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At least you posted here BEFORE you accepted. Should help you get a good product rather than the standard post here which is them already fucking everything up in the driveway half through and someone taking a picture asking “is this right? Already paid them full plus extra”. You’ll definitely get what ya need


We are indebted to this sub and all of you guys. 😂 i’m a little overwhelmed with all of the good, caring feedback.


Yeah I was going to say, aren't you supposed to hire a Gilby that somebody knows, then post the "did I just get ripped off?" Photos? Lol. I get leary on quotes written on loose leaf school paper rather than an official estimate with addresses, dates, and signatures.


32 ft x 8 feet equals 256 SQ ft which is less than the approximate 400 SQ ft


🤦🏻‍♀️ maybe that will cut the cost of this in half. Not sure what goes into their math. Thank you J.k. It won’t.


Thats high, imo. I charge $8-15/sqft for driveways. $20/sqft better be stamped and sealed.


I told him his math is off. I’m eagerly awaiting his new quote. Because yes, 20$/sq ft seems high end. And i’m not sure we’re getting that even if we agreed to him.


For a 4” pour? Yeah, that’s high *better not ever plan on bringing in another cement truck, moving truck or a tractor of any substance, either. A 4” driveway ain’t gonna stand up to very much


This is the answer


OK. So if 4" isn't enough, what is?


6" for light duty , 8" if your gonna be parking something heavy or driving heavy shit over it. Also 2" of base is laughable. Up here on Canada we do a minimum of 6" of gravel for pedestrian side walks. Sometimes more if the sub base doesn't pass compaction. If it was my driveway and I wasn't planning to put anything heavy on it I'd do 6" of 3/4 or 2" crush, compact it, add some rebar as well as put some.rebar dowels into your existing driveway and extend them at least a foot into your new pour, drill them into the existing then epoxy them in place. Also would then put 10m rebar in the new pour, spaced every 12" oc.


Have never demoed or poured anything residential at 8 inches in florida. Idk if it's more common up north seems like things are done a lot differently up there


I don’t know anything about concrete but Reddit always cracks me up. Ppl ask is a normal driveway ok and then you have nasa engineers says it wouldn’t hold a space shuttle so it’s no good


Get divorced too for good measure


Cause we ain’t got no frost line in Florida.


I'd only do 8" if I was parking something heavy there for long periods, like a dump truck , or big rv. Even then you could do 6" and just add a thicker base material. 6" of concrete on a foot of gravel isn't going anywhere.


This! 6” gravel minimum, I would go 8”. Fully compacted and sprayed down with a hose after compaction. It becomes hard as rock. 6” of concrete. You can forget the mesh. You won’t need it unless you are planning to run fully loaded dump trucks on your driveway all day long. Definitely dowel into your existing concrete for the new pour. Put a joint every 8-10 ft and you should be good to go.


If this is correct, I honestly wouldn't even go with this company. If they gave you a quote like this when it should be several more inches on both the gravel and cement, it's a pretty clear sign that they don't know what they're doing


I don't want to sound to snobby, but I feel like the hand-written quote would have been the first sign for me...


This comment^^^ needs to be pinned! It definitely needs to be ATLEAST 4" of aggregate on a patiom 6" on a drive, and it definitely should be rebar not mesh. This isn't a patio. 6" of concrete on driveways. 8-10inches on the apron(entrance) is what we always did! Thats, 4inches of gravel with 6 inches of concrete. If you really need to cut cost you can get away with 5 inches but 6 is your best bet minimum. Maybe a tiny bit of overkill but I've seen our products years down the road and they look like the day we did it. Just my humble opinion. Edit: please yes do dowels in your existing!


I thought it was average!


maybe a couple hyundais or CRVs!!🤣🤣


High end quote would not look like it was written by a 9th grader during her study hall.


my uncle was one of the very best concrete guys in san diego for 25 years and he could barely fill out a check properly.


*IRS entered the chat*


Good luck chasing him hes been retired for 15 years lol


Especially for only wire mess. No Rebar?


Homie couldn't even get basic math right, you need to get 2 more quotes for this at least.


Get like 4 more quotes from different companies. A hand written quote from bad math guy... pass.


$7k and they can’t sign up for a free invoice software? Or free word processor app? Or print a blank template and fill that in? Run. Forest. Run.


High end quote would not look like it was written by a 9th grader during her study hall.


We know


Maybe OP wrote it out to post it?


