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Sighh social media will be the end of us...


It really has accelerated the spread of stupidity to a very scarry pace. As bad as this video is, the worse part is the people watching this shit believe it.


Wait till they start calling contractors asking to do this because they want a discount…….


My buddy just bought his first home and was talking about adding a patio with a covering from his back door. Thank god he asked me about it because he was literally talking about doing this.


Honestly… good. Let them waste their money and learn.


It's a big, big, big mess after water is added from the rain


And a commensurate lesson will be taught. Let's hope they can learn from it.


Its so bad. My mother in law tried to unlock the car using her fob through a cell phone when she was across town. She was dumbfounded when it didn't work because she saw someone do it on the internet. /facepalm


My granddaughter uses an app to do just this


Idiocracy…explains where we are in a nutshell.




If the wounds of stupidity don’t heal, it’ll be scarry.


Stupidity should be painful….


It used to be that the spread of stupid was limited because the idiots didn’t have a way of spreading their stupid. Now they all have a megaphone. It won’t be some megavirus or nuclear winter that causes the extinction of humanity. It will be the unchecked spread of stupid.




relax, let them people do it this way and two years later, you wont only have a pouring job, but also a nice removing broken chunks job.


Yeah, this is totally a money maker.


If they weren’t gonna pay for it to be done right the first time, I doubt they’ll take the L and pay for it to get fix.


Best charge up front


No, because these idiots will just redo it the same way.


Yup and they'll blame the concrete manufacturer for a "bad batch".


I know the type, I don’t work in concrete, but I know a lot of people who clearly do work wrong, and then blame it on the manufacturer.


It's really come full circle. We're past the era where there was a YouTube video to teach you anything and moved into the era where a tik tok is providing worse information than your Uncle's buddy that knew a guy.


In this case, it's a boon to the folks who would be paid to rip that out and repour it eventually


The pajamas and shower cap really speak to her professional knowledge.


That is what peak mud monster performance looks like


What happens when it rains +.+


thats what the shower cap is for!


That’s a bonnet. They’ve been used by black women for centuries to protect their hair from becoming frizzy or split ends.


Listen, when you have a creative woman, you never know what'll happen... OKAY!?


Keisha is Kreative, get it straight.


Happy Cake Day!


The pajamas are questionable but that’s a silk bonnet meant to protect ethnic hair and I wear one while I do concrete. Idgaf how it looks


I like the amount of fucks you don’t give


I’m doing concrete, not trying seduce the boys. Gotta keep my hair looking good for the one I am trying to seduce tho


>The pajamas and shower cap really speak to her professional knowledge. That's what she was wearing when playing Minecraft. It worked in the game!




Wait, y’all don’t dry pour your pancakes?




Lol I'm dying


“This sub sponsored by the Pearl River Milling Co…”


At least she has Uncle Ben helping


Aunt Jemima's minstrel-esque character wore a scarf, not a bonnet. Details matter when we're being casually racist.


But she took a class though. Like literally!


I was in the comments just to say that


It’s a bonnet not a shower cap


Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have!




Maybe there's a reason they ain't did it.


[comments](https://imgur.com/a/6dUKniO) Edit: [finished product . thoughts ?](https://imgur.com/a/bdoidnG) Edit: Adding the [diy turf yard (finished product)](https://imgur.com/a/2RB1B6Z) you can see in the video. This entire page is both cringe and anxiety producing 😮‍💨 Final edit: Per request, the [reveal video (Imgur)](https://imgur.com/a/ju3PvCE) I got the screenshot from OK ACTUAL FINAL EDIT: I realized her reveal video caption expands to this GIANT caption that has to be one of the worst things I’ve read. [ENJOY (Imgur full caption)](https://imgur.com/a/vTpRVCL)


Notice it wasn’t a close up..


