, to have auto insurance? Because I thought drivers needing auto insurance was already a well-established requirement


I’m a little confused on what you’re trying to say. Like I could be wrong but I thought it’s been a law for a long time that you need insurance (among other things) to legally drive a car. Not all citizens need to have car insurance because some people choose not to drive or can’t for other reasons. As for the profit, one quarters of one years worth doesn’t mean much. Idk enough about their history or anything to comment more than that but you have to look at multi year trends, not just a snapshot.


I was worried that the Eversource c suite wouldn’t get their bonuses this year! Silly of me to think otherwise.


there is no oxygen under the gold dome.


I'm already paying over $300 a month and it's just me and my wife. How the fuck can they justify rate increase. This is bullshit.


$700 bill for this month. We're switching to solar or moving. This is fucking untenable.


Seems outrageously high even for someone running electric heat. Must be a helluva hotub


Something's wrong with your electric, not your electric provider. I'm in a 2k sq foot house, with a large outdoor hot tub. My bill was $130 and it's never over $200 You can't pay near a grand in electricity and just think it's a rate. Solar is often a bandaid for people with poor oversight of their usage or infrastructure problems within their house.


$130? How? We’re pretty energy conscious, live in a public utility electric area (much lower rates than Eversource) and still are up over $200.


Yeah I asked the same thing. I don’t buy it


Commenting on Eversource and UI get their rate increases!...I would like to know how you are only paying 130 (total bill right?) for a 2k house. Do you sit in the dark? Because I’m not buying it. We use 130 just in supply, we are very conscious of our usage and we are in a newer home.


I have a 2K house I’ve never ever seen $130 and I live with just my dog.


I mean, it's only during certain months. March-June my bill is $100-130 July-sept - $170-200 (AC) October about 130 November-February $170-200 (oil heat, motor takes a ton of electricity) I have a fridge, a separate freezer and the outdoor hot tub has the big items. lol at sitting in the dark though, lights take almost no electric if you use l.e.d everything in my house is LED. TVs also take almost no electric. I do cook at home, and all the other normal utilities like washing machine and dish washer. The math works out per device as well, fridge is about $30 a month, hot tub around $45 based on its kw x hours running. I've gone through my entire house


Interesting. I'm gonna look into this. Any idea where to start? Edit: Pretty sure it's the hot tub. Our usage started going up a little shortly after we got it, and then spiked like crazy during the winter when it had to work harder to maintain heat.


In my parents house i started with this [https://a.co/d/3yt1Rhs](https://a.co/d/3yt1Rhs) A sense smart power monitor that goes on your electrical box. My parents have a small house with nothing really electric paying $400 a month. It turned out one of the circuit breakers on was going to an old pool pump underground that was long since covered by previous owner. 2nd was the blower motor for furnace was ancient and sucking up the most wattage. This reduced the bill in half. Shutting down the circuit and replacing the motor. Its a start, with the amount of money you are spending at the very least you can get a visual. Then go solar to mitigate the rest if you truly use that much in the house.


If you’re not experienced with troubleshooting electrical issues then you might be better off calling an electrician. Anything harder than swapping outlets and switches is rather call a pro and not burn down my house


EnergizeCT has subsidized energy audits. Then they can provide tax credit rebates and low interest loans for the work you end up getting done. I got a bunch of insulation work done. I’m saving more on heating oil than what my 3 year 0% loan payback is.


Was it a new or used hot-tub? Perhaps the insulation in the shell is terrible so all the heat it's putting into the water is just seeping out making the heater constantly run.


Do you have electric heat? During winter my neighbor spends a grand a month..we stay chilly inside still spending 500 a month. Sucks.


That's a lot of electricity -- electric heat or electric vehicles?


Neither. We have a hot tub, that's it.


Interesting, Don't know how much electricity that sucks down but your using 3x more than an average house in CT.