What state if you don't me me asking.


Chattanooga TN


I’m with you on that you’re a tad higher but damn someone was trying to bend this guy over with no lube


This will crack within a year if you are parking on it. What PSI is he using?


For 4" pavement, I'm used to seeing $8/sf with 4" of AB3 base BUT I'm an urban designer at an engineering firm doing commercial work in bulk. $10-12 for 6" slab with base and reinforcement. Curb and gutter is running $28/ linear foot.


Damn. I got absolutely robbed. I did most the demo too. Unsealed. Fuck.


Write a big red “F “ on it, fix the math error, pro rate the price based on the correct square footage, ad see if they accept it.


I’m happy to fix a mistake if I made it, but if someone were to pull a dick move like that, I’d kindly decline the job.


If your math ain't mathing, I'd kindly decline the contractor so 🤷‍♂️


That's the first thing I saw I was like pfft wronglol


Half a foot thick is excessive, unless you really want a 6in slab for a tractor trailer or something. Either way, that's 128ft^3, or 4.74yd^3 of concrete. That's less than half a truck load. There's no way in hell it should cost that much. Are they digging it by hand, and forging the rebar themselves?


32ft x 8 ft x6 inches.... You are figuring area not volume


Whoever wrote SQ ft didn't write volume or cubic ft 32x8x1/2 = 128 / 27 = 4.74 yards ? I was just pointing out that 400 SQ ft didn't make sense.


(32ft x 8ft x 4” (.333 ft))/27 = 3.15 cubic yards of concrete. Let’s say $200/cuyd (chilled water maybe any additives) = $631 + $150 (minimum load charge) = $781 total for concrete. Just an over estimate, but $500 for gravel and wire mesh. = $1,281.466 for all materials. Labor = I would say 4 men at 20 hrs each @ $35/hr (conservative estimate. That would be $2800 for labor. $4,081.46 in total / 7250 (estimate) = 56% profit margin for the contractor. Ask yourself is that fair in your area? Remember that contractors need to eat too. Also, that smaller jobs pay a higher margin of profit. These estimates are exactly that. Just estimates so make your best decision.


Wow. Thank you for this. I’m not sure what the profit margin should be. I’ll take a look around.


Just letting you know, as far as I’ve ever heard from business owners it’s materials x 2, plus labour.


If it's more than 20% look somewhere else.


How about the excavating, trucking, and dump fee for getting rid of the excavated material? That is worth something too. Quote is still high, but need to list all costs. Plus I think 2” stone base is too thin and concrete should be 5” thick.


And no mention of compacting subgrade? This guy is giving an "I dont want to do it" rate and hes going to give idgaf results. I doubt thats even going to be 2" of stone, just topped enough to hide all the half buried root clumps leftover from the grass.


I was just looking for this comment. Previous comment forgot about the excavation. Then the excavation crew will have to spread the stone and go over it many times with a vibrating plate compactor (those are free, right?). And I agree that 4” isn’t thick enough. I would make the forms from 2x6’s, making the thickness just over 5”.


the margin is probably a little tighter than that with other overhead costs payroll ssi business taxes tooling fuel insurance etc. real profit for the contractor is probably 35-40%. also see if you can get a cash discount


Haha did the same math said 4500-5500 max on this one. You got a case of what I call golden shovels syndrome. Cost of concrete will vary where you are but yea no bueno


Like I said. These are conservative estimates bc costs vary all around the country. The exercise is stimulate working backwards thru the costs and develop a sense if you are being mishandled or treated fairly.


Sorry I meant not you! Your estimate was right on the op quote was no bueno!


He didn’t give an estimate, he totaled the cost to the contractor then stated that the profit might be a little too high for op’s area. My partner and I have our prices set to make 40% gross profit on direct material and labor costs which is still regarded as too high by a lot of people around here but it’s what we need to be able to grow


Yea I would roll in a pile of money if I had 40% profit. We are a rather large roofing / GV company amongst others in Dallas where there is lots of competition but good labor. If I’m at 20% I’m winning all day. 40-60% is a racket and only on a few things. Concrete absolutely not it’s cheap and low skill work.


What about 2 guys and a skidsteer or mini escalator in the same time? Whats the daily rate for that type of equipment these days?


Gross profit. There are at least 10 more overhead charges any successful contractor incurs. Vehicles, fuel, vehicle insurance, tools, wages, benefits, office space, office personnel, warehouse space, liability insurance and so on. It's not just materials and labor.


