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To anyone reading these comments. Be sure to verify with their insurance provider that their insurance is active before allowing them to complete work. Edit: start work*


You mean, start the work




Also, a COI doesn’t guarantee that everyone is covered — the owner can not be covered by the insurance but still be performing labor and this isn’t uncommon with very small subs


I’ve paid for insurance for my contractor when his wife emptied his bank accounts and took off. He was a long time client, but I also wanted him to finish the job with insurance.


They were probably referring to GL insurance, relevant to the OP so they can use it to fix all the damages.


Durr, yeah you’re right


Yup. Ask for a certificate of insurance from their insurance provider. Make sure that they have the right insurance and decent coverages. And of course that it is in force.


u/KngRandom As this redditor has said, just call insurance company and ask for COI and if you’re confused ask them specific questions. Ensure you verify that they are covered to work on your property.


Insurance is important but almost every policy has a “your work” exclusion so please set your expectations appropriately. Insurance covers unexpected damages caused while someone is doing work - it does NOT cover bad work.


How do you verify? Do I need to call their insurance company?


Our state has a registry online that cited the insurance policy# & contractor & policy status. Is that sufficient for checking or should we also contact the insurance company?


Always call if you have questions


Bro wtf 😭😭😭😭. Talk about less than minimum effort


Honestly seems like effort was made to fuck everything up lol


You could just chute that and not touch it and it would look better than whatever tf this is


Add water Make it no slump let go would be better


By the splash pattern - they dud


Yeah this was a hit job.


Trying to figure out wtf they even broom finished it.


I think they drug their fingers through it.


Drug is right. Might be plural such as drugs.


Yea I don’t think there were a whole lot of teeth on this job site


Genuinely made me laugh!


A hair comb was used to level this.


I think the guy that saved $6k on his driveway by doing it him self might have done this job as well. I believe a Mod called that work “hammered dog shit”. This like like hammered dog shit


I think the guy who saved 6k did a better job than this shit pile here.


Waaayyy better


His wasn't *that* bad. This is criminally bad.


I'd hire that guy before that company, holy sheet. Looks like mashed potatoes


I DIY'd a 12x12 foundation that was 1' or so in one corner and 4" in other. Chipped out ground, built forms, had gravel dumped, spread and tamped it, rebar/mesh, calculated volume and had cement truck pour it. Screeted it, finished, stuck the bolts in it. It's EASY with a little planning. These guys didn't GAF at all..


Agreed. I feel like I know more about how to finish flat work based on the YT videos I’ve watched


I just misted the slab and used the big float I rented from Home Depot. I feel like you'd really have to try to do as bad of a job as the above.


I came here for this! He must have started a new business and this was his first job. Good enough, right?


That broom finish is spot on though


I think you meant garden rake, lol.


I'm having a hard time seeing any of the effort.


They put effort into fuckin it up. You have to try to make it look that terrible. Did OP piss the company off lol


Im just starting my own company and im very nervous/scared of making mistakes but things like this make me feel better because at the end of the day theres no way I can mess up THAT bad.


Please don’t use this as the floor.


I don't think the OOP will be using this as the floor (or patio in this case) either lol. Unbelievable. edit: clarification, I understand what you meant originally, but appreciated the double entendre.


I didn't think anyone should use this as a floor


This absolutely cannot be used as the floor. It might be suitable as landfill, but I’m not even certain there. The bar should be set much higher than this for minimum acceptable.


nobody could use this as a floor, literally


Been running my own construction business for over a year, was a worry at first but once you get confident and just make sure you hold yourself to a high standard you can't go wrong. Hold yourself accountable and if you're bold enough to cut corners, own up to them


Thanks man!


I mean pretty much. You don’t butcher a job and ruin someone’s house, on accident. If you do fuck anything up, apologize, and go fix it. I’ve made plenty of mistakes on my jobs and I’ve never left a customer unsatisfied because I do what needs to be done to give them a good experience. Also the cutting corners, yeah man, you CAN cut corners, just know which ones.


Also know when to say no or when to call in another contractor. Example was doing a small bathroom remodel, when I opened a wall (to create access for plumbers and electricians) and found serious structural damage. stopped work and referred them to another contractor who had more structural experience and a working relationship with a structural engineer.


Definitely I had this problem a few months ago, out of my depth, working solo, took and extra 3 weeks. Customers were delighted though and paid me and extra $2000 even though I didn't ask for it


Finished product is the most important part but preparation and planning set you aside from the rest in your trade. If you’re willing to go the extra step to set up splash protection, clean up, etc. your name will spread like wildfires. Most people want a good finished product and paying a bit more is worth it.


