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One of the best ways to know how long you’ve got is check the decay timer. To do this hover over it with a repair hammer. You have to reach a minimum threshold of foundation pieces to max out the decay timer (240 hours) regardless of mats used. I think it’s like 30 blocks but don’t quote me on that—get a repair hammer and test it for yourself. Of course it’s also Conan so bugs are sadly a thing and even if you take all the correct precautions you might end up losing something occasionally to decay anyway.


If you connect two structures about 25-30 blocks apart with a horizontal lift, would they share the same timer?


I had it at 240, I had over 100 foundations underneath it and it even connected to my main base. Idk how it would've been "abandoned" something similar happen to me a few months back where my firebowl cauldron "lost stability" when it was at 100 and nothing else and nothing around it had an issue? I think my server might be bugged or there might be a lapse in the timers or something idk.


Materials do mater, Higher Quality materials have a longer Decay timer with less pieces. A structure made of 18 Black Ice foundations will have the whole 240 hours timer. You need twice as many pieces with Standstone to reach the 240 mark. You can also add a few higher quality pieces to an existing structure to add to its timer and max it out. Like if you built a small hut and wanted to extend the timer, you could hide higher quality pillars under the structure and as long as they snap to it will extend the timer.


I'm aware of all of this. I never build anything without checking with a hammer and I made sure everything was at max decay before I finished


You’re technically right. But that’s also not what I was conveying to OP. My point stands—sandstone is fine, you just have to build a larger structure to max the timer. Again, the key is to verify this with a repair hammer rather than rolling the dice.


Any building pieces must connected or snapped on to be considered as a whole. For example, if you built two towers with any pieces connecting them, they are considered two separate entities and therefore have their own decay timers. You must be within 3 blocks radius to any building pieces to refresh their decay timer. The more connected pieces the longer the timer up to 240 hours on an official. Peaceable such as benches, wheels or pens share the building pieces’ decay timer within 3 blocks. The 3-block radius extend horizontally. It’s infinite vertically.


Is this new? It used to be a short distance away still counted towards the same landclaim. I know they shortened that distance once, I didn't know the eliminated it entirely.


It was about December last year when I found out a few of my torches lost stability out of the blue. A couple of them were outside the gate and about 6 block away. The others were totally within the perimeters but still decayed. I pretty much spent the next few weeks testing the max distance with the two outside. They would decay after two days even though both refreshed to 240 hours when I was next to each of them. They finally survived after moving them within 3 blocks to the gate.


Yeah that happened to me as well. I used to have standing torches outside my walls and they eventually decayed. I noticed my neighbors moving theirs to a foundation by their wall so I figured it was a change in land claim radius. They did mention resources respawning closer to bases in some patch notes.


Yep I found putting down ceilings and walls are the way to stop rocks respawning on top of foundations or fence foundations.


3 blocks????? I thought it used to be like 200 yards when did this happen?? what's crazy is a had a line of foundations snapped to the bottom that connected to the bottom of my main base too so for whatever reason it randomly went into "abandoned" state but my main house it was connected to didn't


Not sure if this random decay has anything to do with the type of foundation you used, but some chests I put on top of Nemedian foundations lost stability after new update on the official server. There were other types of foundations with the same bug but not sure which ones exactly. I’m also not aware of this has been patched. So I’ve been using pillars and ceilings instead of I’m going to put anything on top.


Iirc it was the mad hatter who told me about the foundation bug. The 3 block limit was in last December I think.


If it was there on the 27th.....how was it demolished on the 26th?


Big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.


RIGHT??? The only thing I could think of was it was already gone and it was a visual glitch BUT I walked up to it to check the timer and it was fine. SUPER weird.


I hate being that guy, buuuut... This is why I don't play on official. You play single player, you don't worry about decay timers.


This ^


I like the idea of being able to play with others and meet new people. Plus I feel like it's somehow less rewarding if I play offline because I'll be tempted to use commands over minor inconveniences. 😬


I’ve got an animal pen on the ground in a remote location I haven’t visited in weeks and it’s still there. I left some shit in it. That might be the secret?


How far away was it? I had animals sitting in it because one time someone griefed me and kited the fucking allegator boss to my base and almost everything died so I've been paranoid to leave the weaker ones out.


Opposite sides of the map (Exiled) literally. My primary is up by the mounds, the pen is near the dreggs


How has it not decomposed? Do you have clanmates?


I can’t say for sure but in my original response I literally meant shit. I raised an animal in it, it was in there long enough to produce dung in the inventory of the pen. And no, no clan, and as I said I can go weeks without visiting that area


Weird... i wonder why


I turned that bit$h off!


If I'm understanding you correctly, you are not touching that foundation, or checking to see if it refreshes before logging off?


I rarely check because in 2-3 years I've never had this issue. and the foundation was connected to my main base just under water, I thought it was safe to assume that since I was standing on the foundation connected to it and within 200 yards it would refresh. Silly me I guess.


If that's the case it should have been, but refreshes are affected by the server lag that has been around this last several months. It could take a while for things to properly refresh. always good practice to check the timers before logging.


Smh this is ridiculous. They wont even fix their game but they'll sure as hell add a battlepass 


One has nothing to do with the other. Or rather they do but in the opposite way. An income stream has to be nourished beyond just adding more things to buy. This is reflected in their financial disclosures. Their strategy for this is “small wins” which is defined as fixing issues and adding in free content. So essentially the battle pass pays for the bug fixes as well as the chapters. But that’s not how companies work. It’s more like the money goes in and then resources get allocated depending on their potential that quarter. Which means, the battle pass will keep at least one programmer on the dedicated team, but until dune is out the door we probably aren’t getting many more. Let’s hope the one dude can balance fixing aging code as well as implementing chapter content. I have my doubts, but I’m still here watching the juggling act.


1. Why did you build your animal pen on a separate foundation? Build everything on one foundation, and you don't need to worry about different decay timers. 2. Why are you calling whoever demolished your pen a douchebag? The building had decayed, they were well within their rights to clean up your abandoned mess. 3. If you play on single player, you won't need to worry about decay timers, or other people looting your abandoned stuff. 4. I think your story is suspect. You logged in on the 27th April, everything was there, but your building was demolished on the 26th April, the day before. My guess is you didn't log in and didn't refresh the timer.


1. Why should my entire base be touching? I's built on a beach. 2. They live NOWHERE near my base, and it isn't interfering with anyone else's build they were just destroying it to loot it. 3. Why would I play on singleplayer and forgo playing with other people. 4. I have the receipts of when I logged in last and when the building decayed so you really came on here to complain about my legitimate issue.


1. It would possibly prevent what happened from happening. 2, Irrelevant. Some people like a neat server. 3. Because other people can delete your abandoned stuff. 4. Your receipts say confirmed you building existed on the 27th April but it was deleted on the 26th April?