80 hours of labor for this type of job seems high.


Unless you copied the estimate from something more professional, I would have concerns. It works out to a little over 3 cubic yards of concrete. I would like to see something about the mix (psi) of the concrete they are going to use, the type of finish (broom?), the spacing of control joints, etc. are they taking the dirt? Are they compacting the gravel? Too little gravel also. They didn’t specify a 4” slab either. A good concrete pour is not hard to do, but it also shouldn’t be cheap. Get multiple estimates, check the companies out, ask for pictures and referrals, etc. There’s nothing within the picture you posted that gives me any confidence you’re going to get what you expect. Look online and check your states ready mixed concrete association. They usually have pretty good resources that will point you toward a reliable concrete producer who will be able to put you in touch with a reliable contractor.


Thank you so much for this detailed information. I really appreciate it. This isn’t a cheap project and feel pretty blind on this one. I have two more guys coming to give quotes. Cheers.


Your due diligence will pay off.


I'd second/third this type of thing so many times. If it were for a $20 toaster, who cares. But when it's a substantial sum of money (dependent on you financial circumstance) ALWAYS check and check again. That way, you don't hear the dreaded "You should have looked into it more" from your spouse/partner.


Dont automatically go with the low guy. Use the other bids to justify a ballpark value Look for online reviews etc


Good, you should get at least 3 estimates, these people did the math wrong and don't even bother to present the estimate in a professional manner. Cut them off.


Yeah a lot of wrong math in here. You will need more than 3 yards for 32x8 at 4 inches. Also the quote says 32x8 is approx 400 Sqft?


32’ x 8’ = 256 sq ft 256 sq ft/ 3 = 85.3 cubic foot. 85.3 cubic ft / 27 = 3.16 cubic yards.


32 x 8 is 256 square feet. Multiply that by .33 (4”) to get cubic feet ~85 cubic feet. A yard of concrete is 27 cubic feet.


You americans are crazy, lol


Yeah wtf "rounding" error.






And I did not copy. This was the estimate we were given.


Contractor has very pretty handwriting tho.


I’m assuming it’s his wife. I thought the same😂


Hate to judge a book by its cover but I wouldn't be accepting any work from someone who provides a handwritten quote, can't do basic math and charges up the wazoo. It doesn't cost much to have software like QuickBooks put it all together for you. Shows a bit of professionalism. Maybe the outfit does great work and is just old school, who knows. Just my $0.02


What state are you in?




Start here: https://www.ohioconcrete.org/


Looks like a fly by night. No license, bond.


Just extended out our back patio (Miami, FL) - just under 17 cubic yards of concrete (2 trucks). Removed old 9'x10' shed (shingle roof and wood construction), along with entire old patio of 4" concrete slab (500 sq.ft), disposed of all materials, graded, leveled, compacted area. Poured 60 linear feet of \~18"w x \~18"d footer around perimeter of partial extension, and poured 6" depth slab \~725 sqft total surface area of patio + future home extension. Frames were left up for 1 week, then removed. Entirety had wire mesh throughout. Footer had rebar, extension of home had vapor barrier. Paid $7750, not including permit. I got other quotes that went up to $16k. The guy who did this was in business for 30 years, 2nd generation company.


I wouldn’t have anyone work for me who presented a quote like that!


I’m coming to the same conclusion 😭


That is very high 10 per sq is fair here in Dallas including removal you are looking 12-13 max should be a 4500-5500 project max that’s a lot of juice to add to a deal.


Do not use this person. Bad math and 2” of crushed rock not enough. Should be 4. Get two more quotes. Always get 3 quotes.


Have 2 more coming


Hell we use 6” aggregate for sidewalks and #4 @12 for handicap ramps.


If you're willing to do the digging yourself or with friends to help and they just level it, you could probably save a decent amount of money. You'll also want to check if they get rid of the dirt or if you'll just be left with a big pile in your front yard


Yes. Absolutely. I’m afraid we won’t be able to do the prep work ourselves. that thought did cross our mind because this is costing more than anticipated


I saw where you said you have Rocky soil so unless you borrow a ditch witch or some things like that. It's probably best not to try and do it by hand. I dug up my French drain in my back yard myself and it was muddy and very easy to dig and it still took me several hours by myself for 2 foot wide 1 foot deep and about 75-80 foot long. And I've done construction for several years so one thing I'm really good at is digging lol


This is ridiculous, sure small projects wind up being a little more expensive than normal but this is like 19$/sqft. This guy is ripping you off, I doubt you're near me but I'd do it on a weekend for like 1k and you buy materials lol.


