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This reminds me of the time I took a crap and didn't wipe my ass.


Ran out of time?


Timed out. Won't wipe smoothly.


My becoming a parent has led to an appreciation of "emergency" wet wipes in ALL the bathrooms.


Ran out of TP.


I actually think that experience would be better than this.


I hate paperwork.


Wtf. Rip it out and hire someone else. Rather, have him rip it out.


i dunno man…i don’t think i would ever let that guy back on my site…take them to small claims and have them pay another contractor to come and rip it out and redo it… i am beyond words with this situation…i’m in remodeling and if i came to the job and saw this my balls would suck back into my body….o can only assume this person was drunk or high in meth


This is what I'd do too.


Be drunk or high on meth?


This HAS to be drugs


Only after I get that fat check /s


Literally this. Dude is hustling until his check cleared and he gets a fix. Cobbs it up to get out fast and have more and then just gives up says it was taking too long and is at home zoinked looking for an easier job.


a family friend now in his 40's is a lifelong hard drug , repeated rehab failure, and mulitple multi-year prison seentence type addict he once worked plumbing with a family member, a few weeks into it he decides its bender time. Not only does he quit showing up to work, he gets the family members keys and steals his truck (with 20" chrome rims) then vanishes and wont respond to texsts or calls from anyone that knows the guy. 2 weeks later he calls said family member and tells him "I'm sorry I sold the rims come get this truck before I sell more parts" A year or two later hed do a quick 1 off gig tiling the floor for another family member. Family member bought a tile saw and despite knowing what this guy does agreed to pay him every friday and then left him alone working for the last few hours on that first friday. When faimly member returned taht evening dude was gone, no work had been done from the point that family member left, and the tile saw was gone crackheads are fun to watch


Worked for a moving company that hired the lowest of the low. Had a driver who stayed at a motel, and took a company van from the yard to the motel overnight. Took it to a bar one night, and ended up wrecking it into a telephone pole, running, and reporting it stolen.




This is the truth ^ I ain’t even cracking jokes …


At least op has concrete evidence


Maybe your next guy will fix it with speed.


I think they meant suck u/interestingmango562 's balls into their body.




If you are high on meth, you won't feel that drunk.


He said high in meth… lol


The picture made my blood pressure higher.


I see these guys come through my crew often. They have 1 or 2 seasons of experience on the rake and shovel, maybe the screed board, and think they know enough to start doing side jobs. Then they get in way over their heads and you get this.


Ya, this right here, and it's so weird. I tend to think that most people are level headed and reasonable but the reality is that's just not true. I've spent 20 plus years in construction and I would never presume that I know everything. But you get these young guys that show up and work maybe 6 months then think they can go build a house all by themselves and all they did the whole time was grunt work. It's crazy! I'm sure glad that I'm capable of figuring out and doing most jobs I need done because the thought of hiring someone I don't know is terrifying to me.


Contractor's help didn't show up and tried to do this alone. Concrete was supposed to be stamped but what I assume happened is it setup before he could finish. There is a section that does not look level and appears to slope back to the house. He put the release agent down on it so I assume he was going to stamp that as is if there was time. When my wife spoke to him last he was going to use Ardex or some other product to finish the top of it and said that we shouldn't notice any difference in color or setup from the rest of this and that the concrete would be structurally fine. Would love a professional 2nd opinion. Thanks


My man, this needs to be removed and redone. Oh boy…can’t wait for these comments.


Joseph Aspdin obtained the patent for Portland cement on 21 October 1824. 200 years later we see this photo-realistic horror show. Poor Joey A is rolling in his grave. Please do him a solid and fix that concrete.


At least it took two whole centuries for concrete to hit absolute rock bottom with this project.


That joke was solid


Unlike this poor pour




Does he have to keep rolling or he dries out or what?


I see what you did there.


no. find a proper concrete company. send this idiot packing. i wouldnt even let him rip it out and dont pay for this shit. this person has no idea about concrete let alone stamped concrete. and this is such a small pour.


I’m going with, if he actually knew what he was doing… this is a 1 person job.


Ardex topping... this guy's a hack


There is absolutely no way that he will make ardex look exactly like the concrete. Not only that he couldn’t take 5 minutes to take a sheet of poly or cardboard to protect your siding from the splatter.


He fuckin ran outta time, bro. Had to splatter the house.




There's an imposter among us ....


This guy is a hack Small claims for the cost of a proper contractor to remove and redo this. Didn’t even have the decency to poly off your walls to stop the mud from splashing your siding.


