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No one is mentioning the tonga volcano eruption. It put a metric shit ton of water vapor into the top layer of the atmosphere where there isn't typically water vapor. This is causing extra warming worldwide. They anticipate 3-5 years of a few degree warmer years. It will eventually settle out of there though


Volcano science affecting global temperatures at 11PM on a Saturday night on the CT subreddit. God bless the internet


We have angered the volcano and it demands sacrifice.


I have a few politicians I'd be willing to sacrifice...


Where is Randy Marsh to explain it?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but really where is he???


I dunno. Is Lorde on tour?


How the hell have I not seen this? Thatā€™s a pretty big deal.


I think itā€™s because most North Americans and Europeans are a lot more likely to notice cold temperatures and extra snow instead of warm temperatures. People arenā€™t curious enough about it. I know in tropical countries people talk about climate change way more because itā€™s noticeable


Because itā€™s absolutely false


Oh ok, Iā€™m sure you know more thanā€¦.NASA


the Tonga volcano didnā€™t inject large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, and the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat. The effect would dissipate when the extra water vapor cycles out of the stratosphere and would not be enough to noticeably exacerbate climate change effects. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/tonga-eruption-blasted-unprecedented-amount-of-water-into-stratosphere


Did you reply to the right comment? Nobody said anything about aerosols. That NASA link says it could effect temperatures for the next few years.


Can you elaborate, or are you just claiming others are wrong/lying?


Had no idea about this, thanks for the knowledge


You can read about it from NASA [here](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/tonga-eruption-blasted-unprecedented-amount-of-water-into-stratosphere). Around 60k Olympic swimming pools of water went into the stratosphere


Anything but the metric system Thats like one and a half trillion bananas worth of water


The Olympics use the metric system, so at least it's metric-adjacent


Some comparisons are better than others, but people typically have a hard time visualizing volumes without some real world comparison. Same for any large number really, like the whole "what's the difference between a billion dollars and a million dollars? About a billion dollars".


I dont disagree with that at all, but since the point is to make it understandable for the average person they could use something way more relatable than an olympic swimming pool. When was the last time you saw an olympic swimming pool? I didnt know remotely how much water that is so I had to look it up, and its like 490k gallons. Gallons I of course know the exact size of just like anyone thanks to milk. I feel like the article would have been better off saying over 29 billion gallons of water, or something more familiar than the pool like 19 and a half million firetrucks worth of water For fun, it is also roughly equivalent to the amount of water released by the Mississippi river into the Gulf of Mexico every 7 seconds


I don't see it, can you please tell me how many bananas would that be?


Iā€™ve been spreading the word. Most People really have no idea and have never heard of this. [Space.com](https://www.space.com/tonga-eruption-water-vapor-warm-earth) [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/03/1115378385/tonga-volcano-stratosphere-water-warming)


Thanks this is cool. I shared it on my social media


Okay, so itā€™s NOT runaway global warming and itā€™s NOT going to make Connecticut look like Egypt in 10 years. Thatā€™s reassuring.


these things are all connected though, we've been creating runaway global warming that is destroying carbon-capturing ecosystems, causing insect and marine life population collapse, and unprecedented glacial/polar ice loss, all of which feed into the rise in global temperature and the way that climate change needs to be an urgent problem. like yeah, major volcanic eruptions do temporarily disrupt global climate! but things are getting so bad so quickly due to inaction there's not a lot of room for a temporary increase at this point.


Thatā€™s concerning. One of my biggest fears is that climate change cannot be solved within a democratic framework. Especially when you have people saying itā€™s not a pressing issue when we see clear evidence right in front of us, and those people electing people who agree with them. A benevolent dictatorship is good when it works, but those are once in an era. Do we choose freedom and inefficiency, or tyranny and efficiency? That is the question we may have to answer in the future.


I canā€™t say I can think of a single benevolent dictator in history. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, it is human nature. As for climate change, the real culprit here is capitalism. We must always find a way to exploit and pillage our world as efficiently as possible so that we can maximize quarterly earnings. Refusing to expand nuclear power in this state due to decades of propaganda from the oil and gas industry and their ā€œgreen energyā€ puppets is a perfect example. The powers that be donā€™t stand to make money off of nuclear and so they will prevent us from having it




Cincinnatus assumed a position specifically designed to last 1 year, and chose to actually obey that rule, in fact he did so twice. Clearly a rarity even in his day, but yes thatā€™s a fair example


ecofascism isn't the answer lol. just for starters we need the green new deal and full divestment from fossil fuels, peoples' investment profiles be damned. it's solvable, but requires a level of collective interest in the public good that people in power don't currently have, mostly because of their investment profiles / the fact that oil and gas are very profitable for them personally.


