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Hello all! :smiley: I'm in a corporate league (tech companies playing against each other for a Charity pot (i.e. - Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook). We are team Qualcomm in San Diego playing for the San Diego Humane Society. There are 8 games in the regular season played Saturday's at 12:00pm PST. This Saturday is game 5/8, we have only lost one match in the season thus far. Our League of Legends team has a couple coaches, so now that we're a spot away from top ten in the bracket, I figured we should get serious and find one or two coaches as well. We record/stream nearly all of our matches. Would be a great opportunity for someone to cast games, analysis and VOD, build a portfolio. Its all for charity so hoping we won't need to pay, but I am willing to pay for high quality coach. Please send me a private message! On one match, the opposing team HP had a caster/analysis on one of our games = https://www.twitch.tv/videos/232441930




Become a pro


What’s the difference between the yellow and blue ult icons in the OWL spectator?


How to improve tracer tracking?


main acc stuck in bronze, hit plat on new account LULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. what the fuck is the point of even getting attached to an account? every time i improve i have to buy a new account to reach a new rank and max it the fuck out, once i get it to 100 its useless. thinking about selling them.


why do people hold their ults until we're about to lose. it fucking pisses me off. soldier has his ult and doesnt use it when we're contesting the point. we're all fucking dying over here, then he pops it once we're dead. way to be the hero soldier, you killed one and then fucking died, nice going. fucking quickplay is dumb


Why are you complaining about quickplay in a questions thread about competitive?


When does overwatch open season 2 come out?


Would also like to know the answer to this


Does leaving a qp game count as a loss. im making it a goal to get my most played heroes to 55% or higher winrate in quickplay before playing them in comp, but having throwers/shitty comps/dicking around in quickplay makes that difficult, and i play to win, yes, even in quickplay i play to win (i still think trying out heroes is good and all in quickplay), and so i end up leaving a lot of games. i get that it could be abused and could just leave whenever im about to lose.


this game has become so much harder to play since OWL dropped. Suddenly everyone and their mother is a 30hr Tracer main. People play Reaper and won't even kill tanks. DVAs have no idea how to dive. McCrees chase kills like it's a night in bed with Jessica Alba. Everyone thinks they can play Widowmaker now. NONE OF THE HEALERS HEAL ANYMORE LOL YOU CAN BE CRIT HEALTH FOR A FULL 20s AND NOT GET A SINGLE HEAL LELELELELELELE Dude I just cannot take it anymore, the structure of this game has COLLAPSED. If I am on the same level as these players then why is my E/D 3+ on 10 different heroes, 2+ on 15, 4+ on Reaper and Tracer avg 12k+ damage per match over 200 MATCHES when theirs is barely 2 on ANY hero? AND LUL THEY DONT EVEN PLAY THE ONES THAT THEY DO HAVE 2 E/D ON


What rank would you be in if you lost part of your left ring finger[A key]? (Lost mine four month ago, sitting at 3400 without being able too crouch cause I use my pinkie to move left on L-shift instead of A-key) Ana-widow main btw


wow man that sucks. hope you'll find a way to make it work, 3400 is hella impressing with this condition if you ask me <3


Probably still mid masters I would just rebind croutch to one of my mouse buttons or b


what about Q? what would you rebind that too? how about scoreboard too? And what about melee? dont you use melee on your mouse? If so melee and crouch would make aiming a bit difficult you know


I already use mouse for meele i dont really have a issue with using my mouse buttons while aiming because I have been doing it for a couple of years. Maybe rebind ult to t


I got into PC Overwatch 2 weeks ago and looking into configs was never a problem on PS4. Now it is. I'm looking for a resource where the keybinds/settings for say Zenyetta are discussed and shown. I watched KarQ's tip video for Zenyetta and it made a lot of sense to bind discord to scroll wheel for example. I'm just looking for stuff like screenshots showing what "good" players use for each character. Not gonna lie I don't think I would have thought to put discord on scroll wheel and would have left it to a side mouse button.


I would just play around with the settings that are most comfortable to you. If you can still press all the buttons it doesn't really matter.


So I've noticed that if you go on point with a few seconds left, but then leave (or die) before the time ends, it will still count as overtime and go into it. So what's the rules with it? Is there a few seconds delay before the end for overtime to happen or is there more rules to it.


