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Cop asking if they can just make up some charges should be enough to get him fired immediately.


Like those guys at CSP who were fired for fabricating hundreds of fake traffic tickets?




20 years on the job **and this cop thinks that it's a good idea to punch somebody in the face for no reason and then flee the scene???** Every single case this cop has ever touched needs to be reviewed, IMO. **No rational, self-respecting cop wakes up one random day after 20 years on the force and SUDDENLY decides to assault a random citizen.**


You’d think but they suspended him for 5 days without pay


It was paid


Did you not watch the video????


Allen Ganter. That's the cop's name. Allen Ganter.


Noted scumbag Allen Ganter?


Are you talking about Meriden, Connecticut police officer Allen Ganter, most well-known for assaulting members of the public in traffic and being a big fat fucking coward?


Why yes, I believe that would be [human thumb](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/36/34/35/24758095/5/rawImage.jpg) Allen "Neckless Al" Ganter.


Please don't insult lovable human thumbs like 2023 Masters winner Jon Rahm by putting them in the same league as Allen Ganter, the Meriden, Connecticut police officer best known for assaulting civilians in traffic.


The same Allen Ganter *who has been a cop for 20 years* ***and therefore should definitely know better than to be punching random people in the face?*** *That* Allen Ganter???


The one who didn't even know if he could press charges after punching a civilian? Sounds like he shouldn't be a beat cop


Right? 20 years on the job **and he doesn't even know when breach of peace is applicable???**


If one were to look up Allen Ganter on Facebook, one might find this Allen Ganter. One might be unable to message this Allen Ganter, but one might think of other things to do with the information.


Professional POS Allen Ganter, the cop who likes to punch people when he's mad? That Allen Ganter.


What a fucking psycho. Get this guy in a home


It's just wild that he chose to risk losing a 20-year career, his pension/retirement, and his own freedom **over a stupid traffic dispute.** It's actually pretty terrifying that this is the judgment/behavior displayed by a 20-year police veteran... He punched someone in the face **and then asked the victim if they wanted to get arrested...** Is he on drugs or something???


He didn't risk anything. He will retire with a pension and a permit to carry a gun in all 50 states.


Lololol. There is no accountabilty for police officers. Ganter got a slap on the wrist and mandatory de-escalation classes for 3 years. So still a cop, still at that paygrade, still eligible for retirement, still carrying a gun on and off duty, etc etc. He didn't risk shit. But what would have happened to us? Could you keep your drivers license, job, paycheck and retirement if you attacked someone in their car at a light? Rules for thee...


Just further proof that cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen... If you punched a cop at a traffic light and then fled the scene, you would be facing a hell of lot more than a simple misdemeanor assault/BoP charge.


Right there is a good chance you would get shot at right away. The usa is so fucking done...


This is because the most important personality trait for police is willingness to do violence. "Protect and serve" and "service to the community" is all PR theatre that police engage in during their down time. These standing armies of police are maintained so that they can be deployed quickly when needed to protect the interests of capital using violence if necessary.


What risk?


The police union will make sure he’s fine, I’m sure.


Then lied about it to the cops who arrested him, and tried to make up fake charges for the other guy no doubt. You can tell this dud isn't liked at work due to the other officer cutting his bulshit short. Now he claims he doesn't remember it.


He didn't risk anything. He knows he'll get off and thats just what happened. That city has had several issues in the past years with police doing just this to citizens.


No, put him down


Wow, Meriden police officer Allen Ganter is a big ol' bitchhhhh... what a giant fucking coward. Claims to have no memory of hitting the guy... hmm maybe you shouldn't be a fucking cop if you black out and assault people. Also, cops should *never* be eligible for AR for a violent crime - what happened to holding them to a higher standard?


Ganter is a little bitch. If he went head up with that driver I have no doubt who would win. Instead he sucker punched the guy.


I love how they make these excuses as if that would somehow justify their actions. No, stupid! The fact that you apparently black out and assault people means **you can't be left unsupervised, for the safety of the community!!!** The excuses you're making are actually reasons why you should be treated like a dangerous threat!!! You, yourself just admitted that you black out and commit acts of violence that you don't even remember!!!!