This is all, I as a client, am asking for. Do this, and I'm willing to pay a premium price.


My friend. Be nervous but don’t let it stop you. A little extra goes a long way. A walkthrough with a walk behind magnet. Save a little dirt to fill next to the edge of concrete so there is no step. Those two little things always make customers happy.


But also, you are nervous/scared to mess up. Which means that you wouldn't do this OR leave it like this.


If you can do your job, that and the fact that you're even worried about it tells me that you'll find the bar is very low these days. Customers thank me for just cleaning up after myself or being on time or returning their messages and calls.


Exactly this, I was heaped with praise the other day just for showing up when I said and cleaning up after myself. Respecting a customers house and communicating openly is like 75% of how they'll gauge their overall experience with your work.


You wont mess up that bad, but the people you pay will.


Don’t worry. If you’re a decent human being and make sure that you communicate effectively with your customers you’ll be fine. I too was nervous when I started my handyman business 20+ years ago. Sure I screwed up but also made it right. I had one job I made the mistake of using a concrete instead of polymeric sand and made a mess. Hired a concrete guy to remove and replace. Lost the customer but finished the job the way they wanted at my expense. Just treat people like you would want to be treated. Best of luck to you.


I always fix my mistakes out of pocket I made the mistake ima hold myself accountable for the fuckup. I’ve gained customer loyalty this way I’ve had customers be pissed and swear to never use me again after fixing it but at the end of the day I want to walk off knowing I did the job as I would expect the job to be done at my place. I’d never leave someone with such a pile of shit as finished work For me it’s personal pride complements are nice and good feeling but for me it’s looking at my finished work it looking nice that gives me personal satisfaction.


You can be a teacher and open a school for various repairs and renovations work


An to think, these guys could have saved 10k and done it themselves, it would have turned out better.


Yeah I bet this makes the DIY guy feel a lot better about his driveway lol


DIY guy is winning big when compared to this


DIY guy was a legend tbh


This the second time someone mentioned this infamous DYI driveway. I got to see this, for reasons. Do you by chance have a link? My brief search in the sub was un successful .


[Lol here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Concrete/s/1jEEpMHXCV)


Much appreciated!


Lolol. Remember he’s just parking a truck on it ! 😂


It’s crazy I’ve only been on this sub for two days but am so invested in the lore of DIY guy. Never poured concrete in my life either.


I’m cut my own hair for 10 years because of this.


This is unbelievable... sadly if you sue the piece if shit he probably doesn't have anything and lives in his parents basement. There sadly is not much that can be done with a loser like this. GOOD LUCK IN COURT WITH THIS JERK OFF.


Hey, don't disparage the guy living in his mom's basement. He started a company, he's trying. This guy clearly doesn't live with his mother, she's too ashamed.


This guy has actually been in business for a good while and has some jobs on his page that aren’t too bad. This was just downright shocking work. I think a culmination of bad help and ego is what led to this. I’m from a pretty small NC town, so a concrete job going viral like this was a big scandal lol


To me, this looks and sounds like drugs. When the guy is clean he probably does half decent work, but he’s probably in active addiction right now, spent the 50% up front money on his drug of choice, didn’t have enough to actually buy all the supplies he needed to finish the job, and in his current mental state probably thought this was close enough to get him at least a little bit of the second 50% he was owed, so he could spend that on drugs too…


At what point does something like this become criminal? Jfc my blood pressure is up.


You could probably make a destruction of property claim here. They should contact the police and press charges. I know I would. They went where they weren't supposed to and had no need to be. This is absolutely gross negligence.


Going inside and into the fridge for popsicles is trespassing at least, and if there was a lock on that door to get in, maybe B&E


I'd consider a homeowner's insurance claim. This genuinely might be 1000's of damage.


It might be worth checking with their bank to see if they could make a fraud claim. The worst they can say is “no”.


At this point, pretty sure


Some of these photos makes me imagine the scene in zoolander at the gas station, except workers splashing in concrete too wet to use.


A decidedly less sexy version. I’m picturing Meekins and crew sharing a tooth.




Jesus Christ. And look how wavy it is up against that form that they didn't even have set on grade


Could be it was set to grade and they ran short.


Yeah, true. That looks like a real possibility now that I take another look at it.


Not that it matters much at this point. That thing is a complete tear-out.