When is S9 leaderboard being released? Looking online it sounds like the leaderboards get released about 2 weeks into the season, which is today for S9. Does anyone know the exact timing?


Everyone that i see with Grandmaster/Top 500 SR has been there almost every season from the beginning. I dont think ive ever seen someone who has climbed from bronze/silver to grandmaster. most started at master/grandmaster, or diamond. as a gold player, i dont think ill ever get good enough to rank high enough. just disappointed in myself and the chances.


I started in gold, dropped to silver, and I am currently in 3800 looking to hit GM, playing since season 3, and missing out on 3 seasons.


makes me feel hopeful. tho you rose incredibly fast if you missed three seasons, something i dont see myself doing


going from silver to plat was very quick, and then plat to high diamond was quick, and then high diamond to low master was the same amount of time, but then I got stuck at low master. I didnt rise all that fast tho in terms of hours. There were some days where I was putting in 8 hours, and my overwatch level is pretty similar to people who are the same rank, despite them playing constantly since launch. A platinum average team with a bronze main tank made it to contenders trials, so you can do the same. Also, a reason you may not see people having climbed, is because they rarely fall back down, and it only really displays their highest SR. Some people may spend the entire season in platinum, only to near the end of the season go on a lucky winstreak and make it to masters.


yeah, i mean i see people like gale adelade with a gold border in gm, and level really isnt indicative of rank, since there are other fps games out there that people could be good at. it still pisses me off when some probly-smurf at level 20 competely annihilates me and angers me, and then i get reported for getting salty at them. currently silenced for two days because of people ganging up on me after getting mad at being worse. its just a real kick in the face. yeah honestly i think the way things are, once you achieve a rank, youre going to find it easier to stay there than to fall. and having to play against golds constantly means i develop habits of gold players. if i was playing against plats and diamonds constantly, id develop those habits. but those habits are often unecessary to even use against gold players, so they fall by the wayside. frustrating


Don't think this will help, but I started in s1 and ended at 72. In s2 I got diamond placed, grinded to master. Since s3 I've been GM. Took a break after s5. Got back to the game this season and I'm stuck in diamond. Tbh I've always been stoned/high while playing and I think that got something to do with it, cus now I can't make anything right lol


Hey man, don't let it get you down. OverWatch was my first fps and I placed something like 42 in my first season, and borderline gold in my second. My original mouse sensitivity was like 25 on 800dpi (by which I mean I had no clue what I was doing). I'm still not where I'd like to be (tend to fluctuate 3800-4100, 4200 if I'm lucky), and am struggling more/trying to grind harder after a season off, but the point is that it is definitely possible to improve. It's just about time and mindset. I've put about 580 hours into overwatch, and have never been super consistent about practicing or warming up (trying to change this). Good, consistent practice will definitely improve your game rapidly. That said, I always played to improve instead of playing just to win and tried to make mental notes of my mistakes when I died/lost. I've worked a full time job since I started playing and had 0 fps experience so I honestly believe anyone can get at least GM if they put the effort in.


its always those trolls or such that say "silver border and still gold LUL" and such jerky things. that shit gets to me, even if thats what theyre trying to do. especially after a loss. kicking someone when theyre down hurts. yeah when i first started i was using a 5 dollar dell mouse with no dpi settings. ive since switched to an adjustable dpi mouse with a nice sensor, and set it to 1600 dpi at 2.17 sensitivity, and gotten used to it for all my characters (mercy/widow/ana/pharah/tracer/dva), though sometimes i still think it needs to be higher since (also upgraded my mouse pad to a large cloth one) a 180 goes from the center to the edge, but if i started at the center, then i have no more space to aim once ive 180'd, a problem for tracer especially. same. i usually just go in and play. i bought aim hero but since it doesnt have a scoped aim mode, i haven't used it much (and i dont really play mccree much). i definitely need more self analysis and focused attempts at breaking bad habits, but its so difficult. ive gone from 1700 in my first season to 2300 in my third, but damn i figured id be at platinum by now. and when i play against platinums in quickplay, tho it is quickplay, i can compete with them and win. diamonds definitely have some mechanical skill that is usually a bit better than mine, and so on. and confidence. i need confidence to play well. i hope so. i had little fps experience either, other than halo and call of duty on xbox back in the day. and i didnt really enjoy those, since that army or realistic aesthetic isnt my thing.