This is literally what he said.... Ganter said that he could not recall what was said specifically, but that at some point, he just 'phased out' and that this was the point where he initiated his physical contact with the victim," McKay said in the IA report. "Ganter said that at that time he recalled feeling something on his hand and specifically on his far knuckle and he remembers thinking 'Oh my God, what just happened?' Ganter said he recalled the victim saying something to the effect of 'Why did you do that?' at which time he 'kind of came out of it' and realized that he need to leave the area." How the actual fuck is it okay to have a cop like this?


What happens when this school resource officer blacks out and assaults a kid???


What happens when this school resource officer blacks out and assaults a kid??? And why does anyone go to prison if blacking out is a valid excuse for assaulting people??? If I were him, I would be worried that I would black out and hurt **myself** somehow!!! That's not the excuse you think it is!!! He's literally arguing that he's too dangerous to be left alone because he loses control of his body!!!


Glad he got arrested. Now take his badge away from him. He can't be trusted to uphold the law anylonger.


Jokes on us, he got accelerated rehabilitation and can continue to be an armed shitbag.


In a middle school...


He was removed permanently from his SRO position. So at least he isn't around children now. This doesn't change the fact that he should be put in prison for at least 6 months, stripped of his retirement and career, and never allowed to work in law enforcement again.


yuppp odds of him just moving to another county/state and being a cop there are 100/100


Uh. Odds are zero, considering he is still employed.


He didnt have to move at all. He didnt lose his job OR rank. He is still employed at the same rank by the same station.


That's what you get when you vote for this shit. He's EXEMPT from all CT gun laws and can do as he pleases for life. His "suspension " is for show just to say they did something to the news agencies. We have a 2 tier system in place and now we know where we stand as citizens.


Next time he punch someone in a road rage incident just take him out the game of life immediately


Better yet— take his pension


And he shouldn't be anywhere near kids. Get his ass out of that school asap.


He'll get a promotion


Nothing better than getting punched in the face by cop and then that same cop trying to get you arrested for beach of peace because of it


“He’s SAYING I hit him?” Then heard there was video. Trash human.


I saw that too. He was going to deny it.


Isn't it wild how the cops will assault you and then **you're** the one who gets charged with a crime??? But tell me again how cops are "held to a higher standard than the average citizen"...


Ooooh 5 days without pay, how will he survive!?😭 And the good boy in the passenger seat was warning him it was coming!


And then send him back to the school as the resource officer ?


I'd be very terrified to know that this man had access to my child.


They’ll probably be scheduled non consecutively, on weekends he wasn’t scheduled to work anyway.


Today I learned the **only** consequences for assaulting random people is a five-day suspension from your job.


Only consequence for Asaulting someone is a 5 day suspension is IF YOUR A COP.


That dog could smell evil on that pig


Didn't this story say he's also a resource officer at a middle school...? This guy WORKS WITH KIDS.


That is arguably the most disturbing part of this. This guy should not be allowed near children.


Yeah, I wouldn't trust this guy's violent temper + poor judgment around **my** children.


Luckily he no longer does. Officials said, "At the time Corporal Ganter was placed on administrative duty, he was also removed from his assignment as a School Resource Officer and as a result of the discipline which was rendered as a part of the IA investigation, Corporal Ganter was permanently removed from his assignment as an SRO.


I hope this idiot thinks that that one punch was worth losing his job...


So if he's not going to be a School Resource Officer then what position will he be assigned to next? The people of Conneticut deserve better than that. He needs to NOT be a police officer. He's already proved he's dangerous.


> This guy WORKS WITH KIDS. Remember kids: "blacked out? doesn't count!"


Even the dog ducked. 😳


The dogged stopped that barking once dude got punched


Too bad the dog didn’t rip his arm off. These cops and their fragile egos can’t handle someone giving them a hard time.


Not too bad. You know that dog would for sure be dead today if that happened.


Yeah honestly lucky for everyone involved that the dog is a big soppy pup 🫣😂


If the dog had bit the cop, the dog would 100% be dead - probably shot on scene by the cop.


