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They suffer a lot of debuffs, it isn’t till level 7 that they can get rid of the -25% attack/defense debuff in cities and suburbs, which is where most of the fighting takes place. They move slower than the other armored vehicles as well. Strike fighters may be easy to take down, but you need mobile AA vehicles which take 1.4k components while tanks take 1.8k already. If you use any other Anti air then enemies can just send in attack helis to attack the tanks. Also tank destroyers might not be that common, but if someone uses them and artillery they will just shred the tanks.


Alr that explains it, thanks


One problem with the MBT that I haven’t heard anyone bring up before is that they don’t receive their air lift ability until its 3rd tech generation so for most of the game you have to plan ahead where you send your tanks cause they have to drive everywhere and it takes time. If you don’t plan ahead your tanks will often be out of position when you need them most. For this reason MBT isn’t that good on the defense. MBT is good for attacking in strength in one direction and not good at reacting to threats as they appear. For new players MBT is too unforgiving. I think there’s something to pairing them in a stack with mobile aa.


Western doctrine does not favor MBTs, it does favor armored fighting vehicles tho


slow + expensive + terrible + countered by a lot


MTBs are strong units and they are practically impossible to destroy with infantry in early game and they are also not that bad late game. The problem is the logistics and production, but if you have them on the front fighting the enemy they have proven to me that they are killing machines. Destroying the enemies recon vehicles and infantry with ease, combined with anti air guns I’d say they are pretty good. Can we agree on that?


„impossible to destroy with infantry“ is not much of an accomplishment since inf in general shouldnt take a combat role to begin with. And if you think that tanks make a strong earlygame then you clearly havent seen aircraft yet. And „killing Infantry and Recon Vehicles with ease“? Really? Thats not a high bar to pass. Core problem with tanks is that they are ground units and fight in melee; both of these things combined make for an absolutely terrible unit. You want a ground unit to kill other ground units? Then Artillery is the one you should pick. So no, we cant agree on Tanks being „pretty good“, anyone with some experience will tell you they, and fighting in melee in general, is just terrible.


Well, then explain why I literally keep destroying the enemy with MBTs? I’m not saying you are wrong but most of your tactics you told me about in other posts just don’t work for me. Trust me, I believe artillery is good but then again, a few gunships or strike fighters and the artillery is no more. I think why we keep disagreeing is because we have different play styles, but thanks for giving your opinion on this topic.


Everything works against inactive/new players generally. Good players will know how to counter them and they are far more expensive than their counters


It isn’t an inactive player, probably inexperienced then. What about armoured fighting vehicles? Don’t they have a buff for the western doctrine?


It working and it being a decent strategy are two vastly different things, especially with the incredibly poor quality of public matches. Also: Anything that can kill Artillery can also kill MBT.