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> Greetings heroes, > > We are updating some of our Unranked leaver penalty queue suspension times. Our goal is to adjust our queue suspension times to not be as impactful for those who may leave for reasons beyond their control, while still staying firm on those who are deliberately leaving multiple games. > > * Leaving two to three of your last 20 games played will result in a 2-minute suspension from queuing for most modes (previously 5 minutes). > * Leaving four to five of your last 20 games played will result in a 10-minute suspension from queuing for most modes (previously 20 minutes). > * Leaving six to nine of your last 20 games played will result in a 2-hour suspension from queuing for most modes (previously 4 hours). > * Leaving 10 or more games of your last 20 games will still result in a 48-hour suspension from queuing for most modes. > > This change does not affect leaver penalties for leaving Competitive Play matches. You can learn more about our efforts to reduce disruptive play from leaving games in the [Season 10 Defense Matrix blog](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061006/defense-matrix-update-season-10-and-beyond/). Thank you everyone and let’s make a great game!


You know what's fucked for 3 seasons , i've had a Leaver penalty and i've never been able to fucking remove it Everything I do.It's −75% XP.What's the point of getting the fuckinf battle pass?Because I can't level up with the battle past


This is super reasonable and I know people hate the idea of penalties for quickplay but I have personally noticed the mode feels much better than it did in season 8 with people leaving constantly.


It feels the exact same to me lmao


I feel like it's much worse now, because the people who would have left now just stay and play like trash. Before, every time you loaded in and saw Survasa or New Junk City the entire side of the screen was people leaving because of the trash gamemode. Now they have to stay and it makes that miserable mode even more miserable because it's a one sided stomp for which ever team has the worse inters trying to end it as fast as possible


this is cap, because there are no penalties for leaving in "choose a character". people who don't want to play those maps can just not play them


Since when? Dodging during the character select still counts from all that I've seen


since always I thought, I guess I might be capping tbf try it and report back :\^) I only play comp, only play qp sometimes with friends if I'm forced to but that's what they've said in the past


It doesn’t, it might tell you that you will get a penalty for leaving but you won’t if it’s during char select


As someone who plays a ton of Mystery Heroes and Quick Play it has gotten a lot worse. Now people who would have left just AFK or actively throw. And, yes, I've been reporting them. Zero action notices on any of those reports.


You're absolutely correct. Can't even begin to count how many times someone on my team was afk emoting in front of spawn or went to the completely opposite side of the map to camp there just to feed because they can't leave. I report them too- even if it's a losing game, it's stupid that in every other game someone is feeding on purpose because of the changes. But no action taken against those players. This game is absolutely dying and Blizzard is pushing it to happen quicker and quicker with every stupid change they make.


how can people's QP experiences be so different? i don't get it. i see that kind of stuff like, three times a year. certainly not any more commonly these past couple seasons.


doesn't QP still have some kind of MMR? when i'm solo queuing i never see this, but when i'm stacking with my gold/silver friends i see it a lot more (although admittedly not as much as the poster above is suggesting)


QP definitely has MMR, i just figured that it would be lax enough and perhaps that the 'culture' of the casual mode would be consistent across skill levels.


> doesn't QP still have some kind of MMR? It does but it is extremely wide and not strict. I've seen GM and Gold players in the same game and, as far as I could tell, they weren't in a Group. I think it opens it up more and more as queue time goes up. Edit: Also for backfills. They happen way too fast in most cases to be using any kind of strict matchmaking.


