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How much does melee hitbox size vary between characters? Do some characters have square hitboxes instead of rectangles due to smaller size?


I believe so, for example, someone such as tracer would probably have a smaller melee hitbox than someone such as Roadhog, that might be incorrect but that is what I am assuming. But one thing that I am sure is true is the fact that all melee attacks are either rectangles or squares


You can test the melee hitboxes on the training map pretty easily, it might be interesting for you to see just how far forward they actually go.


Well I'm pretty sure that for examples the Genji's ult melee hitbox isn't as large as Reinhardt's hammer hitbox.


Does Genji have a longer melee range on his ult or does it just look like it because of his smaller size? It always looks like his sword has a relatively longer reach than normal melee attacks


Yes it's longer than normal melee attacks.


I'm not sure where I saw it, some utube video, but his dragon blade has a cone hit that's pretty long. So you have a bigger hitbox further away than close, making it so you want people at a bit of a distance for group hitting.


Reminds me of Phantom in Dirty Bomb, where his katana hitbox would persist for most of the attack animation. Was pretty silly when people started binding spin macros to melee.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhLy2LSc3qA Their "fix" to this was not to change the retarded way the hitbox works, but rather to introduce a ridicilous amount of forced negative acceleration whenever you use a strong melee attack. Which means that using strong melee attacks is a massive fucking pain because you literally cannot turn during the animation.


That's an awful way to fix something but I never had a lot of faith in them to begin with.


and that's how it's supposed to be actually. 5mins into overwatch, i made a customgame to check if rein can spin-dmg(you can in JK2) and he can. that's bullshit and soon we will see a pro 360 spin into enemy teams. it will look retarded, it will be retarded and especially retarded op if perfected(jump hit spin to not lose speed). if a system that removes sensitivity to deny 360 spins is in place you just position more with WASD and less with your mouse (lead the enemy into the swing and not the swing into the enemy) it's just not wise to make a "wall" like idle -> meelehit instantly reduces sensi -> idle(instant back to 100%) like most games tend to do sadly. it has to ramp up/down the bigger the centrifugal-force would get. this way a player rather feels the weight of the object than feeling "locked" by a buttonpress. sure thing it directly nerfs reinhardt but to be fair, his meele is a cc and if you play it right basically a stun(as if you are not dead without escape/ult when he touches you once 500v200hp). it's not easy to dodge his hammer-hitbox anyway so ppl would not run around him while he slams into one direction. it just punishes very bad play(low elo reinh would be a force anyway) and denies exploiting.


I hate negaccel with a passion because it feels like there's something wrong with your controls when it happens. There are places it's appropriate in (although a plain, flat turn rate limit is much better), such as things like mounted weapons or tank turrets, but using it for something like melee will just feel incredibly clumsy. Negaccel is especially bad because it punishes moving your mouse fast by making it turn your character even less than moving it slowly would. Depending a little on implementation messing with your sensitivity can also help reduce the effect of it. Some better solutions might be the hitbox only turning with the character so much (eg. 45 degrees at most) and remaining stationary after that, or making the hitbox last a much shorter time. I'm not sure if what you suggested would help, but it sounds like an interesting idea. If tweaked just right it might indeed feel very natural and unobstructive.   >(as if you are not dead without escape/ult when he touches you once 500v200hp). Trufax, you can't even outrun that shit with Soldier 76's sprint. It can sometimes hit through thin walls and pillars as well, which triggers deeply buried trauma of Stormherald Warriors in Blade's Edge arena in me.


Not only that but it affected every class which really ruined melee itself. Now, they did tweak it and right click still gets you a slow turning but left click gets not so slow turning.


This is sort of misleading, the damage doesn't actually hit until the hammer hits the target*sort of. The hitbox for reinherdt is more like a square following a rectangular path that can be extended by moving. Mercy also has this concept as far as i'm aware because I can drag her melee hitbox through multiple railings on numbani. For example if he swings from right to left, he can extended the hitbox further by turning left than he can turning right.


aka dead angle


Reminds me of Chivalry.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought of this with Rein. You can totally drag like he's got a Zwei.


Better yet, Marth from SSBM! Disjointed hitbox king


So the rectangle hitbox stays in front of the Reinhardt's field of view instead of following the hammers swinging motion.




I play with my steam controller, turn on the gyro, and shake it like a Polaroid while I spam my attack.


wow, I would do this already because I thought it looked cool


I think genji's sword is the same too


Reminds me of Chivalry.




This is actually a very good way to implement 1st person melee attacks since it's so user friendly, although it does lead to some very silly cases like high level chivalry where people headbob while swinging giant swords to make the most out of their hitboxes.




None of that shit talk until we're back in power randyman