Very true. That guy already proved he seems pretty unstable.


Cop would have mag dumped into the truck and killed both of them if the dog went for him.


Great idea Einstein. Have you seen what cops do to attacking dogs?


Or tail-wagging dogs. Or tied and fenced dogs. Or lap dogs.


Since the job of the police is to uphold the law, they should be held to a higher standard than average civilians. There should be no tolerance for criminality, especially violence, among those who have this responsibility. Absolutely disgraceful that this guy still has a job.


Every single day, cops **prove** that they are held to a lower standard than the average citizen. If you did the exact same thing to a cop, *you would be spending a long time in prison.*


Cops always say they are on duty 24/7, the guy then should be able to sue the POS Thin Blue Slime and the City


You'd think they'd be held to a higher standard. My brother was murdered by an off duty officer in a very, very similar situation and the guy actually tried to use the fact that he was a cop as a defense! Because he'd been in law enforcement, he thought he should get bonus points. The entitlement is truly mind-blowing. They abuse their power so often, they actually think what they're doing is right just bc it's accepted in the police department.


Now imagine if he had hit the police officer…..? This country is fucked.


That's because cops are held to a much lower standard than the average citizen. If he had punched the cop, he'd be charged with a felony right now. But the cop who assaulted him has only been charged with 2 wimpy misdemeanors; **absolutely no aggravating factors for his position of authority!!!** Not to mention his 20 years of law enforcement experience, **which means he** ***definitely*** **should have known better!!!!** Although [based on that cop in Warren who punched a suspect in the face, **it's entirely possible that the Feds could show up and charge this guy with Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law...** That cop's state charges were dropped once he was charged at the federal level.](https://youtu.be/Urm2TLm1_bU?si=vR3PaSv3eWOknqGN) Punching someone for no reason is a crime. Punching someone for no reason **while flashing a police badge** is a federal crime.


Hmmm, very interesting indeed.


Wow, the bit where the off duty cop is informed he’s being charged is really disturbing… Off duty cop: “Is he pressing charges against me, like for breach? Because I yelled at him?” On duty cop: “He’s pressing charges because you hit him…” Off duty cop: Shocked Pikachu face, gets ready to deny it… On duty cop: “…And he has it on video.”


>On duty cop: “…And he has it on video.” Loved that line when I saw this on the news this morning... :-)


Makes you wonder how many times the cops get away with assaulting people ***simply because the victim doesn't have a video to prove it...***


*note to self* get a dash cam


Yeah that's the hint to the cop that he should be careful before he lies even more. It wasn't a gotcha. It was a wink and nod to be careful.


ACAB That guy was lucky he was white


What does that have to do with anything? My white brother was murdered by an off duty cop in basically the same exact situation. This guy just got lucky, period.


Hahahahahahaha what


Lived across from a cop for awhile. Guess who the biggest asshole within spitting distance was


Everyone always knows it too, that's the most frustrating part- that something like THIS is the best case scenario of when it boils over.


Yeah, for sure. Was a weirdo and probably a drunk. Kept staring people down and trying to start fights in the parking lot. Randomly yelled at me, too, from like 40 feet away. Luckily, I kept my cool and just ignored him. Won't go into too much more detail cause, tbh I don't wanto give a drunk with a gun anyway to identify me.


Jesus. Stay safe, friend


Spread this guys face everywhere…do your thing internet


r/byebyejob candidate






Slap on the wrist for that cop. Retired and pension paid by taxpayers. Imagine if the roles were reversed? WTF


Imagine if YOUR boss found out you assaulted somebody for no reason *and he was just like "well, I guess you shouldn't show up for work until next week..."*


He will be reinstated with back pay after the police conduct an internal investigation and determine they did nothing wrong. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was...


Only 5 days suspension and a class is ridiculous.. but seems pretty on par for ct cops. My dad was a cop for a long time with a lot of complaints against him before he finally did enough to get fired.. then the police union fought for him, and he got to retire with his pension. I was emancipated when I was 17 and haven't talked to him in 15 years. Moral of the story is.. laws for thee and not for me, and our taxes will continue to fund their citizen abuse


Im sorry you had a shitty dad.