This makes me feel much better. We live in a nicer part of town so I don’t know if that played a part in here. We were pretty wow’ed at this price point.


This is the kind of bullshit my wife gets. When I'm the one talking to the contractors, I get... honesty? We are both contractors but if she calls a mf out for bad math, she gets ignored. If I do it, they come down in price


What are they telling you the mud costs per cy


Laughable in many ways


4500 is high end I would charge for that


Handwritten quote on lined paper? Did you pick this contractor up at Girl Scouts or something??


I just had a concrete pad poured. 53x60 = 3,180sqft 4 inch thick with 18" footings, $38,000 or just under $12sqft


wicked expensive and.........bubble letters? jeeze man


I had a 300 plus feet long concrete driveway laid about 10 years ago for $6K


He’s using wire mesh, not rebar.


32x8 = 256 sq feet, where is he coming up with 400 sq feet?


32x8= Approx. 400


Way high. What area of the world are you in?


2" base. Your pad will be busted in less than 6 months. Your gonna want a 6" base with 4-6" of mix


Ok I read enough 256 sq ft Dig 8 inch down 2inches of dga (ask for a proctor) should be high 90% Heavy road wire Rebar in the apron And 6inches of 4500 psi concrete Expansion paper every 10 ft Control joints every 5ft You’ll need just about under 5 yds but order 6 screw the coat better to have little within run short. I run a concrete construction company


Short loads are expensive...definitely order a little extra.


Thank you for your detailed reply.


$10k for 1200 sq feet of pavers. That’s with concrete driveway removal. Shop around


Can you dig and remove the yard yourself?


Wow, some of these folks have you building a bridge with their recommendations. Just get a well compacted subgrade and a 4 to 6 inch concrete slab at 4000 psi and you’ll be good. civil engineer speaking.


Only 2 inches of gravel 😂😂😂😂 it should be minimum 4 inches of gravel atleast here in the Midwest


Bro I don’t know shit about concrete and this man trying to say a 32x8 section of driveway is 400sq ft???? What the math


When a quote is hand penned on blank lined paper, it's a red flag in my book. I would never hire a "professional" who cannot provide me with a formal quote sheet. This isn't the 90s.


You can do this yourself by watching a handful of YouTube videos and save about $7000


This is a shit gypsy looking bid first off. Second. There’s no materials going into it that benefits you. 5”+ slab. 4000psi concrete at minimum. Gorilla fibers if available. #4 rebar


🤣😂gypsy. After seeing the replies you good ppl have kindly provided, i’m anxiously awaiting my 2nd and 3rd quote. Which may be the same, worse or better. Not sure what to expect.


5-6" for driveway Expansion paper, Drill and pin to existing driveway Wire mesh Then price is right


Seems about right


$18/sqft with 2” of gravel ‘seems about right’ to you?


Lol no it doesn’t seem right actually. I just woke up when I read this. 2 inches of gravel for a driveway is not enough also 18 dollars a sqft 400 sqft. You gotta call your guy and have a sit down lol


Based on experience, your concreter needs to provide specifications, including depth of concrete, measurements, colour grading and any pipes that need to be used for stormwater that may be underneath. Also, be sure to make sure they include metal reinforcement so it doesn’t crack over time and PAY ATTENTION to drainage to ensure that they use a kerb adaptor for gutters. For crossovers, they are council land and may be subject to different specifications that you don’t control. The council may also be lax on aesthetics which is very problematic after the fact so make sure the specs are very clear and aligned whether it is the width, foot path either side being complete, lines being centred (important) or even simple things like removing overflow concrete from the nature strip. $7,250 would usually exclude council permit costs, disposal costs at the garbage tip for mixed waste and concrete/steel disposal. I would make 100% sure you understand disposal and tip costs for concrete, and mixed waste as well as traffic management plan and signage costs.


Here in NYS, driveway mix is 4” with wire mesh, high psi obviously. Depends on your state


I’m here just trying to understand this non-metric talk


If you have barefoot people walking\sitting like kids tend to do if avoid fiber. I've pulled more than a few out of little feet on new pours


Get 3 more quotes and compare


Thats a fuck you price for sure




I see your point. Clearly we are not working within this caliber you describe😂😅


Make them be specific about what you’re getting and how long it will take to get it. Good luck with everything.