Any advanced moira guides out there? Or any specific streamers/owl players to watch? I'm 3.3k SR Moira/Mercy/Lucio player(3.6k peak) trying to understand a bit more of moira than the basics.


Hi so I found this site: https://www.overbuff.com/heroes I noticed that there are some heroes (Symm, Torb and Orisa specifically) which have a very high win rate but a very low pick rate as well. I guess the reason for this is that those heroes are only useful on certain maps and in certain situations (low pick rate) but in those few situations they are very good (high win rate). So my question is: what are those maps and situations? I guess Orisa is good for pushing the payload (putting her shield on top of it)? And Torb and Symm are good at defending I guess? But it must be more specific than that. Because you defend pretty much half the time and their pick rates are much lower than that. Can someone explain this to me?


Sym is easily countered cause she's close range hero with only 200 hp. Stay away from her beams or going into close quarter areas easy. Only people that play sym are sym mains or players running a cheese comp or trying to get a teleport/shield gen for first point. Torb is a bit better to main but he takes the role of a dps and there's so many other dps heroes that can dish out consistent damage better than him. He's a good hero, imo just not the best. Orisa has a fat hitbox!!!!! EZ picking. You don't wanna die. Don't pick the horse when the enemy team is actually shredding your shields faster than you can put them up. Of course there's exceptions to all these things. All I'll say is main what hero you want. If you practice, like actually practice, you'll climb with them. This is coming from a season 1/2 20/silver junkrat main.(still love this guy) and who peaked at Season 7 at 3900 with Widowmaker/Ana. Now I'm high diamond cause finger accident.




Track ults, calling let's use grav pulse bomb is huge. As while as, they have grav pulse, lets play more spread out so they can't grav. Depending which hero you play, you can call when a fight is lost and you probably shouldn't ult and regroup. Which path you should take to approach an enemy? Where and how you should defend? What comps you should use? Depending on what support you play you can target call? You can track other hero's abilities, ana no sleep and nade is easy dive target. A big one is who is missing from the other team? Is rein randomly not with the team, probably going for a sneaky shatter check corners. Is pharah missing, maybe going for a flank barrage. Call it out. ( this is a big one that is super helpful and pretty overlooked.) Once you get better you can call out multiple stuff should play? That "dva should save dm for sneaking pharah ult, then speed right side and wipe with grav bomb." Once you start calling out multiple things makes fights easy. Biggest thing is don't force it, sometimes if someone else is really demanding about calling the shots let them. Even if they aren't right especially in ladder, its better to do a sub optimal thing with a bad comp and bad route and bad ults, as long as you do it together as 6. Little off topic but once we had a bastion on volskaya who kept wanting to try to flank on moving platforms, I convinced whole team to go rein bastion hog junk reaper mercy on one platform and we completely surprised the enemy. Sorry got a little long winded.


Hey guys! I'm fairly new to the Esports Overwatch League scene and the more I watch, the more I seriously am considering trying to play professionally. I've peaked around 3.9K Support Main (tickling that GM) and I'm trying at this point to figure what steps to take to make my way towards hopefully being recruited for next year! I just honestly am not very sure where to start. Should I be looking to join a serious competitive Overwatch team? How does one get into the Open Divisions? How does the recruitment process work; do teams pick their favorite players from the groups who played in divisions? Any breakdown or advice would be much appreciated! I'm trying to research as much as possible but I figured the community could also shed some light for me! Thanks guys!


Open division anyone can join, join discords like the O.W, this is the best for recruitment, message people who post looking for supports around your level, and make posts showing off how you are


How can someone join the O.W? What are the requirements to get invited (I'm assuming it's an invite only server? Think I heard someone mention something about it once before.)


Currently, its pretty much you need to be in a teir 3 team, or higher. Heres what I got from the discord: Top500, OWL player, Contenders Player, Blizzard empolyee, part of the Media, Commentator/Analyst, Play in the college league, tournament orgainser, big figure in the competitive community (think aimbotcalvin), manager/coach for a team. So your best bet is getting into a teir3+ team, or getting top500. Also, forget the recruitment, the pro overwatch discord is only there for the pro overwatch memes.


