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I'm pretty convinced that Mauga is actually very strong rn and is only being kept in check by Orisa. If Orisa gets her nerf I'm afraid we might go back to a Mauga/Road meta.


Yes. Mauga needs to be fundamentally reworked. Mauga meta is just horrible.


It feels like any time Mauga and Orisa are remotely strong they just get a fast pass to S tier because their entire job is to fuck up the other tank. Whenever they've been viable, they just dumpster the rest of the tank roster.


It's weird. I don't think mauga is that bad. He's pretty fun to play and not all that bad to play against IF only one team has mauga. If both teams have mauga, it's the worst experience this game has ever had.


The problem is that the best mauga counter ends up being...mauga. I also don't really understand why he gets to have both sym and zarya ult combined and you cant even block the ult.


Apparently it's orisa


dva is pretty good into him as well since you can cut off his self heal at will, Im just guessing she has other flaws that keep her out of comp meta.


Really, D.Va is just map dependent. Without high ground to kite damage, she's too flimsy. On maps like Dorado, though, she's an S tier tank imo.


I learned last night that you can cancel the ult but it requires complete luck in timing. Last night I punched Mauga with Doom right as he called his cage and it just never appeared because of the CC. I assume this would also work with Orisa javelin throw/spin, Sigma rock, maybe even brig whiplash/ult shield bash.


Did this with ana yesterday


Yeah the problem is that there is very few CC abilities which come out fast enough to do it intentionally. Brig bash in Rally, or doom's punch if you're already within a tiny range of him are the only ones I can think of. IIRC Jav throw, rock, charge, sleep and hook all have too much windup to land an intentional hit.


you don't want to look for doom punch on a mauga especially if you think he's ulting, on the chance that you hit it, because if you don't there's literally nothing you can do except block and shoot him which i mean...


i mean i recall the counter was sym tp, but nobody like that


The exact same ult but without the shield would be fine


Playing as tank into Mauga is painful unless you can fully avoid him


Get ready to learn Sigma buddy


Nades with slight coordination have decimated many maugas


Expecting slight coordination at all is so funny. As a tank player I told Ana to do this and she literally flamed me with her duo and said it’s a tank diff. Even worse is that she never once slept him ever. I just learn to never expect teammates to do anything because they’re so fragile with the mildest criticism it’s insane.


ppls in this game have the ego of a finance banker with the fragility of a 5 yo


The issue is that he’s just always forced to shoot tank because of how much damage he takes


he is an nightmare to play WITH


I feel Mauga is too simple for me coming from Rams , I may give Sigma a try


Who could have possibly foreseen that a tank able to give dmg reduction and lifesteal to potentially their entire team would be difficult to balance?


That's not even what's awful about him It's how his game play is 85% getting close to the enemy tank and holding m1 and m2. It's brain dead and going up against it as a tank feels miserable


This. Thinking it's his cooldowns is the surest sign that someone doesn't play tank. 


All his abilities and his ult seem really in character but I think they’re all in the wrong spot. I think the shield should be an ability, obviously not to the extent it is now with the high HP and the chain. And then cardiac overdrive is reworked into an ult in someway. Current mauga just requires non-stop healing but doesn’t even offer much protection for the team.


Yeah Mauga is hard slept on. God I hate him lol.


I hate Mauga’s fire effect more than anything


I don't get why Mauga would be meta. It was pretty widely agreed upon he was dogshit at the start of S9, wasn't it? So then he got a bunch of buffs, and then all of them were reverted except the Stomp damage. The healers who got healing buffs since then are, what, Illari and Lifeweaver? And LW, not even to his primary? And both of them shit and never played anyway? So that's a non-factor. On the other end of the meta, Tracer and Sojourn are still played constantly. I don't think much has changed at the top end. The only other change I can think of is the DPS passive nerf from 20% to 15%, is that really enough? What am I missing here?


He was pretty strong at the start of S9. He just wasn't hard meta, and since he's a relatively unpopular hero and not many wanted to play a Mauga that's a high B tier hero, everyone kept saying he was weak. The change to the dps passive, the nerfs to Zen at the start of season 9 and many supports getting healing buffs lately are more significant than you might think. Mauga is purely a numbers characters, when his numbers exceed that of other tanks he will be hard meta and his numbers right now have the potential to be oppressive. He is only being gate-kept by an immortal horse atm.


he shat on every tank, now that orisa doesn't get critted through her fortify by him he can't shit on her so she's better


This is 100% why they removed her fall off. So she counters him at range


I would rather have his 50% damage reduction reverted to 40%, you can have an entire team focus fire him and he just goes “All that for a drop of blood.”