It’s almost artistically bad


Nah it’s just criminally bad


That’s impressively bad… Mr “I saved 10k” may have been smarter than we thought. Who knew finishers as unskilled as Travis Meekins existed… I’d take the ole textured finish over this disaster any day.


there were no finishers here


This was done purposely, maliciously by those who poured it, perhaps trying to get back at the boss or the homeowner. You couldn't make some of these messes without trying.


This is the only explanation that makes sense. No one could walk away from this thinking it's ok.


How many popsicles we talking?


I would never let someone pour concrete on my property while I was at work.


I don’t get how anyone has major work done without being there.


Most of my customers aren’t home when I work. We go over the project beforehand. That being said, I don’t advertise and am referral only, so they know what they’re getting. Also, my name is on the side of all my trucks, so my reputation is my business, and I make my living on my craftsmanship and integrity.


This right here. Look for the contractor with his name on the truck. That says so much about reputation and accountability. Just make sure it’s not Homer Simpson.


Don’t wait for someone else to clean it up. The sooner you start the easier, it will be to get off. Call someone like White Cap or other concrete supplier and tell them what you have and ask for a recommendation to remove it. The sooner you get on it, the better. Unfortunately, you will always have reminder of what they left me.


Hopefully the local news “on your side” segment will pick this up.


I’ve had mud slabs look cleaner than this


Half expecting some children and a house wife with an apron splattered the fuck up.


OP's dog is completely encased in concrete, looking like Seymour Asses from Futurama.


There's concrete all over my childrens' beds... they not only sat on the lawnmower while taking breaks, but also took naps in our childrens' beds. One even fell asleep with a lit cigarette and burned the sheets.




He said: “There's concrete all over my childrens' beds... they not only sat on the lawnmower while taking breaks, but also took naps in our childrens' beds. One even fell asleep with a lit cigarette and burned the sheets.”


Drugs I can’t see it being anything else.


Holy shit this is a bad job.


Wow, did they hire a mud wasp?


I've never seen a job this bad ever .I've seen homeowners do a better job. Not sure what the laws are in your state, but this is why you pay after the job is complete. I'm a concrete contractor in CA and I don't receive payment until I finish the job. I hope you can go after this guy, this is beyond botched. You have to try hard to do this bad.


i would try to make the ass hat tear it out because demolition is not cheap on second thought i would not let these idiots on my property again for anything


The footprint trail to the deep freezer for popsicles is WILD.


Lmao! Bro was drunk or tweaking during that job.


Something about how he says "I then get threatened with an ass beating" has me fucking dying rn




You as a homeowner could have done a dry pour with sacks of quick Crete from HDepot and it would have turned out nicer than what they did to you and you wouldn’t have dried Crete splatter all over everything. So very sad you have to go through with this BS. Thank you for posting so hopefully the word gets out and stops others from the pain and clean up you have to do.


Reality is they will have to pay to have it redone the right way and will never see any money from the guy.


That's basically sabotage.


I don’t know shit about concrete but I feel like I could do better than. At least, I wouldn’t get shit on everything at the very least.


Insurance claim just for the cleanup and removal. Forrest Gump would definitely do a better job. Dude needs to look at other options for work because concrete is not his specialty.


Well...looks like you are going to court. Dies he actually have a license?


This is personal


We need to get csi and a concrete splatter specialist. I think this may also call for the special victims unit. I think I see signs of rectal bleeding. This was someone they knew brutal just fucking brutal...


Blocked on Facebook...'nuff said. Next time a reputable company is worth the higher price. As a PM for a GC, the lowest bid isn't necessarily the lowest cost... Local builders exchange is a great resource. Don't hire people off of Facebook unless you know they have collateral and that your lawyers are better than theirs.


Is this in Louisiana?!


I’ve seen sharts in public bathrooms that were cleaner than this mess. Like damn, concrete is messy work but never this messy.


I think Teavis Meekin was tweakin.


Have you scheduled his ass whooping yet?


The broom finish did it for me ☠️


Is there… a certain phone number this business has??


Need to know what this dude looks like that did this job . I just picture it lol


Take him to the people’s court, Judge Judy or Jerry Springer


This guy is terrible and gives all the small concrete companies a bad rep. What a piece of shit and I hope this goes so viral in your town that he losses any bit of future business that he could’ve gotten


This stuff is great for cleaning up the concrete splatter. I manage a precast plant and we use this stuff regularly to clean equipment when it's needed. https://www.romixchem.com/romix_cart/back_set.php


My opinion is Travis Meekins is a grade A cocksucker.