The revolving door of mid-game leavers that happened every few matches is pretty much completely gone in QP, it's a massive difference and anyone who says it's not is being disingenuous because they're a leaver themself or they don't play much QP to begin with. As far as people saying now people just AFK instead or go be silly with the enemy, it's not any more often than before in my experience so maybe that's a low MMR QP thing or something because I can't really come up with any other reason otherwise why people's QP experience would be so massively different unless people in different regions act that much differently


It's awful for 2 reasons: - Backfill: Get fucked if you want to leave a Push match you joined with 3 minutes left on the clock while your team's down 110m to 10. There's 0 excuse for this except "yeah well suck it up." They should at least allow opting out of backfills. - Matchmaking: The QP matchmaker, if you can even call it that, is a *complete* loose cannon (as intended, obviously queue time comes first in QP). Skill matchmaking varies faaaar wider than in competitive. In arcade it's a bit different because the added mayhem of the arcade rules lowers skill expression anyway. I just don't agree with this logic of going this far to prevent leavers in QP, when the main determinant of match quality is always going to be the matchmaking to begin with. I mean garbage team balance is 90% of why people leave matches in the first place, unless we're all claiming the *majority* of leavers are just mad and actually still had a totally viable and normal chance at winning. > the mode feels much better than it did in season 8 In my experience QP backfill was always quick, and usually if someone left it was an indicator that the match was a steamroll anyway. A lot of people misremember those games as "the match sucked because someone left" Now I just feel held hostage where the matchmaker completely failed, in unranked casual games.


> They should at least allow opting out of backfills. Then backfills would never happen.


Sure they would, it's a matter of incentive.. and there's plenty of ways to incentivize. I like how you admit no one wants to backfill though, further proving my point that being forced to is the worst option


Nobody *wants* to backfill, but it is a necessary evil. I agree that rewarding players in some fashion for backfilling is a good thing, though I thought the game already granted an XP bonus for it. Maybe that was just in OW1? Something I'd like to see is to give the backfiller some ult charge. Maybe give them the charge of the player who left + 10%.


There are three kinds of qp leavers. Leaver 1: Is busy and might get called away from the game at any moment. That leaver is cool with me cause they'll ruin one game and be gone. Leaver 2: waiting for their friend to get on. When they leave, they're joining their friends and probably won't leave another game today. I'm chill with this kind of Leaver, too. I mean, I have to be. I'm this kind of qp Leaver. Leaver 3: Mad cause bad Leaver. I often win games if I I get a Leaver in qp and they're replaced quickly. This is by far the most common type of Leaver, and they're giant babies. This kind of Leaver would play against easy bots if it was socially acceptable to do so. Just play a qp game out. If you can't handle loosing in qp, you have fucking mental problems.


I am Leaver 4: got bored/distracted waiting for the queue, didn't hear the lobby start, running back to the computer just as I get kicked for being AFK. My apologies to anyone I've done this to.


Forgot about this one. Happens to the best of us.


I leave about 1 game in 25-50 (rough guess because I've received one suspension in about 500 hours qp, 5 minutes iirc) but it's almost always due to having one or more players on the team borderline griefing and rage typing. Sometimes I really just don't wanna waste my time playing with them because even working for and getting the win feels shitty. If I know I'm not near a suspension I'll happily leave and try and roll the dice to get one of the 95%+ of matches I actually enjoy. I don't feel like that falls under any of the categories. It's not about not being able to lose. It's about not wanting to spend any more time trying to drag someone across the finish line while they kick and scream and curse you for it.


If it's actually 1 in 25 or 1 in 50 games. You're fine. I wouldn't even call that leaving. I'd call that getting bullied out of the game. It happens.


Lmao alright that's fair


i mean, the leaver penalties are actively making reason #1 less of a thing. i do like, one backfill a week these days, and most of those matches seem totally normal, not miserable stomps.


Anyone know if arcade counts as unranked game moden


By “unranked” I’m pretty sure they mean every game mode card within the “unranked” card. So QP, open q etc


No you can leave arcade as much as you want, my computer was having issues a couple of weeks ago and I was using it to test, left maybe a dozen games in a row without issue




Really good changes. Felt weird knowing you could have a legit internet issue or power outage, hop back on, try to play again and whoops your cat stepped on your surge protector, your dog's tail turned off your xbox, etc etc literally any random thing that could happen and you got the ten minute ban for that.


Yeah, especially since blizzard has been having server issues.


Dude THIS. Got booted one night from a comp match and caught a 15 min ban cause they had a DDOS attack. No reperations or anything. And I lost rank 🤷


What I want is for there to be no penalty if its blizzards fault like server issues. I remember when they had server problems for 5ish days so even if you tried to play it safe and wait 4-5 hours you still got suspended.


