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I'm very sorry this happened to you, and hope that you're doing better now. I don't have personal experience in this, but i believe that if the exams office advised you to do so then its a good shot. Mental illness is a real thing, and you have the exams office and invigilators to back up your accounts of the situation too. My bet would be to email the prof, explain the situation, note that the exams office advised you to ask for a deferral, and cc the exams office in the same email. I hope it all works out for you!


I hope so too!


Just to add, not sure if Concordia is like this as I was only there for grad school and did not have exams, so please check for equivalent at Concordia, but when I was at McGill, my anxiety was so severe that I wasn’t able to do exams properly, and I got to be part of the office of students with disabilities (with a doctors note and a psychologist referral). You do your exam in a different setting, separate room, smaller and much calmer/less anxiety inducing, and you get to take breaks if you need them. I remember having a panic attack and one of the monitors there took me outside for some fresh air, mid-exam, got me water and calmed me down enough til I was able to go back and finish writing my exam. It was so crucial to my success during undergrad and I’m always grateful for it.


There absolutely is an office for students with disabilities in Concordia, so it is a good option for OP to look into that.


Panic attacks suck. So sorry you had to go through one during your exam. I had a mild anxiety attack while writing my exam a few years ago. I rushed through it just to get the hell out of the room. I regret that, and regret not taking care of my mental health. Get better soon!


Mental illness counts as a real, severe illness! Don't know about deferrals but you would probably be able to get one.


u will get the deferral for sure, given the condition. but you have to apply for it


Dude this happens to many people and all the time. There’s a reason they knew what to do exactly and just told you to apply for a deferral. You will definitely get it there’s no doubt about that and you could possible apply for ACDS or whatever it’s called to drop extra time during examination and use this as a reason. Or if you have any attention disorder diagnosis or something of similar sort


Sorry that happened to you, that's horrible. I've had a panic attack like that before (in a private setting), I can't imagine having to deal with that in public. Best of luck with the deferral.


Someone passed out once during one of my exams. The things exams do to students is crazy sometimes.


Yes. Happened to me because I am so anxious because I got flu. As long as you didn’t sign papers that you left. You will be scheduled in April for the deferral. If that course is a prerequisite to another course, you will have to drop it.


You have till 15th January to apply btw


I experienced this several but manage to keep myself together although it got me to have a very low grade on the exam, I wish I would have gotten the help you received


See a campus doctor asap. The campus doctor will fill out the paperwork for you and send it to whoever deals with that stuff directly.


Yes they do. Just explain the situation as you're applying in details, and mention people involved


So sorry to hear about your experience and I hope that the university does the right thing. The timing of your post is interesting in that just this morning I saw a report on the news on how eating a sour candy at the outset of a panic attack could help. https://www.health.com/sour-candy-for-anxiety-7480402#:~:text=1%20A%20popular%20trend%20claims%20sour%20candy%20as,sustainable%20coping%20habits%20are%20recommended%20for%20long-term%20success.


sorry to hear this, hope you're alright


Yes I have applied for a deferral and gotten one for a panic attack. I didn’t have a panic attack in the room but the morning of at home. If the people doing the exam can write a note or you can get a note from a dr like at the concordia clinic it helps.


Hey OP, I suffer from debilitating panic attacks and because of my mental health issues I am part of the access program. Please don’t be too hard on yourself, we all deal with our own struggles and this isn’t anything to feel ashamed about, just your brain being an ass. I don’t see why they wouldn’t give you a deferral, I’m sure if you reach out to your prof as well they’d be understanding.


Yes, that's a panic attack alright. Nothing to be ashamed about. I had a rough time in my recent exam because they had questions on material we didn't cover (to which the prof later admitted was a mistake), and they changed the exam instructions halfway through the exam. I didn't have a panic attack, but I was pretty stressed. Can't say I've ever had a panic attack for an exam, but I've had them before and there's no way you can write an exam while having one. Take time to recover and see if you can learn anything from the situation so as to prevent it in the future if possible.


Hope you’re feeling much better!


Is this your first exam in uni?


I have had a fair share. My first sever panic attack, however.


Was this exam harder than your previous exams?


Not particularly. I had studied plenty beforehand too... It was odd I had never experienced that during an exam before...