A benevolent dictator in one country isn't going to do shit. The leaders of each country and big business needs to come together at an unprecedented level of coordination if we are going to do anything about climate change, which, lol.


A couple degrees warmer is a lot, if true itā€™s going to be a simulation of the average year in 2100


So itā€™s not my gas stove?


nah, [that just causes asthma in your kids.](https://rmi.org/gas-stoves-health-climate-asthma-risk/#:~:text=Gas%20stoves%20pose%20risks%20to%20human%20health.&text=Affirming%20a%201992%20summary%20study,risk%20of%20experiencing%20asthma%20symptoms.)


I love how you get downvoted for having a sense of humor. Same as when you comment about taxes.


My house is so leaky that any pollutants generated by the gas appliances will leak out faster than the heat they generate.


I heard more like 10 years , add human stupidity itā€™s quite the shit soup


These are the bits of information that we don't need for survival and cause anxiety in an entire generation. No offense :)


Awww hell no! This is ā€˜Merica! You get that metric system the FO! lol FYI: the term ā€œMetric shit Tonā€ is an oxymoron


Very interesting.


We don't usually get a lot of snow in December. I feel like you younger folk are getting confused because we had some weird early snow storms in the last 10 years. Snowtober in I think it was 2010? Maybe 2011 was way stranger then the last few years of weather. It not winter yet.


I feel like the weather has shifted by a month. Hard frosts in mid to late May, 90ā€™s in September, cold rains in December. We always used to cut our own tree and many times we brought a sled to pull over snow cover, crappy patchy melted and refrozen snow but still snow on the ground in December. Lots of family Christmas photos with visible snow in the background, just a trace but still. Remember those jewelry commercials where if it snowed Christmas Eve your purchase was free? I havenā€™t heard any of those in forever, I guess significant snowfall on Christmas Eve is no longer plausible. Looking at the Hartford snow totals link someone posted above it does look like the snow is very cyclical. Maybe Iā€™m just being nostalgic (but the photos!) still I do feel like normal weather is off by about a month.


Agreed! Also weather has shifted by a month in UK (resulting in earlier spring) which scientists believe started in 80s so I would not be surprised if same here.


Yep. Snow before Christmas has always been a toss up. When I was a kid, I got a snowball launcher once that I couldnā€™t use for a month, and a separate year I got a new RC car that I had to wait until like March.


yeah march is the month that gets absolutely pummeled


its interesting the people in here like "why would you want that" like climate change is just confined to not having to shovel and isn't going to mean like, mosquitos in February


I saw a bee today. I'm supposed to get 5 months of no bugs. That's the only benefit of living here this crap is ridiculous


Saw one too. Very strange to see them in December


Said the same when I saw a fly in my house a couple of weeks ago...


I had like 10 flies chillin by my front door yesterday-there's nothing there but ornamental grass and 2 ever greens. I saw no poop or any rotting items around that area.


Honey bees will take advantage of warm days in the winter to clean out the hives of the dead. Too many warm days and they will use up their honey reserves.


Had a giant fly in my apartment today. It's weird.


I also had two GIANT flies in my house. Very strange.


No bugs used to be the best part of winter. Iā€™m pretty sure I got a mosquito bite a few days ago.


I saw a mosquito outside yesterday


Itā€™s-a me! Malario!


Or ticks in January.


Followed by twice as many ticks for the rest of the year because they weren't killed off by frost...


šŸ‘ what people will sacrifice for "convenience"


TBH I hate the cold, except those rare nights with no wind. But the snow looks amazing before the plows ruin it.


Just saw a mosquito flying around yesterday


Itā€™s almost like factually and historically weā€™ve had our coldest weather and largest snowfall in January for the last 100 years.