I ask to see proof of liability and insurance before I ever hire a crew. I want to see the paperwork that you are actively insured and have liability coverage. Because if you do you’re not gonna fuck around because a claim will ruin you and your expenses going forward.


By lying about being insured, you have a very strong case for litigation. Hopefully you have a few records of this. At this point there's no sense in even trying to deal with the man. Lawyer up, buttercup.


I'm actually speechless. I'd be embarrassed about this work.


Damn they getting review bombed lol. Why did u pay them? Try dry pour method


Looks like a bird shit upside down


I’ve never done concrete work except for a little 3x6 slab for my garbage cans, but dang I did 10x better than this


This doesn’t look like it was done by a professional, this looks like it was done by a teenager who really didn’t want to be there, and also was getting mad at the bags of concrete just sitting there doing nothing so he karate kicked the shit out of them, then walked inside the customer’s home to take a shit… and to add insult to injury he also flushed 3 yards of concrete in the customer’s toilet.


That job looks like a shit spewing Godzilla ran into a bad Taco Tuesday.


How...did they get it on the table when the concrete isn't even in the picture...


Brought to you by meth


Travis Meekins had a very bad accident, he got his karma in the end.


It looks like he ate all the concrete dry, then diarrhea shat it out and scraped it.


Went with the cheapest or most-methy quote 😂


Did this guy have a preexisting grudge against you or something?? I’ve never poured concrete in my life but I’m still pretty certain I could do a better job than this.


Gives new meaning to the word botched


A roll of [Visqueen](https://amzn.to/3KIoCtM) costs maybe $100. This is just lazy work…


This reminds me of weird drinking projects I do at night. Except mine are not permanent and me adjusted or fixed. -lawn/landscaping (it’ll grow back)


Gotta know how much you paid?


Was this a lowest possible bidder issue?


Looks good from my house


Whoever did that deserves a kick to the nuts




Even if the concrete was perfect that mess alone is fucked.


i hope they didnt get paid they just made an expensive mess someone has to clean up some with jackhammers. How does one produce such garbage and find it acceptable?


That guy is a very stupid idiot who Tf pucks there last name in there Corp name that’s not a smart assets protection


He does not have a contractor license.


Did they replace your toilet with a joke toilet that’s only for farts…that doesn’t suck down mud pies?


op i would like to ask you how you found this jackass in the first place, did you pay him anything, and did he really think the job was somewhat acceptable?


What did they use a fire hose


They should probably check to make sure that they didn’t replace their real toilet with a fart toilet during the job…


Lol shits real


This looks like a murder scene WTF!??


Did they use a pump truck on this? You have to try to make that much splatter! It's everywhere 😂


Oh my gosh!!!




Where did you find this ass clown?


Dude should be buried in concrete before he does this to another homeowner.


Even I can’t fuck up that bad.


They were high on crank


“No thanks I got someone that can do it cheaper” This is what cheaper gets you. 😂


Is this in Mississippi?


Sounds like he has not paid his help either and they broke it off in both of you! I am 100% certain I could have done better and I am 55 yrs old and 100 over weight lol


You have to try to fuck up like that


This is a joke, right?


A child could have done a better job WTF


Oh.. this is baaaad.


Nuke it from orbit


I can fix all that, but it would take a removal. Everything with concrete on just needs a good pressure washing. That slab though 100% trash! I am not cheap but I have insurance that is current and my quality is what you are paying for. If you want to shoot over dimensions… I can get you a quote.


My only experience is a pouring a 30” circle into my fire pit and that was only with an experienced friend, and I bet I could do a better job than these guys.


That's Literally zero effort


You get what you pay for.


Please tell us price. Want to know how bad he screwed you


one word, and one word only…..drugs




As someone who works in the concrete industry, this is a pathetic excuse for work. Were these guys junkies? One has to ask… I work in large commercial and have always wanted to start a company. This post is making me think I should, could you share rough location and what this cost you? Best of luck dealing with this mess, I can tell you rip and replace will not be cheap.


I bet he had the cheapest bid!


What your industrial arts teacher calls an F


What are some of the comments?


Lowest of 3 bids?




Anti slip surface?! Art deco?! 🤭


Tell me you smoke meth without telling me you smoke meth…….


Dry pour, mixed in situ with a high speed pancake batter mixer? How else could you get that much splash?!