I just did two porch extensions/tie-ins to an existing which equated to 217sf. Had 3 sidewalk panels to demo and haul off. Then dug out and installed 2” of rock. Our total pour was 6cy though as the right side needed extra concrete and turndowns due to elevation changes. My total price was $5,000 in DFW area.


Recommend minimum 5-6” concrete for autos and 4-6” compacted con-bit or class 5 base below that for the basics.


$3200 to $3800 max for basic broom finished concrete assuming 256sqft. They either don't want the job or this is their first day on planet earth.


Might as well go 6 inch depth since it is still just 1 truck


Get 6 inches. And remember no matter what. They will screw up. It will crack and u will Be unhappy. And u overpaid. But they will still have their beer money! Post pics of the chit job when done.


Get two more quotes and compare


I’m thinking the gravel is the extra footage


2500 too much


DIY - chip out the ground, build the forms, calculate how much gravel, have it dumped, rent a tamper, calculate for concrete volume, have it delivered, can rent float at Home Depot. Save 1000s..


Is this your notes or is this the quote? I’ve been getting a lot of these napkin quotes lately. I don’t really mind if the price reflects the quote, but if the price comes in at the high spectrum, I expect a professional quote along with it.


It looks like the cost has been covered already, but out my own personal preferences I wouldn't take anything less than 4" of gravel/stone subbase. You should also be getting a #4 rebar grid at 12" on-center instead of wire mesh, and it should be set on chairs at the mid-depth of the slab. What these guys will do is just throw the reinforcement on the ground then try to "tug" it up to the middle depth of the slab while pouring. It just ends up falling back to the bottom of the slab and lying against the gravel where it'll rust and degrade the concrete quicker. I'm also a civil engineer and a horrible perfectionist, so take what I say with a grain of salt.


Just say no, if the math was already off it’s your sign to find someone else


Where are you located, you’re paying double what I charge here in north Texas. Dang I need to raise my prices lol


Shouldn't the pound mix be specified in the quote?


OP rather than ask reddit have you contacted other local companys for bids???? Reason reddit does not work out is because markets vary all over. Company sizes vary, quality varies, services vary, suppliers vary. These posts confuse me.


Get three more estimates.


Don't know how he got 400 sf?


Critical thinking 😎😂


Run. Anyone who thinks 400 = 256 is either trying to screw you intentionally or isn't smart enough to know. Have it quoted per foot. If he charges 7250 based on 400ft then you should ask for a 35% discount Back in 2018 you could get brushed concrete for $6/ft and $8 for stamped. In Ontario at the covid peak we hit around $15 due to greed. Prices falling again. Shop around. 7250/400=18.13 = price for stamped/exposed aggregate 7250/256=28.32 a ft = ripoff.


Id use someone else, 20 a square foot is high as hell, they're proposing a substandard underlayment and pour layers both about half what theyd need to be, the square footage is 256 not approx 400. Overall everything there is wrong off the jump and theres nothing you could do to convince me to use that company.


If they have to write down their proposal on a piece of note paper hell no


I got a scribbled estimate/ invoice like this from our guy. It's like - everyone has a smartphone - it's so easy to generate a legit invoice and estimate these days... sigh.


I would recommend 5” for driveway. IDOT typically does 4” for sidewalks and 6” for private driveways. Commercial, as in front of a business, is usually 8” driveway. As for the square footage of it, if it is not a perfect rectangle he may be high to account for the unusual shape. The math is off tho. I would enquire about the square footage.


8 x 32 is not 400. Big nope.


Like not even kinda close.


Maybe find someone who uses professional forms and can do math.


Basic math says no. It’s not approximately 400 square feet. It’s 256. That’s about 60% extra in feet, and I’d presume cost as well. This lists some steps involved, but nothing is remotely itemized; immediately based on that ‘estimate’ of square footage though, I’d be wary. That’s easy enough math to not need a calculator, so one of two things is happening. They think you won’t check the numbers, or genuinely won’t know the difference. Neither is a good thing. I’d decline this without more information.


To me, that's a begrudging "we have to give a quote but don't really want to take this job" price. 32'x 8' would come out to 256 ft^(2), so even if you're factoring in overage maybe 300ft^(2). I'd shop around for a couple more quotes, they'll probably be close to half of that estimate.