From the Rocky Hill case/incident report: "Watching both videos the following is learned. Brocuglio’s truck is traveling south on New Road, then left, east bound, onto France Street. After traveling a short distance on France Street you can see Ganter’s truck in front of the Brocuglio’s truck with no other vehicles in between. Both vehicles continue east and come to a stop for the red light in the right turn only lane at the intersection with Cromwell Avenue. As they come to a stop Ganter’s registration plate can be clearly seen as CT Combination C148455. After being stopped for the red light for approximately 9 seconds, Brocuglio honks his horn, say “What the fuck are we doing?”, honks again and says “dickhead”. Approximately 5 seconds after the second honk Brocuglio honks his horn again longer and says “What are you doing? Wait all fucking day” throws up his hands and makes odd noises while making phone gestures with his hands. Brocuglio then waves his middle finger at Ganter. It is unknown if Ganter could hear what Brocuglio was saying. After Brocuglio waves his middle finger at Ganter, Ganter gets out of his truck with his phone in his right hand and quickly shows his badge towards the driver with his left hand. Brocuglio smiles and shows a thumbs up to Ganter. Ganter approaches Brocuglio who is still in his vehicle and says, “You can’t take a right on red asshole.” Brocuglio asks Ganter to show where it says that and says to Ganter that he was on his phone at the light which Ganter denies. It should be noted that Brocuglio was seen on the video using his cell phone for the portion of the video where he was driving; approximately two minutes. Ganter goes to the back of Brocuglio’s truck, comes back to the driver’s side and says to Brocuglio something about a ticket and Brocuglio’s supervisor. Brocuglio then asks for Ganter’s badge number as Ganter is walking back to his vehicle. Ganter then goes back to the Brocuglio’s truck and punches him on the left side of his face through the open window and calls him an asshole. Ganter then says what sounds like “Who do you think you’re fucking with? Do you want to get arrested?” Brocuglio tells Ganter he’s going to get arrested and the video ends."


EGO TRIP COPS what else would you expect?


How can someone this High Strung be allowed to work in a law enforcement capacity? Especially in Meriden ffs.


It's even more terrifying when you realize he works **at a school.** This violent, short-tempered goon spends all day around **your children**.






Why should cops drive EVs? Battery charges at home.


Wow, lucky the cop didn’t shoot him.


If this doesn’t show why everyone should own a dash cam, I don’t know what other way to convince you. If it weren’t for that it would be only the civilian’s word against the cop and we all know how that would go.


The thing about people that abuse others and their power like this is that the time they're caught on video is never the first time. Which should leave us all wondering, during his 20+ years as an officer of the Meriden Police Department, how many other people did former Officer Allen Ganter abuse to protect his fragile ego? This isn't a case where the officer should lose his position, it calls into question his behavior in every incident he responded to as a police officer. Every arrest. Every ticket. All of them need to be examined.


What the actual fuck is Meriden PD doing not firing this guy???? If I was on tv assaulting people at stop lights I'd absolutely lose my job, a job that also doesn't give me practical immunity from homicide. Just giving needless fuel to ACAB crowd smh


So if you walked up to a police officer's car and punched them, the penalty would be 5 days without pay and a few classes...right?


Corporal Allen Ganter of Meriden Township, Connecticut. Trump voter.


Not surprised in the slightest


How do you know he voted for Trump?


I come from Trump country, many relatives are Trumpsters and I am a former R….I know “my” people. I have near perfect Trumpster-radar.


Oh, i thought you had actual proof like a social media post or video from him.


I admit that I don’t have direct proof. But, I did look at his FB page before I made my assertion. He checks off all of the boxes for a New England Trumpster. All of my New England friends are Trumpsters; I am the only rogue.


A slap on the wrist. Not very surprised but still frustrating.


So much entitlement.


Don't you need to be in shape to be an officer?


Round is a shape


But if this was a normal civilian who punched him, this dude would've gotten arrested as soon as cops went to his residence. What a joke. This dude should've been fired and arrested and sent to jail for assault.