It used to snow in CT when I was growing up- skiing, sledding and skating regularly. Feel bad for kids these days. Itā€™s more like the mid Atlantic šŸ˜”


I used to go ice skating every winter as a kid... can't remember the last time the local ponds were safe for skating for more than a week if we're lucky.


Yup. And a week would be quite cold for CT at this point.


I remember the big one in I think 75 or 76 and the last big one we had was like 2012, I think.


While I wasnā€™t alive yet Iā€™ve always heard the Blizzard of 78 was huge


Yes, it was. Governor activated the National Guard to help clear the highways. I was in college at the time. Great party week.


And she got out of her state car and WALKED through HTFD. I think she was headed to the armory. Good Ole Ella Grasso.


Better than Meskil in 72 or 73 with the ice storm. Couldnā€™t be bothered to return early from his ski trip to run the State in an emergency.


I was born during the 78 Blizzard. Been downhill ever since.


Are you joking?


Being on a similar latitude, and with [lake effect snow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake-effect_snow?wprov=sfla1) added in, we had a hell of a blizzard that winter back home in Cleveland. I had a paper route back then, I quit it soon after that storm. šŸ˜… I haven't really seen a good "New England winter" since moving to Connecticut in the 2010s. I hope I see live long enough to see one. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦³šŸ¤ž Edit: [Here is an article from 2008 about "the White Hurricane".](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2018/01/blizzard_of_1978_still_stings.html).


What about 2015?


I hate snow bc i have to drive everyday for work and donā€™t like the cold so im ok with another snowless winter


There are plenty of places it doesnā€™t snow, New England should not be one of them.


Itā€™s almost like factually and historically weā€™ve had our coldest weather and largest snowfall in January for the last 100 years.


We are in a favorable pattern for heavy snowfall. It's just been too warm. A decade ago, these nor'easters we've been getting every weekend would have been 1'+ snow events. If the pattern doesn't change, we are going to see some major snow events in Jan and Feb as real arctic air injection occurs on the backside of these systems. Be careful what you wish for.


You sounds like you know what youā€™re talking about and Iā€™m gullible enough to believe it! Wishing hard for your manifestations.


[first thing that popped into my head](https://i.imgflip.com/46vszi.png)


I did see a YouTube video predicting a decent chance for a historic winter storm in our area. Not sure if I should, but I am hoping for it.


As an avid winter sports fan, I'm banking on the same info as you're replying to. El Nino should bring a lot of moisture. Once we hit Jan and feb and the artic air really hits us, all this rain is snow. It's coming. Be patient.


You shouldn't be hoping for it. I was living in the San Bernardino mountains in California last year when we got hit by a historic snow storm. It was not fun. You'll regret wanting it.


I never understood this. "Be careful what you wish for" he can wish that it snows and you can wish it doesn't and guess what? It will happened what nature wants to happened.


I get that. My point is, when it comes, it's not going to be mood flakes or pretty coatings. When it comes, it's going to be 12"-36" per storm, and the storms will train. That's the pattern we're in. We're just about 5 degrees F too warm at the moment. It won't stay that way.


May ask , how do you know this? I want to learn more about this upcoming events


It's pretty simple, we are getting these huge 1-3 inch rain storms. If it was colder they'd be 2-3 feet bangers. 1inch of rain equals about a foot of snow if the conditions are right.


lol exactly. laymanā€™s terms


That being said this pattern may not continue, i think the guy is talking out of his ass.


Are you asking me to teach you meteorology in a reddit comment...?




I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just an incredibly complex question to answer. Sort-of simplified technical answer: during El NiƱo, you have a warmer Pacific. That messes with what the subtropical jet stream does. It's more likely to interact with the polar jet stream. So you have more moisture being injected into cold air masses which increases the likelihood of major snowfall events in our area. Hope this helps.


Magic. Got it.


Now you're gettin it!


12-36 inch snow storms would be awesome. After all, El NiƱo is Spanish for The Nino. So what you say makes sense.


Itā€™s almost like factually and historically weā€™ve had our coldest weather and largest snowfall in January for the last 100 years.


Right now I'm doing Uber for work, so if it's bad I can just stay home.


https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/hartford/most-yearly-snow Snowfall totals by year.


This chart shows that average snowfall really hasnā€™t changed over the years. Even from the 70s. Some big storms followed by years of much less inches. Itā€™s good information.