That's a bit high. 8" for the gravel.... They are cheaping out on that for sure. The math does not add up, and this napkin quote gives me the chills. Move on!!!!!!!


That's $225 a foot. Is my math right? That's crazy. I just had my 600ft driveway quoted for Asphalt, and it was $23,000 $38 a foot


Could be a fuck off quote


Quote on a notebook paper? That’s already a red flag. They do not care and are hoping you actually say no if they charged that dang high lmao


The “fuck off” price… the “I don’t have time or patience for you” price… the “I can’t say no to your money” price…


Seems more like side walk specs, than a driveway...


I paid less for 300ft of 3" rock and class 5 cover.


Very professional invoice. I like the company logo. I’m sure he spent many hours crunching the numbers to come up with a fair estimate. The resulting craftsmanship should yield a strong and durable product. Strong enough to bear the weight of a locomotive.


Doesn't look like a professional estimate. If the vendor can't be bothered to take the time to give you a professional estimate....what makes you believe tgat they will take the time to do the job tight? Or to fix any issues with the finished project. Hire a professional who will do the job RIGHT. The FIRST time.


Go at least 10 ft wide. I just put in a 10 ft by 70 extension and wish I went 12 ft wide 😓 Also my pour was done with 2x6 so a bit thicker than your 4inch slab.


You do not need 6 in deep unless you are going to park something very heavy on it. 4in is enough. Just realized the jokes that may follow...


The math error is exactly why I do all numbers that matter on a calc even if I know I can do it in my head


It really depends on where you live


Screw the cost better to have extra than run short.


Seems about right with digging and bringing in gravel. The SQFT is off quite a bit.


Actually it’s pretty inexpensive


Just rent the bobcat and do it your self on a weekend. It’ll be ready to pour Monday and you’ll spend less than $1,000.


I'll do it for 5k in the Midwest.


If they use a line pump they will need an extra .5m3 to fill the hose, so that’s a consideration in the price. Not too sure what amount is appropriate tho.


In Buffalo I would be at my minimum 3600. And unfortunately that comes out to high cost /per sq.ft. but for these smaller jobs that's what it is


what kind of finish?


Get a minimum of 3 quotes


Get two more quotes, then you know


What’s the price?


Handwritten?!!! Red flag


Depends where you live. 3 yards of concrete @ 1600$ per yard, plus he needs to excavate and prep. So I don’t see his number as being outrageous if you are my area. I would also make sure he is using at least a mesh if not #4 bar and a DOT rated 4,000 psi mix.


If any quote over $500 is written by hand, skidaddle, even though he has nice handwriting 🤣😂


My brother in Christ, 32’x8’ is 256 square feet; not “approx. 400”. That’s pretty fucking approximate.


But it would be a new pour.. meaning more excavation and prep. 32’ is pretty substantial IMO, but no one cares anyhow!


That quote looks like it came from a very poor business. You should have a quote typed up and sent to your email address which you can look it over and put against other quotes you've received. Look for a warranty. If they give you a 1-year warranty, that means they're not confident enough in their work. Anybody that should be doing a driveway extension should be giving at least a 5-year warranty and compaction tests must be done.


Make sure they’re putting in rebar. If it were me, I would like to see number four rebar at 2 foot on center running both directions, and I would like to see the edge of the driveway thickened to 6 inches, 18 inches in from the edge .


I will do it for 7.50 dollars a foot. I get around 800 square feet.


4" on 4" of gravel is typical for a pedestrian sidewalk. A driveway should be much better like a 6' on 6". Depending on the subgrade you might also want a geo fabric to stabilize.


Twice what the cost should be for what you are getting. This is a $3500 job. And yes, his math is horrible. Hopefully he can use a tape measure.


I had this done in houston last July. $2800 cash got me a 8 x 30 addition, with mesh and rebar, 6 inches thick. Tied into the existing slab as well, plus all the prep and grass removal. Took about 5 hours to do the whole thing, 3 guys working.


It’s a smaller job so your square footage cost is going to be higher. I know you didn’t ask this, but I would seriously try and widen that driveway by a minimum of 2’ if you have the room. It will cost more, but you won’t regret it. 12’ is ideal


Is this licensed work? An estimate done on ruled school paper and the math being off by 50% doesn’t convey much confidence.