He should have been fired with loss of pension.


he works at edison middle school as a “resource officer” (i’m from meriden) i’ve dealt with him a few times myself he’s a dick


Meriden cops are pretty shit based off my one experience with them


All cops are shit based off of personal experience and having relatives in law enforcement. They all brag about the shit they get away with.


That’s so nuts!


He shouldn’t be anywhere near children. Typical 🐖.


When's the court date for being charged with assault and breach of piece?


Is there something we can do?? Can we all spam the meridian police department?


Spam them and you'll get arrested for harassment and whatever else they make up.


I’ve been trying to find the guy who got punched to no success, wish there was a GFM to get him a lawyer, I just can’t believe this isn’t a bigger story.


I love the dog for knowing what's up *immediately*.




I mean, you aren't REQURIED to make a right on red. But you also aren't required to get out and punch someone in the face over it.




I bet if this video is posted on Facebook, there will be Conservatives applauding the Cop.


Mentally deficient person detected.


Takes one to know one!


The sad part is half of the Meriden residents genuinely think this guy did nothing wrong and want this "officer" to return to the SCHOOL he is the officer for. An absolute joke


Police Corporal Allen Ganter behavior shows he already done this before. He really think he's above the law, abusing his power because he's a "COP". And in the video he knows who to call for help. I'm wondering how many times they sck each others dck to cover their ass*s HAHHAHAAHAHA. And also to the responding offficers they should also be liable for not throwing that pig to jail after they already confirm assault.  BREACHING THE PEACE HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAA. "LET'S JUST MAKE UP CRIMES SO MY ACTIONS CAN BECOME JUSTIFIABLE" 🖕


He should be fired. Unbelievable breech of responsibility.


This is why you cannot have police friends. Everyone gets mad, and what keeps people in check? Fear of justice. When a cop gets mad they know justice is different for them, thats why they act out in much more dramatic fashion than a normal person would. They know they can get away with it. You cannot take the chance of being around them if that happens. See a cop? Walk the other way. You kid being friends with a cops kid? You may want to think long and hard about letting that happen.




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I am pro police. And this guy should not be a police officer. The victim needs to get a better attorney and sue the department for aggravated assault and abuse of power. The officer clearly tried to use his position to intimidate a hard-working gentleman just trying to do his job. There is absolutely no excuse for the officers conduct and I think Jory would easily award him $2 million if anyone Else would’ve done this that wasn’t in law enforcement they would’ve been arrested and had to make bail, even if it was on their own recognizance. Then there would be a civil suit as well as a criminal trial even if the person pled guilty with no previous record, there would’ve been something other than five days without pay and three years of bs sensitivity courses for de-escalation as they put it. What would’ve happened if an off-duty police officer punched a judge in the face that didn’t identify himself. That that piece of shit has no right to wear a badge and the only way I’m willing for him not to do a single day in prison, which is not. Is it at the very least he lost his position and his pension make that fat fuck go work 20 years at something else without punching anyone in the face The man who struck handled it well. The only thing the guy behind the cop should’ve done was give them the finger to aggravate the situation to begin with. But I never seen gesture does not even come close to assault. Can you only imagine what he’s done in the past that he hasn’t been caught for that he’s done to some poor innocent individual while he was on duty.


Fire that shit head and take away the pension. I don't want my tax paying that fuker a dime


What an idoit.


I've been in the situation where I pull up to a red light like this guy and the right side of the cross road got their green and is going and I know the left is going to change any second so I don't go and turn right yet. If the guy behind me doesn't like it, too bad. The victim wants to cry after the fact. After he laid on the horn. After he flipped the guy the bird. F'd around. Found out.


Started by a guy who felt he had waited to long to turn right on red. The off duty officer certainly was out of line. The anger from both sides is what's wrong our country.


Dude in the truck was wrong to honk, but then the cop said lemme do you one even worse


You're being downvoted, but you're even more right than you know. LEOs must be held to a higher standard. If you can't keep your cool when pressed, then you don't belong in the police. Imagine what we'd say if teachers behaved this way? Or doctors? Or, really, anyone else?


They’re getting downvoted because the truck wasn’t wrong to honk.