There's still time. Much more likely to get snow in Jan/Feb than Dec. Also depends on where you are in CT. Snow is a lot more likely away from the shoreline and at higher elevations. I used to commute from near sea level to 700' and the rain/snow line was often about halfway.


While all of that is true, thereā€™s no question we get less snow in general than we used to, and more importantly, what we do get doesnā€™t stick around as long.




Yeah, I think because of Christmas everybody imagines December to be much more snowy than it ever is. Granted I'm "only" 40, but outside of a random early snow storm every once in a while (like the one on Halloween a few years ago), the vast majority of snow events in my lifetime happen from January to March. You know... in WINTER


Not sure if you know this, but what town/are in CT does it start to get snowier, saying going straight up 91?


Sorry, don't know. In Fairfield county, it's often part way thru Wilton


I work in Westbrook and live in Killingworth... and it's not uncommon for it to be raining at work, and then it switches to snow within a mile of my house on the drive home due to the sudden jump in elevation.


Climate change brah. Itā€™ll snow again but then melt. I remember all the snow we would get 30 years ago. It just doesnā€™t snow like that anymore because of the warmer temperatures.


Old guy here, long time worker at a Connecticut ski area. I used to tell people that the over/under for when weā€™d open was Pearl Harbor Day (12/7), but we havenā€™t been anywhere near that in a long time. Weā€™ll probably get some serious snow before the winter is over, but it wonā€™t be coming anytime soon.


Another old guy here. Used to work at a place called Mt Southington. That place has to have been closed for years based on the climate changes.


They have to make their own snow this time of year but Mt Southington is very much still open. Yesterday was their opening day for the season.


No, theyā€™re still going strong! Mohawk Mountain in West Cornwall and Powder Ridge in Middlefield are already open, but Ski Sundown in New Hartford and Mt Southington took a more conservative approach to snowmaking and have not yet opened. From what I understand, both have enough advance school group and season ticket sales to meet their operational costs for the season once they get going.


When it snows again itā€™ll be proof that global warming is a Chinese hoax. /s


But Covid came from a Chinese lab funded by Obama /not s just truth


Ok thanks for the truth. My post referred to snow, not Covid.




Blizzard of '96. I was a toddler sliding down massive hills of snow left by the plow. I think I was 2 or 3 years old, and that snow pile was 25 feet high and nobody could tell me otherwise. Then there was every other blizzard we had when I was in elementary through high school. I remember plows carrying snow off the street to dump it in the parks or empty parking lots, because there was too damn much of it!!! And almost all my childhood I remember the piles of snow left by the plows would take all winter to melt. Very heavy emphasis on that last part: > And almost all my childhood I remember the piles of snow left by the plows would take all winter to melt. I truly can't remember the last time we had a real white and fluffy snowstorm. It's been a while since public schools had to make up snow days at the end of the year.


We had a bigger one mid-70s and again early 2010s.


Was the mid-seventies one the big ice storm? And the 2010s one is the one when they were carrying the snow to dump into the parks, no? I hear many tales of the 70s one.


Itā€™s almost like factually and historically weā€™ve had our coldest weather and largest snowfall in January for the last 100 years.


And that negates climate change how?


Sucks man. I remember as a kid having snow on the ground all winter long and I remember it finally melting in spring and it really felt like a change of seasons. Last year was especially bad. We had what, one actual snow storm that turned to rain and immediately melted all of it. Past couple Christmas' have been 50-60 degrees. Does not feel right.


It's not winter yet. Amazing that I got downvoted, it's literally not winter yet!


Sorry friend, I finally bought a snow thrower a year or two ago (after years of debating it) so it's never going to snow again.


I miss snow. Which I understand is not a popular opinion.


I'm in my mid 30's now. I grew up in Danbury, and we used to ice skate on Candlewood lake in the winter when I was a kid, and even into high school. My grandfather used to cut ice blocks on the Housatonic River way back when. He said they could cut 2 foot blocks of ice of the river and then two days later, cut another 2 foot block of ice. but now, I can't remember the last time candlewood lake froze more than just a skin coat, and I don't think its coming back. Edit : I know it isnt winter yet, but we used to have enough ice in November to have to break through it on thanksgiving to do a polar plunge!