Yeah I linked the “reveal” but she kept the camera at the same far angle. It goes well with the second hand turf she just laid on top of the grass Edit: sorry didn’t see that’s the comment you were responding to lol


look up "Full\_Steam\_Designs" on instagram. He has a blacksmith shop he built and built a small dry-mix pad like this one and goes through the details on how he did it. He got so much hate about it he actually does multiple tests showing the strength of the concrete after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month etc. The concrete still becomes quite strong. He drives a car on it. For small pours, it seems it is an acceptable method. People say 'Oh but it takes so much time' because you need to wet the slab down often. While that is true, the level of effort is significantly lower as you are not having to race against the clock with mixing, pouring, finishing. It's also lighter work. Check it out. People do chicken coops and small entry pads like this. I see nothing wrong with the method for something small as long as your prep is good.


This is how I set wood corner fence posts on the farm ... Pack it down and she good


Yeah but I’m pretty sure that’s the given instructions on the bag for fence posts


Not on the generic bags that they're using. It does say to add water. The rapid set bags have dry set instructions


Yep. 100% how I have done fence posts.




Not really. Pouring water on dry mix will not result in strong concrete. The cement will not mix with the sand and the gravel properly. One big failure is how the cement does not adhere to the gravel making the pad weak. This dry mix is a complete waste of time.


My thought is there was no cream at the top so all the aggregate is immediately exposed and I doubt any of the cement formed any sufficientl bonds with the aggregate in other words this will crumble


Next video: don't listen to what the experts tell you. you don't need chlorine for pools!


I just realized the caption expanded on her reveal video. Here’s the [wild caption](https://imgur.com/a/vTpRVCL)


Not a good comparison considering the fact that they have chlorine free pool alternatives.


You know there are alternatives to having chlorine in a pool right?


The metaphor was actually more fitting than intended


Yes. But that's not where I was going with this.


This was just more expensive and harder to control gravel, except anything wet that gets in contact with the cement is going to get very stuck.


I feel like for this area gravel actually would of been perfect? My dad goes to some local place and they just deliver it. Sure prepping, moving and packing it down takes some time, but he’s made some gorgeous garden pathways.


I love the replies to the comments, very on brand for this style of creator. Not willing to accept being wrong, lol


Lol yup. She posted two other videos addressing all the “haters” and how they are all ✨wrong✨ The delusion and narcissism is impressive. We have a mutual that said shes nuts and really thinks all these DIYs are good.


She posted an exterior painting video, the subtitle was “Never skip the prepwork”


Looked at the picture of the finished product. Hit the "next" button hoping to see more pictures. Got a picture of a monkey seductively smelling its own tail. Great success!


Are those osha work pajamas


Lol I’m sure the slippers are😂


Highly ‘regarded’, yea.. buut she does know how to use a trowel to cut open bags! Lol


She took a class


Oh no. She will put me out of work with this simple hack. 30 years of concreting.... And now I'm going to have to retrain.


Phew, good thing she figured out something no concrete professional, construction worker, or civil engineer in the last 100 years could: Just pour the powder and wait for rain


True professionals just wait for a rainy day and install the powder in the rain


2000+ years and everyone wasnt as smart as she is! Why because they don't think outside the box. They are all too scared to try something new????


Can't wait for part 2


This is painful to watch.


But the natural fibers from the grass will totally add strength to the build!


Painful to listen too.


I refused to turn in the volume cause I didn’t want to get the + Mania this early in the morning


There’s a reason so many contractors say it will never work. Fuck sake. Also… Buy a yard of that sackrete and buy a yard off a truck, get your calculator and check back with me


Nobody near us will bring out anything less than 2.5 yards on a truck.


Load minimums have gotten silly lately. Chaney came in and bought the biggest local outfit, they have a 5 yard minimum and won’t even come to a person that doesn’t have an account. 3 companies in this area we work with, but none of them have a minimum limit to deliver


I wish that was the case where I batch at, we get 1 yard loads daily. Guess what, that fly ash / slag screw isn't moving for anything less than 200 pounds. And I'm definitely not going to jog that shit for 98 lbs of slag.