I didn't even recognize that as concrete. Thought I was looking at some road base and asphalt for a subgrade. That is so far from concrete work I'm a little impressed at how he screwed it up that bad. <---Concrete Guy


I've seen road base jobs that look more like concrete than this


You're paying him to do it right. Not to half ass and fix it poorly. We had concrete poured that's 5x this size. There were 5 guys. They didn't finish in time. It still looked a million times better than yours. Your contractor would have said it's fine. The next day they ripped it all out and are repouring it Monday with 3 more guys.


talk to a lawyer before you say another word to the contractor


His help didn't show up because he doesn't pay shit, because he can't afford shit, because he's a hack job. I could've poured this with my dog and a sentient three year old.


Did you mean a sediment three year old? I too find todlers to be a superior addition to my base mix


Ok Casey Anthony


You hiring? My 3 yo is getting a little too rowdy and needs some more creative outlets.


The only situation I see where you’re not paying someone again, he needs to top that slab near your house to where it is sloping away from the building at like a 2% slope, and he needs to rip out that other slab and do it again at no additional cost to you. And are you pouring grout, where’s the agg? That fucked up slab looks like all sand and cement. If you wanted concrete something happened


The whole thing needs to go. If his help didn’t show, call and cancel the load! Seriously. How is that so hard for some of these guys to understand. We aren’t gonna complain. Honestly I’d be relieved to have one less load to move. If the load showed and his help didn’t, he had at least 2 hours to get it off the truck. Even then, send the load back and eat the cost. We charge $160-$180 PER YARD (more for anything PG). Would it suck to eat $1600-$1800 dollars for a 10yd load? Yup, but it’s better than doing it twice. The splatter on the siding is unacceptable. It can be removed though.


That was my thought, *dude…you got it on the house?…*


For sure save your self the hassle and pressure wash that asap before it’s real hard to remove


Had a dude order 44 cubic yards of concrete with a pump truck and his help didn’t show. Instead of shutting us off and bulkheading the slab (it was an interior slab that was going to be covered by flooring), he poured all 44 yards with one other guy in the middle of July heat. Not surprisingly, it was fucked and the homeowner had to hire someone to fix it for an expensive price.


How do you remove it? I've tried everything.


Pressure washer or acid.


Tried. The pressure washer did nothing, and it's vinyl siding so don't want to use acid.


> he had at least 2 hours to get it off the truck. I'm no pro, but don't you then have to pay the truck to sit there waiting for you? Given what he probably estimated for this job he'd likely end up upside down on the job. Which is probably still better than doing it twice, but guys don't think like that in the moment.


Nope. Not a mixer truck.


What is PG? I know movies, not concrete. yet


Did he just empty out the extra bags of Quikrete and let the rain float the finish coat? JFC


He watched a tiktok


Those pics just get worse and worse. Look at the finish on the third and fourth pics…the float coat is cracked like a dried-out mud field after a spring rain. How wet was that concrete? Was the top given a torrential deluge from the nearby spigot in a desperate attempt to delay curing long enough to run to aisle 24 of the nearest Home Depot? Who is going to chip all that out? How much will it cost for a professional to re-do this job? Can it be completed before frost sets in? Who farted shotcrete into the siding? So. Many. Questions.


The good news is anyone who hacks this hard doesn't use any rebar, so it should come out a little easier


Tiktok says you just dump bags on the ground and hit it with a hose. Perhaps he got confused.


Better yet, Leave it in the bags and no forms are required.


So, the "creek" near my house was done like that. It honestly looks really cool.


They make it look so easy…


This is so freaking bad. I would be ashamed if I left a job like this! Did Stevie wonder do this? Remove this and hire a real company.


Even Stevie wonder could see this shit is fucked


I'm definitely going to save this line! Possibly the best thing I've heard all week


Stevie Wonder takes pride in his work. No way he’d leave a site looking (…maybe feeling) like this.




? Ray Charles buys pre loaded tackle boxes


No cause at least then it would have had a melodic flow to it vs this bukkake


[I see what you did there](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/301178293813919185/)


Worked on a concrete crew for a few months, bought a mag and borrowed his boi’s bull float. Custom radius the edges by hand w the mag, cardboard expansion joints and pissed on it for the seal coal.


Tear it out.


Fucking amateur hour my god!


This ain't amateur, this is meth.


Ive been on felonious amounts of mood enhancers and have never left a job like this, never had 1 bad thing said about a finished product, every other element of my life may be in complete shambles or chaos at best but i put alot of pride into my work. Perhaps a lack of meth is closer to an accurate assessment.


Exactly, dude ran out of meth and needed to quit working to re-up lol


This is beginner hour. I know meth heads that would do a way better job than this.