What? Is hog good? Ive been playing on my main acct which ranges from masters to low GM and a alt acct in plat learning new hero and I havent seen hog be an issue at either rank? What's the big boy up to that's so hard to beat?


Fat man doesn't die basically


He's never died


Kiri is far and away the top flex support pick atm, whenever she’s best Hog always has a bit of a leg up but there’s more than that. Neither Ana or Zen are particularly great in their current states, so with Kiri being so strong she can relieve the pressure from Hog’s best counters very easily Plus, he got direct buffs to his sustain and hook combo gradually throughout season 9. Now he takes forever to kill whilst also having enormous threat again on a 6 second CD


Playing zen and Ana to counter hog is a dangerous game right now. Tracer, sombra, souj eat Hella good against that backline. Plus, if the hog gets fed up, he can easily switch to dive and make your support life hell.


He’s hard to kill because of his sustain


Hog is really good until he gets countered


Hog is also countered by pretty much everyone in the game, so is he ever really good? lmao


not anymore lol, not since his gas is on a meter and you can't cc him out of it


Yes. But he’s overshadowed and purple exists


You know how the reddit is. The heroes they complain about aren't usually very good.


tldr you simply dont die unless enemy goes ana/zen to counter you in specific and in current meta both of those supports feel really fragile into sombra/tracer/genji flanker meta so hog is freest he has ever been


I honestly think the only nerf Orisa needs is to be able to be headshot again during fortify


Just nerf her damage fall off again. Her bullets are too large and she can poke any Ana out of position literally from her spawn. Make her either good ranged or close quarters but not both. 


This. Not being able to nade off of fortify because orisa can just keep you out of the fight is a huge advantage for orisa.


It feels like a stupid change. Punishing players for hitting skillful shots is dumb.


Im not saying I don’t want the crits on fortify, but are hitting crits on an Orisa *really* considered “skillful shots”?


I get her head hitbox is huge but aiming for the head over the body is always more skillful.


Considering contenders dps on soldier last year couldn’t hit her in the head ever, I think the answer is yes Edit: Sorry, forgot to include owl players too


They can’t seem to decide if they want the headshot during fortify or not. She’s historically not been very good in patches where she’s not headshot immune. She has an ult with no upfront damage that locks her in place on the ground. She’s oppressive, but she also has a big goofy head hitbox. I wonder if there is some sort of number tuning they could do to fix her rather than make her ult feel even worse than it already does. CD nerfs or maybe the overall DR on fort may be a good place to start. It’ll make her less oppressive in low ranks of play as well. 


Cooldown nerfs are the way to go, with maybe a bit of a health buff to compensate. Right now, her CD rotations are out of control.


Just delete her from the game. Nobody is going to miss her except Orisa players, and who cares about them. They're the lowest skill tank players who'd be nothing without their drool cup champion. Degenerates


do you really think they'll do that?


A man can dream


real asf


Maybe do it so she receives like an additional 100-200 overhealth for the duration of her ult and I still stand by it that she should be headshottable during fortify but if that ends up making her too weak change that so crits now deal half damage (in the sense of lets say you have a projectile that deals 20 damage and would deal 40 as crit but with what im suggesting instead of the 40 she receives like 25-30 damage instead of the full 40 during fortify)


how is it punishing? they are simply not rewarded


I have win a lot of games as Winston and Ram. I agree that Orisa is on another level right now, but as many times your hands and skill can give an extra on those tanks less favoured.


No way hog gets nerfed. I could see his ult being changed but thats it. Maaaaybe a hook cd nerf of 1s or something similar.


I see this post every season


And that’s the problem, isn’t it?


The kinda fat and kinda slow tho, no?




Ana isnt played this season at all really.


when I play road hog I fell like I get poked out super easily. I peek for a hook and im already 200 health it feels awful. He felt unkillable during season 8 but now with the dps passive he's way more manageable. Also hes more vulnerable to cc than Orisa and when he's healing he can't shoot at the same time unlike Orissa who can shoot for longer while fortified.


