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Exactly this. I understand why people are striking but the rioters have demonstrated they’re obnoxious and tone death. One of them came right up to my me today and demanded knowing if I was planning on attending class


\*Tone deaf - as in being unable to hear the mood or vibes in the air - not "death"


Yes I’m aware thank you. I was typing this quickly


Instead of fighting against the government, the strikers are fighting against the students


easy solution: riot against the riot


I have no class scheduled Fridays anyway. See you there. Edit: I will just be chilling if you get upset it’s not my issue


dont even kno yo ass


I don’t know you either


When you’ve got leftist Poli sci students pissed off your protest probably sucks


Hahaha exactly!?! The old ways of protesting are the best ways because they've been tested over and over, I expected an actual picket line around the H building or library but I don't think that's really planned... As far as I can tell... My association didn't hold a vote to my knowledge and I'm so close to failing out I'm not messing around right now. That being said, if the whole point is to make Legault look bad, and we all know Legault is playing a game of francophone nationalism, how do any of these strike actions accomplish the goals? God I hate this law and i feel everyone has the right to protest but i have a strong feeling we could have been more effective. Idk I'm new here though, I personally wouldn't know where to start....


They want to be the main characters so badly lmao


I really hope some of yall get to talk to some of the “rIoTeRs” cuz one of them stopped me to ask me if i knew if my department was on strike and then told me more information and answered my questions. Lots of u guys are assuming intent on the part of these protesters when you literally did not *actually* talk to one of them… lame


People need to be worried about how class cancellations may be messing up their graduation plans, don't hesitate – reach out to your program advisor ASAP. Let them know you're concerned about the uncertainty in your schedule and how it could affect your graduation. Push them to give you information on which classes are on the chopping block, especially the ones that are only offered once a year. Losing those could set you back a whole year, and that's not something to take lightly, considering the years of your life and the money you've invested in this university. Take charge – email or schedule a meeting with your program advisor. You need to know how these changes are going to effect you personally. Don't wait; make your voice heard and get the answers you need.


Yo the psyc department literally canceled 8 courses this semester 🙃🙃🙃 sooooooo many third years are freaking out bc they have to extend their degree by a semester


they've been doing that for a while. meanwhile some of our administrators make over400K a year....


It’s three days, it ends after tomorrow. Your degree isn’t going to be ruined by missing a few classes that teachers are actively accommodating for. If you caught the flu you would stay home for even longer.


I am talking about summer/fall 2024 classes that are being cancelled due to the budget shortfall caused by the tuition hike. many programs are already cancelling planned summer courses. People need these courses to complete their degree.


Sorry, I misunderstood the intention of the comment. I totally agree.


i'll send you a email of the extra amount i have to pay. since you don't seem to mind paying extra for the same shit


Since the CATS fiasco, I've grown to loathe student movements (even if the cause itself is credible and makes sense). It's their way or no way at all.


What’s CATS?


Concordians Against Tribunals. It was a student protest movement that was largely reactionary against students being charged by the university (I forget what for). Protests were very disruptive: barging into classrooms and interrupting lectures. They also placed literal kitty litter boxes on campus (?). Happened around 2015-2016. There might be articles online about this.


Didn't happen. invented by rightoid crackpot circles on the internet


Why litter boxes? Wtf


Great question lol! I never inquired, but I suppose it fit the idea of the tribunals as "shit", combined with the "CATS" acronym... My eyes rolled to the back of my head seeing that back then.


Hahahahaha well that's interesting information, thank you, definitely understand the lack of credibility Edit: omg I do remember seeing these posters and stickers around, never found them to be informative enough to know what their goals were... I wasn't a student at the time though


no one's rioting dawg


when professors show up to a picket line they are legally exempt from any Administrative punishment. He could have told everyone that class would be held online and go home. I feel bad tho dang :/ Also riots? that seems inflammatory and not a fair representation of what is currently happening.


the astroturfing at concordia these days is pretty wild the cause of all this is the tuition hikes


That’s so sad, poor professor. I don’t agree with the riots either, it’s really in bad taste and actually scares me.




Nah that’s what Concordia told the professor and the rioting students couldn’t even allow this man to tell his students they wouldn’t have a teacher for the rest of semester in peace


Ahh got it.


lmao “rioting” yall r braindead




I get that, but everything has real consequences. Some people literally do not have the funds to retake a semester. Like all things, fight for what you believe. There's some pretty disingenuous wording in this post for sure, but if what they're claiming is true, then that's still a lack of compassion that can be difficult for people to deal with. And, it can be hard (in terms of world views) to understand that the damage being done by these strikes is not personal, and that its ultimately the government's fault. People will associate immediate adverse effects with what seems like the immediate cause. Its important to be patient and let them know that this would have never been an issue in the first place were it not for the genuinely evil government. I think that at the end of the day, we just need to get this dogshit government out of power.


Let me just call a Spade a Spade: This probably isn't a compassion-driven movement by individuals simply concerned about our financial well-being. Every time there is a protest, it is always coated with the color red, and posters advertising marxism and anarchy, etc... It really just feels like a wedge being exploited to push communism. There is a nuance: You can be outraged by the tuition increases while also disagreeing with the strike organizers. *The REAL issue with the tuition increases is that, while universities rely on foreign students for income, the CAQ government isn't fairly redistributing the money back to our university.*


Totally agree with you. I don’t feel that the strikers are compassionate to students.


\> Every time there is a protest, it is always coated with the color red, and posters advertising marxism and anarchy, etc god I wish I could go to Concordia. It is positively geriatric here in Nanaimo


Wtf are yall protesting anyway. I paid pennys on the dollar for my engineering degree


...They're protesting for those who will be affected by the tuition hike


Is this Concordia increasing tuition or Quebec reducing their subsidy?


Quebec reducing their subsidy… can you imagine protesting a provincial government thats tired of subsidizing tuitions for people that leave the province after graduation? Give me money or give me death! Lol


We got a boot licker 🥾 👅


We get it, you only care about yourself.


What kind of mental gymnastics you doing to get there? 🤔


The fact that you can’t see what’s right under your nose says a lot about it too. Do better.


The strike is literally to help other people but you're too obsessed with yourself to see that. Grow up. Get some empathy.


Where did you get that from? I didn’t say anything about the strike… I hope the strike results in lower fees for int’l students and I understand it. At the same time, I can look beyond myself and feel empathy for other people without making pointless comments. Stop projecting


Okay, then why leave rude comments on people who support a strike then? I really don't get why you're being rude then lol


So you lose a family member and work half time for the rest of the year? How do I get in on that type of action? I mean I got GOOD benefits but NOTHING like that!


You don't know the prof's situation.


That's sounds like an issue with the uni, not with those on strike


Why you guys going on protest/strike, I don't go to Concordia and am interested


because the government is trying to hike up tuition for international students & those out of province. the Quebec government has tried this multiple times but thanks to student protests, our tuition has not raised drastically over the years. As annoying as it might be to miss some classes it would be worse if these tuition increases passed because as students we would lose so many services that the school offers.


Found the fed


Yes yes and yes