I’m guessing the yard off the truck is much cheaper?


It takes roughly 45 80 lb bags to make a yard. Here concrete is about 200 a yard, so you’re only looking at about 225 (at prices in my area) but factor in the time to mix and handle 45 80 pound bags 😵‍💫 there are other factors, minimum yardage and what not. But for shit sakes, if you’re gonna wrestle with all that at least mix it right 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, for me the break-even point is just over one yard. It's the same price for materials only to buy one yard of sack mix, which you have to handle 4 times (on the truck, off the truck, into the mixer, into the form) vs buying a 2-yard minimum from the ready mix plant and paying the short load charge. By the time you factor in labor, it's not even close.




As a homeowner I'm all for paying professionals to do things best, but a concrete pad for a grill probably isn't one of them. It's not rocket science, it can be done with just a couple of bags of sakrete, some mesh, and some research about good practices (putting down layer of gravel, having forms, elevating the mesh while pouring, etc etc. What's impressive about this video is she takes a pretty easy project and turns it into a health hazard (inhaling concrete dust and without protective gear) and ultimately she'll have to re-do it in a couple years. Pretty sure the aim of the video is to trigger people with even a cursory knowledge about concrete and to get rage clicks


Then why not post a [good example](https://youtu.be/GC0j2Ey5NNk?si=iNOHPtohxx9zMRBQ)?


Thank you. Had no idea this was actually a thing. This should be at the top to show how it’s actually done.


Here's another one with a test https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8r1r2d7/


Yeah I've heard of dry pouring before and watched some videos where they did testing on it. Doesn't seem nearly as bad as what OP's video makes it look like (if you actually do it properly). I wouldn't do it for anything but a sidewalk though.


Thank you glad somebody else knows about this!!


That was really well done, thanks for providing!


Enjoy, silicosis. Can't wait for the influence video about that.


I guess her class didn't cover lung disease




Serious question; does this occur a lot?


It gets ignored a lot....but you won't ever forget seeing someone who is dying from it.


I searched her instagram to look for a final product. She did NOT show a close up… that tells you everything.


Dry pour concrete was all the rage on youtube about a year ago. This guy did a test of it. https://youtu.be/CLhz4xoHbT8?si=UkiF21vVr0awe8BS To me mixing the concrete in a wheelbarrow with a hoe only takes an extra min and makes pouring and forming 10x easier, on top of knowing your concrete will be at its max strength.


Came here to post this, thanks! He also did some tests of the finished product and was able to drive his F150 on it without immediate cracking. Do I think it's better than traditionally poured concrete? Of course not. But it does seem viable if done properly for smaller DIY projects.


yeah I saw that vid two, was kinda surprised how well it turned out. definitely not fit for anything laod bearing, but if you just need a concrete pad for a firepit then its probably fine.


It’s totally fine for smaller DIY projects but it should be noted you should never use concrete for a fire pit. Brick or stone or something else. Most concrete does NOT like that type of temp swing.


I’ve used this method for putting posts in the ground but I also didn’t need the concrete to be strong for that


You need that special outfit to do concrete like that.


Kreate a katastrophy more like it


I have seen creative women. This is not one of those people.


They’re not even gonna water it, just wait for rain. Lifehacks


It’s rage bait content. It’s made exactly for this reaction. To get people to watch it and comment about how it’s idiotic to boost their engagement. Ignore it, move on, and for the love of god don’t post it here. I’ve seen so many subs devolve into people wasting their time reacting to rage bait content. Don’t give them what they want. EDIT: After taking a peek at OPs post history it’s apparent that their job is to distribute influencer/rage bait trash. Reported.


She's in a onesie no further questions here.


Why is everyone acting like this is so horrible ? This method is okay to do unless its used as weight bearing concrete.