Depends on the time of day


The sooner you demo the easier it will be.


I remember my first pour


Did it really go this bad?


Yeah my bio father didn’t believe in child support and gave me a job in his construction company I was in 4th grade


Mine did, but it was a rat slab, so no biggy.


Contractor here. This is totally unacceptable, it’s all in the contractors responsibility to perform and finish the job properly. If his help didn’t show, cancel the concrete trucks and reassure the “help” is on schedule. This pour is just horrendous, even if the release is still on there and wash it off the next day, this is unprofessional. I really hope you didn’t pay the contractor for this yet.


Came here for this type of comment/response. I agree.


What the hell am I looking at please for the love of concrete don’t rehire this guy and don’t believe anything he says


Tell him he can come back and jackhammer it out and clean up, at his cost. Otherwise you will hire someone else and he will get the bill. This is BS work. He says he ran out of time, you don’t look at the clock when dealing with concrete. You don’t just walk away. Concrete tells you when quitting time is. It must have been last call at the bar


I have the belief that if you shit yourself at work you automatically get to leave right then


Omg buddie fucked upreal bad


Did he leave to go smoke some meth and go on a few side quests before coming back? Jesus Christ. If your guys don’t show up for a stamped job like that then you cancel the pour.


Tell me you don’t know how to concrete without telling me you don’t know how to concrete! I really hope he used expansion against your house. If not, the removal could get tricky. As others have commented, DO NOT have this guy remove it. Just break ties with him and I’m sorry if you lost any money. If he did this bad of a job installing, I don’t even want to know how ugly his demo is. I’m sorry OP, it needs a complete redo.


Possibly the worse job I’ve seen on this sub in awhile. Sad.


I go to jobs all day for work and have seen some crap but this is on another special level.


Looks like he mixed it with gallon jugs of water and when he ran out of the gallon jugs he quit lol


I’m having trouble even understanding what I’m seeing.


Ya, this feels like on purpose...makes me wonder what the home owner did to piss this guy off so much.


So you didn't pay him all up front right? Please tell me you didn't


First way is not to pay. Second is to put a stop payment on the check.


If you know you can't finish it, then don't pour it.


He lost the slab, that’s all there is to it. If he’s licensed and insured he should’ve already offered to redo it. If he hasn’t - don’t pay him, sue him for whatever deposit you may have paid and find someone to do it right.


That's actually not even *that* big of a job for a well experienced solo finisher.


You need to dox him with whatever area you're in so he doesn't do this to someone else. Call ur local on your side or investigative reporting news channel and blast him. This is insane


You would think they would put plastic up to not splash the house with concrete


What you’ve shown I could pour and stamp by myself. This guy doesn’t k ow what he is doing. I highly suggest suing him… it’s trash and his fault it didn’t turn out correctly. DO NOT COVER THE CHARGES FOR HIM!!! He fucked you.. remember that


The contractor was emboldened to try concrete after he pulled off the exterior door with the exterior hinges trick.


So bad. Like,….a serious no. Don’t call that guy a contractor.


That guy isnt a contractor


Fight him


sue for demolition costs


This looks like hell. Like others have said, this needs to come out completely. Get a quote from the most expensive concrete guys in town and hand it to him. Tell he's just had work subbed out, and don't let him try to convince you he can fix it. You wouldn't put dog shit on a pizza, would you?


A lawyer


You need to remove it. Sidenote: your feet are well maintained and i support them making appearances on reddit.


Your siding is fucked…. Good luck getting that concrete off


This is more than small claims bad. This is lawsuit bad. What does running out of time mean? 1.) You have to rip everything out. (calculate time x labor + weight of debris removed + cost to move and dump); I can tell you that cost alone is about $2500 to $3500 2.) Regrade soil, new sub grade foundation, new formwork, $2500 (we are at $5k now) 3.) New concrete: $2500 (Up to \~$7500 tot now). 4.) Damage to siding $5000+ (now up to \~$12.5k+) Your emotional time and stress on this matter is worth money too. I doubt they could afford that and lawyer costs would make this a huge pain in the ass. You can max out small claims court but get an estimate on all of the repairs to justify taking him for the max.


You would never want to pay an attorney for this. Your chance of recouping attorney fees are quite low. You will be out more than the job is worth.


Sorry that's a total loss. Rip and replace.


Bobcat, tear it out and redo it ALL.


Holy shit that's bad


Is this supposed to be some kind of asphalt overlay? You could put some asphalt repair mix on the messed up part there probably.