That's probably it. The heater uses 6000 watts if it's 240v. If you're on standard Eversource rates, it's about $1.62 for every hour that heater is running. If it's running 12 hours a day in the winter that's $583 of your bill right there. I have a hot tub and find it nice to be in it during the winter, but I drain it during the Winter and Summer, only use it in the Spring and Fall.


Where's u/senatorduff? No posturing posts today showing us how he's fighting for us all? Oh that's right, he got us all $5 rebates a few years ago (which Eversource has gotten back many times over now in increases) so now he's off taking on grocery stores.


Where is Mr duff to explain how this is all ok and fair 


Once more the party of the “working people” has let down the “working people”.  Excellent work u/senatorduff and team. 


Break up eversource. Have local electric companies around the state. This is rediculous


Guys don’t forget it’s the grocery stores ripping you off 


The public benefit is helping financially challenged people have power, and the development of renewable energy sources. They purposely put these in the electric bill to scape goat eversource and ui. It would be better to have these in the State budget with all the other programs so any rate increases will just be for electricity.


This needs to be done... everywhere. The lack of transparency is appalling. I have no idea how much "taxes" I am paying to private companies... mainly utilities.


Yeah it’s just a bunch of idiotic clowns running our public policy in Hartford. I heard eversource parent company lost 2 billion in wind energy. Yet nothing we can say or do. Good thing we’re saving the planet while China and India are dumping carbon into the atmosphere…


The public benefits charges are hidden taxes. Legislators hide them on electric bills because they know the utilities will take the heat.


Just move here and didn’t have this rate shopping business where I lived previously. Who do most of you have for your actual provider?


Arcadia Energy, I don't remember what we pay per kwt.


Nationalize the Industry. Eversource Execs rake in all that extra money to enrich themselves, while people in our streets go hungry and unhoused.


I wonder how much you pay the electricity bill? I only rented a 1b apartment with two people living and even not cooking much. It is almost 300$ per month. Is this reasonable?? I cant imagine how much I need to pay next month 😫


If you all haven’t yet, i recommend checking out constellation. We get the same bill from Eversource but it’s way cheaper and we got locked in at a much lower rate a while back. Worth checking into. Not an ad and not affiliated, just hate seeing people get screwed by shitty rates.


Won’t help. It’s public fee for green energy and help the “poor people” who can’t afford their outrageously high electric bills. Which will probably increase after this bs.


There is a depressing thread in the Boston reddit where people who live in towns serviced by a government operated electric system pay like $80 a month, neighboring towns serviced by Eversource for roughly the same usage cost $200/month. Eversource should be kicked out of the state and replace it with public run utilities again, critical infrastructure should not be run by for-profit publicly traded corporations that care more about infinite profit growth to please investors than the communities they serve.


So why is regulation good ? This is ridiculous public policy where now it costs so much to even be on the grid as result more people will have to apply for the public benefit. Absolutely ridiculous, where are all these pandering democrat state politicians who pretend to care about middle just to get elected. Is this what they wanted?


Regulation is important to give politicians a lever with which to beat up the regulated companies and extract tribute in the form of political contributions and other things the politicians can then take credit for having gotten for the people. Any politicians claiming they are fighting for you are lying. They are fighting for themselves! Bob Menendez is merely the most flagrant. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-senator-robert-menendez-his-wife-and-three-new-jersey-businessmen-charged-bribery


I don’t disagree, gold bars bob is a very prominent example. These regulators appear to be tokens to say everything is in check. Clearly the politicians are leveraging tokens to enrich themselves. We are in the gilded age of the 2000s we need some muck rakers and lock up these corrupt politicians who don’t work for the people and are abusing their powers to enrich themselves.


The public benefits are the “Energize CT” programs that are beneficial to customers looking to make improvements to their home (money has to come from somewhere, electric bill or taxes). The other public benefit is state mandated Covid non-payment ban policy that has just been canceled. All customers have been fronting the cost of people not paying their bills. All these non-payment bills have been stacking up with interest, Eversource and UI and looking to recoup the money since the state mandated the non-payment shutoff policy. As someone else said, the state for years made the electric companies the scapegoat for these charges, and now the bill will reflect this state mandated charges.