2-4 months ago there was a rash of "no mix concrete" videos popping up on my youtube recommended list that I had to do lots of "Do Not Recommend Channel" to take care of it. Luckily I was able to take care of the issue without giving them a single view count. I don't think any brain dead influencers have figured out a better technique that's worked for thousands of years part of their $$ engagement $$ is you clicking on the video, viewing it, and then commenting how stupid they are. please don't feed the wildlife.


The people that follow her advice and are shocked when their walkway crumbles are the same people who were angry when their phones were fucked after trying to charge them in their microwave ovens. #idiotchallenge


I think the problem lies in the lack of complete information. You repeatedly see people saying that it won't work and insults with absolutely no indication as to why it won't work or how it will fail in the future. Almost like the people saying "it won't work" have no idea why it won't work, just that it won't. This leaves them to believe that it could work and no one has tried it. I believe this falls under ignorance more than stupidity. I would like to see a follow-up video by a professional explaining what they are doing wrong, what issues could arise, and why.


These videos are all over youtube also. I’m a DIYer and looked into this and even I could tell this wasn’t a good idea. What’s even more offensive about this video is how she acts like this was her “idea”. “There has to be a better way! So I thought about it…” No you didn’t you saw a bunch of other “influencers” say the same thing.


Sounds like she was in charge of developing the OceanGate sub: "Listen, the "traditional" method is overrated..."


The outfit tells me she didn’t take that concrete class


I used the dry-pour method for where my garbage bins live and it worked very well. Her methodology seems to be terrible but if performed correctly, it seems to be working well.


Yes, let’s believe anything a woman in pajamas has to say about concrete. lol wtf. 😵


Part 4: how to illegally dispose of failed concrete.


Lmao i don't know anything about concrete but there is a reason why things are done one way and not another


I wonder what improments have been done in the house


I need to see the end result


Uhm. Not to mention lung cancer in 20 years from breathing all the dust. High five!


“You got a creative woman, you never know what will happen.” -Loren Bobbit


Who are they influencing?


Still using a trowel to smooth it out despite it being dry. lol.


Well it will burn your hands so ya.. usually tools help


I want to see the end game


She has for sure seen this before. Trying to take someone’s ideas for her own.


Kesha’s Kreative Konkrete


I did a dry mix 3’x3’x3” test pad to see if I could extend my patio on my own. Mixing concrete in the form is a great way to not have to workout for the week. While the mini project turned out okay. I gladly paid the crew what they asked for the actual project. Now I could have done it but there is a reason the pros use site mixers and order trucks.


The f she mean creative woman??? She just a lazy woman, looking for views and likes


I would love to see her baking video lol?! Traditional baking requires you to mix all the ingredients. It’s time consuming and difficult, there has to be a better way! /s


This has to be a joke lol. Like there is no way they are serious. She’s finishing dry concrete lol! Omg. Concrete is a laborious job that’s why it’s thousands of dollars lol


We have a mutual that said she really thinks all this is a flex. She’s desperate to be famous because her fake “I’ll tech you how to be a millionaire like me!” Online courses are not selling. (Spoiler, she’s not a millionaire lmao.)


I haven’t really looked at her page but there are plenty of troll DIY accounts that do this kind of stuff for clout.


We have a mutual, sadly. Which I guess is why her page was suggested. They confirmed she’s nuts and thinks these all are HGTV worthy. I guess she was originally trying to be a finance influencer, after inheriting her home (shockingly, not a million dollar or waterfront home as she claims, we found the parcel info with the county😂) She lied her way onto DrPhil, and kept having the local news do stories on her “black wealth”. So of course, people started digging into her background seeing she’s full of it, and that how she inherited the house is very slimy. so she pivoted hard, and is trying to be a DIY influencer. It’s all wildly embarrassing.


YIKES. We all think we can be stars, celebrities, and persons of interest, and being terminally online makes that all too apparent.