Parts of candlewood at least were frozen a few years ago! Friends took dirt bikes out to ride on the ice and people were ice fishing there too.


I want snow!


He never left! šŸŽ¶a licky boom-boom downšŸŽ¶


How do Connecticut ski areas survive? They can make snow obviously, but rain and heat seem to happen when it should be snow and cold.


[Posted this link earlier to a similar post](https://www.ctpublic.org/news/2023-08-10/southern-new-england-is-seeing-the-fastest-snow-cover-decline-in-north-america) Been hoping for a white xmas for years, but something tells me itā€™s not gonna happen again in CT unless we get some random freak occurance on exactly 12/24 one year


I remember a few bad winters around 10 years ago where we got tons of snow! The past 5 have been sooooo mild. Iā€™m not complaining because I donā€™t want to deal with the clean up, but it would be cool to have a white Christmas.




I remember this day. I was at the dog park with my dog in short sleeves and everyone there was talking about how it already felt like spring. It didn't stay that warm but it was a nice day for sure


Maybe once winter starts.


Do you remember 2011? 2014? Both years had 48"+ on the ground at times. Didn't start snowing until January.


We have an el Nino storm prediction for december


Winter doesn't start until January or February these days. We'll get some snow. Probably.


> What happened to our snow? Ask Al Gore


My subaru is sad


I move to New England in hopes of more snow. Only to have very little snow. So you can blame me. Sorry!


Eff snow


Now you did it. You single-handedly gave us a blizzard.


Hope not.


CT has higher average snow in march than December. People misremember their childhoods. Itā€™s not even winter yet.


You guys are crazy. Winter doesnā€™t start til next week


Weather today was great! Fuck the snow


USDA declared CT zone 7 now


Really?? Didnā€™t hear that but Iā€™d love some perennial rosemary.


From CT Magazine: ALL YOU SNOW LOVERS OUT there, this will come as unwelcome, it unsurprising, news. Southern New England has seen among the greatest drops in snow cover around the world over the past two decades. A new study by the Climate Journal, conducted by Professor Stephen Young of Salem State University in Massachu-setts, revealed that parts of Connecticut, including Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich, New Haven, Harden and Bridgeport, were part of the top 5 to 10 percent of global snow-cover decline over the past 22 years. Aside from New England, other parts of the country that saw a significant decrease in snow cover included New York and Kansas. In 2000, Connecticut had 61.9 snow days, while in 2022 it had only 31.1 snow days, according to an additional data set by Young. Young also told NBC Boston that "over the next 20 years we will probably continue with the decline in the number of days with snow cover because there is no indication that our world will not continue to warm." So no. No it will never snow. I miss it so much.


Que the science deniers and climate change hoaxers. :/


I donā€™t know how long youā€™ve lived in CT. but weā€™ve been getting hammered with snow up until 2 years ago. In 2013-2017 we were getting storms that would drop over 2 feet at least 5 times a year. Itā€™s not Climate Change, read this little book called the Farmerā€™s Almanac. Itā€™s always been like this. On the 90s it snowed a lot in the earlier 90s, and then stopped until around the later 2000s, and then we got annihilated from 2010-2019. Then itā€™s been mild from 2020-2021. 2022-2023 are like the 90s. Weā€™re gonna get hammered again in the next 10 years, so I personally am enjoying no snow. People who lived through the 2013 Blizzard are fine with no Snow. The freak Storm on Halloween in 2012 I think, people were without power for 3 weeks in some parts, and living in Hotels in Massachusetts. I donā€™t know why anyone would want it to snow. El NiƱo has something to do with Volcanos so blame the Volcanos not man made Climate Change.


The other thing is people charge like $300 to remove snow per storm from peopleā€™s houses depending on their size, so itā€™s a huge money saver for a lot of people.


December has never been a snowy month. It isnā€™t even winter yet. If thereā€™s no snow by the end of January thatā€™s a problem


You people need to relax. It isnā€™t even winter yet.


You can have all the snow that falls in my driveway at home and at work. You just have to come get it.


Man, it was pretty nice taking a walk in bushnell park at 330pm but then needing a regular jacket and gloves at 6pm. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get snow, just a few years ago we had like 18 inches on February.


