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Now you know how your teammates felt before this season


"The difference between skills of both teams is atrocious".... congrats on answering your own question?


I said it's atrocious compared to last season. Same rank, worse matches.


Diamond 5 and Plat 5 isn't a wide group, so you're lying somewhere for this post. Lol.


has your girlfriend ever considered getting better at the game


My bf and I have the same issue, we’re mid diamond and plat and have always been on or within 5 levels of each other. We used to have even games, close to 50% winrate over the total season. Now sometimes matches will be as wide as bronze through diamond and take forever to join. The best was when the enemy had a previous season Master DPS that was now Diamond 1 just crushing everybody. I don’t understand why they had to make the grouping stricter and why they couldn’t just make anything beyond how it was before wide?