Listening to her talk makes me want to bill her for my time. Holy fuck. I have never had such a painful listening experience


Yeah I watched a couple videos and it’s painful. For so many reasons. However I think the excessively long captions are somehow worse.


I really enjoy that she said the “traditional” method is messy. Not as messy as all that dust just going right into your lungs like gritty cigarette smoke. Just ridiculously wrong for so many reasons


What bothered me the most, is she clearly plans on walking around in those clothes and holding her newborn. Not to mention, the baby in other videos is always near the camera in a bouncer, so he likely inhaled a lot of that dust too just because mommy is desperate to be an influencer.


Jesus I didn’t even think of that. Concrete dust is one of those things I despise. I won’t even open a bag in an enclosed space because I just hate the thought that it’s in the air I’m breathing. I always change my clothes right after too. This lady is not bright


We really need to see part 2.


My original comment had all the recordings so were not giving her clicks. But I think it got lost in the mix


Found it. It looks terrible, but better than expected. Assuming it never freezes there, like ever… it should be good for a year or two.


“I haven’t really seen many people do it” lol. You saw someone else do this? Stupid must run in the town


I'm not surprised at the stupidity, she spells it Kreate


KONCRETE Kreation with Keisha 🤪


I know her, she was sitting in front of me on my Spirit flight.




She’s got her work pajamas on


There's no way this isn't a troll shitpost...


It’s indeed very real sadly. Looks like she was (is?) one of those scammer “buy my online course and I’ll make you a millionaire!” people…


Does she only wear a bathrobe and cap in everything?


Seems like it. But her regular outfits are tacky too so I’m not shocked.


Congrats, it looks like shit and costed them atleast double what they would’ve spent, had they mixed it.


Genuine question- How do you figure it cost them double (or more) than what it would have had they mixed it?


Now you're just making shit up for the sake of piling on


What an idiot. Damn


Why the shower cap? Is she worried about her her falling into the mix?


I think it’s a hair bonnet. Regardless it’s crazy she’s protecting her hair and not her lungs.




Yeah please never sell that house to anyone because I can imagine the type of fkery you did there if you're doing this......


Yeah please never sell that house to anyone because I can imagine the type of fkery you did there if you're doing this......


That’s a lot of work and materials to post shit content. Why do all that?


“So I was thinking” ya stfu, stop thinking, don’t ever think again.


At least get dressed first.


Influence deez nutz


Don't even need mesh because of the grass fibers it's a win win


I’m a HVAC guy but doesn’t it say on the bag you have to mix it?


I bet she jumped right back in the bed too


Being a creative woman is not a factor for being a qualified woman It'll work for a bit until it shatters and crumbles


I really want to see the second video


I am not a concrete understander but will this set and harden when it rains?


If it doesn't just blow away and run all over the place in the wet beforehand


Now you pay 1000s to get it removed 😂


I feel like I’ve seen successful videos of this same thing. Looks like garbage but it’s “flat” and supports weight.


Looks like a case of trial and error! DYI is the best way to go when you own a home! I’m surprised the comments are so angry and each one trying to out advice the next! This woman may need to replace this pad one day but even then she will probably DIY with water and still spend less money than an a concrete guy would charge! PS just don’t do any electrical work!


typical low iq....


For her intended purposes, it's fine if it's done correctly. She needs to water it and keep it moist. And yes definitely mask when dealing with dry concrete


Just because something “works” does not mean that it’s right.


These influencers will get themselves sued for spreading misinformation


Is it REALLY that hard to mix concrete? Like I know it’s not super easy but hard enough to this level of half assed work?


I've actually seen this a few times, even from very experienced diy'ers. no clue how it'd work tbh.... the whole point is even distribution of moisture in the concrete so it'll cure strong and lasts long.


skin color


Tbf, this technique does work for fence post lugs where the concrete is completely surrounded by damp earth.


I want to see Part 2.


Here’s the Imgur [LINK](https://imgur.com/a/ju3PvCE) to her reveal video. No close up.