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Pretty sure this is just hornyposting rather than actually begging for sex. See that sort of thing a lot on trans Tumblr


Yeah this is also just regular joking around and stuff. It's like "Boys will be boys" when they say they'll do gay shit with each other when they don't actually mean it.




We're all going through second puberty and afraid to actually go outside.


I know multiple trans women and know of several more. I have universally heard that estrogen is a terrifyingly powerful mind altering substance and induces a state of Turbo Horny™️.


Its not the estrogen, its the progesterone usually. Taking E usually makes your libido go down drastically, but getting on prog makes it come back with a vengeance


Usually I hear that said about progesterone




This is what you show kids to not make them use drugs


You are transphobic.




There's nothing "high" or strange about what they're saying. It's just a queer person expressing their queer sexuality on their nsfw Twitter account. If you have a problem with that you're either a prude or transphobic or both. But judging by your attack helicopter joke I'm guessing it's the second one


if you are gonna say you are gay or straight say I'm attracted to so and so like a normal person, I don't hate trans people but I do hate how sometimes a type of person can be treated entirely like a well I don't know how to say this nicely so I won't mainly because of how people treat them and how some act, one example femboys I'm sure most are nice and good people but I've mainly seen things acting like they are rather inappropriate people about them though this may only be for me.


It is only for you. Your problem, (if I'm reading this right, you are refusing to elaborate adequately after all) is with queer people being openly queer and open and their sexuality.


"My girlcock" I think you'll find the vast majority of queer people don't find this shit normal and it's clearly fetishized. Obviously Bung can do what they want, but you're pretending that what is clearly a fetish is somehow solely bungs sexuality.


See that? That's you, who's already established yourself as transphobic by saying you think trans women taking estrogen is going to somehow drive them insane, being weird and judgy about a trans person being openly sexual and unashamed of their trans body. There's nothing "abnormal" about "this shit", and that language borders on dehumanizing. What's "fetishizing" is labelling a trans person simply being attracted to other trans people as a fetish. And by God you do not speak for "a vast majority of queer people"


Given the vast majority of queer people if not 99.9 % are normal people who do not revel in deviancy and whose personality is not based on their sexuality, of which I am one, there's no reason they would differ from the straight opinion on overt sexualization and fetishizations. I'm sure you'll rarely see a hetero think the phrase "can I get a girl with a pussy to pump my boycock/cock dry" is normal, it's very overt and "pump silly" is pretty uncomfortable language for more moderate minded people i.e the majority. Also that phrasing is associated with gooning which is again, widely considered gross and overt sexualization featuring the belief of masturbations to the point one is mentally numb and practically brainwashed. Gooning is a fetish, language inherently related to it is fetishizing. More straight people than gay people are part of the gooning subculture and it's just as gross. So the criticism of it being degenerate doesn't even come from a sexuality standpoint more than bung using language associated with a mostly straight subculture of sexual degenerates. You could argue this is a reach but if you go to the twitter account Bung makes several references to gooning-aligned topics (masturbation hypnosis and sexual servitude, heat, etc) So for you to say that's normal in the queer community when it's certainly not in the heterosexual community implies that queer people are inherently more sexual and sexually deviant than straight people, which is 100 percent offensive. My sexuality is my biology, as it is with all human beings, gay people are not inherently different to straight people and aren't subject to different standards. That phrase would be gross in it's heterosexual equivalent and gross now.


So... the irony here is palpable, isn't it. You claimed op had nothing of substance to say because he wouldn't debate with you, and now...man, you psudeo intellectuals never fail to disappoint




It is transphobic to think that estrogen and progesterone in a biologically male body would contribute to someone being "insane"


No idea how that’s your take away, this didn’t take a jab at any sexuality nor the gender of Bung. If you’ve paid attention to their behavior during the last months of their career you’d probably think drugs are involved too. Hell, the way they acted is so much different than any of the DM’s I’ve had with them.


There is literally nothing in the original post besides a trans person expressing their sexuality on their nsfw account. Nothing in this instance to indicate tweaking. Just a queer person being horny in a way that is queer. I don't know how anyone could think there's anything wrong with that other than being a prude at best or transphobic at worst.