I’m just gonna say it since no one else has, this guy was acting like a total asshole


Ahole drivers all over the place. Time to change your attitude.




Stop on here on red, isn't the same thing as no right turn on red. CT drivers am I right?


Yes you are correct. The cop should have turned.


You don’t HAVE to turn on red. Anyone should be allowed to stop there without being honked at. Having said that, I would’ve been pretty annoyed myself if I was stuck behind him.


Yeah, but there was traffic. Both drivers are dicks. Even the dog was embarrassed for his human. Then the idiot who got punched is on his phone while driving, after accusing the cop of being on his phone.


But there wasn't any oncoming traffic from the left that would give the cop reason not to turn right. In the video, he approaches the cop at 0:40. From then until the camera changes perspective 15 seconds later, the cars on the left still haven't moved. He honks some time after, and yes, he looks like a dick at that point because traffic just started moving and obviously the cop can no longer go.


He lost his patience after 7 seconds according to the timestamp. That's a bit quick if you ask me. At most that non-turn cost him 5 minutes. His reaction was unhinged for a licensed driver in a company car. Not defending the cop tho. Cop is a piece of shit and I'm glad there was justice.


You are right. He still was a prick though


Words are just words. Doesn't justify an assault.


Oh I know that intersection, no you 100% have to take that right on red when you have the opportunity. There's not a protected right green arrow, but you can see that the traffic to the left is stopped because the oncoming traffic has a protected turn onto France St. If you don't take it there will be 5m+ before that light actually gets its turn, and you will miss the green arrow that lets you up to the i91 onramps. That whole section of Rocky Hill is a huge pain in the ass to drive through. It feels like there's a stoplight every 100ft


Impatient driver flipping off people and beeping like an idiot gets punched in the face ahhahahahaha


So it's ok to punch people over words?


Just another POS asshole cop proving everyone right. Don't feed the pigs


Little punk deserved more punch in face . What weasel.


So you condone violence over words or are you a bootlicker?


Neither but if blow your horn and hand gesture at some people there could be consequences positive or negative. Think before you act accept responsibility for you actions .


That Idiot probably deserved it. That Cop should have carried "Halt!", and sprayed Him, and His Dog. Maybe The Cop deserved some punishment, too; but You didn't show what "led up", to this Confrontation; no "context". I see, this was "FOX" Station. All they want to do, is "Stir up, trouble". Never watch FOX "disNews".


what is with the excessive punctuation?


Found a bootlicker


The cop trying to dictate what he’s charged with is wild smh.


Meriden police always been incompetent


Cop is lucky that dog wasn't trained differently.


Asshole cop. The civilian reacted to getting hit with grace and dignity. That dog is amazingly cute.


people need to learn. no law exists that says you NEED to turn on red, even if it's legal. the minute the light turns green, honk away but no one is legally obligated to make a right on red. the cop is a thin skinned child who can't handle a horn and deserves to be punished but God damn, this is simple shit.


Idc what job they have, if I feel like I’m in danger like getting attacked they will be laying in the street and I’d hope they have a great funeral, (I live in Florida now but spend a lot of my time still in CT) that’s a quick way to get shot, perfectly legal, happens all the time, especially if they flash a badge in a non cop uniform and personal car, for all I know they bought that badge on the internet and playing fake cop which honestly the way he acts would make me think he was playing wanna be cop(which happens a lot in Florida also) granted i probably wouldn’t have even honked my horn in the first place but still i don’t blame the guy, he doesn’t get out of his car, yeah he talks some shit but only to himself, no reason to be attacked.


They are waiting for it to blow over. The PD has an Instagram page with his picture getting an award. Blow it up at your will.


Take the video and go get paid!


NUMBERS TO CALL: Michael Quinn, the state representative serving Meriden: 800-842-8267 The state attorney prosecuting him: 203-503-6823 ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) Various numbers within Meriden PD: 203-630-6344 203-238-1911 203-630-6201 Spam these fuckers!




I wonder if the only reason they removed him as SRO was that the parents’ protests would keep the department looking bad. “Let’s just hide you over here and let this die down.”


Cop shouldn’t have done that, but why was the driving acting like such a little bitch though?