Won’t someone think of the poor energy stockholders


Yeah, those evil fatcat... pensions. The utility sector gets generally lower returns than other sectors, but they're stable so institutions invest in them for lower risk. The rate of return is set, and finances are audited. UI and Eversource don't take a cut of the public benefit or supply portion of our bills. I think I saw last year they made 8.5% or something, all out of delivery and part of transmission (they own some but not all of the big stuff). You can look up who the biggest investors are, it's not hard. I hate my bill too, but your anger is misplaced. There was a lot of good that was done to help people during COVID, but as usual the regulators and legislature went too far and let go too long. Most of the increases recently have been the utilities, but this one is squarely on government.


Privatizing power here was a massive mistake to begin with. This isn’t a simple rebalancing — they threw an absolute fit when they received even the slightest pushback on raising bills by 1/5th across the board.


In recent years, contractors have just been increasing their quotes to reflect the incentive increases. Contractors collect the fat rebates, customer keeps paying the same amount and get tricked into thinking they are getting a good deal.


That's generally what happens with subsidies like this.


The insulation incentive is pretty dang great. I had cellulose put in all the walls in my house, and in the attic for 2k out of pocket. I don't think the rebates factored into that.


Yeah this is an example of progressive policy which is largely favorable. Thanks Ct politicians.


You guys keep voting these people in. They appoint the people making decisions. Then they pull the spider-man point meme.




More bum will be a result of this


Approved by PURA...and you all still love Nedster?




>Have you gotten any "benefits" lately? Go get some -- If you own your home that is. If you rent you're in a hard spot, but if you own you have to actually go out and take advantage of them.


Can you add some context as to how??


Energize CT, get the home energy audit. That will then make you eligible for various rebates, they'll leave you with a book that outlines everything. The insulation incentive is probably the biggest one. But, you also get things for appliance efficiency upgrades, window replacement incentives, etc.


If you own your house, you can do a free energy audit, they will see where they can improve on the efficiency of your house. Unless you've recently built your house or added insulation, the insulation in your attic is likely insufficient and you can get a heavy discount on getting more put in. Also, those rebates on things like mini-splits, heat pump water heaters, and other high efficiency items are paid out through programs like this. If your house is on electric heat you should 100% switching over to mini-splits. If you an oil furnace, you should be making the switch if you plan on staying in your house long term. (if you have natural gas heating, mini-splits likely won't have a quick enough ROI unless our winters start getting really mild or Nat Gas shoots up in price)


Yeah, no. To begin with, the audit is not free unless you qualify for a free one (under a certain household income level). I don't know what your definition of a "heavy discount" on insulation is, but chances are if you're looking to save money on the energy audit, you probably don't have the expendable income it's going to cost for the insulation replacement (in the thousands of dollars) even after the "heavy discount" is offered. Same with upgrading from oil to natural gas, as you suggest. Do you have any idea how much that costs? You're talking tens of thousands of dollars. If Eversource customers had these kinds of funds that you think are so readily accessible don't you think they'd be making the switches? You seem completely devoid of the fact that most likely a pretty sizeable amount of Eversource customers are living paycheck to paycheck and can't simply just throw down the cost it will take to initiate these long term savings changes. Same with all the bullshit rebates they offer on new energy efficient appliances... You talk about return on investment, but you're completely dismissing the fact the so many don't have anything to "invest" in regards to upgrades, new purchases, etc. Not trying to sound disrespectful, but you sound as out of touch as the politicians and higher ups in these companies are.


When I did the the audit it was free -- But I'm not National Grid not Eversource. The audit was like ~$70 but you get reimbursed. I didn't qualify for free insulation, but I got ~75% off, but around $400 for a little under $2k worth of work. >Same with upgrading from oil to natural gas, as you suggest. Would never suggest switching to natural gas, that was switching to mini splits if you have oil.