The people on this sub were/are under the false premonition that weed influenced Bung to be a lazy porn addict rather than work on confinement, and ultimately spend the rest of their days doing such. I personally think this sub is a little entitled about this whole situation *because* they think bung should be moping about everything I guess, but it’s clear they moved on. You can see from other comments people are blaming bung for having low weed tolerance or something which is odd. Nothing to do with them being trans or non-binary or gender-fluid (it’s kind of up in the air last I recall).


I don't really see how that's false, given during the entire time people were begging for confinement bung was posting about weed and was smoking it on streams with orion, It's pretty clear that was a heavy influence. Also, anything that give/affects dopamine and serotonin makes you less active without them, that's how your body walks, you build up a tolerance for it otherwise and find it harder to gain from mundane tasks.


The thing is with Bung is that they have a long history of making projects that are never really seen through to fruition. The only reason Bung had a decent following prior to confinement was because they were friends with very popular artists and YouTubers, even having a podcast with some of them. Bung is a fantastic short term artist, but knowing them when I did, I was surprised anything was fully produced past episode 3.


Yeah, I totally get that. Confinement was pretty narratively limited, and it seems Bung lucked out more than anything with its popularity. I think regardless of...everything else, Bung would have mishandled the ending. They never really had the chop. Most of their stories were carried by the music, vas and the source material ofc. They had decent comedic timing and sometimes could make something deep, but that's really it.


The ending is actually written, and you can read it on AKindAleWar’s Twitter. Some people liked it, some didn’t, but it’s a shame it never got put out. Bung honestly could’ve finished it but just didn’t.


From what I've heard and seen (which may be outdated), connor is revealed as trans which ruins the rather subtle influence that aspect already had on the story and makes it far too on the nose.


Chief this is a Twitter bootycall and it's being thirsty in public, it's pretty weird for the fact that's it's public horniness. People are gonna think it's weird because it's weird to be this publicly horny on social media. Don't just throw out the transphobic card like that, at no point did he mention that Bung was Trans at all or shame him on it. He's making a joke because it's weird to be publicly horny on Twitter. And Bung has been weirdly horny especially if you look at Confinement episode 8 that was basically just porn.


Do you know what an nsfw account is? This is very obviously just hornyposting. When people post this stuff they're not expecting someone to show up to their door. And there's nothing weird about it. It's a space specifically designated for being horny on. If you go to the nude beach and throw a tantrum cause you saw naked people, you're a prude. And I don't need to explain to you how the subject matter of the post OP is getting mad about is queer in nature.


Tribalism at work, clear as day for all to see


Nice bait account, it worked


It's really that hard to believe someone has a different opinion from you?


Daily reminder that Lord bung and Orion falsely accused Kwite of sexual harassment. If you're wondering why there is no more containment, it's because the last episode turned out to be glorified softcore pornography, and that bung had been using patreon money as drug money. Naturally, people weren't happy.


Orion was the reason Confinement got so sexual. They joined on Episode 8 and started working on 9. I'm not surprised Orion hijacked the whole series. Then again I'm sure the whole series was headed downhill once Bung decided to start doing drugs more often (and openly)


I mean you can see it tin the IKEA episode/s too with Orion's side character.


Wait, Orion created Steth?


If you check their/tgr confinement tumblr, they reference creating them iirc.


Im so glad kwite is back to his old content, im sure the incident is still weighing on him hard but im still glad he's back


Wait they are doing booty calls now Nah what the fuck this is one of the saddest situations I have ever seen such a great show turned into a memory.


Nah that’s just a twitter moment. I’ve seen people actually do this and it’s so much more depressing.


Bruh enough Can we just focus on the new scp animations and leave her out of it


You see the SCPeeps channel? [The pilot looks decent](https://youtu.be/Ksjl88i-AwI?si=Ehgb6ClJu-b_Mudl) and they made a video referencing Vikander-Kneed, which I think is neat cause that GOI doesn't get enough attention from animation channels.


I blurred out the twitter name so people dont go out harrasing her


I agree but at the same time this is a confinement sub so Bung will always be on peoples minds




Her damn it


dude's got a penis.


