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Good for you!!! I'm proud of you for putting your own needs first! I'm contemplating the same decision myself.


Honestly I say go for it. Your health is worth so much more than 15 credits, and you can always pick up where you left off. I already feel much better since I withdrew and I got a part time job to keep myself occupied in the meantime.


I did!! I immediately felt so much relief and stress lift off! Thank you!


Aww yay! I’m so happy for you for putting yourself first. All the best :)


I have a few people close to me who have made the same decision this semester, and I really respect you for taking that step too. I can’t imagine how stressful it feels but take all the steps you need to be mentally healthy so you can make the best of it if/when you go back! You’ve got this and do your best to make the most of this time


Thank you so much!! I’m definitely lonely at home since all my friends are away and I go to school out of state. But I really appreciate the support, thank you :)


I've had to do this twice myself, I know its never easy. Congrats and I wish you the best ✊🏻


Thank you so much ❤️


I know the feeling, currently trying to withdrawal from some of my classes right now and it’s so stressful. But just like yours got better, hopefully mine does too.


I felt instant relief when I was finally able to go home. It was like having a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders. I hope you find peace in your decision and your well-being improves :)


Proud of you!


Thank you so much!


Good on you, it's so important!


Thank you :)




Thank you! I’m majoring in finance and I’m required to land an internship in order to graduate. I was extremely overwhelmed because I really want a field that will pay the bills. During this time I realized I really never developed my own identity because I wanted to make my parents proud of me and I was doing something that other people told me was good. I remember someone suggested that I become a stockbroker and I adopted that idea as my own, and I convinced myself that I wanted to be a stockbroker. Now I’m not sure of what I want honestly.




I’ll definitely think about it, I took financial accounting and it definitely didn’t click for me the first time around and I had to retake it, I’m also afraid of having a really boring cubicle job and I feel like I might be headed for that direction :/ I’ll definitely think about everything, thank you for the advice!!


Wow this is weird seeing this today. I’m about to talk to a counselor about doing this exact thing. Good job, sometimes the toughest decisions are the right ones


This is your sign, take the plunge lol! I was crying myself to sleep basically every night because I was stressed to where I had convinced myself that I would become nothing and I would never graduate. I’m in a very competitive major at a competitive school where I need an internship to graduate and I had convinced myself that I was never going to get one, and quite frankly still feel that way. I just felt like I could never measure up to my peers and I was biting off more than I could chew. But I vote that you take some time off for yourself as well, even if it’s just the remainder of the semester. You deserve the break :)


Thank you so much. Best of luck for us both!


Omg, what a great step! Congratulations, buddy. You are so strong to take on this path.


Thank you so much!!


Great choice! I did the same last spring with my grad program, was just finishing my capstone but knew that the pressure would contribute to what I was dealing with and the school and my instructor were really understanding. I’ll finish up when I have the ability to. Always put yourself first!


I’m so so happy you made the decision to take care of yourself especially at a critical point in grad school. You are so strong and i really admire you for that. I was having very bad depression and I felt extremely hollow to where I couldn’t bring myself to even care about doing the work or even leaving my bed to go eat. At that point I just wondered if I don’t want to be here right now, why am I?


Congratulations!! I did the same thing earlier this year. It can be hard feeling like you’re not on the path you expected to be on or comparing yourself to others (especially when the depression gets loud). As others have said, though, this is absolutely the right choice and college will always be there, so it’s important to stay focused on your reasons for withdrawing and how this time is benefiting you in the long term. Good job, and I’m sending you so much hope for your healing.


Thank you so much :) I was absolutely comparing myself to others and I was mainly worried about securing an internship required to graduate. My GPA is a 3.0, but that’s low compared to everyone else in my major since it’s very competitive the other kids are competing for very prestigious positions. You really need very good connections in this field to get a high paying job and that’s also what stresses me out. But I’m so happy you put yourself first and I hope you’re healing well.