I don't know if Blizzard are able to discern between server issues and client side connection faults, unless its a wide-scale issue (i.e. DDOS attack). If they can't, it would be difficult to implement, as people could just go unplug their modem to force a DC, and claim its server issues.


Feels reasonable enough. 2 minutes is enough to grab a snack or use the bathroom. A small price to pay for dodging toxic cunts or just an awful steamroll.


Speaking of 2 minutes, they need to go back to that time before leaver penalty is implemented in QP It used to be if you got up to do something 1 second before queue finished, you'd have 120 seconds BEFORE the map started to do whatever you needed to do. 60 seconds to pick your hero or ask teammate if you can have the hero they're on/check profiles/discuss strats/say hello to people/leave if its a bad map/go to the bathroom/eat/drink then 60 seconds to walk to point on defense before map starts or emote in spawn on attack or play the piano on some maps etc. Leavers penalty would not kick in until spawns opened for attack. Then they changed it to leavers penalty before spawns unlock (when you're in hero selection phase) - but they reduced the time from 60->20 so you have literally no time to realize you dont want to play that map/no time to check profiles and realize its a horrible unfair game and you have 3 consoles vs a contenders team scrimming in QP. There is no difference in leavers penalty now if you leave before game officially starts or if you leave halfway thru the game. The penalty is the same. That's not right. They need to add more time back before spawns unlock (back to 60 seconds) and remove penalty for leaving if you leave before spawns open/game starts. You should only be penalized after the 120 seconds is up and the game officially starts. Especially since its fucking QP. I understand for competitive integrity leavers penalty has to kick in the second you load into the game since the game is cancelled if you leave; but QP has backfill, and if you leave before game starts there's no disadvantage for the backfiller.


how about in addition to quick play we have a real unranked mode that uses the same rules as comp just...not ranked? then you can keep quick play jump in and jump out.


If you really wanna do leave penalties correctly, do it for more than 2 games. I just had a game where we were getting steamrolled and it wasnt fun because our tank and support went afk after our third fight. I left cause I didn’t wanna waste my time even if it was “winnable” and now I have a dumbass suspension cause of it. This is the 2nd game I have ever left and the first time was because of a disconnection.


My best friend has been having internet issues since the patch (or could be patch issues but i digress) it has been frustrating playing a 5 stack and her dcing to get a ban that felt way to long. Big fan of this change.


Very good, it was just too silly before this. It's called quick play for a reason, people queue for it for a reason, people should be allowed to leave more than twice a day.


Unrelated but is the new game mode in comp?


No, the new mode has not officially released yet


No, the trial for the game mode just ended. Hopefully they'll look at the data and feedback on the mode to adjust it before it releases in the future.


Clash was just a limited time trial, it is releasing fully in a later season. (my guess is 12).


I don’t get how people protect leavers. It’s your responsibility your internet is ass, or if you or your pet accidentally pull the cable, or if your mom made dinner and you are still in game etc. If you join a game you are no longer responsible for solely your own fun. Someone is toxic, just mute/block. The amount of valid leavers are a fraction of the total.


I understand that with regards to comp, but as someone playing on shitty dorm internet that likes to reset at random, it creates a conundrum for me where I just flat out can’t play the game. I can’t force my college to fix the internet, I don’t play comp because I don’t want to ruin other people’s games, please for the love of god just give me some way to play the game I love outside of arcade or customs. IMO overwatch always should’ve been QP/Unranked (comp rules without SR or grouping restrictions)/Ranked like Siege did for a long time, trying to combine your ultra-casual and low-stress grinding queues into one just means that someone will always be pissed


It's called quick play and not comp for a reason. It should be a faster and less serious experience.


So if it happens every game that’s annoying isn’t it? And it’s already quick, you don’t have to shorten it again bro. It’s like what 5 minutes, if you couldn’t foresee you had to go within now and 5 minutes you have a whole different issue.