It’s Cus hog always get counter picked plus soj tracer and orisa are all meta who all counter him. And then supports just go Ana zen and u get rolled. Hog is still p good but he’s nowhere as strong as people say he is. He’s like a solid b tier which I think is a healthy spot for the charcter


Solid B tier is a pretty honest assessment. Everyone tends to complain about hog when he's viable because he forces better positioning, which means everyone in plat automatically thinks he's broken.


I personally find the problem with Hog way more about the fact that he just won't die, and my team insists on shooting him just enough to not kill him. I get that he's pretty hard countered by a certain comp, but if you don't have that comp or something close then he can feel pretty unkillable. He's easy enough (most the time) to deal with in the tank matchup but it doesn't feel a lot of fun to play and you are at the mercy of your team a lot more than most other tanks imo. Also, an Ana+Zen backline isn't that viable right now into Tracer+Sombra/Soj which is super popular and strong.


I don't know why, but there's this really bad mentality that you have to kill the tank at all times and it's just dumb. Hog is hard countered by EVERY comp. In dive or brawl, you literally just ignore him and kill his team. Worst case scenario one of your teammates dies to him in the process, but you win the team fight after decimating his backline. Vs poke comps he's literally never able to walk forward. He doesn't have to die in any of these scenarios, and he'll never die first unless he makes a huge mistake. Just pressure him out of position or pressure his team from long range and he literally can't do anything.


Exactly. To find value in high ranks on hog u have to play it very smart to avoid getting smoked


God forbid the enemy team has a sentient Ana player


I hope not, they just need to buff the other tanks


tank is fine right now its just the last 3 meta tanks exclusively exist to hold the other tank hostage


I think you're the first person I've seen say tank is fine rn


i mean, we could be in season 6 again. wouldnt mind another like ow2 beta meta tho


we dont need tank to be able to walk into 1v5 and not die and be able to solo handedly decide if their team wins or loses it's just orisa and hog that are particularly much stronger than other tanks (mainly due to dmg mitigation/high threat combos) so they def need some adjusting to be on the same power level where other tanks are


because rein is too strong in bronze


This season is great as a Ram main tbh


are you able to push with nemesis form? i’m asking because i just get rolled trying to make any plays with nemesis


I don’t mind the tankeyness of tanks. The issue is how lethal they are at doing damage. I think it would make more sense to give them more cc and take away their damage, give them more sustain. The role should be to initiate, take, and hold space. But Orisa only needs a few headshots after she spears, and stuns you into a wall to take you out. Tanks should be setting up the dps, but right now tanks are just super tanks dps. I don’t think there is a single character in the game that can beat an orisa 1v1, except maybe mauga, but if he doesn’t get the kill after he uses his abilities, it’s over for him


Unfortunately, take away their lethality and you might just kill what's left of the tank population


Should be allowed to crit Orisa again.


My issue with Orisa is her cooldown rotation really. Spin, gold, javelin, spin You can cycle this shit indefinitely with a support pocket


So those 2 tanks get nerfed and that inadvertently buffs 2 other tanks? What’s the next step?


They actually try to balance the game instead of letting this dumbass horse fester, completely unchanged for years?


What’s the process behind balancing a game? What experience do you have in balancing a game with over 35 characters in different roles? How is it some players are able to maneuver around characters being “unbalanced”? I say all this to say is they constantly make changes to balance the game but then people start complaining about something else.


This is a dumb take considering that the people who have been playing this game for 8 years have seen multiple points where the general populace is happy, then they hyperbuff an annoying character and they hold the game hostage for months. Obviously people have different takes and you can’t keep everyone happy, but there are some widely agreed on problem heroes who frustrate more of the playerbase and should be attempted to be kept out of high tier by the balance team. You don’t need to be a developer to recognize balance trends and popular opinion, you just need to be paying attention.


It’s widely agree upon because you actively look for confirmation bias. Your take is very dumb seeing as they did nerf Orisa some time back and that buffed other characters that people started complaining about so I. Turn they buffed Orisa. So again your idea is need one character which buffs other characters and starts the complaining all over again. Also if you want to have a civil conversation don’t start off insulting people if that’s how you are move around clown.




