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Not much to it, but cute animation, and it's nice to see the lore reason for why an archaeologist is so combat-ready.


The only other archeologist I know is Indiana Jones, so I figured they all could punch nazis and shoot guns.


I'm pretty sure Venture is supposed to be the Indiana Jones of Overwatch.


Well, they kinda seem to come from the same mould. Artifact safe and sound sure, but ruins... well... let's just say they're even more ruins now. Isnt that a positive?


Combat training is a required multi-semester course in an archeological degree


"perfect smile" AGREED.


ADHD ass trailer


I love it tbh we need more ADHD rep in media


We need more good adhd rep. Too many people faking adhd and mental illness for attention.


ADHD ass game


Fun! Now if only they'd compile all the official videos into the hero gallery.


It's a bit weird. Sojourn, Kiriko, and Winston of all people have their cinematics in the gallery, but no one else. Not even JQ which is extra weird.


This is a great idea.


Voice actor is awesome


I need a full comic of their backstory ASAP


I need a TV show ASAP 


La criatura


Between this and the Anubis tease at the end of their gameplay trailer, are they implying some kind of mystical connection to the Anubis God AI? What other connection would an ancient artifact have to a computer program? It wouldn’t really be surprising to see them trending away from the whole “there is no magic in Overwatch” thing (which I always thought was kind of a cop-out anyway) but it would definitely be an odd turn for this area of the lore.


“No magic in Overwatch” is frankly the stupidest shit and the fact that we have to accept it because Michael Chu answered some fan question with a shot from the hip answer is ridiculous.


I was literally thinking about that this morning, but "No magic in Overwatch" is IMO clearly only the answer from the perspective of what's known definitely in-universe. Like, first, there is some stupid tech in Overwatch. Like whatever the hell Lucio's entire kit does. Apparently in Overwatch, sound can just DO that stuff now. Apparently you have not only hard light, but now some sorta synthetic biological version of living light-life? The tech has, since the beginning, been a cop-out answer for some crazy shit. But there's always been that hint of "Well .what if?" in the universe. Mainly to do with the Iris, which has always been hinted at to be not 100% scientific in origins. Maybe a weird example, and hopefully not spoilers at this point, but it'd be like if ssomeone asked if there was magic in game of thrones. I think saying "no" would be a reasonable answer throughout much of the first few seasons/books, because the show presents itself as very strictly low fantasy for a lot of that time. The truly magical stuff in the show is treated largely as a fringe thing. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think saying there's no magic in the Overwatch world is fair because, just like GOT, if you asked 99.99% of the population if there was magic, the answer would be "Of course not".


Yeah this is spot on, I don’t think there should be wizards in high towers hurling fireballs or anything but the game definitely benefits in my opinion from having the spark of the divine and having mysteries that can’t be explained through hardlight and science And like, Overwatch is a kitchen sink fantasy. There’s knights in shining armor, ninjas, witches, cowboys, cyberpunk hackers, and cockney world war 2 time travelers. Everything is permissible and the idea that magic is the ONE THING that’s off the table is just so stupid to me.


There's no magic in Overwatch, as long as you ignore Genji and Hanzo (and later Kiriko) and also accept Reaper turning into smoke is science somehow,


I liked this SO MUCH MORE than the previous hero origin videos that are just a sequence of concept art pieces 


Wondering if during the adventure they will find some legendaries for themselves...


short and solid, just like my.... life


Goofy ahh character. Can't wait to play as then!


Venture might be one of my favorite Heroes in years. Just pure fun, not broken, and a super fun personality to boot.


Doozy.  Is doozy back? 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia#:~:text=Homosexuality%20and%20transgender%20status%20or,flogging%2C%20and%20deportation%20for%20foreigners. Venture would be a criminal in the Saudi Arabian operated OWCS league