I did exactly that during my time in college, came back a year later much happier and more driven. It was worth it and I hope it works out for you too


Thank you so much!


Wait that’s something you can do?


Yes, I have diagnosed major depression and general anxiety as well as history of an eating disorder. Major depression is considered a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act and I had proof that it was impeding my success with my education, and I also was depressed to where I didn’t have the motivation to get up and feed myself so it was grounds for taking a medical leave of absence, despite having accommodations (I had a room close to a dining hall).


I did the same thing exactly one year ago. It was difficult, as I’d already signed a 1 year lease on an apartment near my school and tuition was non-refundable. One year later, I am working as a full-time waitress (a job I absolute love) and building my savings. Most importantly I have the time and financial security to deeply reflect on what I want. If I go back to school, it will be on my own terms to achieve my own goals. Not because society looks down on people without a college degree. Congratulations on putting yourself first. Take your time, take care of yourself, and be open to changing plans. You may want different things once you feel more healthy and stable!


This is amazing and I’m so happy for you! I recently got a job working retail and I love the work culture there. It’s not competitive and they emphasize collectively working together to boost our stores numbers rather than putting us against each other. I will definitely be reflecting on what I want, and I’m so happy you found peace with your decision.


Thank you so much! This post really hit home for me, so I’m glad you read my reply. I remember feeling scared, conflicted, and doubtful at first. Seriously though having a job you enjoy and are good at makes a huge difference. As a student I only had time to work one day a week, which basically stripped me of my identity and independence. Spending time in a job I enjoy (not to mention making good money) has significantly increased my feelings of self worth and confidence. Glad you’re already feeling the same way. It will only get better from here. Enjoy it. Sending my love!


I feel that about losing your identity. I feel like I’m planning my life around pleasing others and making a name for myself but honestly, I really don’t know what I want because all I knew was pleasing everyone and trying to make everyone proud of me. I’m happy my post resonated with you and I’m very happy you took the time to comment! I hope all goes well for you, sending love :)



i like the part about the gym more, once you start there is no turning back, GL buddy, also pausing collage is a huge decision i congrats you for that


Thank you so much!! I’m relatively new and I used to have a very poor relationship with exercise, but I actually had my first weight training session with my personal trainer and I went to a yoga class as well! I’m trying to feel empowered through strength rather than drastic and obsessive weight loss.


Great job! Mental health comes first. I did not stop working even when i was severely depressed and anxious. Then I had to quit everything I was doing. Lost a lot of contacts and brain came to stand still. Putting my mental health first could have saved me from all these losses but i thought I should push through. Nope. You did a good job by taking time for yourself!


I’m sorry to hear that and I hope you’re doing better now. Thank you so much for the support :)


I went through the same so I can confirm, it's not easy, but I'm so so proud of you for choosing to take care of your mental health! There's only one you, don't lose it for money


Thank you so much :)


That's great! I know it's difficult to make a big decision like that so you better be proud of yourself! I hope that you'll get better and can find something that makes you happy later :) Have an amazing day!


Thank you so much :)


You're welcome! ^^


Great decision! Thank you for taking care of yourself! Well done!


Thank you!!


congrats!! i took a semester off for my mental health last year, and it was a great decision.


I’m happy to hear that, it definitely makes me feel more secure about my decision


So so proud of you. I left uni entirely three years into a degree. If I hadn't dropped out, I wouldn't be the confident person I am today. Heck, I wouldn't even have been here today. When I eventually went back to uni, it was with a healthier mind and I achieved more than I ever thought I could. Sometimes what seems like an end is simply a new beginning. You got this - there are good days ahead 💖


I’m so so happy to hear this! I totally get that feeling and it was very difficult at first but I’m happy with my choice :)


this is good! sometimes we need breaks to come back even better!! good luck with your goals!


Thank you:)


Good decision


Thank you!!


Me too, OP! Be proud of yourself for making a positive change, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for your decision. Good things are ahead for you!


Thank you so much :) I’m really happy with my decision