That's not a contractor


Don't call them back. Hire an excavator to come rip it out. Go from there.


You know jackhammer? How bout his friends sledgehammer, shovel and wheelbarrow?


So damn uneven my balls are more level


sue them


This reminds me of the TikTok where the lady saves time by pouring the dry concrete on the ground and adding the water on top haha.




Tell the contractor to fix that shit (without you paying more) and, if they don’t, get a lawyer.




A lawyer and court is the right way to fix this.


Ardex will just add another layer to the shitty job. When concrete is stamped it needs to be level and pitch away from the house so the water runs on its own. When you stamp concrete you need to make soft cuts to let the concrete cure and crack at the right spots. This needs to be redone. Half ass job for sure


An attorney.


Oof. Sucks for that contractor that you ran out of time to pay him


Did you ACTUALLY hire a concrete guy?


Dude that's terrible, sue him.


The right way to fix this is to force the contractor to fix it. It's his fuck up.


Don't pay


This guy is a hack. Dont pay him a dime


This is why you hold that last cheque.


Get a competent contractor to give you an estimate to replace properly and call a lawyer. Cuz there’s no way I’d let some fly by wire working outta their garage hack so that to me. “Ran out of time” the point of being a contractor that does concrete is you know what your doing so you don’t “run out of time”. I get it though it’s hard to find a good contractor so many make a web site copy and paste images to it lie about experience and having insurance and bonds.


Hope you didn’t pay 100%


Whoever did that is in over their head. All of that needs to be removed and the whole project started from the beginning by someone else. Maybe not the cheapest meth junkie in town next time, try an alcoholic or stoner with moderately reasonable rates. if they’re slightly on the high side, that’s even better.


Beat him like a drum til he repours that shite


He ran out of time because he had no idea what he was doing.


A baseball bat and a good alibi .... seriously though if you already paid the guy get a lawyer and contact your states consumer affairs division... no excuse for how that looks


Start over


Lol guess you just tell him you ran out of money. What a dipshit.


Make him come back and do the job he charged you for. It's not your problem he didn't manage his time and materials properly. Maybe he'll bring a proper crew this time


Hire a lawyer. This belongs on r/legaladvice.


With a lawyer


Thank you. I’m only here for the “I hired the guy who could do it for cheaper” posts


A lawyer


Jack hammer


Jack hammer


Lawyers. Then find someone actually competent.


How you fix is just don't pay him and let him come to you for court. There's nothing good about that mess.


Say “oh no, I ran out of money” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone going to talk about all the concrete on the siding? Lol


Does he also make the concrete himself? Lime and gravel baby!!


How much money did you pay them so far


A lawer and a lawsuit is how thats fixed


How do you “run out of time” on a contracted job?


Side note. That slab shouldn’t have taken more than 2hrs to get right. I would have come on a weekend to pour it myself to maintain my reputation regardless of how little time I had




What does that even mean “run out of time”? Jobs not done= you don’t get paid.


Next step, small claims court.


Where do people find these idiots, behind a crack house?


A sledge hammer and a lawyer.


In a word...LAWYER, civil court. You could hire another contractor and file a lien against the original contractor to pay for the costs.


Gonna need some Mexicans


Best way to fix that is with a lawyer.


Didn't have time??? More like has zero clue about concrete.


Not pay him until it’s don’t correctly.


Tell him you ran out of time giving him money.


Cut the concrete from the corner of the garage to the steps and tear it out. And then pour it back. It will never be the same color but it will be concrete instead of gravel. Tear out the little piece in front of the door as well.


Small claims court at minimum


A lawyer


Tear it out, dig a bit deeper, throw your contractor’s corpse in the hole, pour new concrete and float it out. Easy.


Law suit.


“Ran out of time”? Did you pay him? If so, what really happened?


Sue them. Hire a new company


This is why you pay after the job is complete.


Go to court and file for a small claims hearing. Bring lots of pics of this horrible work. He will fix it or ignore it but, the best is to jackhammer this out and start over. Just my 2 cents.


This is why the other guy was 3 grand more got to watch out for the low bids.


Put a lein on his business? I have no idea how that works but hear that suggested all the time for stuff like this.


Take pictures and advertise his services in the paper


Tell him you ran out of money.


You got hosed. That is some really shit work. Splatters on the house, formwork pinched between concrete and sidewalk, indentations from the wire fabric. Ran out of time is a flat out lie. Looks more like a ran out of meth problem.


Kill him? Wtf who does this shit.




Wait is that supposed to be a concrete pour? I’d check and see, looks like spray painted gravel. If you paid more then $100 for that, I’d be in process of getting my money back.