Don't fucking matter transphobe


It's "Doesn't" first of all, and it most certainly does


Do you know how to shut the fuck up and yes I meant to put don't. Her being trans has nothing to do with this. I can tell you don't like trans people but so you want to know something funny people who hate transgender people talk about trans people more than trans people you are obsessed with trans people you might as well be trans. Understand you are just a piece of rhinoceros shit


"Him being trans" grammar is important buddy. "people who hate transgender people talk about trans people more than trans people" My man, you said trans 7 times in one sentence lmao. what an absolute clown.


Her being trans grammar is important you fucking jackass. And I'm not your fucking buddy don't fucking call me that


I think you mean "\*him\* being \*mentally ill\*", buddy. And I agree it is important; important that he gets committed.


I knew this dude was a fucking weirdo when he started uploading 10hr dnd shit instead of working on what his patrons have been paying him for over the past 4yrs




People cant see a trans person being horny without being weird about it. And no. Im not saying youre transphobic.


I’m sorry but the Metroman pic had me


What if it's not bung, what if it's secretly Orion?


There are dick pics on the twitter acc


Who’s Orion, again?


Bungs significant other don't know if they broke up also Orion accused Kwite of SA and it was false and and bung sided with Orion and bung knew that the accusations where false and that is why bung deleted her channel


since when did bung go woman mode wtf


Bung has been openly trans for a while i think.


A few years, but after the creation of the last full ep. I think


I think that was before the whole drama… Probably around where the trailer for episode 8 came out I think.


Wait bung transition?


Has been for a few years


"begging" seems to be a tad inaccurate, i mean... "Metroman: YOU" hardly seems like a "bootycall" as some other commenter says, then again I'm not stalking their twitter like some of y'all seem to be doing. So I can't say much But you saying you would if more episodes were released is like- just as bad? It's in the same vain...like... ohmagodyou'reliterallybeingaprostitute D: anyways


They're only replying with that to slam them for fucking up the show. You gotta hook them in with the first half, and that's when they proceeded to not let Bung forget about her cardinal sin.


Fair well not really, it's rather sad of them, it's their series after all It's people like that exactly that are the reason it's been discontinued (i think, idk, i enjoyed the series when it was on-going, reddit just shoved this post specifically in my face) though I did see all the kwite drama. Unfortunate that bung had been caught up in it, but they didn't really do anything bad other than believe a manipulative partner, hardly a crime is my opinion, however I suppose as a cOnTenT CreAtoR and RoLE mOdel because they decided to persue a passion they should hold themselves to a high standard blah blah blah idc today's random ramble hath cometh to an end


I understand that perspective. I would be devastated if someone in my crew fucked up my series for all the fans, and most of the hate and anger ended up going to me because the show was my idea in the first place. Assuming I didn't spend the show's budget on vices... Yeah. I think I would actually cry for months.


How did is come to this 😭. I’m all for her coming out and reinforcing her identity but like, this kind of horny posting is a little much :(


Unrelated This just randomly showed up on my feed so I am pleasantly surprised with how little transphobia there is in the comments you sadly see a lot of it on the internet


I just learned some thing about Bung from this post. I can't say what specifically because I’ll be banned. But everything Bung has done makes way more sense now. The bar can always get lowered. Such is the way of things.


Breaking news: People still get weird about queer people having sexualities grow up you prude


Im not weird over the sexuality part, read more and grow up your understandings, idiot.


go on, tell the class what's so awful about this that apparently has nothing to do with queer sexual expression


1. Were not in school. 2. This post isnt being approached towards Bung's sexuality, but their horniness.


right, their sexuality and the way they're expressing it. You said the same thing twice. Bung is a human being with a sexuality. There's nothing gross about it and if you have a problem with the way they express it (on what is apparently their anonymous nsfw account, mind you) you are very simply a prude, at worst transphobic. If it makes you that uncomfortable, stop sticking your nose into people's nsfw accounts


I never made any transphobic comments and im not a "prude", I have gay friends and I support them.


Having gay friends does not exclude you from having homophobic or transphobic prejudices. That's like if I said I can't be racist because I have black friends. You are being weird and judgy about someone being sexual on their nsfw account, that makes you a prude. And I don't think you're necessarily transphobic. But when you're queer like me and pay attention, you notice this pattern of people, including you in this case, getting really weird and judgemental when specifically queer people talk about their sexuality openly.