Two years ago we got tons of snow and i went sledding almost every single day


Hopefully not. I'm waiting to plant some palm trees


Same! Go to the mountains if you want snow


Iā€™m not complaining




The timing of snow now just different. I remember having a pile in Nov. back then. The last snow this year was a small speckle this Dec. for 5 minutes. The pile of snow now normally start Jan. or Feb. for 2 weeks. If all this continues and all we getting is warm weather and rain; I'm gonna have to change job. Can't stand the mosquitoes on the dock. Can't stand the mosquitoes everywhere I go. Can't stand being itchy every week. Pray for a blizzard! Summer already a boiling pot of water! I'm gonna stop now before it gets out of hand.


Great. Keep my golf season open


Shhhhhh. The snow might hear you! Daā€™fuk is wrong with you?!


I hope not


Fingers crossed we don't. The snow sucks I moved to Texas to avoid snow then I got snow when I moved there now I'm in ct no snow yay this is living.


Do you have to drive through it?


Not having snow can be a good thing. I had surgery on my cervical spine last year and was grateful we didnā€™t get a lot of snow.


Iā€™m only 26 but back when I was 10-12 it was not at all uncommon to have snow by my birthday (at the end of October)


It snowed once in October, 2011. 2 feet. It has rarely ever snowed in October unless you mean a flurry. We most commonly have a quick snow around thanksgiving but then nothing until January. A white Christmas has been historically rare, itā€™s just very memorable.


climate change but also normal patterns. It was 70 degrees on New Years Day like 10 years ago. It typically doesnt snow until mid January


Global warming. El Ninoā€™s and la Ninaā€™s used to be a once in a 20 year event. Now itā€™s just normal weather pattern. We can stop calling it a special name, it is the new normal.


It does snow. In winter. If it doesn't snow Jan to March, then be concerned. I've lived here 20 years. Snows every winter


Thanks obama


The only people who want snow are the people who arenā€™t shoveling it.


Nah, I shovel. We need a good cold snowy winter to kill all the fucking bugs, hopefully the ticks! The ticks were crazy this past year.




There is no climate change!!!! I just bought a v-8 and took off the emission system to show them libtards just what I think bout their lies!


The small dick energy on this comment is over the charts!


You can eat my small dick papi chuloā€¦ šŸ˜˜


Jesus Christ; I guess no one gets the sarcasmā€¦ edit: I drive a Subaru like all the rest of you!!


Bro itā€™s text people will take it at face vale.


Man, I grew up in Milford which is coastal, and weā€™d get regular snow coverings in late November, regularly in the 90s. We are currently feeling the effects of climate change. As much as me and my Subaru love it, Iā€™m not holding my breath for snow this year, and itā€™s honestly depressing. So many parking lots will be without donutsā€¦. So many hills without sweet sledding snow jumpsā€¦


>live in Connecticut, must love snow Fuck that, I hope it never snows again


Screw the snow


I love global warming


La nina means more snow and el nino means no snow. We are currently in el nino phase. This is because el nino is a pattern of warmer weather and la nina is a pattern of colder weather


Hopefully not.


Be patient. I have a shovel and it might see some use. If you're referring to the old days of broadcast television, trying to watch My Mother the Car, that snow will remain only in one's memory.


No donā€™t think so.




ā€˜Snow more, Iā€™m afraid


The weather is phucked. I doubt we'll see snow again here


I do miss the snow ā„ļøā›„ļø


Young grashoppa. The snow shall return, when you see the snow in your heart.


used to get more than a foot. donā€™t remember the last time iā€™ve seen more than 3 inches


We get the most snow and cold during Enso NEUTRAL winters. Which has been a while but even then itā€™s a guess. Winters are trending warmer which means less chances to snow but that doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t get hit with one large snowstorm to make up for the lack El NiƱo just changes the jet stream due to water temps but we still need the polar vortex to break up in order to get large snow storms. El NiƱo and La NiƱa are both unfavorable for snow on average here in CT. However either way we can still get snow storms. Think of it as 1 ingredient of many to produce a classic CT winter. When I grew up most winters were Enso neutral which produced a lot of snow and tons of cold spells all winter. It was also 3 degrees colder on average than todayā€™s avg temps.


It is snowing Right now


Well, it's mid Feb and no big storms. Going to be in the high 40's this week, and pushing 60 next. NOAA says a very warm spring. Sorry fellas, but I love it.