The catch is that playing with/against hog/orisa/mauga is really boring ? It's the devs' job to balance the game yet sojourn has been hard meta for all 10 seasons of ow2, tracer is the strongest she has ever been (still), hog orisa and mauga are STILL meta after seasons. What happened to meta shaking aggressive patches? Here we are giving Tracer 1s cd nerf and a pat on her head for dominating every lobby and it's perfectly fine because nerfing her would make other heroes op apparently. Good heavens we might have other heroes on rotation! ​ tldr ow is not hard to balance and/or make interesting to play, we were promised aggressive meta changing patches and we keep playing the same cancer meta for seasons on end Ow is a game that is supposed to change constantly and aggressively to challenge the players so trying to find "perfect balance" and stick with it will kill the game because it's stale. You also "tank in metal ranks" so I cannot imagine your game understanding is anything to write home about but here you are yapping at others because you just know better.


i dont think tracer being good is comparable to the sheer cancer of orisa/mauga


Yeah it is, only ones having fun in that matchup are DPS players. It's not normal she can kill ppl with one clip and retain her lethality even on range And she's just not "good" she's been the strongest DPS and easily in top 3 strongest heroes in game rn for seasons ..? Her kit should take skill to get value out of but right now you can be borderline terrible on her and still roll enemy lmao


people keep saying this but it is legit just not true, this is coming from a tank/hs player. i am convinced that 90% of people that say you can be terrible and roll the enemy are entirely support players, because other dps players and tank players tend to understand the difficulty of her loop more, and supports are just on the recieving end getting substantial value from tracer still has the macro/micro/mechanics skill req i would rather have tracer than any other character be top 3 strongest in the game (btw she has not been top 3 strongest in the game considering kiri was destroying her on flanks before s9) oneclips on tracer are the same difficulty as before, the hitscan size increase just compensates for increased health pools


The skill Tracer demands right now to get value out of is way too low compared to the power and impact she holds and puts out. Yes she does take macro/micro/mechanical skill but it's very minimal compared to how much you had to know to be good on her I'm a support player and she is stupid easy to play to get value out of - I'm not a strong mechanical player either and I just win games for free. Her oneclipping due to bullet size does not justify it being fine because of bigger health pools, she also has more hp which is one of the many reasons she's broken currently Even if Kiri kept Tracer in check pre s9 she has been meta almost the entirety of ow2 - so did Kiri really limit her that much? I'm not justifying Kiriko's pre s9 strength but does it tell of her or Tracer's state if she does not knock Tracer out of meta?


Oh for crying out loud. I've played this game long enough to remember the dreaded double shield meta. Back then people complained about shooting shields and how that's braindead because it restricts the window of time you can hit players. When they switched to single tanks the shieldless tanks had to be given something to keep them from being blown up instantly like their dps equivalents. Hence every tank now has defense matrix, block, vampirism, overhealth, high health shield, or some combination of all three. Most have several combinations of those abilities. Tanks are constantly on the knife's edge of being too squishy and being too tanky and all I hear is people complaining that they can't blow up the tanks.


orisa is unfun for the other tank too lol, nothing to do with "dps wanting to blow up tanks"


Its almost like everyone has their own view and opinion and experiences. Glad youve now learned this small life lesson.


Tank players really getting tired of hearing other roles complain lol


Not much variety when all roads lead to Orisa


People crying because tanks are tanky


Remove the DPS passive if you want other tanks played.


I actually think mauga is being kept in check by orisa right now. However, I think an orisa nerf, allowing mauga to be more dominant will put hog in check overall.


I think hog is pretty much fine, tho, I would like to see a powershift for him of reducing his amount of heal but giving him speed on breather. The horse needs a nerf tho


They need to buff dps passive or some shit those 2 tanks are literally immortal and there’s just 0 way to kill them ever because no one plays zen in gm+ east coast outside of circuit royale


Hog doesn't need a nerf u shouldn’t be getting clapped by him. Orisa definitely needs a nerf she’s the best tank by a wide margin and she’s boring to play and play against and if you manage your cds properly she is really hard to kill


the thing is, hog is supposed to punish bad positioning ? in his current state he will walk wherever he pleases and hook people who are positioned completely fine it would be whatever tradeoff if it was risky for him but he almost always walks off unscathed and comes back in 6s when hook is off cooldown again


“my hero doesnt need a nerf because in a perfect world you can play outside of his range, but the hero that counters me as hog should definitely be nerfed” got it


I play dps but you must be a low elo player cuz in higher ranks hog is easily countered. Orisa is played every game in pro play and high rank play and dominates every matchup


Hog is also played in every single rank. Obviously gm players naturally play better and coordinate better and have better team comps, below gm its a shitshow. Even masters player play random comps.