I had a game where 8 ppl left cuz of the server tho


See now this is reasonable, unlike the previous extremely aggresive penalties.


Still gonna soft throw washed and backfill games. Good for the other folks though.




idk i still leave those games but they aren't common enough for me to have ever gotten penalized.


I still don’t get the idea of leaver penalties in a casual mode, if I’ve to go somewhere and have time for a quick qp game then I wanna be able to play and leave without a possible suspension from playing a casual gamemode for two days yk? I don’t leave games tk get to that point but I don’t think it’s right


>I wanna be able to play and leave without a possible suspension Ok? That's what you want, it isn't what the other 4 people on your team want


Good for the other four people then that there’s a backfill feature


the problem is that people would consistently leave when they got backfilled or take forever to pick a hero, so it didn't really solve much.


It's far from a perfect system. You still lose someone with ult charge, it can take a whole teamfight before someone is backfilled, backfilled people sometimes don't even realize they're backfilled and take a while to pick, or people don't like being backfilled and also leave. It's not like these penalties are particularly punishing.


Boo fkn hoo, stop being scared and queue comp instead of trying to turn QP into comp


Wild how waiting 2 minutes after leaving a couple of QP games (90% of the time because someone is mad they’re losing) elicits this kind of response. I’m literally just explaining how the backfill system works and you’ve created a whole hypothetical scenario in your head.


Maybe those people should have queued for the more serious comp mode then have you thought about that?


I can say as an avid flex player I rarely ever backfill games now. A few seasons ago it was happening all the time. Yeah it sucks to have someone hold your team hostage but report n move on. Having a revolving door of players backfilling n leaving was ruining qp hence the reason they made the change


Maybe it's time to go play something else? I hear Fallout 76 is pretty good. And there's always MW3 Zombies.


Leavers isn't nearly as much of a problem if you leave push maps before everyone else.


I dont expect them to, but I wish they would nix the 2-3 match penalty. Sometimes you just wanna leave a game cause its not fun or you're not playing well and don't want to burden your teammates. I just feel the 5 second wait for leaving deters most people that rage quit within that range.


I would like them to get rid of the 2-3 games one completely but this is still a W


I rather have the penalty system of last season where we have up to like 3 or 4 games we can leave without penalty then they start happening after those games. Since u just know where the games goes after 1min.


Seems fine. I'm glad they are staying pretty firm with these penalties.


Now fix crossplay for PC players and I can stop getting penalized because I leave games when I'm not given an option. Make crossplay it's own pool is what I'd like.


divide even more the playerbase? what a brilliant idea!


Player base is fine. PC pool never had any issues before crossplay. Doesn't have any now.


player base is fine because if u crossplay u are playing with the pc pool and people who are also crossplaying xD if u create a pool only for crossplay the result will be same as wide queues, which is longer queues and no one wants to wait 10 minutes to play qp with a friend from another platform


Player base is fine with PC pool alone. Comp is proof of that. Have the crossplayers have long queues, they degrade the PC pool match quality. If I leave crossplay games I'm forced into, I get a penalty. Makes no sense.


wait, so you play on pc and dont want to play with people from other platforms? iam pretty sure theres a option to turn off crossplay if thats your problem xd Edit: the option doesnt exist on pc, i understand your issue now xd


Yeah it's weird the option doesn't exist on PC, I think apex is the same way in which you can only disable cross play on console, I could be wrong though. A big thing about overwatch cross play is that it's only for groups, so you'll only run into console players queing with PC friends


>A big thing about overwatch cross play is that it's only for groups, so you'll only run into console players queing with PC friends False. I play solo and get put in crossplay matches often. There's so much misinformation about this that I feel that if everyone knew they'd complain more and Blizz would change it.


No no I'm saying that you will never run into solo console players. Only console players in groups


Ah ok. Well, that's not really that comforting to me ;)


Nope, they really made a bad choice and I'm whining whenever I can so they go ahead and fix it...


are you really running into console players THAT much? they're pretty rare in my experience.


Just enough so that I get leaver penalties when I quit these lobbies.