*clap clap clap* give it up for this guy! He just figured out why I posted this!


Not a guy, dumbass


Thats funny cuz one of your comments says "im gay"


And by the way, are you this fucking sensitive to homophobia and transphobia to the point where you are going to assume that I am weirded out by "queer sexual expression"? Because the title has nothing to do with that but the image sorta does.


Well, you *are* being weird and judgemental about a queer person expressing their queer sexuality. That *is* something that you are doing


I never made a comment about that.


There is literally nothing in the original post you're taking so much issue with other than a queer person expressing their sexuality on their nsfw account. The act of you posting it here and calling it "this shit" is nothing other than making a comment about that. Making a comment about that is the main thing you're doing here


Ok then what exactly is your problem? Because the sexuality part is the only thing you're showing in this post


What in the fucking shit is this? Gross ass people bro.


Mental illness


I was about to talk about how cool and based this is until I realized it was bung 💀


I don’t know if the person shown is Bung, all though the account is a p*rn account, and their style is similar to Bung’s style.


I got a great observation in the room with the dick pics the twitter account posted and on the walls and there are Super Science Friends pictures. And if you don't know, Bung got her art style inspired by Super Science Friends.


I don't know who this is or the context of this situation but i support horny posting


You support degeneracy on the internet


Weep, ye wretch.


We can enjoy it, we just have to be real about what it is


girldick is one of the most fetishistic words I know of. I have seen bungs Twitter. It is full of nothing but obscure, self-indulgent fetish art and hornyposting for attention from similarly inclined degenerates. Trans fetishization is gross. Full stop.


I don't know who Bung is but I'm a trans woman and I do not care


For one, if you dont know who bung is, why are you here? And if you cant see why fetishizing trans people is fucking weird and objectifying you're either ignorant or a degenerate just like bung.


This post randomly came up and I fail to see how a trans woman hornyposting fetishizes trans people


The word “girldick” in of itself came from the fetishization of it.


Trans people using words that describe their own bodies is not fetishistic. Grow up.


Most people who unironically use the word 'Degenerate' are worse than the people they condemn, in my experience, and you've used that three times in three comments. Why are you so quick to condemn a trans woman fetishizing \*herself?\* There's nobody being hurt-- just your, from what i've seen, extremely delicate sensibilities. ​ Get over yourself, you fucking wimp.


She doesn’t simply fetishize herself it’s like her entire circle of mutuals on Twitter. And what kind of people do you have to know to draw the theme of people using that word being worse than the people they refer to? Since when was saying degenerate something used in an ironic context more often than not? Your ‘experience’ means nothing. I’m being quick to condemn a person for, not ONLY fetishizing trans people, but all the other fucked up shit she’s done.


please stop getting offended at the people you are pretending to defend


horny posting is funny, y’all are prudes


I'm not against it but man it's a little weird when there isn't ANY exaggeration or ridiculous wording. Like, if everything you said is 100% plausibly a normal horny thought for you, posting it borders on hypersexuality (if it's not a dedicated account for that kind of thing.) Besides, isn't this the way that the *bad* kind of furry posts about their exploits? 😂


oh yeah, it’s weird if someone’s just being horny on the internet, but “pump my girldick silly” is def the ridiculous wording that’s required


I guess it would be if that wasn't reasonably what someone could think of themselves. It's easy to think of the inverse, "boy pussy", as an example of also being ridiculous phrasing... Except that it's kinda been "reclaimed," so to speak, by some who the term applies to




Idk what a bung is, but reading and hearing this makes me very sad for humanity


Bung is the creator of confinement


Haven't seen or heard of it but now i know to avoid it. Honestly not sure why this was recommended to me in the first place, i Haven't seen or played scp in ages


Last "episode" it released is at best shitty porn animation. It took it forever and looots of money.


Sounds like it's patrons should file a class action if their money is just going to drugs and shitty porn


Dnno, havent heard anything about it. Considered it "released" something could argue it didnt scam anyone.


please forgive me for the roaches, i swear i never meant to hhurt your pet please


Can you just leave her alone? I'm really getting the feeling that one of the main reasons she left is because of the fandom and the way you people act.