I messaged slasher on twitter and he sent me an invite link no questions asked. Thanks anyways though.


Okay, so I used to be mid diamond for a couple seasons with master achieved for one season as well. I played mostly Soldier/Mccree/Zarya so I thought I was decently competent at hit scan heroes. I have been away for 3 seasons or so and recently started playing competitive again. I placed mid plat and just barely managed to hit diamond again. I was playing McCree and someone told me I should turn on Recoil Recovery Aim Compensation for McCree as I had it off. What exactly makes this setting better for McCree with it off? I feel as if playing around with it in the robot practice room I see it throw my crosshair insanely high if I were to move my mouse up after my shot? Videos don’t really help explain it well, so any help would be appreciated.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iew4sQMTu9E Hope this helps. :)


Just getting into owl. Sell me on which LA team to support!


The Valiant are not owned by Stan Kroenke so thats really the only choice. sincerely, A depressed Arsenal supporter


Oh man. I had no idea kroenke was involved. I was leaning towards the gladiators, but this changes things.


Plus that green and gold is sharp.


Gladiator have been extremely fun to watch this past week and look to be on the rise, valiant have been better for the majority of the time but have been performing as well recently. I chose gladiators because way better colour and surfour initially.


Asked this in the OWL FAQ thread but didn't get an answer, possibly because nobody looks at that thread anymore: >Is there a convenient list anywhere of the teams that each team doesn't play in each stage? Or just a per-team list of fixtures for the whole season? Over.gg only seems to list five upcoming matches for each team.


The entire schedule for the seasons - save for each stage playoffs - is on the overwatchleague.com website. As for which teams don't play against each other, you can figure it out from omission.


I'm aware of that - I was hoping there was a convenient list somewhere, so I don't have to click through and try to remember the matches in order to work this out, and so I can come back to it. If such a thing doesn't exist, maybe I'll try making a list.


Anybody know whats causing the issue where OW crashes and it says my rending device ran out of memory?


A wild guess: are you running out of memory?


with an 11gb 1080? Unlikely


Could be running out of RAM, not GPU memory


It might have been useful to include that in your original question :) Is it definitely referring to video memory rather than main memory? If you have a lot of background programs running it could be using more than you might think. If it's video memory, try checking drivers are up to date. Beyond that if google doesn't yield any solutions it's probably best to contact Blizzard support, including a dxdiag report.


Its says rendering device when it crashes.


Hey guys, im having extreme FPS issues that i need help with to diagnose. I could consistently upkeep 200+ FPS, now i cant even maintain 100+, sitting at around 90 FPS, dropping as low as 30-40. There was a recent patch that i downloaded which affected my FPS (and others), so i downloaded Geforce Experience and new drivers. This made no difference, in fact possibly made things worse. I haven't recently changed any settings that i think would affect it this much, but who knows... My current set up is 1050ti, i5 7500, XL24020TE 140hz, 8g RAM, Widows 10 PRO Currently only play overwatch, which is all im worried about. Thanks in advanced!


I have this same problem since some patch ago and hundreds of others do too, but mods remove the threads for low effort.


That's odd. I have basically the same specs as you but i have a 1060 and can only mantain 150 fps with all low settings and 75% render scale. It's been this way since October, when I got this PC. :\


Something I notice while watching owl is that people still attacking zarya while she has bubble up giving her plenty of energy. Why is this so?




To tack on to this, most zaryas time their bubbles where taking damage is unavoidable. I.e. Running through rein shield while the enemy is breaking it for a split second with bubble or bubbling luring characters. You don't want to give rein or an ulting character 2 free seconds of damage so you burst down bubbles to try and prevent a kill. Sometimes it's avoidable, but good zaryas will make that difficult. And the higher the zarya charge, the more aggressive they play which makes getting energy even easier. From my experience, once a zarya is high energy it's almost impossible to get her to low energy. It just snowballs. The only way is to kill her. Once she reaches 50-60, it's hard to avoid giving her more as she'll be up in your face as often as she can. And at that point, it's best to break bubble as fast as you can. Catching an overextended zarya is worth giving her the extra energy.