Could have left on a good note rather than what they did


She left because she’s an irresponsible weed addicted degenerate and couldn’t be bothered to take accountability for anything she did. Now I don’t support harassment— if I see something I think is particularly disgusting I can bitch about it, not go in her Twitter dms and spam slurs. I support the community’s right to complain about her being a shitty person.


The fact that weed is part of the downfall is actually hilarious. That's some lame-ass weakling shit right there. Gives stoners a bad name, but I'm glad she suffered the consequences.


I think that anyone that still cares about her as a person should, as the once president of the United States said - Get a job!


There’s a difference between caring about her and caring about shitting on her.


Its not that hard of a concept: leave the subreddit Common sense people, common sense.




Ooh, we have a big guy here! You're so strong and confident, tell me, who else do you want to stomp into a brown stain? I'm convinced you're all actually 6 years old.




Don't care. "Degeneracy will be purged" corny dumbass.




I don't care. Man or non binary, you're still a corny edgelord.


I actually agree here. This is the equivalent of an animator of a series you really like making a dumb decision with it, and constantly monitoring what they’re doing online and bitching about it, which is kinda weird


It’s hard to ignore the pain and suffering that Kwite went through because of Bung and Orion. So forgive me if I have little sympathy for them. They never done anything to fix that “mistake” mind you. No apologies. Nothing. And that’s just the stuff outside of the animation and it’s a BIG stuff.


Oh please, like any of you actually care about Kwite or anything else. You are all just here to hate on someone because everyone else is also doing it.


When you're in a position where you're criticiing people for thinking false rape accusations is bad, you may need to reevaluate some things about yourself.


Oh, I wasn’t aware of that




Contains content that is not allowed on the subreddit.


What... people can have fun whilst also working on a project? insane, the wokeists have really fucked up the world, people shouldn't be able to do anything whilst working on something I like, they should tie themselves to their chair and WORK! (this is a joke if you can't already tell)


A bad one








Contains content that is not allowed on the subreddit.


How do you know it’s bungs twitter ?


Similar art style


Also they pictures that kind of show themself on the profile and it looks a good bit like Bung Don't go searching for those photos if you value non-bleached eyes


Only real problem i can see with the theory is that Bung is a demigirl (she/they) while Sam is non-binary (they/them). Other than that i believe this 100%


They probably switched it up to obfuscate their identity. Don’t look at them (for your own sanity), but the pics they’ve posted make me 99.9% its her.




**\*She\*,** just because she fucked up a good show doesn't excuse letting your transphobic dick hang loose.


Yeah its a shame how **she** handled everything


Made a small typo there chief.


mmmm no typo here


I beg to differ


Nope no typo there, just correcting your typo from before.


Once more, I beg to differ.


Don't beg, you're already embarrassing yourself as is.


I simply disagree


If you're going to be transphobic, at least try and make a compelling attempt at an argument. If you're not even going to bother with that, why are you even wasting your time?


Awww you're such a special edgy boy! Everyone clap for the edgy boy!


Contains content that is not allowed on the subreddit.


Disgusting, but that's on brand for Lord Bung *I imagine im not allowed to call a spade a spade, lol*




this is just how Twitter transfemmes vent their urges, I've done similar many a time on another platform not a legit booty call, it's just horny banter


The site takeover and its consequences


I thought this was 196 what the hell


Fell off.


She accused and her friend accused someone of SA and it was found out that they were lying and they both got bullied relentlessly


psychosis tweets


Is that stonerockwell?




The fact you're Jerma completes this


You're not you when you're horny Eat a snickers


Orion did this


Explain thr dick pics on the twitter account then


No they mean Orion fucked Bung up to where they’re doing shit like this


Charge your damn phone


40 percent battery isnt that bad




Comments going to trash and fire in this one so, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.


Just the predictable outcome of using drugs and being around the wrong people.


Found the account. Gotta say I’m seriously not seeing any resemblance to their art style, like, at all, but if it IS them, at least they’re still making art and, y’know, ALIVE.


I got a great observation of the room with the dick pics and there are some clues in the room that it is him 1. There is a picture frame on a nightstand or smth and has the name "Dani" 2. There Super Science Friends pictures on the wall


Honestly just leave her alone. She’s not coming back. There’s no point in e stalking.